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synced 2024-10-07 10:38:21 +02:00
Dotfiles and scripts for Linux
.config | ||
.local | ||
firefox | ||
images | ||
.bashrc | ||
.gitignore | ||
.gitmodules | ||
.zshenv | ||
Here are some details about this setup
- OS = Arch Linux
- Login Manager = None
- WM = dwm
- Bar = dwmblocks
- Compositor = picom-pijulius
- LockScreen = slock
- Resolution = 1366x768
- Cursor-theme = Phinger Cursors Light
- Gtk theme = Adwaita
- Shell = zsh + zsh4humans
- Terminal = st
- Font = JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
- Editor = Neovim
- File Manager = lf + ctpv
- Browser = Firefox + Betterfox
- Menu = dmenu
- Image-viewer = nsxiv
- Music-player = cmus
- Video-player = mpv + uosc + thumbfast
- Pdf-viewer = zathura
- Calculator = qalculate-gtk
- Networkmanager = dmenu
- Notification Client = dunst