mirror of
synced 2024-10-22 09:05:58 +00:00
Problems resolved: 1) Case sensitivy of check on Code field of Group 2) MySQL and Postgres have different date functions 3) When BlogID is empty, explicitly set it to 0. If not then all tests break under Postgres
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708 lines
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* An individual blog post.
* @package silverstripe
* @subpackage blog
* @method ManyManyList Categories()
* @method ManyManyList Tags()
* @method ManyManyList Authors()
* @method Blog Parent()
* @property string $PublishDate
* @property string $AuthorNames
* @property int $ParentID
class BlogPost extends Page
* Same as above, but for list of users that can be
* given credit in the author field for blog posts
* @var string|bool false or group code
private static $restrict_authors_to_group = false;
* @var array
private static $db = array(
'PublishDate' => 'SS_Datetime',
'AuthorNames' => 'Varchar(1024)',
'Summary' => 'HTMLText',
* @var array
private static $has_one = array(
'FeaturedImage' => 'Image',
* @var array
private static $many_many = array(
'Categories' => 'BlogCategory',
'Tags' => 'BlogTag',
'Authors' => 'Member',
* @var array
private static $defaults = array(
'ShowInMenus' => false,
'InheritSideBar' => true,
'ProvideComments' => true,
* @var array
private static $extensions = array(
* @var array
private static $searchable_fields = array(
* @var array
private static $summary_fields = array(
* @var array
private static $casting = array(
'Excerpt' => 'Text',
* @var array
private static $allowed_children = array();
* The default sorting lists BlogPosts with an empty PublishDate at the top.
* @var string
private static $default_sort = '"PublishDate" IS NULL DESC, "PublishDate" DESC';
* @var bool
private static $can_be_root = false;
* This will display or hide the current class from the SiteTree. This variable can be
* configured using YAML.
* @var bool
private static $show_in_sitetree = false;
* Determine the role of the given member.
* Call be called via template to determine the current user.
* @example "Hello $RoleOf($CurrentMember.ID)"
* @param null|int|Member $member
* @return null|string
public function RoleOf($member = null)
$member = $this->getMember($member);
if (!$member) {
return null;
if ($this->isAuthor($member)) {
return _t('BlogPost.AUTHOR', 'Author');
$parent = $this->Parent();
if ($parent instanceof Blog) {
return $parent->RoleOf($member);
return null;
* Determine if the given member is an author of this post.
* @param null|Member $member
* @return bool
public function isAuthor($member = null)
if (!$member || !$member->exists()) {
return false;
$list = $this->Authors();
if ($list instanceof UnsavedRelationList) {
return in_array($member->ID, $list->getIDList());
return $list->byID($member->ID) !== null;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getCMSFields()
Requirements::css(BLOGGER_DIR . '/css/cms.css');
Requirements::javascript(BLOGGER_DIR . '/js/cms.js');
$self =& $this;
$this->beforeUpdateCMSFields(function ($fields) use ($self) {
$uploadField = UploadField::create('FeaturedImage', _t('BlogPost.FeaturedImage', 'Featured Image'));
$uploadField->getValidator()->setAllowedExtensions(array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'));
* @var FieldList $fields
$fields->insertAfter($uploadField, 'Content');
$summary = HtmlEditorField::create('Summary', false);
'If no summary is specified the first 30 words will be used.'
$summaryHolder = ToggleCompositeField::create(
_t('BlogPost.CUSTOMSUMMARY', 'Add A Custom Summary'),
$fields->insertAfter($summaryHolder, 'FeaturedImage');
$urlSegment = $fields->dataFieldByName('URLSegment');
$fields->removeFieldsFromTab('Root.Main', array(
$authorField = ListboxField::create(
_t('BlogPost.Authors', 'Authors'),
$authorNames = TextField::create(
_t('BlogPost.AdditionalCredits', 'Additional Credits'),
'If some authors of this post don\'t have CMS access, enter their name(s) here. You can separate multiple names with a comma.')
if (!$self->canEditAuthors()) {
$authorField = $authorField->performDisabledTransformation();
$authorNames = $authorNames->performDisabledTransformation();
$publishDate = DatetimeField::create('PublishDate', _t('BlogPost.PublishDate', 'Publish Date'));
$publishDate->getDateField()->setConfig('showcalendar', true);
if (!$self->PublishDate) {
'Will be set to "now" if published without a value.')
// Get categories and tags
$parent = $self->Parent();
$categories = $parent instanceof Blog
? $parent->Categories()
: BlogCategory::get();
$tags = $parent instanceof Blog
? $parent->Tags()
: BlogTag::get();
$options = BlogAdminSidebar::create(
_t('BlogPost.Categories', 'Categories'),
_t('BlogPost.Tags', 'Tags'),
)->setTitle('Post Options');
$fields->insertBefore($options, 'Root');
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
return $fields;
* Gets the list of author candidates to be assigned as authors of this blog post.
* @return SS_List
public function getCandidateAuthors()
if ($this->config()->restrict_authors_to_group) {
return Group::get()->filter('Code', $this->config()->restrict_authors_to_group)->first()->Members();
} else {
$list = Member::get();
$this->extend('updateCandidateAuthors', $list);
return $list;
* Determine if this user can edit the authors list.
