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Bulk Manager

Perform actions on multiple records straight from the GridField. Comes with unlink, delete and bulk editing but you can easily create/add your own.


Simply add GridFieldBulkManager to your GridFieldConfig

	$config->addComponent(new GridFieldBulkManager());


The component's option can be configurated individually or in bulk through the 'config' functions like this:

$config->getComponentByType('GridFieldBulkManager')->setConfig( $reference, $value );

$config overview

The available configuration options are:

  • 'editableFields' : array of string referencing specific CMS fields available for editing
  • 'fieldsClassBlacklist' : array of string referencing types (ClassName) of fields that wont be available for editing
  • 'fieldsNameBlacklist' : array of string referencing the names of fields that wont be available for editing

Custom actions

You can remove or add individual action or replace them all via addBulkAction() and removeBulkAction()

Adding a custom action

To add a custom bulk action to the list use:

$config->getComponentByType('GridFieldBulkManager')->addBulkAction('actionName', 'Dropdown label', 'ActionHandlerClassName', $frontEndConfig)

You can omit the handler's class name and the front-end config array, those will default to:

  • 'GridFieldBulkAction'.ucfirst($name).'Handler'
  • $config = array( 'isAjax' => true, 'icon' => 'accept', 'isDestructive' => false )

Custom action handler

When creating your awn bulk action RequestHandler, you should extend GridFieldBulkActionHandler which will expose 2 usefull functions getRecordIDList() and getRecords() returning either and array with the selected records IDs or a DataList of the selected records.

Make sue to the define your $allowed_actions and $url_handlers. See GridFieldBulkActionEditHandler, GridFieldBulkActionDeleteHandler and GridFieldBulkActionUnlinkHandler for examples.

Front-end config

The last component's parameter lets you pass an array with configuration options for the UI/UX:

  • isAjax: if true the action will be called via XHR request otherwise the broser will be redirected to the action's URL
  • icon: lets you define which icon to use when the action is selected (SilverStripe button icon name only)
  • isDestructive: if true a confirmation dialog will be shown before the action is processed