- title! "Application process" - description! "Application process for Web Dev Camp" .section.minitron .pic =image_tag "apply.jpg" .content %h2 Application process %p.lead The steps before the course %hr.my-2/ .topics .topic %h3 Application %p = link_to "Signing up" , new_user_registration_path and filling out the form .topic %h3 Interview %p A skype session to clear up questions .topic %h3 Preparation %p Getting ready for the journey .section .container .row.step .col-md-3.col-sm-4.col .circle-container.red .outer-outer-ring .circle .front %p 1 .back %p Ready .col-md-9.col-sm-8 %h2 Application %p After = link_to "signing up" , new_user_registration_path , you must fill out your resume. Add as much relevant detail as you can to increase your chance for acceptance. %p When the resume is filed out, you can submit an application for a specific course. Next dates are: %span=Course.all.limit(5).collect{ |course| course.start_date}.join(", ") .row.step .col-md-3.col-sm-4.col .circle-container.yellow .outer-outer-ring .circle .front %p 2 .back %p Steady .col-md-9.col-sm-8 %h2 Interview %p We might ask for more information by mail, but usually will ask for a 30-40 minutes skype interview. This should be as important to you as it is to us, because you (like us) can ask in depth questions. %p The main thing we look for here is motivation or enthusiasm. .row.step .col-md-3.col-sm-4.col .circle-container.green .outer-outer-ring .circle .front %p 3 .back %p Go .col-md-9.col-sm-8 %h2 Preparation %p Once accepted, you must pay the prepayment within 2 weeks to guarantee your place. Final payment is due at least 2 weeks before the course (except flex plan). %p Then you should practise coding as much as you can to build up stamina. %p And last but not least, =ext_link "get a flight" , "http://www.momondo.com/" , and =ext_link "check the weather." , "http://www.accuweather.com/en/fi/antskog/1121899/weather-forecast/1121899" .section .action.centered =link_to "Closed now", new_user_registration_path , class: "btn btn-success btn-lg"