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module Risc
2014-06-14 10:59:25 +03:00
# A Builder is used to generate code, either by using it's api, or dsl
# The code is added to the method_compiler.
# Basically this allows to many Risc instructions with extremely readable code.
# example:
# space << Parfait.object_space # load constant
# message[:receiver] << space #make current message's (r0) receiver the space
# See http://ruby-x.org/rubyx/builder.html for details
class Builder
2014-06-14 10:59:25 +03:00
attr_reader :built , :compiler , :names
# pass a compiler, to which instruction are added (usually)
# second arg determines weather instructions are added (default true)
# call build with a block to build
def initialize(compiler, for_source)
raise "no compiler" unless compiler
@compiler = compiler
@source = for_source
@source_used = false
@names = {}
# make the magic: convert incoming names into registers that have the
# type set according to the name (using resolve_type)
# names are stored, so subsequent calls use the same register
def method_missing(name , *args)
super if args.length != 0
name = name.to_s
return @names[name] if @names.has_key?(name)
if name == "message"
return Risc.message_reg.set_builder(self)
if name.index("label")
reg = Risc.label( @source , "#{name}_#{object_id}")
@source_used = true
last_char = name[-1]
name = name[0 ... -1]
if last_char == "!" or last_char == "?"
if @names.has_key?(name)
return @names[name] if last_char == "?"
raise "Name exists (#{@names.keys})before creating it #{name}#{last_char}"
raise "Must create (with ! or ?) before using #{name}#{last_char}"
type = infer_type(name )
reg = @compiler.use_reg( type.object_class.name ).set_builder(self)
@names[name] = reg
2014-06-14 10:59:25 +03:00
# Infer the type from a symbol. In the simplest case the symbol is the class name.
# But in building, sometimes variations are needed, so next_message or caller work
# too (and both return "Message")
# A general "_reg"/"_obj"/"_const" or "_tmp" at the end of the name will be removed
# An error is raised if the symbol/object can not be inferred
def infer_type( name )
as_string = name.to_s
parts = as_string.split("_")
if( ["reg" , "obj" , "tmp" , "self" , "const", "1" , "2"].include?( parts.last ) )
as_string = parts.join("_")
as_string = "word" if as_string == "name"
as_string = "message" if as_string == "next_message"
as_string = "message" if as_string == "caller"
as_string = "named_list" if as_string == "arguments"
sym = as_string.camelise.to_sym
clazz = Parfait.object_space.get_class_by_name(sym)
raise "Not implemented/found object #{name}:#{sym}" unless clazz
return clazz.instance_type
2018-04-08 00:50:51 +03:00
def if_zero( label )
@source_used = true
add_code Risc::IsZero.new(@source , label)
2018-04-08 00:50:51 +03:00
def if_not_zero( label )
@source_used = true
add_code Risc::IsNotZero.new(@source , label)
2018-04-08 00:50:51 +03:00
def if_minus( label )
@source_used = true
add_code Risc::IsMinus.new(@source , label)
2018-04-08 00:50:51 +03:00
def branch( label )
@source_used = true
add_code Risc::Branch.new(@source, label)
2018-04-08 00:50:51 +03:00
# To avoid many an if, it can be handy to swap variable names.
# But since the names in the builder are not variables, we need this method.
# As it says, swap the two names around. Names must exist
def swap_names(left , right)
left , right = left.to_s , right.to_s
l = @names[left]
r = @names[right]
raise "No such name #{left}" unless l
raise "No such name #{right}" unless r
@names[left] = r
@names[right] = l
2018-08-13 18:02:34 +03:00
# Reset the names stored by the builder. The names are sort of variables names
# that can be used in the build block due to method_missing magic.
# But just as the compiler has reset_regs, the builder has this reset button, to
# start fresh. Quite crude for now, and only used in allocate_int
# Compiler regs are reset as well
def reset_names
@names = {}
# Build code using dsl (see __init__ or MessageSetup for examples).
# Names (that ruby would resolve to a variable/method) are converted
# to registers. << means assignment and [] is supported both on
# L and R values (but only one at a time). R values may also be constants.
# Basically this allows to create LoadConstant, RegToSlot, SlotToReg and
# Transfer instructions with extremely readable code.
# example:
# space << Parfait.object_space # load constant
# message[:receiver] << space #make current message's (r0) receiver the space
# build result is added to compiler directly
def build(&block)
# add code straight to the compiler
def add_code(ins)
return ins
# for some methods that return an integer it is beneficial to pre allocate the
# integer and store it in the return value. That is what this function does.
# Those (builtin) methods, mostly syscall wrappers then go on to do this and that
# clobbering registers and so the allocate and even move would be difficult.
# We sidestep all that by pre-allocating.
def prepare_int_return
integer_tmp = allocate_int
build do
message[:return_value] << integer_tmp
# allocate int fetches a new int, for sure. It is a builder method, rather than
# an inbuilt one, to avoid call overhead for 99.9%
# The factories allocate in 1k, so only when that runs out do we really need a call.
# Note:
# Unfortunately (or so me thinks), this creates code bloat, as the calling is
# included in 100%, but only needed in 0.1. Risc-level Blocks or Macros may be needed.
# as the calling in (the same) 40-50 instructions for every basic int op.
# The method
# - grabs a Integer instance from the Integer factory
# - checks for nil and calls (get_more) for more if needed
# - returns the RiscValue (Register) where the object is found
# The implicit condition is that the method is called at the entry of a method.
# It uses a fair few registers and resets all at the end. The returned object
# will always be in r1, because the method resets, and all others will be clobbered.
# Return RegisterValue(:r1) that will be named integer_tmp
def allocate_int
integer = self.integer!
build do
factory! << Parfait.object_space.get_factory_for(:Integer)
integer << factory[:next_object]
object! << Parfait.object_space.nil_object
object - integer
if_not_zero cont_label
integer_2! << factory[:reserve]
factory[:next_object] << integer_2
integer << factory[:next_object]
add_code cont_label
integer_2 << integer[:next_integer]
factory[:next_object] << integer_2
# Call_get_more calls the method get_more on the factory (see there).
# From the callers perspective the method ensures there is a next_object.
# Calling is three step process
# - setting up the next message
# - moving receiver (factory) and arguments (none)
# - issuing the call
# These steps shadow the MomInstructions MessageSetup, ArgumentTransfer and SimpleCall
def call_get_more
factory = Parfait.object_space.get_factory_for( :Integer )
calling = factory.get_type.get_method( :get_more )
calling = Parfait.object_space.get_main #until we actually parse Factory
Mom::MessageSetup.new( calling ).build_with( self )
self.build do
factory_reg! << factory
message[:receiver] << factory_reg
2014-06-14 10:59:25 +03:00