Add title text to all status messages
Make room for the error message details by expanding the name area in
the file details
Fix up changes status to work with selects
When the actions dropdown is loaded from deferred cache, the Chosen does not apply because of stale classess and markup.
This approach should cover more situations than the previous one. It
will owrk regardless of the initial state in the HTML (which can be
loaded from deferred cache).
There is no way to clean up attached Chosen instance in a nice way -
there is no destroy, nor remove on the library.
Also, we can't use the onunmatch on this entwine - it only triggers after the cache snapshot
has been taken. This is because the cache function is on different
Add title text to all status messages
Make room for the error message details by expanding the name area in
the file details
Fix up changes status to work with selects
This also removes the $global_mimetypes that was generating weird errors when both HTTP and Mailer classes tried to modify and use it.
Support of finfo should be straightforward since PHP 5.3 includes that module that default
Fixed the calculation of height for the upload (non AssetUploads) area
so that the save button would show. Took off the min-height, as this
will cause UI issues when there are multiple files open for editing.
The two bug fixes impact on the file area, but have wider reach.
BUGFIX: Colour Adjustments
Change the constructive button colour to match the colour used in the designs, and fix up calculations to produce the correct button colour.
BUGFIX: IE Colours
Replace hard coded colours in IE with variables, and refactor code so that shared IE7 and IE8 fixes are in one place.
ENHANCEMENT: UI Changes to FileUpload Area (TRAC-7219)
1. Add arrows to edit dropdowns
2. Adjust lightened fields so they dont look like input boxes, and fix rgba colours
3. Add ability to click file names to edit
4. Add feedback when edit button is hovered
5. Add feedback if a file has been opened for editing and shut again (saved changes, unsaved changes, unchanged)
6. Add ability to open and close all files to edit them all at once
7. Add overall feedback for file uploads, and fix NaN error
8. Fix up area to match design
9. Fix error messages so they fit in the provided space
10. Fix case where a single uploaded file errors
Renamed the Member::mapInGroups() to Member::map_in_groups() since it's a static method and throws deprecation message if using the old variant.
Rewrote the mapInGroups to use a more ORMy way of fetching Members for a set of groups and included a test for.
instead of assertType(), assertEmpty() is available in PHPUnit 3.5+.
PHPUnit 3.4 is no longer supported, so please upgrade your version to
MINOR Removed FullTestSuite which was a workaround for PHPUnit but not