2018-06-21 13:14:20 +02:00

67 KiB

Change log

All notable changes are documented in this file. Release numbers follow Semantic Versioning

0.8.0 Beta 1

June 21st, 2018 Detailed release notes

New features since 0.7.5

  • Improve MySQL connector's handling of DML / DDL statements DBZ-252
  • Snapshots fail if launching multiple connectors at once DBZ-601
  • Data-inclusive snapshot without table locks (For RDS/Aurora) DBZ-639
  • Enable ordered snapshotting of data-Mysql Connector DBZ-666
  • Add a topic name configuration for the heartbeat messages DBZ-668
  • Mongo cursor cleanup DBZ-672
  • wal2json on RDS omits initial changes in streaming mode DBZ-679
  • Make PG_CONFIG configurable (postgres-decoderbufs) DBZ-686
  • Rebase Debezium to Kafka 1.1 and Confluent platform 4.1 DBZ-687
  • When MySQL has BINLOG_ROWS_QUERY_LOG_EVENTS enabled, include original SQL query in event. DBZ-706
  • Ingest change data from Oracle databases using XStream DBZ-20
  • Support defaults in MySQL DBZ-191
  • Run test suite against MongoDB 3.6 DBZ-529
  • Provide option to flatten structs in MongoDB unwrapping SMT DBZ-561
  • Allow configuration option for keep alive interval for Mysql binlog reader DBZ-670
  • Add support for databases with encodings other than UTF-8/16/32 DBZ-676
  • Provide option to specify statements to be executed upon connection creation (e.g. connection wait timeout) DBZ-693

Breaking changes since 0.7.5

Apache Kafka was upgraded to version 1.1 (DBZ-687). Please see upgrade documentation for correct upgrade procedure.

Topic names for heartbeat messages followed a hard-coded naming schema. The rules were made more flexible in DBZ-668.

Transaction id (txId field of Envelope) for PostgreSQL was originally encoded as an 32-bit integer type. The real range is a 64-bit long type so this was changed in DBZ-673.

The datatypes without timezone were not correctly offsetted for databases running in non-UTC timezones. This was fixed in DBZ-587 and DBZ-741. See MySQL and PostgreSQL connector documentation for further details.

Fixes since 0.7.5

  • Timestamps are not converted to UTC during snapshot DBZ-578
  • wal2json cannot handle transactions bigger than 1Gb DBZ-638
  • SMT - DataException with io.debezium.connector.mongodb.transforms.UnwrapFromMongoDbEnvelope DBZ-649
  • SchemaParseException when using UnwrapFromMongoDbEnvelope SMT with Avro format DBZ-650
  • Upgrade OpenShift intructions to Strimzi 0.2.0 DBZ-654
  • Mysql ddl parser cannot parse scientific format number in exponential notation default values DBZ-667
  • Close Kafka admin client after DB history topic has been created DBZ-669
  • Postgres DateTimeParseException DBZ-671
  • Transaction ID must be handled as long DBZ-673
  • PostgreSQL connector doesn't handle TIME(p) columns correctly with wal2json DBZ-681
  • Error on initial load for records with negative timestamp DBZ-694
  • Postgres Connector inconsistent handling of timestamp precision DBZ-696
  • Debezium is throwing exception when max OID in pg db is larger than max int DBZ-697
  • PostgresReplicationConnection doesn't close jdbc connection DBZ-699
  • Debezium is throwing exception when max typelem in pg db is larger than max int DBZ-701
  • Plaintext jaas configuration passwords logged out DBZ-702
  • Postgres TIME columns are always exported as nano-seconds, unlike documented DBZ-709
  • Incorrect options for PostgreSQL sslmode listed in documentation DBZ-711
  • Mongo Connector - doesn't redo initial sync after connector restart DBZ-712
  • NUMERIC column without scale value causes exception DBZ-727
  • Inconsistency in parameter names for database histy producer/consumer DBZ-728
  • MySQL DATETIME Value Incorrectly Snapshotted DBZ-741

Other changes since 0.7.5

  • Support incubator repo in release process DBZ-749
  • Upgrade Postgres Docker images to wal2json 1.0 DBZ-750
  • Provide Maven profile so that the MySQL module test suite can be run using old and new parser DBZ-734


March 20th, 2018 Detailed release notes

New features since 0.7.4

  • Keep SnapshotReaderMetrics bean registered after snapshot completed DBZ-640
  • Cache replaced topic names and shard ids in ByLogicalTableRouter SMT DBZ-655
  • Filter out useless commands from the history topic DBZ-661
  • Apache Kafka 1.0.1 updates DBZ-647

Breaking changes since 0.7.4

Debezium was creating database history topic with an infinite time-based log retention but a broker default one for topic size log retention. This was fixed in DBZ-663. See our blogpost for more details.

