• Joined on 2024-01-08
srcrr created branch dev in srcrr/archimedes_test 2025-01-09 03:26:06 +00:00
srcrr pushed to dev at srcrr/archimedes_test 2025-01-09 03:26:06 +00:00
53a0af88e6 update readme.
0f1b7bd5c4 work more on tensors.
372b3d8442 add more tensor stuff.
dffe5cee98 completed and tested broadcast.
6fcff57d68 add each and broadcast methods.
srcrr created repository srcrr/archimedes_test 2025-01-09 03:24:52 +00:00
srcrr created branch develop-product-as-type in srcrr/PliWould 2024-08-20 20:32:55 +00:00
srcrr pushed to develop-product-as-type at srcrr/PliWould 2024-08-20 20:32:55 +00:00
d762a8f70f clean up raw svg. give up on dark theme switcher. ready for another release.
257642a251 fix layout of carpet roll calculator. todo: reinstate unit buttons for plywood calculator.
dc7f4b25a9 add svg icons. running into scroll issue. will upgrade packages.
a463189052 add area carpet fixture. Add carpet roll calculator test. refactor carpet roll as own component. add icons.
dbba262044 the type construct of components display. TODO: add area rug calculator.
Compare 8 commits »
srcrr pushed to develop at srcrr/PliWould 2024-07-12 13:14:50 +00:00
49266bbc97 work on area rug functions.
srcrr pushed to develop at srcrr/PliWould 2024-07-06 14:39:41 +00:00
f6a151337a add screenshots and images for docs. add icon.
srcrr pushed tag snapshot-2024-7-4-1 to srcrr/PliWould 2024-07-04 17:04:12 +00:00
srcrr released snapshot-2024-7-4-1 at srcrr/PliWould 2024-07-04 17:04:12 +00:00
srcrr pushed to develop at srcrr/PliWould 2024-07-04 15:30:57 +00:00
ce826bd8db solve npm issues. got a successful apk build.
fe927b44ad did some more cleanup of the interface and UI interactions.
bf3923b4b9 did some more cleanup of the interface and UI interactions.
Compare 3 commits »
srcrr created branch develop in srcrr/PliWould 2024-07-02 14:01:27 +00:00
srcrr pushed to develop at srcrr/PliWould 2024-07-02 14:01:27 +00:00
466e005e4e pushing to remote repo.
7076d33287 successful aes build.
012fd77a10 start eas build.
ecdc9db085 good enough for government (or habitat) work
379f43dcd9 complete more of the unit tests.
Compare 10 commits »
srcrr created repository srcrr/PliWould 2024-07-02 13:53:14 +00:00
srcrr pushed to develop at srcrr/libdart_openmvg 2024-04-05 18:05:14 +00:00
b84d40fd14 can compute matches! no errors! yay!
srcrr pushed to develop at srcrr/libdart_openmvg 2024-04-03 14:41:06 +00:00
e1137844ac use main image describer as reference.
srcrr pushed to develop at srcrr/libdart_openmvg 2024-03-27 18:08:03 +00:00
301fc2ca75 add 200 frames.
srcrr pushed to develop at srcrr/libdart_openmvg 2024-03-23 17:53:04 +00:00
3022adcbb7 frame tests complete successfully.
2e304394e5 add workflow cpp.
7d225729ec start developing unit tests for frames.
Compare 3 commits »
srcrr pushed to develop at srcrr/libdart_openmvg 2024-03-20 16:42:36 +00:00
d85c25b21e began writing my own matching alg.
srcrr pushed to develop at srcrr/libdart_openmvg 2024-03-18 02:31:55 +00:00
fe5ecdeec1 fix image testcase. continue with sfm implementation.
srcrr pushed to develop at srcrr/libdart_openmvg 2024-03-15 15:23:06 +00:00
2f80cb3e55 rename project in pubspect. testing streamingview.