Avoid unparsed HTML responses in case of httpError(4xx) or
httpError(5xx) in live mode. The SS_HTTPResponse_Exception constructor
automatically set "text/plain" a content type, which conflicts
with the later choice of Debug::friendlyError() to return HTML.
This is a hotfix, needs more work to properly separate
logic flow from presentation concerns (e.g. through request processors).
The error thrown by `parseStatic` when there's an unexpected token is now more meaningful as it states the type of token that was encountered as well as the class that it was found in.
Slightly improved logic
Add support for relations more than one 'level' apart
Add unit tests
Fixing PostgreSQL support
Throw exception if attempting to sort on a has_many/many_many relation
This is a common use case, and by default a form field is added which
has no effect. While this coupling is undesirable, it makes the default
behaviour much more sensible.
See #2662, #2651, #2637 for more information.
Broke because the <form> tag was returned, while
the client logic was expecting the whole <div> including the <form>.
Fixed to display the button bar at the bottom,
and tested with validation errors as well as switching from/to
the panel via ajax.
Currently the only way the extend SSTemplateParser is to define a class
extension of it and then tell the injector component to use your new
custom class. This new change allows a user to define new "open blocks"
and "closed blocks" for SSTemplateParser to use without needing to
recompile the real SSTemplateParser class.
The following example shows how the functionality can be used
to add a new <% minify %>…<% end_minify %> syntax to the template parser
In a config.yml file, define the new minify closed block to call the
static function "Minifier::minify"
minify: "Minifier::minify"
Define a new class with the minify static method that returns the new
template code when regenerating templates:
class Minifier {
public static function minify(&$res) {
return <<<PHP
\$val = zz\Html\HTMLMinify::minify(\$val, array('optimizationLevel' => zz\Html\HTMLMinify::OPTIMIZATION_ADVANCED));