Snapshot JMX metrics were removed after the snapshot was completed. This was changed in DBZ-640 and the metrics are available till next connector restart.

Fixes since 0.7.4

  • io.debezium.text.ParsingException for TokuDB table DBZ-646
  • MongoDB connector continues to try to connect to invalid host even after deletion DBZ-648
  • Streaming stopped due to JsonParseException DBZ-657
  • 'ALTER TABLE tbl_name ADD CONSTRAINT UNIQUE KEY key_name (colname)' throwing exception DBZ-660
  • Missing setting for the automatic history topic creation DBZ-663
  • EmbeddedEngine passes time of last commit to policy, not time since DBZ-665

Other changes since 0.7.4

  • "snapshot" attribute should be false instead of null for events based on the binlog DBZ-592
  • Describe limitations of wal2json version currently used on RDS DBZ-619


March 7th, 2018 Detailed release notes

New features since 0.7.3

  • Provide MySQL snapshot mode that does not require table locks DBZ-602
  • Add support for columns of type "bytea" DBZ-605
  • Add string as an option for decimal.handling.mode DBZ-611
  • Support CREATE TABLE statements with PARTITION ... ENGINE=InnoDB DBZ-641
  • Document VariableScaleDecimal in PG connector docs DBZ-631
  • Propagate schema validator by passing AvroValidator instance instead of Function<String, String> DBZ-626
  • Move MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, MAX_BATCH_SIZE and POLL_INTERVAL_MS to CommonConnectorConfig DBZ-628
  • Unify common start-up logic across connectors DBZ-630
  • Removing unused code from database history classes DBZ-632

Breaking changes since 0.7.3

NUMERIC and geo-spatial schema types were optional regardless of database column configuration. This was fixed in DBZ-635. PostgresSQL decoder plug-in now uses text to transfer decimal values insted of double - DBZ-351. Debezium is backward compatible with the old version. It is thus necessary first to upgrade Debezium and after that upgrade logical decoder plug-in.

Fixes and changes since 0.7.3

  • Numeric datatype is transferred with lost precision DBZ-351
  • Cannot Serialize NaN value(numeric field) in Postgres DBZ-606
  • Decimal datatype DDL issues DBZ-615
  • Avoid NPE if confirmed_flush_lsn is null DBZ-623
  • REAL column values are omitted if value is an exact integer DBZ-625
  • Fix intermittent error in BinlogReaderIT DBZ-629
  • Schema for NUMERIC and geo-spatial array columns shouldn't be optional by default DBZ-635
  • Fix typo in README of debezium/connect-base image DBZ-636
  • Avoid repeated creation of Envelope schema DBZ-620


February 14th, 2018 Detailed release notes

New features since 0.7.2

  • MySQL connector should automatically create database history topic DBZ-278
  • Change OpenShift instructions to use Strimzi DBZ-545
  • Create an internal namespace for configuration options not intended for general usage DBZ-576
  • Make ChainedReader immutable DBZ-583
  • Snapshots are not interruptable with the Postgres connector DBZ-586
  • Add optional field with Debezium version to "source" element of messages DBZ-593
  • Add the ability to control the strategy for committing offsets by the offset store DBZ-537
  • Create support for arrays of PostGIS types DBZ-571
  • Add option for controlling whether to produce tombstone records on DELETE operations DBZ-582
  • Add example for using the MongoDB event flattening SMT DBZ-567
  • Prefix the names of all threads spawned by Debezium with "debezium-" DBZ-587

Breaking changes since 0.7.2

A new namespace for parameters was created - internal - that is used for parameters that are not documented and should not be used as they are subject of changes without warning. As a result of this change the undocumented parameter database.history.ddl.filter was renamed to internal.database.history.ddl.filter.

OpenShift deployment now uses templates and images from Strimzi project.

