fix calender

This commit is contained in:
mintycube 2024-05-16 21:30:39 +05:00
parent 4a63eb13ef
commit ff95b12049

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ case "$clock" in
1) notify-send "This Month" "$(cal | sed "s/\<$(date +'%e')\>/<b><span color='yellow'>&<\/span><\/b>/")" && notify-send "Appointments" "$(calcurse -d3)" ;;
1) notify-send "This Month" "$(cal | sed "s/\<$(date +'%e'|sed 's/ //g')\>/<b><span color='yellow'>&<\/span><\/b>/")" && notify-send "Appointments" "$(calcurse -d3)" ;;
2) setsid -f "$TERMINAL" -e calcurse ;;
3) notify-send "󰃭 Time/date module" "\- Left click to show upcoming appointments for the next three days via \`calcurse -d3\` and show the month via \`cal\`
- Middle click opens calcurse if installed" ;;