* @param null|int|Member $member
* @return bool
public function canEditAuthors($member = null)
$member = $this->getMember($member);
$extended = $this->extendedCan('canEditAuthors', $member);
if ($extended !== null) {
return $extended;
$parent = $this->Parent();
if ($parent instanceof Blog && $parent->exists()) {
if ($parent->isEditor($member)) {
return true;
if ($parent->isWriter($member) && $this->isAuthor($member)) {
return true;
return Permission::checkMember($member, Blog::MANAGE_USERS);
* @param null|int|Member $member
* @return null|Member
protected function getMember($member = null)
if (!$member) {
$member = Member::currentUser();
if (is_numeric($member)) {
$member = Member::get()->byID($member);
return $member;
* Determine whether user can create new categories.
* @param null|int|Member $member
* @return bool
public function canCreateCategories($member = null)
$member = $this->getMember($member);
$parent = $this->Parent();
if (!$parent || !$parent->exists() || !($parent instanceof Blog)) {
return false;
if ($parent->isEditor($member)) {
return true;
return Permission::checkMember($member, 'ADMIN');
* Determine whether user can create new tags.
* @param null|int|Member $member
* @return bool
public function canCreateTags($member = null)
$member = $this->getMember($member);
$parent = $this->Parent();
if (!$parent || !$parent->exists() || !($parent instanceof Blog)) {
return false;
if ($parent->isEditor($member)) {
return true;
if ($parent->isWriter($member)) {
return true;
return Permission::checkMember($member, 'ADMIN');
* {@inheritdoc}
* Update the PublishDate to now if the BlogPost would otherwise be published without a date.
public function onBeforePublish()
* @var SS_Datetime $publishDate
$publishDate = $this->dbObject('PublishDate');
if (!$publishDate->getValue()) {
$this->PublishDate = SS_Datetime::now()->getValue();
* {@inheritdoc}
* Sets blog relationship on all categories and tags assigned to this post.
public function onAfterWrite()
foreach ($this->Categories() as $category) {
* @var BlogCategory $category
$category->BlogID = $this->ParentID;
foreach ($this->Tags() as $tag) {
* @var BlogTag $tag
$tag->BlogID = $this->ParentID;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function canView($member = null)
$member = $this->getMember($member);
if (!parent::canView($member)) {
return false;
* @var SS_Datetime $publishDate
$publishDate = $this->dbObject('PublishDate');
// Show past posts
if (!$publishDate->exists() || !$publishDate->InFuture()) {
return true;
// Anyone that can edit this page can view it
return $this->canEdit($member);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function canPublish($member = null)
$member = $this->getMember($member);
if (Permission::checkMember($member, 'ADMIN')) {
return true;
$extended = $this->extendedCan('canPublish', $member);
if ($extended !== null) {
return $extended;
$parent = $this->Parent();
if ($parent instanceof Blog && $parent->exists()) {
if ($parent->isEditor($member)) {
return true;
if ($parent->isWriter($member) && $this->isAuthor($member)) {
return true;
if ($parent->isContributor($member)) {
return parent::canEdit($member);
return $this->canEdit($member);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function canEdit($member = null)
$member = $this->getMember($member);
if (parent::canEdit($member)) {
return true;
$parent = $this->Parent();
if (!$parent || !$parent->exists() || !($parent instanceof Blog)) {
return false;
if ($parent->isEditor($member)) {
return true;
if (!$parent->isWriter($member) && !$parent->isContributor($member)) {
return false;
return $this->isAuthor($member);
* Returns the post excerpt.
* @param int $wordsToDisplay
* @return string
public function Excerpt($wordsToDisplay = 30)
* @var Text $content
$content = $this->dbObject('Content');
return $content->Summary($wordsToDisplay);
* Returns a monthly archive link for the current blog post.
* @param string $type
* @return string
public function getMonthlyArchiveLink($type = 'day')
* @var SS_Datetime $date
$date = $this->dbObject('PublishDate');
if ($type != 'year') {
if ($type == 'day') {
return Controller::join_links(
return Controller::join_links($this->Parent()->Link('archive'), $date->format('Y'), $date->format('m'));
return Controller::join_links($this->Parent()->Link('archive'), $date->format('Y'));
* Returns a yearly archive link for the current blog post.
* @return string
public function getYearlyArchiveLink()
* @var SS_Datetime $date
$date = $this->dbObject('PublishDate');
return Controller::join_links($this->Parent()->Link('archive'), $date->format('Y'));
* Resolves static and dynamic authors linked to this post.
* @return ArrayList
public function getCredits()
$list = new ArrayList();
return $list->sort('Name');
* Resolves dynamic authors linked to this post.
* @return ArrayList
protected function getDynamicCredits()
// Find best page to host user profiles
$parent = $this->Parent();
if (! ($parent instanceof Blog)) {
$parent = Blog::get()->first();
// If there is no parent blog, return list undecorated
if (!$parent) {
$items = $this->Authors()->toArray();
return new ArrayList($items);
// Update all authors
$items = new ArrayList();
foreach ($this->Authors() as $author) {
// Add link for each author
$author = $author->customise(array(
'URL' => $parent->ProfileLink($author->URLSegment),
return $items;
* Resolves static authors linked to this post.
* @return ArrayList
protected function getStaticCredits()
$items = new ArrayList();
$authors = array_filter(preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $this->AuthorNames));
foreach ($authors as $author) {
$item = new ArrayData(array(
'Name' => $author,
return $items;
* Sets the label for BlogPost.Title to 'Post Title' (Rather than 'Page name').
* @param bool $includeRelations
* @return array
public function fieldLabels($includeRelations = true)
$labels = parent::fieldLabels($includeRelations);
$labels['Title'] = _t('BlogPost.PageTitleLabel', 'Post Title');
return $labels;
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function onBeforeWrite()
if (!$this->exists() && ($member = Member::currentUser())) {
* @package silverstripe
* @subpackage blog
class BlogPost_Controller extends Page_Controller