Fixes and changes since 0.7.2

  • Force DBZ to commit regularly DBZ-220
  • Carry over SourceInfo.restartEventsToSkip to next binlog file handling cause binlog events are not written to kafka DBZ-572
  • Numeric arrays not handled correctly DBZ-577
  • Debezium skipping binlog events silently DBZ-588
  • Stop the connector if WALs to continue from aren't available DBZ-590
  • Producer thread of DB history topic leaks after connector shut-down DBZ-595
  • Integration tests should have completely isolated environment and configuration/setup files DBZ-300
  • MongoDB integration tests should have completely isolated environment and configuration/setup files DBZ-579
  • Extract a separate change event class to be re-used across connectors DBZ-580
  • Propagate producer errors to Kafka Connect in MongoDB connector DBZ-581
  • Shutdown thread pool used for MongoDB snaphots once it's not needed anymore DBZ-594
  • Refactor type and array handling for Postgres DBZ-609
  • Avoid unneccessary schema refreshs DBZ-616
  • Incorrect type retrieved by stream producer for column TIMESTAMP (0) WITH TIME ZONE DBZ-618


January 25th, 2018 Detailed release notes

New features since 0.7.1

  • As a Debezium user, I would like MySQL Connector to support 'Spatial' data types DBZ-208
  • Allow easy consumption of MongoDB CDC events by other connectors DBZ-409
  • New snapshotting mode for recovery of DB history topic DBZ-443
  • Add support for Postgres VARCHAR array columns DBZ-506
  • Unified Geometry type support DBZ-507
  • Add support for "snapshot.select.statement.overrides" option for Postgres DBZ-510
  • Make PostGIS optional in Postgres Docker images DBZ-526
  • Provide an option to only store DDL statements referring to captured tables in DB history topic DBZ-541
  • Add ToC to tutorial and make section captions linkable DBZ-369
  • Remove Zulu JDK images DBZ-449
  • Add example for sending CDC events to Elasticsearch DBZ-502
  • Adapt examples to MongoDB 3.6 DBZ-509
  • Backport add-ons definition from add-ons repo DBZ-520
  • Set up pull request build job for testing the PG connector with wal2json DBZ-568

Breaking changes since 0.7.1

There are no breaking changes in this release.

Fixes and changes since 0.7.1

  • Debezium MySQL connector only works for lower-case table names on case-insensitive file systems DBZ-392
  • Numbers after decimal point are different between source and destination DBZ-423
  • Fix support for date arrays DBZ-494
  • Changes in type contraints will not trigger new schema DBZ-504
  • Task is still running after connector is paused DBZ-516
  • NPE happened for PAUSED task DBZ-519
  • Possibility of commit LSN before record is consumed/notified DBZ-521
  • Snapshot fails when encountering null MySQL TIME fields DBZ-522
  • Debezium unable to parse DDLs in MySql with RESTRICT contstraint DBZ-524
  • DateTimeFormatter Exception in wal2json DBZ-525
  • Multiple partitions does not work in ALTER TABLE DBZ-530
  • Incorrect lookup in List in MySqlDdlParser.parseCreateView DBZ-534
  • Improve invalid DDL statement logging DBZ-538
  • Fix required protobuf version in protobuf decoder documentation DBZ-542
  • EmbeddedEngine strips settings required to use KafkaOffsetBackingStore DBZ-555
  • Handling of date arrays collides with handling of type changes via wal2json DBZ-558
  • ROLLBACK to savepoint cannot be parsed DBZ-411
  • Avoid usage of deprecated numeric types constructors DBZ-455
  • Don't add source and JavaDoc JARs to Kafka image DBZ-489


December 20th, 2017 Detailed release notes

New features since 0.7.0

  • Provide a wal2json plug-in mode enforcing RDS environment DBZ-517

Breaking changes since 0.7.0

There are no breaking changes in this release.

Fixes and changes since 0.7.0

  • For old connector OID should be used to detect schema change DBZ-512
  • AWS RDS Postgresql 9.6.5 not supporting "include-not-null" = "true" in connector setup DBZ-513
  • RecordsStreamProducerIT.shouldNotStartAfterStop can make subsequent test dependent DBZ-518


