96 lines
2.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from glob import iglob
import re
replacement_words = {
"TINYMUSHROOM": "TinyMushroom",
"GO-GOGGLES": "Go-Goggles",
"POISONPOWDER": "PoisonPowder",
"AND": "and"
whole_string_filter = (
"ABC", "DEF", "GHI", "JKL", "MNO", "PQR", "STU", "VWX", "YZ",
per_word_filter = (
"TM", "HM", "KO", "HT", "WT", "HP", "PP", "ZZZ", "SR",
"JR", "PC", "RPG", "QTY", "PC", "OT"
is_tmhm_pattern = re.compile(r'TM|HM[0-9]{2}')
special_characters = r"éÃãÕõàÀÈÌÒÙàèìòùÛûÁÉÍÓÚáéíóúñÑÇç!#-\-/:-@^_"
lookbehind_braces = r"(?<!\{)"
lookahead_braces = r"(?![\w\s]*[\}])"
seperator_pattern = re.compile(rf"([-']+).*")
uppercase_pattern = re.compile(rf'{lookbehind_braces}([A-Z])([A-Z{special_characters}]+){lookahead_braces}\b')
def process_string(content):
def repl_func(match):
orig_str = match.group(0)
if is_tmhm_pattern.match(orig_str):
return orig_str
if seperator_pattern.sub("", orig_str) in per_word_filter:
return orig_str
if orig_str in replacement_words:
return replacement_words[orig_str]
return match.group(1) + match.group(2).lower()
if content in whole_string_filter:
return content
return uppercase_pattern.sub(repl_func, content)
def process_content(content, pattern):
searches = pattern.finditer(content)
if not searches:
return content
for match in searches:
start, end = match.start(0), match.end(0)
content = content[:start] + process_string(content[start:end]) + content[end:]
return content
c_string_pattern = re.compile(r'(?<=_\()(?:(?:\n |)")([^)]*)(?="\))')
asm_string_pattern = re.compile(r'\.string "(.+)"')
def perform_decap(path, string_pattern, is_glob=False):
if is_glob:
for i in iglob(path, recursive=True):
perform_decap(i, string_pattern, False)
with open(path, "r") as source_file:
content = source_file.read()
newcontent = process_content(content, string_pattern)
with open(path, "w") as dest_file:
c_files = [
("src/**/*.c", True),
("src/**/*.h", True),
asm_files = [
("data/**/*.s", True),
("data/**/*.inc", True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
for path, is_glob in c_files:
perform_decap(path, c_string_pattern, is_glob)
for path, is_glob in asm_files:
perform_decap(path, asm_string_pattern, is_glob)