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synced 2024-10-22 09:05:58 +00:00
Removed BlogTreeExtension in favour of the new WidgetPageExtension in the "widgets module". Use the following code to update: Object::add_extension('BlogTree', 'WidgetPageExtension'); Object::add_extension('BlogEntry', 'WidgetPageExtension'); The template placeholder has been renamed from $SideBar to $SideBarView. In case you're overriding blog templates, please adjust accordingly. This change means that widgets can theoretically be applied to individual blog entries as well, since they need the "SideBar" relationship as well. In practice, this defaults to "InheritSideBar" though, which pulls them from the BlogHolder as usual.
366 lines
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366 lines
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* @package blog
* Blog tree is a way to group Blogs. It allows a tree of "Blog Holders".
* Viewing branch nodes shows all blog entries from all blog holder children
class BlogTree extends Page {
static $icon = "blog/images/blogtree-file.png";
static $description = "A grouping of blogs";
static $singular_name = 'Blog Tree Page';
static $plural_name = 'Blog Tree Pages';
// Default number of blog entries to show
static $default_entries_limit = 10;
static $db = array(
'LandingPageFreshness' => 'Varchar',
static $allowed_children = array(
'BlogTree', 'BlogHolder'
* Finds the BlogTree object most related to the current page.
* - If this page is a BlogTree, use that
* - If this page is a BlogEntry, use the parent Holder
* - Otherwise, try and find a 'top-level' BlogTree
* @param $page allows you to force a specific page, otherwise,
* uses current
static function current($page = null) {
if (!$page) {
$controller = Controller::curr();
if($controller) $page = $controller->data();
// If we _are_ a BlogTree, use us
if ($page instanceof BlogTree) return $page;
// Or, if we a a BlogEntry underneath a BlogTree, use our parent
if($page->is_a("BlogEntry")) {
$parent = $page->getParent();
if($parent instanceof BlogTree) return $parent;
// Try to find a top-level BlogTree
$top = DataObject::get_one('BlogTree', "\"ParentID\" = '0'");
if($top) return $top;
// Try to find any BlogTree that is not inside another BlogTree
if($blogTrees=DataObject::get('BlogTree')) foreach($blogTrees as $tree) {
if(!($tree->getParent() instanceof BlogTree)) return $tree;
// This shouldn't be possible, but assuming the above fails, just return anything you can get
return $blogTrees->first();
/* ----------- ACCESSOR OVERRIDES -------------- */
public function getLandingPageFreshness() {
$freshness = $this->getField('LandingPageFreshness');
// If we want to inherit freshness, try that first
if ($freshness == "INHERIT" && $this->getParent()) $freshness = $this->getParent()->LandingPageFreshness;
// If we don't have a parent, or the inherited result was still inherit, use default
if ($freshness == "INHERIT") $freshness = '';
return $freshness;
/* ----------- CMS CONTROL -------------- */
function getSettingsFields() {
$fields = parent::getSettingsFields();
new DropdownField(
'When you first open the blog, how many entries should I show',
"" => "All entries",
"1" => "Last month's entries",
"2" => "Last 2 months' entries",
"3" => "Last 3 months' entries",
"4" => "Last 4 months' entries",
"5" => "Last 5 months' entries",
"6" => "Last 6 months' entries",
"7" => "Last 7 months' entries",
"8" => "Last 8 months' entries",
"9" => "Last 9 months' entries",
"10" => "Last 10 months' entries",
"11" => "Last 11 months' entries",
"12" => "Last year's entries",
"INHERIT" => "Take value from parent Blog Tree"
return $fields;
/* ----------- New accessors -------------- */
public function loadDescendantBlogHolderIDListInto(&$idList) {
if ($children = $this->AllChildren()) {
foreach($children as $child) {
if(in_array($child->ID, $idList)) continue;
if($child instanceof BlogHolder) {
$idList[] = $child->ID;
} elseif($child instanceof BlogTree) {
// Build a list of all IDs for BlogHolders that are children of us
public function BlogHolderIDs() {
$holderIDs = array();
return $holderIDs;
* Get entries in this blog.
* @param string limit A clause to insert into the limit clause.
* @param string tag Only get blog entries with this tag
* @param string date Only get blog entries on this date - either a year, or a year-month eg '2008' or '2008-02'
* @param callback retrieveCallback A function to call with pagetype, filter and limit for custom blog sorting or filtering
* @param string $where
* @return DataObjectSet
public function Entries($limit = '', $tag = '', $date = '', $retrieveCallback = null, $filter = '') {
$tagCheck = '';
$dateCheck = '';
if($tag) {
$SQL_tag = Convert::raw2sql($tag);
$tagCheck = "AND \"BlogEntry\".\"Tags\" LIKE '%$SQL_tag%'";
if($date) {
// Some systems still use the / seperator for date presentation
if( strpos($date, '-') ) $seperator = '-';
elseif( strpos($date, '/') ) $seperator = '/';
if(isset($seperator) && !empty($seperator)) {
// The 2 in the explode argument will tell it to only create 2 elements
// i.e. in this instance the $year and $month fields respectively
list($year,$month) = explode( $seperator, $date, 2);
$year = (int)$year;
$month = (int)$month;
if($year && $month) {
if(method_exists(DB::getConn(), 'formattedDatetimeClause')) {
$db_date=DB::getConn()->formattedDatetimeClause('"BlogEntry"."Date"', '%m');
$dateCheck = "AND CAST($db_date AS " . DB::getConn()->dbDataType('unsigned integer') . ") = $month AND " . DB::getConn()->formattedDatetimeClause('"BlogEntry"."Date"', '%Y') . " = '$year'";
} else {
$dateCheck = "AND MONTH(\"BlogEntry\".\"Date\") = '$month' AND YEAR(\"BlogEntry\".\"Date\") = '$year'";
} else {
$year = (int) $date;
if($year) {
if(method_exists(DB::getConn(), 'formattedDatetimeClause')) {
$dateCheck = "AND " . DB::getConn()->formattedDatetimeClause('"BlogEntry"."Date"', '%Y') . " = '$year'";
} else {
$dateCheck = "AND YEAR(\"BlogEntry\".\"Date\") = '$year'";
// Build a list of all IDs for BlogHolders that are children of us
$holderIDs = $this->BlogHolderIDs();
// If no BlogHolders, no BlogEntries. So return false
if(empty($holderIDs)) return false;
// Otherwise, do the actual query
if($filter) $filter .= ' AND ';
$filter .= '"SiteTree"."ParentID" IN (' . implode(',', $holderIDs) . ") $tagCheck $dateCheck";
$order = '"BlogEntry"."Date" DESC';
// By specifying a callback, you can alter the SQL, or sort on something other than date.
