Combine Pokémon Centers and Marts as in Generation V+ #2

opened 2022-10-02 19:51:24 +02:00 by supersonicsataa · 1 comment
supersonicsataa commented 2022-10-02 19:51:24 +02:00 (Migrated from

In Black and White Versions, GAME FREAK began to combine the Pokémon Center and Pokémon Mart into one Pokémon Center building. To implement this into v3, we have to:

  • edit the Pokémon Center tileset to include some of the Mart tileset
  • redesign Pokémon Center maps to include a Mart
  • remove the old Mart code
  • and probably more that I can't think of right now.
In Black and White Versions, GAME FREAK began to combine the Pokémon Center and Pokémon Mart into one Pokémon Center building. To implement this into v3, we have to: - [ ] edit the Pokémon Center tileset to include some of the Mart tileset - [ ] redesign Pokémon Center maps to include a Mart - [ ] remove the old Mart code - [ ] and probably more that I can't think of right now.
supersonicsataa commented 2022-10-02 19:51:24 +02:00 (Migrated from

assigned to @supersonicsataa

By Brody M on 2022-10-02T17:51:24 (imported from GitLab)

assigned to @supersonicsataa *By Brody M on 2022-10-02T17:51:24 (imported from GitLab)*
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Reference: tbld/tumbledemerald-legacy#2
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