2015-05-19 19:29:33 +02:00
module Virtual
class Machine
# The general idea is that compiling is creating an object graph. Functionally
# one tends to think of methods, and that is complicated enough, sure.
# but for an object system the graph includes classes and all instance variables
# And so we have a chicken and egg problem. At the end of the function we want to have a
# working Space object
# But that has instance variables (List and Dictionary) and off course a class.
# Or more precisely in salama, a Layout, that points to a class.
# So we need a Layout, but that has Layout and Class too. hmmm
# The way out is to build empty shell objects and stuff the neccessary data into them
# (not use the normal initialize way)
def boot_parfait!
@space = Parfait::Space.new_object
2015-05-22 21:51:36 +02:00
values = [ "Value" , "Integer" , "Kernel" , "Object"].collect {|cl| Virtual.new_word(cl) }
value_classes = values.collect { |cl| @space.create_class(cl) }
rest = [ "Word", "Space", "Layout", "Module" ,
"Class" , "Dictionary", "List"]
rest_layouts = { Virtual.new_word("Word") => [] ,
Virtual.new_word("Space") => ["classes","objects"],
Virtual.new_word("Layout") => ["object_class"] ,
Virtual.new_word("Module") => ["name","instance_methods", "super_class", "meta_class"],
Virtual.new_word("Class") => ["object_layout"],
Virtual.new_word("Dictionary") => ["keys" , "values"],
Virtual.new_word("List") => [] }
rest_classes = rest_layouts.collect { |cl , lay| @space.create_class(cl) }
rest_classes[1].set_super_class( value_classes[0] ) # #set superclass for object
rest_classes[3].set_super_class( value_classes[0] ) # and integer
rest_classes.each do |cl| # and the rest
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2015-05-22 21:51:36 +02:00
# next create layouts by adding instance variable names to the layouts
rest_classes.each do |cl|
name = cl.name
variables = rest_layouts[name]
variables.each do |var_name|
cl.object_layout.add_instance_variable Virtual.new_word(var_name)
# now update the layout on all objects created so far,
# go through objects in space
@space.objects.each do | o |
vm_name = o.class.name.split("::").last
index = rest.index(vm_name)
raise "Class not found #{o.class}" unless index
o.set_layout rest_classes[index].object_layout
puts "index #{index}"
# and go through the space instance variables which get created before the object list
2015-05-19 19:29:33 +02:00
# boot the classes, ie create a minimal set of classes with a minimal set of functions
# minimal means only that which can not be coded in ruby
# CompiledMethods are grabbed from respective modules by sending the method name. This should return the
# implementation of the method (ie a method object), not actually try to implement it (as that's impossible in ruby)
def boot_functions!
@space = Parfait::Space.new
# very fiddly chicken 'n egg problem. Functions need to be in the right order, and in fact we
# have to define some dummies, just for the other to compile
# TODO: go through the virtual parfait layer and adjust function names to what they really are
obj = @space.get_class_by_name "Object"
[:index_of , :_get_instance_variable , :_set_instance_variable].each do |f|
obj.add_instance_method Builtin::Object.send(f , nil)
obj = @space.get_class_by_name "Kernel"
# create main first, __init__ calls it
@main = Builtin::Kernel.send(:main , @context)
obj.add_instance_method @main
underscore_init = Builtin::Kernel.send(:__init__ ,nil) #store , so we don't have to resolve it below
obj.add_instance_method underscore_init
[:putstring,:exit,:__send].each do |f|
obj.add_instance_method Builtin::Kernel.send(f , nil)
# and the @init block in turn _jumps_ to __init__
# the point of which is that by the time main executes, all is "normal"
@init = Block.new(:_init_ , nil )
obj = @space.get_class_by_name "Integer"
[:putint,:fibo].each do |f|
obj.add_instance_method Builtin::Integer.send(f , nil)
2015-05-20 16:11:13 +02:00
obj = @space.get_class_by_name Virtual.new_word "Word"
2015-05-19 19:29:33 +02:00
[:get , :set , :puts].each do |f|
obj.add_instance_method Builtin::Word.send(f , nil)
obj = space.get_class_by_name "List"
[:get , :set , :push].each do |f|
obj.add_instance_method Builtin::Array.send(f , nil)