mirror of https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-comments synced 2024-10-22 09:05:49 +00:00
Will Rossiter b448232423 Merge pull request from catcherdev/master
Prevent errors when comments' parent pages have been removed
2013-07-26 15:11:40 -07:00

421 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

* Represents a single comment object.
* @package comments
class Comment extends DataObject {
private static $db = array(
"Name" => "Varchar(200)",
"Comment" => "Text",
"Email" => "Varchar(200)",
"URL" => "Varchar(255)",
"BaseClass" => "Varchar(200)",
"Moderated" => "Boolean",
"IsSpam" => "Boolean",
"ParentID" => "Int",
'AllowHtml' => "Boolean"
private static $has_one = array(
"Author" => "Member"
private static $default_sort = '"Created" DESC';
private static $has_many = array();
private static $many_many = array();
private static $defaults = array(
"Moderated" => 1,
"IsSpam" => 0
private static $casting = array(
'AuthorName' => 'Varchar',
'RSSName' => 'Varchar'
private static $searchable_fields = array(
private static $summary_fields = array(
'Name' => 'Submitted By',
'Email' => 'Email',
'Comment' => 'Comment',
'Created' => 'Date Posted',
'ParentTitle' => 'Parent',
'IsSpam' => 'Is Spam'
public function onBeforeWrite() {
// Sanitize HTML, because its expected to be passed to the template unescaped later
if($this->AllowHtml) {
$this->Comment = $this->purifyHtml($this->Comment);
* Migrates the old {@link PageComment} objects to {@link Comment}
public function requireDefaultRecords() {
if(DB::getConn()->hasTable('PageComment')) {
$comments = DB::query("SELECT * FROM \"PageComment\"");
if($comments) {
while($pageComment = $comments->nextRecord()) {
// create a new comment from the older page comment
$comment = new Comment();
// set the variables which have changed
$comment->BaseClass = 'SiteTree';
$comment->URL = (isset($pageComment['CommenterURL'])) ? $pageComment['CommenterURL'] : "";
if((int)$pageComment['NeedsModeration'] == 0) $comment->Moderated = true;
DB::alteration_message("Migrated PageComment to Comment","changed");
* Return a link to this comment
* @return string link to this comment.
public function Link($action = "") {
if($parent = $this->getParent()){
return $parent->Link($action) . '#' . $this->Permalink();
* Returns the permalink for this {@link Comment}. Inserted into
* the ID tag of the comment
* @return string
public function Permalink() {
$prefix = Commenting::get_config_value($this->BaseClass, 'comment_permalink_prefix');
return $prefix . $this->ID;
* Translate the form field labels for the CMS administration
* @param boolean $includerelations
public function fieldLabels($includerelations = true) {
$labels = parent::fieldLabels($includerelations);
$labels['Name'] = _t('Comment.NAME', 'Author Name');
$labels['Comment'] = _t('Comment.COMMENT', 'Comment');
$labels['Email'] = _t('Comment.EMAIL', 'Email');
$labels['URL'] = _t('Comment.URL', 'URL');
$labels['IsSpam'] = _t('Comment.ISSPAM', 'Spam?');
$labels['Moderated'] = _t('Comment.MODERATED', 'Moderated?');
$labels['ParentTitle'] = _t('Comment.PARENTTITLE', 'Parent');
$labels['Created'] = _t('Comment.CREATED', 'Date posted');
return $labels;
* Returns the parent {@link DataObject} this comment is attached too
* @return DataObject
public function getParent() {
if(!$this->BaseClass) {
$this->BaseClass = "SiteTree";
return ($this->ParentID) ? DataObject::get_by_id($this->BaseClass, $this->ParentID) : null;
* Returns a string to help identify the parent of the comment
* @return string
public function getParentTitle() {
if($parent = $this->getParent()){
return ($parent && $parent->Title) ? $parent->Title : $parent->ClassName . " #" . $parent->ID;
* Comment-parent classnames obviousely vary, return the parent classname
* @return string
public function getParentClassName() {
$default = 'SiteTree';
if(!$this->BaseClass) {
return $default;
return $this->BaseClass;
* Return the content for this comment escaped depending on the Html state.
* @return HTMLText
public function getEscapedComment() {
$comment = $this->dbObject('Comment');
if ($comment->exists()) {
if ($this->AllowHtml) {
return DBField::create_field('HTMLText', nl2br($comment->RAW()));
} else {
return DBField::create_field('HTMLText', sprintf("<p>%s</p>", nl2br($comment->XML())));
return $comment;
* Return whether this comment is a preview (has not been written to the db)
* @return boolean
public function isPreview() {
return ($this->ID < 1);
* @todo needs to compare to the new {@link Commenting} configuration API
* @return Boolean
public function canCreate($member = null) {
return false;
* Checks for association with a page, and {@link SiteTree->ProvidePermission}
* flag being set to true.
