Torsten Ruger 31699b71ce typo
2014-09-12 15:26:13 +03:00

3.3 KiB

layout title
light 5 minute talk

ruby in ruby (3 rubies)

  • speed
  • parallelism
  • clarity / understandibility

Impossible, no

  • Metasm, generate binary in ruby
  • whitequark Parse
  • c interface, not needed

Difficult / low level - no

  • exception in c is difficult, no c, not difficult
  • function / os calling surprisingly easy
  • vm - just code


  • arm + elf --> binary

  • parslet parser, ast

  • virtual machine - object machine

  • register machine

  • passes (vm->reg , reg optimisation , extensible)

  • parfait (pure "normal" ruby) std/core on top

  • builtin, code that can not be coded in ruby (ie array[])

  • macro , shared code for builtin

  • object memory layout, cache lines , type info external (type word / layout ref / payload )


-Virtual::CompiledMethod(:name => :__init__, :class_name => :Object, :receiver => &4 Virtual::Integer, :return_type => *2)
  :args []
  :locals []
  :tmps []
  -Virtual::Block(:name => :enter, :position => 172)
    -Arm::MemoryInstruction(:right => 2, :operand => 0, :pre_post_index => 1, :add_offset => 0, :position => 172)
     :result Register::RegisterReference(:symbol => :pc)
     :left Register::RegisterReference(:symbol => :r0)
     :attributes {:opcode => :str, :update_status => 0, :condition_code => :al}
    -Arm::MemoryInstruction(:right => 1, :operand => 0, :pre_post_index => 1, :add_offset => 0, :position => 176)
     :result Register::RegisterReference(:symbol => :r0)
     :left Register::RegisterReference(:symbol => :r5)
     :attributes {:opcode => :ldr, :update_status => 0, :condition_code => :al}
    -Arm::CallInstruction(:first => *5, :position => 180)
     :attributes {:opcode => :call, :update_status => 0, :condition_code => :al}
-Virtual::Block(:name => :return, :position => 184)
  :codes -Arm::MemoryInstruction(:right => 2, :operand => 0, :pre_post_index => 1, :add_offset => 0, :position => 184)
     :result Register::RegisterReference(:symbol => :pc)
     :left Register::RegisterReference(:symbol => :r0)
     :attributes {:opcode => :ldr, :update_status => 0, :condition_code => :al}


Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <_start>:
   0:   ea00002b        b       b4 <Kernel::__init__@enter+0x8>

000000a4 <Virtual::CompiledMethod::a4>:
  a4:   00111111        andseq  r1, r1, r1, lsl r1
  a8:   00000244        andeq   r0, r0, r4, asr #4

000000ac <Kernel::__init__@enter>:
  ac:   e580f002        str     pc, [r0, #2]
  b0:   e5950001        ldr     r0, [pc, #124]
  b4:   ebfffff6        bl      94 <Kernel::main@return+0x4>

000000b8 <Kernel::__init__@return>:
  b8:   e590f002        ldr     pc, [r0, #2]

00000204 <Virtual::BootSpace::204>:
 204:   00000000        andeq   r0, r0, r0
 208:   00000224        andeq   r0, r0, r4, lsr #4
 20c:   000002a4        andeq   r0, r0, r4, lsr #5
 210:   000005c4        andeq   r0, r0, r4, asr #11

Understand the language at a new level, new possibilities

Ruby makes even a vm easy & understandable

Gems / bundler make parts independent

Surprisingly fast

(6 weeks for first executable)

Surprisingly fun !!

and wasn't ruby supposed to be
