
380 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

* Represents an interface for viewing and adding page comments
* Create one, passing the page discussed to the constructor. It can then be
* inserted into a template.
* @package cms
* @subpackage comments
class PageCommentInterface extends RequestHandler {
static $url_handlers = array(
'$Item!' => '$Item',
static $allowed_actions = array(
protected $controller, $methodName, $page;
* If this is true, you must be logged in to post a comment
* (and therefore, you don't need to specify a 'Your name' field unless
* your name is blank)
* @var bool
static $comments_require_login = false;
* If this is a valid permission code, you must be logged in
* and have the appropriate permission code on your account before you can
* post a comment.
* @var string
static $comments_require_permission = "";
* If this is true it will include the javascript for AJAX
* commenting. If it is set to false then it will not load
* the files required and it will fall back
* @var bool
static $use_ajax_commenting = true;
* If this is true then we should show the existing comments on
* the page even when we have disabled the comment form.
* If this is false the form + existing comments will be hidden
* @var bool
* @since 2.4 - Always show them by default
static $show_comments_when_disabled = true;
* Define how you want to order page comments by. By default order by newest
* to oldest.
* @var String - used as $orderby in DB query
* @since 2.4
static $order_comments_by = "\"Created\" DESC";
* Create a new page comment interface
* @param controller The controller that the interface is used on
* @param methodName The method to return this PageCommentInterface object
* @param page The page that we're commenting on
function __construct($controller, $methodName, $page) {
$this->controller = $controller;
$this->methodName = $methodName;
$this->page = $page;
function Link() {
return Controller::join_links($this->controller->Link(), $this->methodName);
* See {@link PageCommentInterface::$comments_require_login}
* @param boolean state The new state of this static field
static function set_comments_require_login($state) {
self::$comments_require_login = (boolean) $state;
* See {@link PageCommentInterface::$comments_require_permission}
* @param string permission The permission to check against.
static function set_comments_require_permission($permission) {
self::$comments_require_permission = $permission;
* See {@link PageCommentInterface::$show_comments_when_disabled}
* @param bool - show / hide the existing comments when disabled
static function set_show_comments_when_disabled($state) {
self::$show_comments_when_disabled = $state;
* See {@link PageCommentInterface::$order_comments_by}
* @param String
static function set_order_comments_by($order) {
self::$order_comments_by = $order;
* See {@link PageCommentInterface::$use_ajax_commenting}
* @param bool
static function set_use_ajax_commenting($state) {
self::$use_ajax_commenting = $state;
function forTemplate() {
return $this->renderWith('PageCommentInterface');
* @return boolean true if the currently logged in user can post a comment,
* false if they can't. Users can post comments by default, enforce
* security by using
* @link PageCommentInterface::set_comments_require_login() and
* @link {PageCommentInterface::set_comments_require_permission()}.
static function CanPostComment() {
$member = Member::currentUser();
if(self::$comments_require_permission && $member && Permission::check(self::$comments_require_permission)) {
return true; // Comments require a certain permission, and the user has the correct permission
} elseif(self::$comments_require_login && $member && !self::$comments_require_permission) {
return true; // Comments only require that a member is logged in
} elseif(!self::$comments_require_permission && !self::$comments_require_login) {
return true; // Comments don't require anything - anyone can add a comment
return false;
* if this page comment form requires users to have a
* valid permission code in order to post (used to customize the error
* message).
* @return bool
function PostingRequiresPermission() {
return self::$comments_require_permission;
function Page() {
return $this->page;
function PostCommentForm() {
return false;
$fields = new FieldSet(
new HiddenField("ParentID", "ParentID", $this->page->ID)
$member = Member::currentUser();
if((self::$comments_require_login || self::$comments_require_permission) && $member && $member->FirstName) {
// note this was a ReadonlyField - which displayed the name in a span as well as the hidden field but
// it was not saving correctly. Have changed it to a hidden field. It passes the data correctly but I
// believe the id of the form field is wrong.
$fields->push(new ReadonlyField("NameView", _t('PageCommentInterface.YOURNAME', 'Your name'), $member->getName()));
$fields->push(new HiddenField("Name", "", $member->getName()));
} else {
$fields->push(new TextField("Name", _t('PageCommentInterface.YOURNAME', 'Your name')));
// optional commenter URL
$fields->push(new TextField("CommenterURL", _t('PageCommentInterface.COMMENTERURL', "Your website URL")));
$fields->push(new TextField("Math", sprintf(_t('PageCommentInterface.SPAMQUESTION', "Spam protection question: %s"), MathSpamProtection::getMathQuestion())));
$fields->push(new TextareaField("Comment", _t('PageCommentInterface.YOURCOMMENT', "Comments")));
$form = new PageCommentInterface_Form($this, "PostCommentForm", $fields, new FieldSet(
new FormAction("postcomment", _t('PageCommentInterface.POST', 'Post'))
// Set it so the user gets redirected back down to the form upon form fail
// Optional Spam Protection.
