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2015-10-22 18:16:29 +03:00
module Register
# Booting is a complicated, so it is extracted into this file, even it has only one entry point
class Machine
# The general idea is that compiling is creating an object graph. Functionally
# one tends to think of methods, and that is complicated enough, sure.
2015-07-28 16:18:32 +03:00
# But for an object system the graph includes classes and all instance variables
2015-07-28 16:18:32 +03:00
# And so we have a chicken and egg problem. At the end of the boot function we want to have a
# working Space object
# But that has instance variables (List and Dictionary) and off course a class.
# Or more precisely in salama, a Layout, that points to a class.
# So we need a Layout, but that has Layout and Class too. hmmm
# The way out is to build empty shell objects and stuff the neccessary data into them
# (not use the normal initialize way)
2015-07-28 16:18:32 +03:00
# (PPS: The "real" solution is to read a sof graph and not do this by hand
# That graph can be programatically built and written (with this to boot that process :-))
# There are some helpers below, but the roadmap is something like:
# - create all the layouts, with thier layouts, but no classes
# - create a space by "hand" , using allocate, not new
# - create the class objects and assign them to the layouts
2015-07-28 16:18:32 +03:00
def boot_parfait!
2015-07-28 16:18:32 +03:00
#puts Sof.write(@space)
2015-07-28 16:18:32 +03:00
# layouts is where the snake bites its tail. Every chain end at a layout and then it
# goes around (circular references). We create them from the list below and keep them
# in an instance variable (that is a smell, because after booting it is not needed)
def boot_layouts
@layouts = {}
layout_names.each do |name , ivars |
@layouts[name] = layout_for( name , ivars)
layout_layout = @layouts[:Layout]
@layouts.each do |name , layout |
2015-07-28 16:18:32 +03:00
# once we have the layouts we can create the space by creating the instance variables
# by hand (can't call new yet as that uses the space)
def boot_space
space_dict = object_with_layout Parfait::Dictionary
space_dict.keys = object_with_layout Parfait::List
space_dict.values = object_with_layout Parfait::List
@space = object_with_layout Parfait::Space
@space.classes = space_dict
Parfait::Space.set_object_space @space
# when running code instantiates a class, a layout is created automatically
# but even to get our space up, we have already instantiated all layouts
# so we have to continue and allocate classes and fill the data by hand
# and off cource we can't use space.create_class , but still they need to go there
def boot_classes
classes = space.classes
layout_names.each do |name , vars|
cl = object_with_layout Parfait::Class
cl.object_layout = @layouts[name]
@layouts[name].object_class = cl
cl.instance_methods = object_with_layout Parfait::List
# puts "instance_methods is #{cl.instance_methods.class}" = name
classes[name] = cl
object_class = classes[:Object]
# superclasses other than default object
2015-10-26 15:14:38 +02:00
supers = { :Object => :Kernel , :Kernel => :Value, :Integer => :Value }
layout_names.each do |classname , ivar|
next if classname == :Value # has no superclass
clazz = classes[classname]
super_name = supers[classname]
if super_name
clazz.set_super_class_name classes[super_name]
clazz.set_super_class_name object_class
# helper to create a Layout, name is the parfait name, ie :Layout
def layout_for( name , ivars )
l = Parfait::Layout.allocate.fake_init
l.add_instance_variable :layout , :Layout
ivars.each {|n,t| l.add_instance_variable( n , t) }
# create an object with layout (ie allocate it and assign layout)
# meaning the lauouts have to be booted, @layouts filled
# here we pass the actual (ruby) class
def object_with_layout(cl)
o = cl.allocate.fake_init
name ="::").last.to_sym
o.set_layout @layouts[name]
2015-07-28 16:18:32 +03:00
# the function really just returns a constant (just avoiding the constant)
# unfortuantely that constant condenses every detail about the system, class names
# and all instance variable names. Really have to find a better way
def layout_names
{ :Word => {:char_length => :Integer} ,
:List => {:indexed_length => :Integer} ,
# Assumtion is that name is the last of message
:Message => { :next_message => :Message, :receiver => :Object, :frame => :Frame ,
:return_address => :Integer, :return_value => :Integer,
:caller => :Message , :name => :Word , :indexed_length => :Integer },
:MetaClass => {:me => :Class},
:Integer => {},
:Object => {},
:Kernel => {}, #fix, kernel is a class, but should be a module
:BinaryCode => {},
:Space => {:classes => :Dictionary , :first_message => :Message},
:Frame => {:next_frame => :Frame, :indexed_length => :Integer},
:Layout => {:object_class => :Class, :instance_methods => :List , :indexed_length => :Integer} ,
:Class => {:object_layout => :Layout, :name => :Word, :instance_methods => :List,
:super_class_name => :Word},
:Dictionary => {:keys => :List , :values => :List } ,
:Method => {:name => :Word, :source => :Object, :instructions => :Object, :binary => :Object,
:arguments => :List , :for_class => :Class, :locals => :List } ,
:Variable => {:type => :Class, :name => :Word , :value => :Object}
# classes have booted, now create a minimal set of functions
# minimal means only that which can not be coded in ruby
# Methods are grabbed from respective modules by sending the method name. This should return the
# implementation of the method (ie a method object), not actually try to implement it
# (as that's impossible in ruby)
def boot_functions!
# very fiddly chicken 'n egg problem. Functions need to be in the right order, and in fact we
# have to define some dummies, just for the other to compile
# TODO go through the virtual parfait layer and adjust function names to what they really are
obj = @space.get_class_by_name(:Object)
[:main ].each do |f|
2015-10-22 18:16:29 +03:00
obj.add_instance_method Builtin::Object.send(f , nil)
obj = @space.get_class_by_name(:Kernel)
2015-07-28 16:18:32 +03:00
# create __init__ main first, __init__ calls it
[:exit , :__init__ ].each do |f|
2015-10-22 18:16:29 +03:00
obj.add_instance_method Builtin::Kernel.send(f , nil)
2015-10-22 18:16:29 +03:00
@space.get_class_by_name(:Word).add_instance_method Builtin::Word.send(:putstring , nil)
obj = @space.get_class_by_name(:Integer)
[:putint,:fibo ].each do |f|
2015-10-22 18:16:29 +03:00
obj.add_instance_method Builtin::Integer.send(f , nil)