* @param Member $member
* @return Boolean
public function canView($member = null) {
if(!$member) $member = Member::currentUser();
// Standard mechanism for accepting permission changes from decorators
$extended = $this->extendedCan('canView', $member);
if($extended !== null) return $extended;
$page = $this->getParent();
$admin = (bool) Permission::checkMember($member, 'CMS_ACCESS_CommentAdmin');
return (($page && $page->ProvideComments && $page->canView($member)) || $admin);
* Checks for "CMS_ACCESS_CommentAdmin" permission codes and
* {@link canView()}.
* @param Member $member
* @return Boolean
public function canEdit($member = null) {
if(!$member) $member = Member::currentUser();
// Standard mechanism for accepting permission changes from decorators
$extended = $this->extendedCan('canEdit', $member);
if($extended !== null) return $extended;
if(!$this->canView($member)) return false;
return (bool)Permission::checkMember($member, 'CMS_ACCESS_CommentAdmin');
* Checks for "CMS_ACCESS_CommentAdmin" permission codes and
* {@link canEdit()}.
* @param Member $member
* @return Boolean
public function canDelete($member = null) {
if(!$member) $member = Member::currentUser();
// Standard mechanism for accepting permission changes from decorators
$extended = $this->extendedCan('canDelete', $member);
if($extended !== null) return $extended;
return $this->canEdit($member);
* Return the authors name for the comment
* @return string
public function getAuthorName() {
if($this->Name) {
return $this->Name;
} else if($this->Author()) {
return $this->Author()->getName();
* @return string
public function DeleteLink() {
if($this->canDelete()) {
$token = SecurityToken::inst();
return DBField::create_field("Varchar", Director::absoluteURL($token->addToUrl(sprintf(
"CommentingController/delete/%s", (int) $this->ID
* @return string
public function SpamLink() {
if($this->canEdit() && !$this->IsSpam) {
$token = SecurityToken::inst();
return DBField::create_field("Varchar", Director::absoluteURL($token->addToUrl(sprintf(
"CommentingController/spam/%s", (int) $this->ID
* @return string
public function HamLink() {
if($this->canEdit() && $this->IsSpam) {
$token = SecurityToken::inst();
return DBField::create_field("Varchar", Director::absoluteURL($token->addToUrl(sprintf(
"CommentingController/ham/%s", (int) $this->ID
* @return string
public function ApproveLink() {
if($this->canEdit() && !$this->Moderated) {
$token = SecurityToken::inst();
return DBField::create_field("Varchar", Director::absoluteURL($token->addToUrl(sprintf(
"CommentingController/approve/%s", (int) $this->ID
* @return string
public function SpamClass() {
if($this->IsSpam) {
return 'spam';
} else if(!$this->Moderated) {
return 'unmoderated';
} else {
return 'notspam';
* @return string
public function getTitle() {
$title = sprintf(_t('Comment.COMMENTBY', "Comment by %s", 'Name'), $this->getAuthorName());
if($parent = $this->getParent()) {
if($parent->Title) {
$title .= sprintf(" %s %s", _t('Comment.ON', 'on'), $parent->Title);
return $title;
* Modify the default fields shown to the user
public function getCMSFields() {
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
$parent = $this->getParent()->ID;
$hidden = array('ParentID', 'AuthorID', 'BaseClass', 'AllowHtml');
foreach($hidden as $private) {
return $fields;
* @param String $dirtyHtml
* @return String
public function purifyHtml($dirtyHtml) {
$purifier = $this->getHtmlPurifierService();
return $purifier->purify($dirtyHtml);
* @return HTMLPurifier (or anything with a "purify()" method)
public function getHtmlPurifierService() {
$config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
Commenting::get_config_value($this->BaseClass, 'html_allowed_elements')
$config->set('AutoFormat.AutoParagraph', true);
$config->set('AutoFormat.Linkify', true);
$config->set('URI.DisableExternalResources', true);
return new HTMLPurifier($config);
Calcualate the gravatar link from the email address
public function Gravatar() {
$gravatar = '';
$use_gravatar = Commenting::get_config_value($this->BaseClass, 'use_gravatar');
if ($use_gravatar) {
$gravatar = "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/" . md5( strtolower(trim($this->Email)));
$gravatarsize = Commenting::get_config_value($this->BaseClass, 'gravatar_size');
$gravatardefault = Commenting::get_config_value($this->BaseClass, 'gravatar_default');
$gravatarrating = Commenting::get_config_value($this->BaseClass, 'gravatar_rating');
$gravatar.= "?s=".$gravatarsize."&d=".$gravatardefault."&r=".$gravatarrating;
return $gravatar;