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Some things that would be nice . .

  • Better elf support. I think it should be relatively easy to produce an executable binary (so linking could be skipped). Off course the possibility to link in another library would be nice
  • better elf tests
  • more mains tests
  • ruby spec integration
  • better arm coverage (more instructions, better tests)
  • utf8 support (string improvements generally)
  • risc optimisations


x86 is up for grabs. I have intentionally started on arm (the most sold cpu) because i do this for fun. And my pi is fun.

There is a ruby intel assembler called wilson out there. Or then there is Metasm, with good support for many other cpu's (and a lot more code)


Is admittedly a little more fun, but also not really my personal goal in the near future.

If i am really honest about this, i think ruby is a little quirky around the edges and i think a lot of that can/should be done as a compatibility layer. Keeping the core clean (and shiny).


Stdlib is not clean. More like a layer that accumulated over the years.

Very nice solutions exist for most of the important things. Like celluloid for concurrency. Celluloid-io for good performance io with or without zero-mq. Fiddle looks nice admittedly.


Solving concurrency is up for grabs. Any solution is a start, channels ala go are nice and lock free stuff is the ultimate goal.

Stary sky


  • more cpus (ie intel)
  • more systems (ie mac) more syscalls, there are after all some hundreds (most as external gems)
  • A lot of modern cpu's functionality has to be mapped to ruby and implemented in assembler to be useful
  • Different sized machines, with different register types ?
  • Housekeeping (the superset of gc) is abundant
  • Any amount of time could be spent on a decent digital tree (see judy). Or possibly Dr.Cliffs hash.
  • Also better string/arrays would be good.
  • The minor point of threads and hopefully lock free primitives to deal with that.
  • Other languages, python at least, maybe others

And generally optimise and work towards that perfect world (we never seem to be able to attain).