Damian Mooyman 029a8b9586
API Substitute Zend_Currency with NumberFormatter based solution
API Substitute Zend_Locale with Locale / NumberFormatter
API Substitute Zend_Date with IntlDateFormatter
API Added DBTIme::Nice12, FormatFromSettings
API Added Short() method to DBDate / DBTime / DBDatetime
API Add Date::getTimestamp()
API Added setSubmittedValue api for FormField
API Add second arg to base FormField::setValue()
API Major refactor of i18n into component data parts
API Implement Resettable interface to reset objects between tests
ENHANCEMENT Changed DBField::create_field return type to `static` to support better type hinting
ENHANCEMENT i18nTextCollector supports __CLASS__
2017-02-09 15:28:59 +13:00

4.1 KiB

title: DateField summary: How to format and use the DateField class.


This FormField subclass lets you display an editable date, either in a single text input field, or in three separate fields for day, month and year. It also provides a calendar date picker.

The following example will add a simple DateField to your Page, allowing you to enter a date manually.



class Page extends SiteTree {

	private static $db = array(
		'MyDate' => 'Date',

	public function getCMSFields() {
		$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
			DateField::create('MyDate', 'Enter a date')
		return $fields;

Custom Date Format

A custom date format for a [api:DateField] can be provided through setConfig.

// will display a date in the following format: 31-06-2012
The formats are based on [Zend_Date constants](

Min and Max Dates

Sets the minimum and maximum allowed date values using the min and max configuration settings (in ISO format or strtotime()).

	->setConfig('min', '-7 days')
	->setConfig('max', '2012-12-31')

Separate Day / Month / Year Fields

The following setting will display your DateField as three input fields for day, month and year separately. HTML5 placeholders 'day', 'month' and 'year' are enabled by default.

	->setConfig('dmyfields', true)
	->setConfig('dmyseparator', '/') // set the separator
	->setConfig('dmyplaceholders', 'true'); // enable HTML 5 Placeholders
Any custom date format settings will be ignored.

Calendar Picker

The following setting will add a Calendar to a single DateField, using the jQuery UI DatePicker widget.

	->setConfig('showcalendar', true);

The jQuery DatePicker doesn't support every constant available for Zend_Date. If you choose to use the calendar, the following constants should at least be safe:

Constant xxxxx
d numeric day of the month (without leading zero)
dd numeric day of the month (with leading zero)
EEE dayname, abbreviated
EEEE dayname
M numeric month of the year (without leading zero)
MM numeric month of the year (with leading zero)
MMM monthname, abbreviated
MMMM monthname
y year (4 digits)
yy year (2 digits)
yyyy year (4 digits)

Unfortunately the day- and monthname values in Zend Date do not always match those in the existing jQuery UI locale files, so constants like EEE or MMM, for day and month names could break validation. To fix this we had to slightly alter the jQuery locale files, situated in /framework/thirdparty/jquery-ui/datepicker/i18n/, to match Zend_Date.

At this moment not all locale files may be present. If a locale file is missing, the DatePicker calendar will fallback to 'yyyy-MM-dd' whenever day - and/or monthnames are used. After saving, the correct format will be displayed.

Formatting Hints

It's often not immediate apparent which format a field accepts, and showing the technical format (e.g. HH:mm:ss) is of limited use to the average user. An alternative is to show the current date in the desired format alongside the field description as an example.

$dateField = DateField::create('MyDate');

// Show long format as text below the field
	_t('FormField.Example', 'e.g. %s', 'Example format'),

// Alternatively, set short format as a placeholder in the field
$dateField->setAttribute('placeholder', $dateField->getConfig('dateformat'));
Fields scaffolded through [api:DataObject::scaffoldCMSFields()] automatically have a description attached to them.

API Documentation

  • [api:DateField]