2007-09-06 22:33:58 +00:00
< ? php
class ArchiveWidget extends Widget {
static $db = array (
" DisplayMode " => " Varchar "
static $defaults = array (
" DisplayMode " => " month "
2007-12-13 22:40:31 +00:00
static $title = " Browse by Date " ;
2007-09-06 22:33:58 +00:00
static $cmsTitle = " Blog Archive " ;
static $description = " Show a list of months or years in which there are blog posts, and provide links to them. " ;
function getBlogHolder () {
$page = Director :: currentPage ();
if ( $page -> is_a ( " BlogHolder " )) {
return $page ;
} else if ( $page -> is_a ( " BlogEntry " ) && $page -> getParent () -> is_a ( " BlogHolder " )) {
return $page -> getParent ();
} else {
return DataObject :: get_one ( " BlogHolder " );
function getCMSFields () {
return new FieldSet (
new OptionsetField ( " DisplayMode " , " Display by " , array ( " month " => " month " , " year " => " year " ))
function Dates () {
Requirements :: css ( " blog/css/archivewidget.css " );
$results = new DataObjectSet ();
$blogHolder = $this -> getBlogHolder ();
$id = $blogHolder -> ID ;
if ( $this -> DisplayMode == " month " ){
$sqlResults = DB :: query ( " SELECT DISTINCT MONTH(`Date`) AS `Month`, YEAR(`Date`) AS `Year` FROM `SiteTree` NATURAL JOIN `BlogEntry` WHERE `ParentID` = $id ORDER BY `Date` DESC " );
} else {
$sqlResults = DB :: query ( " SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(`Date`) AS `Year` FROM `SiteTree` NATURAL JOIN `BlogEntry` WHERE `ParentID` = $id ORDER BY `Date` DESC " );
foreach ( $sqlResults as $sqlResult ) {
$date = new Date ( " Date " );
$month = ( $this -> DisplayMode == " month " ) ? ( int ) $sqlResult [ 'Month' ] : 1 ;
$date -> setValue ( array (
" Day " => 1 ,
" Month " => $month ,
" Year " => ( int ) $sqlResult [ 'Year' ]
if ( $this -> DisplayMode == " month " ){
$link = $blogHolder -> Link () . $sqlResult [ 'Year' ] . '/' . sprintf ( " %'02d " , $sqlResult [ 'Month' ]);
else {
$link = $blogHolder -> Link () . $sqlResult [ 'Year' ];
$results -> push ( new ArrayData ( array (
" Date " => $date ,
" Link " => $link
return $results ;