
94 lines
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- title! "Application process"
- description! "Application process for Web Dev Camp"
=image_tag "apply.jpg"
%h2 Application process
%p.lead The steps before the course
%h3 Application
= link_to "Signing up" , new_user_registration_path
and filling out the form
%h3 Interview
A skype session to clear up questions
%h3 Preparation
Getting ready for the journey
%p 1
%p Ready
%h2 Application
= link_to "signing up" , new_user_registration_path
, you must fill out your resume. Add as much relevant detail
as you can to increase your chance for acceptance.
When the resume is filed out, you can submit an application for a specific course.
Next dates are:
%span=Course.all.limit(5).collect{ |course| course.start_date}.join(", ")
%p 2
%p Steady
%h2 Interview
We might ask for more information by mail, but usually will ask for a 30-40 minutes
skype interview. This should be as important to you as it is to us, because you
(like us) can ask in depth questions.
The main thing we look for here is motivation or enthusiasm.
%p 3
%p Go
%h2 Preparation
Once accepted, you must pay the prepayment within 2 weeks to
guarantee your place. Final payment is due at least 2 weeks before the course
(except flex plan).
Then you should practise coding as much as you can to build up stamina.
And last but not least,
=ext_link "get a flight" , "http://www.momondo.com/"
, and
=ext_link "check the weather." , "http://www.accuweather.com/en/fi/antskog/1121899/weather-forecast/1121899"
=link_to "Closed now", new_user_registration_path , class: "btn btn-success btn-lg"