December 15th, 2017 Detailed release notes

New features since 0.6.2

  • PostgreSQL connector should work on Amazon RDS and be able to use the available plugin DBZ-256
  • Build Debezium against Kafka 1.0.0 DBZ-432
  • Build Debezium images with Kafka 1.0.0 DBZ-433
  • Protobuf message should contain type modifiers DBZ-485
  • Protobuf message should contain optional flags DBZ-486
  • Better support for large append-only tables by making the snapshotting process restartable DBZ-349
  • Support new wal2json type specifiers DBZ-453
  • Optionally return raw value for unsupported column types DBZ-498
  • Provide Postgres example image for 0.7 DBZ-382
  • Create an automated build for Postgres example image in Docker Hub DBZ-383
  • Move configuration of ProtoBuf code generation to Postgres module DBZ-416
  • Provide MongoDB example image for Debezium 0.7 DBZ-451
  • Upgrade to Confluent Platform 4.0 DBZ-492
  • Set up CI job for testing Postgres with new wal2json type identifiers DBZ-495
  • Change PostgreSQL connector to support multiple plugins DBZ-257
  • PostgreSQL connector should support the wal2json logical decoding plugin DBZ-258
  • Provide instructions for using Debezium on Minishift DBZ-364
  • Modify BinlogReader to process transactions via buffer DBZ-405
  • Modify BinlogReader to support transactions of unlimited size DBZ-406

Breaking changes since 0.6.2

This release includes the following changes that can affect existing installations

  • Change default setting for BIGINT UNSIGNED handling DBZ-461
  • Invalid value for HourOfDay ConnectException when the value of MySQL TIME filed is above 23:59:59 DBZ-342
  • Postgres connectors stops to work after concurrent schema changes and updates DBZ-379
  • Hardcoded schema version overrides schema registry version DBZ-466

Fixes and changes since 0.6.2

  • Data are read from the binlog and not written into Kafka DBZ-390
  • MySQL connector may not read database history to end DBZ-464
  • connect-base image advertises wrong port by default DBZ-467
  • INSERT statements being written to db history topic DBZ-469
  • MySQL Connector does not handle properly startup/shutdown DBZ-473
  • Cannot parse NOT NULL COLLATE in DDL DBZ-474
  • Failed to parse the sql statement of RENAME user DBZ-475
  • Exception when parsing enum field with escaped characters values DBZ-476
  • All to insert null value into numeric array columns DBZ-478
  • produceStrings method slow down on sending messages DBZ-479
  • Failing unit tests when run in EST timezone DBZ-491
  • PostgresConnector falls with RejectedExecutionException DBZ-501
  • Docker images cannot be re-built when a new version of ZooKeeper/Kafka is released DBZ-503
  • Insert ids as long instead of float for MongoDB example image DBZ-470
  • Port changes in 0.6 Docker files into 0.7 files DBZ-463
  • Add check to release process to make sure all issues are assigned to a component DBZ-468
  • Document requirement for database history topic to be not partitioned DBZ-482
  • Remove dead code from MySqlSchema DBZ-483
  • Remove redundant calls to pfree DBZ-496


November 15th, 2017 Detailed release notes

New features since 0.6.1

  • Log current position in MySQL binlog to simplify debugging DBZ-401
  • Support PostgreSQL 10 DBZ-424
  • Create a Docker image for PostgreSQL 10 DBZ-426
  • Add example for using Avro messages DBZ-430
  • Make postGIS dependency optional DBZ-445
  • Avro console-consumer example in docs DBZ-458
  • Docker micro version tags (e.g., 0.6.1) DBZ-418
  • Create a CI job for testing with PostgreSQL 10 DBZ-427
  • Upgrade dependencies in Docker images to match Kafka DBZ-450

Breaking changes since 0.6.1

  • Timestamp field not handle time zone correctly DBZ-260
    • This issue finally fixes a long standing bug in timestamp timezone handling. If there is a client that was depending on this bug to provide value without the correct offset then it has to be fixed.

Fixes and changes since 0.6.1

  • Connector fails and stops when coming across corrupt event DBZ-217
  • [Postgres] Interval column causes exception during handling of DELETE DBZ-259
  • The scope of the Kafka Connect dependency should be "provided" DBZ-285
  • KafkaCluster#withKafkaConfiguration() does not work DBZ-323
  • MySQL connector "initial_only" snapshot mode results in CPU spike from ConnectorTask polling DBZ-396
  • MySQL connector should handle stored procedure definitions DBZ-415
  • Support constraints without name in DDL statement DBZ-419
  • Short field not null throw an exception DBZ-422
  • ALTER TABLE cannot change default value of column DBZ-425
  • DDL containing text column with length specification cannot be parsed DBZ-428
  • Integer column with negative default value causes MySQL connector to crash DBZ-429
  • MySQL procedure parser handles strings and keywords as same tokens DBZ-437
  • Mongo initial sync misses records with initial.sync.max.threads > 1 DBZ-438
  • Can't parse DDL containing PRECISION clause without parameters DBZ-439
  • Task restart triggers MBean to register twice DBZ-447
  • Remove slowness in KafkaDatabaseHistoryTest DBZ-456