if($retrieveCallback) return call_user_func($retrieveCallback, 'BlogEntry', $filter, $limit, $order);
$entries = BlogEntry::get()->where($filter)->sort($order);
$list = new PaginatedList($entries, Controller::curr()->request);
return $list;
class BlogTree_Controller extends Page_Controller {
static $allowed_actions = array(
function init() {
function BlogEntries($limit = null) {
if($limit === null) $limit = BlogTree::$default_entries_limit;
// only use freshness if no action is present (might be displaying tags or rss)
if ($this->LandingPageFreshness && !$this->request->param('Action')) {
$d = new Zend_Date(SS_Datetime::now()->getValue());
$d->sub($this->LandingPageFreshness, Zend_Date::MONTH);
$date = $d->toString('YYYY-MM-dd');
$filter = "\"BlogEntry\".\"Date\" > '$date'";
} else {
$filter = '';
// allow filtering by author field and some blogs have an authorID field which
// may allow filtering by id
if(isset($_GET['author']) && isset($_GET['authorID'])) {
$author = Convert::raw2sql($_GET['author']);
$id = Convert::raw2sql($_GET['authorID']);
$filter .= " \"BlogEntry\".\"Author\" LIKE '". $author . "' OR \"BlogEntry\".\"AuthorID\" = '". $id ."'";
else if(isset($_GET['author'])) {
$filter .= " \"BlogEntry\".\"Author\" LIKE '". Convert::raw2sql($_GET['author']) . "'";
else if(isset($_GET['authorID'])) {
$filter .= " \"BlogEntry\".\"AuthorID\" = '". Convert::raw2sql($_GET['authorID']). "'";
$date = $this->SelectedDate();
return $this->Entries($limit, $this->SelectedTag(), ($date) ? $date : '', null, $filter);
* This will create a <link> tag point to the RSS feed
function IncludeBlogRSS() {
RSSFeed::linkToFeed($this->Link('rss'), _t('BlogHolder.RSSFEED',"RSS feed of these blogs"));
* Get the rss feed for this blog holder's entries
function rss() {
global $project_name;
$blogName = $this->Title;
$altBlogName = $project_name . ' blog';
$entries = $this->Entries(20);
if($entries) {
$rss = new RSSFeed($entries, $this->Link('rss'), ($blogName ? $blogName : $altBlogName), "", "Title", "RSSContent");
return $rss->outputToBrowser();
* Protection against infinite loops when an RSS widget pointing to this page is added to this page
function defaultAction($action) {
if(stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'SimplePie')) return $this->rss();
return parent::defaultAction($action);
* Return the currently viewing tag used in the template as $Tag
* @return String
function SelectedTag() {
return ($this->request->latestParam('Action') == 'tag') ? Convert::raw2xml($this->request->latestParam('ID')) : '';
* Return the selected date from the blog tree
* @return Date
function SelectedDate() {
if($this->request->latestParam('Action') == 'date') {
$year = $this->request->latestParam('ID');
$month = $this->request->latestParam('OtherID');
if(is_numeric($year) && is_numeric($month) && $month < 13) {
$date = $year .'-'. $month;
return $date;
} else {
if(is_numeric($year)) return $year;
return false;
* @return String
function SelectedAuthor() {
if($this->request->getVar('author')) {
$hasAuthor = BlogEntry::get()->filter('Author', $this->request->getVar('author'))->Count();
return $hasAuthor ? Convert::raw2xml($this->request->getVar('author')) : null;
} elseif($this->request->getVar('authorID')) {
$hasAuthor = BlogEntry::get()->filter('AuthorID', $this->request->getVar('authorID'))->Count();
if($hasAuthor) {
$member = Member::get()->byId($this->request->getVar('authorID'));
if($member) {
if($member->hasMethod('BlogAuthorTitle')) {
return Convert::raw2xml($member->BlogAuthorTitle);
} else {
return Convert::raw2xml($member->Title);
} else {
return null;
function SelectedNiceDate(){
$date = $this->SelectedDate();
if(strpos($date, '-')) {
$date = explode("-",$date);
return date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $date[1], 1, date('Y'))). " " .date("Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), 1, $date[0]));
} else {
return date("Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), 1, $date));