ENHANCEMENT: Tidy up layout of comments to include Gravatar and threading depth

This commit is contained in:
Gordon Anderson 2015-02-07 12:19:56 +07:00
parent 5128f51a59
commit 04b1b62b85

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@ -1,31 +1,37 @@
<div class="comment" id="<% if isPreview %>comment-preview<% else %>$Permalink<% end_if %>"> <div class="comment" data-comment-id="$ID" id="<% if isPreview %>comment-preview<% else %>$Permalink<% end_if %>">
<% if $Gravatar %><img class="gravatar" src="$Gravatar" alt="Gravatar for $Name" title="Gravatar for $Name" /><% end_if %> <% if MarkedAsDeleted %><% _t('DELETED_BY_ADMIN','This comment was deleted by an administrator') %><% else %>
$EscapedComment <div class="actualcomment">
</div> <% if $URL %>
<h4><% _t('CommentsInterface_singlecomment_ss.PBY','Posted by') %> <a href="$URL.URL" rel="nofollow">$AuthorName.XML</a></h4>
<% if not isPreview %> <% else %>
<p class="info"> <h4><% _t('CommentsInterface_singlecomment_ss.PBY','Posted by') %> $AuthorName.XML</h4>
<% if $URL %>
<% _t('CommentsInterface_singlecomment_ss.PBY','Posted by') %> <a href="$URL.URL" rel="nofollow">$AuthorName.XML</a>, $Created.Nice ($Created.Ago)
<% else %>
<% _t('CommentsInterface_singlecomment_ss.PBY','Posted by') %> $AuthorName.XML, $Created.Nice ($Created.Ago)
<% end_if %>
<% if $ApproveLink || $SpamLink || $HamLink || $DeleteLink %>
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<li><a href="$ApproveLink.ATT" class="approve"><% _t('CommentsInterface_singlecomment_ss.APPROVE', 'approve this comment') %></a></li>
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<% if SpamLink %>
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<% end_if %>
<% if HamLink %>
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<% end_if %> <% end_if %>
<div class="date">$Created.Nice ($Created.Ago)</div>
<% if TwitterUsername %><div><span class="twitterFollowButton"><a href="http://www.twitter.com/{$TwitterUsername}" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="true">$TwitterUsername</a></span></div><% end_if %>
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<ul class="action-links">
<% if ApproveLink %>
<li><a href="$ApproveLink.ATT" class="approve"><% _t('CommentsInterface_singlecomment_ss.APPROVE', 'approve this comment') %></a></li>
<% end_if %>
<% if SpamLink %>
<li><a href="$SpamLink.ATT" class="spam"><% _t('CommentsInterface_singlecomment_ss.ISSPAM','this comment is spam') %></a></li>
<% end_if %>
<% if HamLink %>
<li><a href="$HamLink.ATT" class="ham"><% _t('CommentsInterface_singlecomment_ss.ISNTSPAM','this comment is not spam') %></a></li>
<% end_if %>
<% if DeleteLink %>
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<% end_if %>
<% end_if %>
<% end_if %> <% end_if %>
<% if $Gravatar %><div class="gravatarContainer"><img class="gravatar" src="$Gravatar" alt="Gravatar for $Name" title="Gravatar for $Name" /></div><% end_if %>