NEW: GridField can sort on relation columns

Slightly improved logic

Add support for relations more than one 'level' apart

Add unit tests

Fixing PostgreSQL support

Throw exception if attempting to sort on a has_many/many_many relation
This commit is contained in:
Loz Calver 2013-10-23 21:59:06 +01:00 committed by Loz Calver
parent ad52cc20c1
commit a1a402224f
3 changed files with 228 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ class GridFieldSortableHeader implements GridField_HTMLProvider, GridField_DataM
$state = $gridField->State->GridFieldSortableHeader;
$columns = $gridField->getColumns();
$currentColumn = 0;
$list = $gridField->getList();
foreach($columns as $columnField) {
@ -96,7 +97,31 @@ class GridFieldSortableHeader implements GridField_HTMLProvider, GridField_DataM
if(isset($this->fieldSorting[$columnField]) && $this->fieldSorting[$columnField]) {
$columnField = $this->fieldSorting[$columnField];
if($title && $gridField->getList()->canSortBy($columnField)) {
$allowSort = ($title && $list->canSortBy($columnField));
if(strpos($columnField, '.') !== false) {
// we have a relation column with dot notation
$parts = explode('.', $columnField);
$tmpItem = singleton($list->dataClass());
for($idx = 0; $idx < sizeof($parts); $idx++) {
$methodName = $parts[$idx];
if($tmpItem instanceof DataObject && $tmpItem->hasField($methodName)) {
// If we've found a field, we can sort on it
$allowSort = true;
} else if ($tmpItem instanceof SS_List) {
// It's impossible to sort on a HasManyList/ManyManyList
throw new Exception(__CLASS__ . ' is unable to sort on has_many/many_many relations,'
. ' please only specify has_one relations');
} else {
// Else, the part is a relation name, so get the object/list from it
$tmpItem = $tmpItem->$methodName();
if($allowSort) {
$dir = 'asc';
if($state->SortColumn == $columnField && $state->SortDirection == 'asc') {
$dir = 'desc';
@ -161,6 +186,14 @@ class GridFieldSortableHeader implements GridField_HTMLProvider, GridField_DataM
* Returns the manipulated (sorted) DataList. Field names will simply add an 'ORDER BY'
* clause, relation names will add appropriate joins to the DataQuery first.
* @param GridField
* @param SS_List
* @return SS_List
public function getManipulatedData(GridField $gridField, SS_List $dataList) {
if(!$this->checkDataType($dataList)) return $dataList;
@ -168,6 +201,45 @@ class GridFieldSortableHeader implements GridField_HTMLProvider, GridField_DataM
if ($state->SortColumn == "") {
return $dataList;
return $dataList->sort($state->SortColumn, $state->SortDirection);
$column = $state->SortColumn;
// if we have a relation column with dot notation
if(strpos($column, '.') !== false) {
$lastAlias = $dataList->dataClass();
$tmpItem = singleton($lastAlias);
$parts = explode('.', $state->SortColumn);
for($idx = 0; $idx < sizeof($parts); $idx++) {
$methodName = $parts[$idx];
// If we're not on the last item, we're looking at a relation
if($idx !== sizeof($parts) - 1) {
// Traverse to the relational list
$tmpItem = $tmpItem->$methodName();
// Add a left join to the query
$dataList = $dataList->leftJoin(
'"' . $methodName . '"."ID" = "' . $lastAlias . '"."' . $methodName . 'ID"',
// Store the last 'alias' name as it'll be used for the next
// join, or the 'sort' column
$lastAlias = $methodName;
} else {
// Change relation.relation.fieldname to alias.fieldname
$column = $lastAlias . '.' . $methodName;
// We need to manually create our ORDER BY "Foo"."Bar" string for relations,
// as ->sort() won't do it by itself. Blame PostgreSQL for making this necessary
$pieces = explode('.', $column);
$column = '"' . implode('"."', $pieces) . '"';
return $dataList->sort($column, $state->SortDirection);