if(class_exists('SpamProtectorManager')) {
SpamProtectorManager::update_form($form, null, array('Name' => 'author_name', 'CommenterURL' => 'author_url', 'Comment' => 'post_body'));
// Shall We use AJAX?
if(self::$use_ajax_commenting) {
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/behaviour/behaviour.js');
Requirements::javascript(SAPPHIRE_DIR . '/thirdparty/prototype/prototype.js');
Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/scriptaculous/effects.js');
Requirements::javascript(CMS_DIR . '/javascript/PageCommentInterface.js');
// Load the data from Session
"Name" => Cookie::get("PageCommentInterface_Name"),
"Comment" => Cookie::get("PageCommentInterface_Comment"),
"CommenterURL" => Cookie::get("PageCommentInterface_CommenterURL")
return $form;
function Comments() {
// Comment limits
$limit = array();
$limit['start'] = isset($_GET['commentStart']) ? (int)$_GET['commentStart'] : 0;
$limit['limit'] = PageComment::$comments_per_page;
$spamfilter = isset($_GET['showspam']) ? '' : "AND \"IsSpam\" = 0";
$unmoderatedfilter = Permission::check('CMS_ACCESS_CommentAdmin') ? '' : "AND \"NeedsModeration\" = 0";
$order = self::$order_comments_by;
$comments = DataObject::get("PageComment", "\"ParentID\" = '" . Convert::raw2sql($this->page->ID) . "' $spamfilter $unmoderatedfilter", $order, "", $limit);
if(is_null($comments)) {
// This allows us to use the normal 'start' GET variables as well (In the weird circumstance where you have paginated comments AND something else paginated)
return $comments;
function CommentRssLink() {
return Director::absoluteBaseURL() . "PageComment/rss?pageid=" . $this->page->ID;
* A link to PageComment_Controller.deleteallcomments() which deletes all
* comments on a page referenced by the url param pageid
function DeleteAllLink() {
if(Permission::check('CMS_ACCESS_CommentAdmin')) {
return Director::absoluteBaseURL() . "PageComment/deleteallcomments?pageid=" . $this->page->ID;
* @package cms
* @subpackage comments
class PageCommentInterface_Form extends Form {
function postcomment($data) {
// Spam filtering
Cookie::set("PageCommentInterface_Name", $data['Name']);
Cookie::set("PageCommentInterface_CommenterURL", $data['CommenterURL']);
Cookie::set("PageCommentInterface_Comment", $data['Comment']);
if(SSAkismet::isEnabled()) {
try {
$akismet = new SSAkismet();
if($akismet->isCommentSpam()) {
if(SSAkismet::getSaveSpam()) {
$comment = Object::create('PageComment');
$comment->setField("IsSpam", true);
echo "<b>"._t('PageCommentInterface_Form.SPAMDETECTED', 'Spam detected!!') . "</b><br /><br />";
printf("If you believe this was in error, please email %s.", ereg_replace("@", " _(at)_", Email::getAdminEmail()));
echo "<br /><br />"._t('PageCommentInterface_Form.MSGYOUPOSTED', 'The message you posted was:'). "<br /><br />";
echo $data['Comment'];
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Akismet didn't work, continue without spam check
//check if spam question was right.
if(!Director::is_ajax()) {
return "spamprotectionfailed"; //used by javascript for checking if the spam question was wrong
// If commenting can only be done by logged in users, make sure the user is logged in
$member = Member::currentUser();
if(PageCommentInterface::CanPostComment() && $member) {
$this->Fields()->push(new HiddenField("AuthorID", "Author ID", $member->ID));
} elseif(!PageCommentInterface::CanPostComment()) {
echo "You're not able to post comments to this page. Please ensure you are logged in and have an appropriate permission level.";
$comment = Object::create('PageComment');
// Store the Session ID if needed for Spamprotection
if($session = Session::get('mollom_user_session_id')) {
$comment->SessionID = $session;
$comment->IsSpam = false;
$comment->NeedsModeration = PageComment::moderationEnabled();
Cookie::set("PageCommentInterface_Comment", '');
$moderationMsg = _t('PageCommentInterface_Form.AWAITINGMODERATION', "Your comment has been submitted and is now awaiting moderation.");
if(Director::is_ajax()) {
echo $moderationMsg;
} else{
echo $comment->renderWith('PageCommentInterface_singlecomment');
} else {
$this->sessionMessage($moderationMsg, 'good');
if($comment->ParentID) {
$page = DataObject::get_by_id("Page", $comment->ParentID);
if($page) {
// if it needs moderation then it won't appear in the list. Therefore
// we need to link to the comment holder rather than the individual comment
$url = ($comment->NeedsModeration) ? $page->Link() . '#PageComments_holder' : $page->Link() . '#PageComment_' . $comment->ID;
return Director::redirect($url);
return Director::redirectBack();
* @package cms
* @subpackage comments
class PageCommentInterface_Controller extends ContentController {
function __construct() {
function newspamquestion() {
if(Director::is_ajax()) {
echo Convert::raw2xml(sprintf(_t('PageCommentInterface_Controller.SPAMQUESTION', "Spam protection question: %s"),MathSpamProtection::getMathQuestion()));