October 26th, 2017 Detailed release notes

New features since 0.6.0

  • Support for UNSIGNED BIGINT to not be treated as byte[] DBZ-363
  • Make Debezium build on Java 9 DBZ-227
  • Add a test for "PAGE_CHECKSUM" DDL option DBZ-336
  • Provide tutorial Docker Compose files for MongoDB and Postgres DBZ-361
  • Upgrade to latest Kafka 0.11.x DBZ-367
  • Prevent warning when building the plug-ins DBZ-370
  • Replace hard-coded version references with variables DBZ-371
  • Upgrade to latest version of mysql-binlog-connector-java DBZ-398
  • Create wal2json CI job DBZ-403
  • Travis jobs tests are failing due to Postgres DBZ-404

Breaking changes since 0.6.0

There should be no breaking changes in this relese.

Fixes and changes since 0.6.0

  • Avoid NullPointerException when closing MySQL connector after another error DBZ-378
  • RecordsStreamProducer#streamChanges() can die on an exception without failing the connector DBZ-380
  • Encoding to JSON does not support all MongoDB types DBZ-385
  • MySQL connector does not filter out DROP TEMP TABLE statements from DB history topic DBZ-395
  • Binlog Reader is registering MXBean when using "initial_only" snapshot mode DBZ-402
  • A column named column, even when properly escaped, causes exception DBZ-408


September 21st, 2017 Detailed release notes

New features since 0.5.2

  • Use new Kafka 0.10 properties for listeners and advertised listeners DBZ-39
  • Add docker-compose handling for Debezium tutorial DBZ-127
  • Topic configuration requirements are not clearly documented DBZ-241
  • Upgrade Docker images to Kafka DBZ-305
  • Add SMT implementation to convert CDC event structure to more traditional row state structure DBZ-226
  • Support SSL connection to Mongodb DBZ-343
  • Support DEC and FIXED type for mysql ddl parser DBZ-359

Breaking changes since 0.5.2

This release includes the following change that affects existing installations that captures MongoDB

  • Add support for different mongodb _id types in key struct DBZ-306

Fixes and changes since 0.5.2

  • MySQL snapshotter is not guaranteed to give a consistent snapshot DBZ-210
  • MySQL connector stops consuming data from binlog after server restart DBZ-219
  • Warnings and notifications from PostgreSQL are ignored by the connector DBZ-279
  • BigDecimal has mismatching scale value for given Decimal schema error. DBZ-318
  • Views in database stop PostgreSQL connector DBZ-319
  • Don't pass database history properties to the JDBC connection DBZ-333
  • Sanitize readings from database history topic DBZ-341
  • Support UNION for ALTER TABLE DBZ-346
  • Debezium fails to start when schema history topic contains unparseable SQL DBZ-347
  • JDBC Connection is not closed after schema refresh DBZ-356
  • MySQL integration tests should have completely isolated environment and configuration/setup files DBZ-304


August 17, 2017 Detailed release notes

New features since 0.5.1

  • Mongo Connector: Add "database.whitelist" and "database.blacklist" configuration options DBZ-302
  • Provide a Dockerfile to build images from latest released snapshot DBZ-320
  • Support decimal handling mode for Postgres DBZ-337
  • Enable and show usage of Avro converters DBZ-271
  • Keep TCP connection alive for Postgres DBZ-286
  • Support "PAGE_CHECKSUM=1" option for MySQL tables DBZ-324

Breaking changes since 0.5.1

There should be no breaking changes in this release.

Fixes and changes since 0.5.1

  • Images cannot run on OpenShift online DBZ-267
  • NPE when processing null value in POINT column DBZ-284
  • Postgres Connector: error of mismatching scale value for Decimal and Numeric data types DBZ-287
  • Postgres connector fails with array columns DBZ-297
  • Postgres connector fails with quoted type names DBZ-298
  • LogicalTableRouter SMT uses wrong comparison for validation DBZ-326
  • LogicalTableRouter SMT has a broken key replacement validation DBZ-327
  • Pre-compile and simplify some regular expressions DBZ-311
  • JMX metrics for MySQL connector should be documented DBZ-293
  • PostgreSQL integration tests should have completely isolated environment and configuration/setup files DBZ-301
  • Move snapshot Dockerfile into separated directory DBZ-321
  • Cover ByLogicalTableRouter SMT in reference documentation DBZ-325
  • Add documentation for JDBC url pass-through properties DBZ-330