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@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
* @package framework
* @subpackage tests
class GridFieldSortableHeaderTest extends SapphireTest {
protected static $fixture_file = 'GridFieldSortableHeaderTest.yml';
protected $extraDataObjects = array(
public function testGetManipulatedData() {
$list = new DataList('GridFieldSortableHeaderTest_Team');
$config = new GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor();
$gridField = new GridField('testfield', 'testfield', $list, $config);
// Test normal sorting
$state = $gridField->State->GridFieldSortableHeader;
$state->SortColumn = 'City';
$state->SortDirection = 'asc';
$compontent = $gridField->getConfig()->getComponentByType('GridFieldSortableHeader');
$listA = $compontent->getManipulatedData($gridField, $list);
$state->SortDirection = 'desc';
$listB = $compontent->getManipulatedData($gridField, $list);
array('Auckland', 'Cologne', 'Melbourne', 'Wellington'),
array('Wellington', 'Melbourne', 'Cologne', 'Auckland'),
// Test one relation 'deep'
$state->SortColumn = 'Cheerleader.Name';
$state->SortDirection = 'asc';
$relationListA = $compontent->getManipulatedData($gridField, $list);
$state->SortDirection = 'desc';
$relationListB = $compontent->getManipulatedData($gridField, $list);
array('Wellington', 'Melbourne', 'Cologne', 'Auckland'),
array('Auckland', 'Cologne', 'Melbourne', 'Wellington'),
// Test two relations 'deep'
$state->SortColumn = 'Cheerleader.Hat.Colour';
$state->SortDirection = 'asc';
$relationListC = $compontent->getManipulatedData($gridField, $list);
$state->SortDirection = 'desc';
$relationListD = $compontent->getManipulatedData($gridField, $list);
array('Cologne', 'Auckland', 'Wellington', 'Melbourne'),
array('Melbourne', 'Wellington', 'Auckland', 'Cologne'),
class GridFieldSortableHeaderTest_Team extends DataObject implements TestOnly {
private static $db = array(
'Name' => 'Varchar',
'City' => 'Varchar'
private static $has_one = array(
'Cheerleader' => 'GridFieldSortableHeaderTest_Cheerleader'
class GridFieldSortableHeaderTest_Cheerleader extends DataObject implements TestOnly {
private static $db = array(
'Name' => 'Varchar'
private static $has_one = array(
'Team' => 'GridFieldSortableHeaderTest_Team',
'Hat' => 'GridFieldSortableHeaderTest_CheerleaderHat'
class GridFieldSortableHeaderTest_CheerleaderHat extends DataObject implements TestOnly {
private static $db = array(
'Colour' => 'Varchar'
private static $has_one = array(
'Cheerleader' => 'GridFieldSortableHeaderTest_Cheerleader'

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Colour: Blue
Colour: Red
Colour: Green
Colour: Pink
Name: Heather
Hat: =>GridFieldSortableHeaderTest_CheerleaderHat.hat2
Name: Bob
Hat: =>GridFieldSortableHeaderTest_CheerleaderHat.hat4
Name: Jenny
Hat: =>GridFieldSortableHeaderTest_CheerleaderHat.hat1
Name: Sam
Hat: =>GridFieldSortableHeaderTest_CheerleaderHat.hat3
Name: Team 1
City: Cologne
Cheerleader: =>GridFieldSortableHeaderTest_Cheerleader.cheerleader3
Name: Team 2
City: Wellington
Cheerleader: =>GridFieldSortableHeaderTest_Cheerleader.cheerleader2
Name: Team 3
City: Auckland
Cheerleader: =>GridFieldSortableHeaderTest_Cheerleader.cheerleader4
Name: Team 4
City: Melbourne
Cheerleader: =>GridFieldSortableHeaderTest_Cheerleader.cheerleader1