Also mark "Replying to" parts in Tweetdeck

This commit is contained in:
eater 2019-12-20 14:54:31 +01:00
parent 1aa47f4b0d
commit 77c45eb48b
2 changed files with 63 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ function solvePendingLabels() {
function applyLabel(a: HTMLAnchorElement, identifier: string) {
function applyLabel(a: HTMLMarkableElement, identifier: string) {
if (a.assignedCssLabel) {
a.classList.remove('assigned-label-' + a.assignedCssLabel);
@ -261,7 +261,65 @@ function applyLabel(a: HTMLAnchorElement, identifier: string) {
function initTweetdeckOtherRepliesLink(a: HTMLAnchorElement) {
// Text is something along the lines of
// > @first
// > @first @second
// > @first @second @third
// > @first @second [language dependent text along the lines of n more]
// ad nauseam
const handleFinder = /@[a-z0-9_]+/ig;
const text = a.textContent;
// Because there's already an event bound to this element we can't just -remove- it
// Also since it's an anchor element we're very limited in -what- is allowed to be nested
// into it, so we'll empty the element, and fill it up with text nodes
// And label @handle's with span's
a.textContent = "";
let result;
let lastIndex = 0;
while ((result = handleFinder.exec(text)) !== null) {
// Get text between last element and this element
const lastString = text.substring(lastIndex, result.index);
if (lastString !== "") {
// If there is text, add it as text node
a.append(new Text(lastString));
// Create marker element which will allow colouring
const marker = document.createElement("span");
marker.textContent = result[0];
// Strip @ from handle
const identifier = "" + result[0].substr(1);
const label = knownLabels[identifier];
if (label === undefined) {
labelsToSolve.push({element: marker, identifier: identifier});
} else {
applyLabel(marker, identifier);
// add marker element to a
// Save last index
lastIndex = result.index + result[0].length;
// Collect and if needed append trailing string
const endString = text.substring(lastIndex);
if (endString !== "") {
a.append(new Text(endString));
function initLink(a: HTMLAnchorElement) {
if (hostname === '' && a.classList.contains('other-replies-link')) {
var identifier = getIdentifier(a);
if (!identifier) {
if (hostname == '' || hostname == '')

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@ -6,8 +6,11 @@ declare class BloomFilter {
interface HTMLElement {
assignedCssLabel?: string
type HTMLMarkableElement = HTMLAnchorElement | HTMLSpanElement
interface LabelToSolve {
element: HTMLAnchorElement
element: HTMLMarkableElement
identifier: string
type LabelKind = 't-friendly' | 'transphobic' | 'none' | '' | 'bad-identifier';