- Avoid using "if" to check for file existence (use try_files instead)
- Replicate the behavior of the .htaccess files
- TODO: get static error pages to work
Title in CMS is set using header X-Title. But UTF-8 characters can't be used in HTTP headers. So the title should be encoded just before sending X-Title header and decoded before setting HTML document title (fixes#7942).
In 3.0 there was some confusion about whether DataLists and ArrayLists
were mutable or not. If DataLists were immutable, they'd return the result, and your code
would look like
$list = $list->filter(....);
If DataLists were mutable, they'd operate on themselves, returning nothing, and your code
would look like
This makes all DataLists and ArrayList immutable for all _searching_ operations.
Operations on DataList that modify the underlying SQL data store remain mutating.
- These functions no longer mutate the existing object, and if you do not capture the value
returned by them will have no effect:
DataList#dataQuery (use DataList#alterDataQuery to modify dataQuery in a safe manner)
- DataList#setDataQueryParam has been added as syntactic sugar around the most common
cause of accessing the dataQuery directly - setting query parameters
- RelationList#setForeignID has been removed. Always use RelationList#forForeignID
when querying, and overload RelationList#foreignIDList when subclassing.
- Relatedly,the protected variable RelationList->foreignID has been removed, as the ID is
now stored on a query parameter. Use RelationList#getForeignID to read it.
Session is not initialized by the time we need to use
the setting in DB::connect(). Cookie values get initialized
automatically for each request.
Tightened name format validation to ensure it can only
be used for temporary databases, rather than switching
the browser session to a different production database.
Encrypting token for secure cookie usage.
Added dev/generatesecuretoken to generate this token.
Not storing in YML config directly because of web access issues.
Introduces the concept of action tabsets - usage of TabSet and Tabs
in between the action buttons to allow richer set of capabilities that
can be offered to the user.
Goes along with c8d0cdec99c95dbed3b58ebcc098cc9d22c58206 that implements
a change to the CMS actions.
Enables more generic use of the fixture facilities
without dependency on the YAML format, for example
when creating fixtures from Behat step definitions.
Note: The YamlFixture class needs to be created via
Injector::inst()->create('YamlFixture') now,
direct instantiation is no longer supported.