2024-07-10 11:34:03 +05:00

106 lines
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<h1 align="center"> st</h1>
Personal build of st generated using [st-flexipatch](
### Patches applied:
- [alpha](
- adds transparency for the terminal
- [blinking-cursor](
- allows the use of a blinking cursor
- [bold-is-not-bright](
- by default bold text is rendered with a bold font in the bright variant of the current color
- this patch makes bold text rendered simply as bold, leaving the color unaffected
- [boxdraw](
- adds dustom rendering of lines/blocks/braille characters for gapless alignment
- [clipboard](
- by default st only sets PRIMARY on selection
- this patch makes st set CLIPBOARD on selection
- [csi\_23\_23](
- adds support for CSI escape sequences 22 and 23, which save and restores the window title
(for instance nvim does this when opening and closing)
- [externalpipe](
- this patch allows for reading and writing st's screen through a pipe, e.g. to pass info to dmenu
- [font2](
- allows you to add a spare font besides the default
- [hidecursor](
- hides the X cursor whenever a key is pressed and show it back when the mouse is moved in the terminal window
- [hide-terminal-cursor](
- hides the terminal cursor when the window loses focus (as opposed to showing a hollow cursor)
- [invert](
- adds a keybinding that lets you invert the current colorscheme of st
- this provides a simple way to temporarily switch to a light colorscheme if you use a dark colorscheme or visa-versa
- [iso14755](
- pressing the default binding Ctrl+Shift-i will popup dmenu, asking you to enter a unicode codepoint that will be converted to a glyph and then pushed to st
- [keyboard-select](
- allows you to select text on the terminal using keyboard shortcuts
- [ligatures](
- adds support for drawing ligatures using the Harfbuzz library to transform original text of a single line to a list of glyphs with ligatures included
- [monochrome](
- makes st ignore terminal color attributes to make for a monochrome look
- [newterm](
- allows you to spawn a new st terminal using Ctrl-Shift-Return
- it will have the same CWD (current working directory) as the original st instance
- reflow
- allows st to be resized without cutting off text when the terminal window is made larger again
- text wraps when the terminal window is made smaller
- [right-click-to-plumb](
- allows you to right-click on some selected text to send it to the plumbing program of choice
- [scrollback](
- allows you scroll back through terminal output using keyboard shortcuts or mousewheel
- scrollback-mouse-altscreen
- Scroll back through terminal output using mouse wheel (when not in MODE_ALTSCREEN). This variant depends on SCROLLBACK_PATCH being enabled.
- sixel
- this patch adds SIXEL graphics support
- [swapmouse](
- changes the mouse shape to the global default when the running program subscribes for mouse
events, for instance, in programs like ranger and fzf
- it emulates the behaviour shown by vte terminals like termite
- [use-XftFontMatch](
- use XftFontMatch in place of FcFontMatch to allow font to scale with Xft.dpi resource
- [vertcenter](
- vertically center lines in the space available if you have set a larger chscale in config.h
- [wide-glyphs](
- adds proper support for wide glyphs, as opposed to rendering smaller or cut glyphs
- [workingdir](
- allows user to specify the initial path st should use as the working directory
- [xresources](
- adds the ability to configure st via Xresources
- during startup, st will read and apply the resources named in the resources[] array in config.h
- xresources-reload
- reload the Xresources config when a SIGUSR1 signal is received e.g. `killall -USR1 st`
## Additions
- Scripts that use externalpipe patch for handling urls and copying of outputs. -
- st-urlhandler
- st-copyout