JezzX2 1fe1ddeca6 Changed [PM3.HD] Updated the default background images to something more stylish
Added [PM3.HD] "Movies" and "TV Shows" buttons to the home screen (default to on if you have them in library) and all the extra stuff needed (skin settings to turn them off and set custom backgrounds)
Added [PM3.HD] skin setting to always force "Videos" button to go to file mode (usefull if you have "Movies" and "TV Shows" enabled in home
Added [PM3.HD] wavpack audio codec flagging image

git-svn-id: 0c45cd24-f56c-ec91-222f-6e3ca35936fa
2010-06-28 10:42:27 +00:00

110 lines
4.6 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>
<string id="31000">Volume muted</string>
<string id="31001">Working...</string>
<string id="31002">Up One Level</string>
<string id="31003">Previous Window</string>
<string id="31004">Home</string>
<string id="31005">Memory Used:</string>
<string id="31006">End Time:</string>
<string id="31007"></string>
<string id="31008"></string>
<string id="31009"></string>
<string id="31010">FANART[CR]IMAGE[CR]NOT[CR]AVAILABLE</string>
<string id="31011">EPISODE[CR]IMAGE[CR]NOT[CR]AVAILABLE</string>
<string id="31012">EPISODE[CR]IMAGE[CR]NOT[CR]AVAILABLE</string>
<string id="31013"></string>
<string id="31014"></string>
<string id="31015"></string>
<string id="31016"></string>
<string id="31017"></string>
<string id="31018"></string>
<string id="31019"></string>
<string id="31020">Chapter title</string>
<string id="31021">Video - Files</string>
<string id="31022">Music - Files</string>
<string id="31023"></string>
<string id="31024">Page</string>
<string id="31025">Items</string>
<string id="31026"></string>
<string id="31027"></string>
<string id="31028">DVD thumbs</string>
<string id="31029">DVD list</string>
<string id="31030">Fanart</string>
<string id="31031">Full list</string>
<string id="31032">Cover flow</string>
<string id="31033">Picture thumbs</string>
<string id="31034">Wide icons</string>
<string id="31040">Current movie[CR]Fanart image[CR][CR]Click to change</string>
<string id="31041">Current TV show[CR]Fanart image[CR][CR]Click to change</string>
<string id="31042">PLAYING</string>
<string id="31043">PAUSED</string>
<string id="31044">FAST FORWARD</string>
<string id="31045">REWIND</string>
<string id="31046">Welcome to XBMC - Please Login</string>
<string id="31047">Last logged in</string>
<string id="31048">Current artist[CR]Fanart image[CR][CR]Click to change</string>
<string id="31050"></string>
<string id="31051"></string>
<string id="31052"></string>
<!-- Lyrics Script Extra labels -->
<string id="31053">LYRICS</string>
<string id="31054">Choose your song from the list</string>
<!-- Playlist Editor labels -->
<string id="31055">Open playlist</string>
<string id="31056">Save playlist</string>
<string id="31057">Close playlist</string>
<string id="31058">System music files</string>
<string id="31059">Current playlist</string>
<string id="31060">This file is stacked, select the part you want to play from.</string>
<!-- Skin Settings labels -->
<string id="31100">Background options</string>
<string id="31101">Home screen options</string>
<string id="31102">Backgrounds</string>
<string id="31103">Show "Paused" in picture slide show</string>
<string id="31104">Shutdown menu - Use Hibernate instead of Suspend</string>
<string id="31105">Show media titles in background scanner</string>
<string id="31106">Miscellaneous options</string>
<string id="31107">Remove scan lines from background</string>
<string id="31108">Remove scan lines from background during video playback</string>
<string id="31109">Home screen backgrounds</string>
<string id="31110">button - Custom backgrounds</string>
<string id="31111">Always show music info during lyrics</string>
<string id="31112">Show media titles in "Wide icons" view</string>
<string id="31113">Single Image</string>
<string id="31114">Multi Image</string>
<string id="31115">Replace Audio Settings Button with Teletext</string>
<string id="31116">Hide Video flag images in media views</string>
<string id="31118">Show Fanart in main panel background</string>
<string id="31119">Hide Main Menu Buttons</string>
<string id="31120">Hide</string>
<string id="31121">"Videos" button always goes to file mode</string>
<!-- Script Settings labels -->
<string id="31200">Custom Add-on options</string>
<string id="31201"></string>
<string id="31202"></string>
<string id="31203">Set button label</string>
<string id="31204">Add-on path</string>
<string id="31205"></string>
<string id="31206"></string>
<string id="31207">Show subtitle download button in Video OSD</string>
<string id="31208">Show lyrics Add-on button in Music OSD</string>
<string id="31209">Enable quick launch Add-on button for -</string>
<!-- Subtitles Script Extra labels -->
<string id="31250">Subtitles</string>
<string id="31251">Subtitle Source</string>
<!-- AMT Script Extra labels -->
<string id="31300">Show cast</string>