Torsten Rüger d1f8733623 Rename Vool to Sol
Simple is really the descriptive name for the layer
Sure, it is "virtual" but that is not as important as the fact that it is simple (or simplified)
Also objct (based really) is better, since orientated implies it is a little like that, but only orientated, not really it. Sol only has objects, nothing else
Just cause i was renaming anyway
2019-10-04 00:38:47 +03:00

74 lines
2.1 KiB

module SlotMachine
# Dynamic method resolution is at the heart of a dynamic language, and here
# is the SlotMachine level instruction to do it.
# When the static type can not be determined a CacheEntry is used to store
# type and method of the resolved method. The CacheEntry is shared with
# DynamicCall instruction who is responsible for calling the method in the entry.
# This instruction resolves the method, in case the types don't match (and
# at least on first encouter)
# This used to be a method, but we don't really need the method setup etc
class ResolveMethod < Instruction
attr :cache_entry , :name
# pass in source (SolStatement)
# name of the method (don't knwow the actaual method)
# and the cache_entry
def initialize(source , name , cache_entry)
@name = name
@cache_entry = cache_entry
def to_s
"ResolveMethod #{name}"
# When the method is resolved, a cache_entry is used to hold the result.
# That cache_entry (holding type and method) is checked before, and
# needs to be updated by this instruction.
# We use the type stored in the cache_entry to check the methods if any of it's
# names are the same as the given @name
# currently a fail results in sys exit
def to_risc( compiler )
name_ = @name
cache_entry_ = @cache_entry
builder = compiler.builder(self) do
word! << name_
cache_entry! << cache_entry_
type! << cache_entry[:cached_type]
callable_method! << type[:methods]
add_code while_start_label
object! << Parfait.object_space.nil_object
object - callable_method
if_zero exit_label
name! << callable_method[:name]
name - word
if_zero ok_label
callable_method << callable_method[:next_callable]
branch while_start_label
add_code exit_label , word.symbol).to_risc(compiler)
add_code ok_label
cache_entry[:cached_method] << callable_method