June 9, 2017 - Detailed release notes

New features since 0.5.0

  • MySQL Connector should support 'Point' data type DBZ-222
  • Support tstzrange column type on Postgres DBZ-280

Breaking changes since 0.5.0

This release includes the following change that affect existing installations which capture system tables:

  • MySQL connector should apply database and table filters to system dbs/tables DBZ-242

Fixes and changes since 0.5.0

  • Control how Debezium connectors maps tables to topics for sharding and other use cases DBZ-121
  • MySqlConnector Table and Database recommenders cause timeouts on large instances DBZ-232
  • Option to disable SSL certificate validation for PostgreSQL DBZ-244
  • Let enum types implement EnumeratedValue DBZ-262
  • The MySQL connector is failing with the DDL statements. DBZ-198
  • Correct MongoDB build DBZ-213
  • MongoDB connector should handle new primary better DBZ-214
  • Validate that database.server.name and database.history.kafka.topic have different values DBZ-215
  • When restarting Kafka Connect, we get io.debezium.text.ParsingException DBZ-216
  • Postgres connector crash on a database managed by Django DBZ-223
  • MySQL Connector doesn't handle any value above '2147483647' for 'INT UNSIGNED' types DBZ-228
  • MySqlJdbcContext#userHasPrivileges() is broken for multiple privileges DBZ-229
  • Postgres Connector does not work when "sslmode" is "require" DBZ-238
  • Test PostgresConnectorIT.shouldSupportSSLParameters is incorrect DBZ-245
  • Recommender and default value broken for EnumeratedValue type DBZ-246
  • PG connector is CPU consuming DBZ-250
  • MySQL tests are interdependent DBZ-251
  • MySQL DDL parser fails on "ANALYZE TABLE" statement DBZ-253
  • Binary fields with trailing "00" are truncated DBZ-254
  • Enable Maven repository caching on Travis DBZ-274
  • Memory leak and excessive CPU usage when using materialized views DBZ-277
  • Postgres task should fail when connection to server is lost DBZ-281
  • Fix some wrong textual descriptions of default values DBZ-282
  • Apply consistent default value for Postgres port DBZ-237
  • Make Docker images run on OpenShift DBZ-240
  • Don't mention default value for "database.server.name" DBZ-243


March 27, 2017 - Detailed release notes

New features since 0.4.1


Breaking changes since 0.4.1

This release includes the following changes that are likely to affect existing installations:

  • Upgraded from Kafka to DBZ-203

Fixes and changes since 0.4.1

This release includes the following fixes, changes, or improvements since the 0.4.1 release:

  • MySQL connector now better handles DDL statements with BEGIN...END blocks, especially those that use IF() functions as well as CASE...WHEN statements. DBZ-198
  • MySQL connector handles 2-digit years in DATETIME, DATE, TIMESTAMP, and YEAR columns in the same way as MySQL. DBZ-205


March 17, 2017 - Detailed release notes

New features since 0.4.0

Breaking changes since 0.4.0


Fixes and changes since 0.4.0

This release includes the following fixes, changes, or improvements since the 0.4.0 release:

  • MySQL connector now allows filtering production of DML events by GTIDs. DBZ-188
  • Support InnoDB savepoints. DBZ-196
  • Corrected MySQL DDL parser. DBZ-193 DBZ-198
  • Improved handling of MySQL connector's built-in tables. DBZ-194
  • MySQL connector properly handles invalid/blank enum literal values. DBZ-197
  • MySQL connector properly handles reserved names as column names. DBZ-200
  • MongoDB connector properly generates event keys based upon ObjectID for updates. DBZ-201


February 7, 2017 - Detailed release notes

New features since 0.3.6

Breaking changes since 0.3.6


Fixes and changes since 0.3.6

This release includes the following fixes, changes, or improvements since the 0.3.6 release:

  • Update Kafka dependencies to DBZ-173
  • Update MySQL binary log client library to 0.9.0. DBZ-186
  • MySQL should apply GTID filters to database history. DBZ-185
  • Add names of database and table to the MySQL event metadata. DBZ-184
  • Add the MySQL thread ID to the MySQL event metadata. DBZ-113
  • Corrects MySQL connector to properly handle timezone information for TIMESTAMP. DBZ-183
  • Correct MySQL DDL parser to handle CREATE TRIGGER command with DEFINER clauses. DBZ-176
  • Update MongoDB Java driver and MongoDB server versions. DBZ-187
  • MongoDB connector should restart incomplete initial sync. DBZ-182
  • MySQL and PostgreSQL connectors should load JDBC driver independently of DriverManager. DBZ-177
  • Upgrade MySQL binlog client library to support new binlog events added with MySQL 5.7. DBZ-174
  • EmbeddedEngine should log all errors. DBZ-178
  • PostgreSQL containers' generated Protobuf source moved to separate directory. DBZ-179


December 21, 2016 - Detailed release notes

New features since 0.3.5


Breaking changes since 0.3.5


Fixes since 0.3.5

This release includes the following fixes since the 0.3.5 release:

  • Deleting a Debezium connector in Kafka Connect no longer causes NPEs. DBZ-138
  • MongoDB connector properly connects to a sharded cluster and the primaries for each replica set. DBZ-170, DBZ-167
  • Stopping the MySQL connector while in the middle of a snapshot now cloasses all MySQL resources. DBZ-166
  • MySQL connector properly parses with ON UPDATE timestamp values. DBZ-169
  • MySQL connector ignores CREATE FUNCTION DDL statements. DBZ-162
  • MySQL connector properly parses CREATE TABLE script with ENUM type and default value 'b'. [DBZ-160]https://issues.jboss.org/projects/DBZ/issues/DBZ-160)
  • MySQL connector now properly supports NVARCHAR columns. DBZ-142
  • MySQL connector's snapshot process now uses SHOW TABLE STATUS ... rather than SELECT COUNT(\*) to obtain an estimate of the number of rows for each table, and can even forgo this step if all tables are to be streamed. DBZ-152
  • MySQL connector's snaphot process ignores "artificial" database names exposed by MySQL. DBZ-164
  • MySQL connector ignores XA statements appearing in the binlog. DBZ-168
  • MySQL connector no longer expects GTID set information on older MySQL versions. DBZ-161
  • Improved the EmbeddedEngine and fixed several issues. DBZ-156


November 9, 2016 - Detailed release notes

New features since 0.3.4

This release includes the following feature:

  • MySQL connector now supports failover to MySQL masters that are slaves of multiple other MySQL servers/clusters. DBZ-143

Backwards-incompatible changes since 0.3.4


Fixes since 0.3.4

This release includes the following significant fix, and all users are strongly encouraged to upgrade:

  • Restarting MySQL connector may lose or miss events from the previous transaction that was incompletely processed prior to the easlier shutdown. This fix corrects this potential problem and slightly alters the offsets recorded by the connector. Production connectors should be stopped carefully to ensure transactions are processed atomically, if necessary by temporarily stopping updates on the MySQL server and letting the connector complete all transactions before stopping. DBZ-144

Additionally, this release includes the following fixes since the 0.3.4 release:

  • Shutting down MySQL connector task database and quickly terminating the Kafka Connect process may cause connector to be restarted in a strange state when Kafka Connect is restarted, but this no longer results in a null pointer exception in the Kafka database history. DBZ-146
  • MySQL connector now has option to treat DECIMAL and NUMERIC columns as double values rather than java.math.BigDecimal values that are encoded in the messages by Kafka Connect in binary form. DBZ-147
  • MySQL connector tests now take into account daylight savings time in the expected results. DBZ-148
  • MySQL connector now properly treats BINARY columns as binary values rather than string values. DBZ-149
  • MySQL connector now handles updates to a row's primary/unique key by issuing DELETE and tombstone events for the row with the old key, and then an INSERT event for the row with the new key. Previously, the INSERT was emitted before the DELETE. DBZ-150
  • MySQL connector now handles ENUM and SET literals with parentheses. DBZ-153


October 25, 2016 - Detailed release notes

New features since 0.3.3

  • MySQL connector has new SCHEMA_ONLY snapshot mode. DBZ-133
  • MySQL connector supports the MySQL JSON datatype. DBZ-126
  • MySQL connector metrics exposed via JMX. DBZ-134

Backwards-incompatible changes since 0.3.3


Fixes since 0.3.3

This release includes all of the fixes from the 0.3.3 release, and also includes the following fixes:

  • MySQL connector's ts_sec field now shows correct time from MySQL server events. DBZ-139


October 18, 2016 - Detailed release notes

New features since 0.3.2


Backwards-incompatible changes since 0.3.2


Fixes since 0.3.2

This release includes all of the fixes from the 0.3.2 release, and also includes the following fixes:

  • MySQL connector now works with MySQL 5.5. DBZ-115
  • MySQL connector now handles BIT(n) column values. DBZ-123
  • MySQL connector supports failing over based on subset of GTIDs. DBZ-129
  • MySQL connector processes GTIDs with line feeds and carriage returns. DBZ-135
  • MySQL connector has improved output of GTIDs and status when reading the binary log. DBZ-130, DBZ-131
  • MySQL connector properly handles multi-character ENUM and SET values. DBZ-132


September 26, 2016 - Detailed release notes

New features since 0.3.1


Backwards-incompatible changes since 0.3.1


Fixes since 0.3.1

This release includes all of the fixes from the 0.3.1 release, and also includes the following fixes:

  • MySQL connector now handles zero-value dates. DBZ-114
  • MySQL connector no longer prints out password-related configuration properties, though KAFKA-4171 for a similar issue with Kafka Connect. DBZ-122
  • MySQL connector no longer causes "Error registering AppInfo mbean" warning in Kafka Connect. DBZ-124
  • MySQL connector periodically outputs status when reading binlog. DBZ-116
  • MongoDB connector periodically outputs status when reading binlog. DBZ-117
  • MySQL connector correctly uses long for the server.id configuration property. DBZ-118
  • MySQL connector fails or warns when MySQL is not using row-level logging. DBZ-128


August 30, 2016 - Detailed release notes

New features

  • Added support for secure (encrypted) connections to MySQL. DBZ-99

Backwards-incompatible changes since 0.3.0


Fixes since 0.3.0

This release includes all of the fixes from the 0.2.4 release, and also includes the following fixes:

  • MySQL connector now properly decodes string values from the binlog based upon the column's character set encoding as read by the DDL statement. Upon upgrade and restart, the connector will re-read the recorded database history and now associate the columns with their the character sets, and any newly processed events will use properly encoded strings values. As expected, previously generated events are never altered. Force a snapshot to regenerate events for the servers. DBZ-102
  • Corrected how the MySQL connector parses some DDL statements. DBZ-106
  • Corrected the MySQL connector to handle MySQL server GTID sets with newline characters. DBZ-107, DBZ-111
  • Corrected the MySQL connector's startup logic properly compare the MySQL SSL-related system properties to prevent overwriting them. The connector no longer fails when the system properties are the same, which can happen upon restart or starting a second MySQL connector with the same keystore. DBZ-112
  • Removed unused code and test case. DBZ-108
  • Ensure that the MySQL error code and SQLSTATE are included in exceptions reported by the connector. DBZ-109


August 16, 2016 - Detailed release notes

New features

  • New MongoDB connector supports capturing changes from a MongoDB replica set or a MongoDB sharded cluster. See the documentation for details. DBZ-2

Backwards-incompatible changes since 0.2.0

  • Upgraded to Kafka, which means that the Debezium connectors can only be used with Kafka Connect Check Kafka documentation for compatibility with other versions of Kafka brokers. DBZ-62, DBZ-80
  • By default the MySQL connector now represents temporal values with millisecond, microsecond, or nanosecond precision based upon the precision of the source database columns. This changes the schema name of these fields to Debezium-specific constants, and the meaning/interpretation of the literal values now depends on this schema name. To enable previous behavior that always used millisecond precision using only Kafka Connect logical types, set time.precision.mode connector property to connect. DBZ-91
  • Removed several methods in the GtidSet class inside the MySQL connector. The class was introduced in 0.2. This change will only affect applications explicitly using the class (by reusing the MySQL connector JAR), and will not affect how the MySQL connector works. Changed in 0.2.2. DBZ-79
  • The source field within each MySQL change event now contains the binlog position of that event (rather than the next event). Events persisted by earlier versions of the connector are unaffected. This change may adversely clients that are directly using the position within the source field. Changed in 0.2.2. DBZ-76
  • Correted the names of the Avro-compliant Kafka Connect schemas generated by the MySQL connector for the before and after fields in its data change events. Consumers that require knowledge (by name) of the particular schemas used in 0.2 events may have trouble consuming events produced by the 0.2.1 (or later) connector. Fixed in 0.2.1. DBZ-72

Fixes since 0.2.0

  • MySQL snapshots records DDL statements as separate events on the schema change topic. DBZ-97
  • MySQL connector tolerates binlog filename missing from ROTATE events in certain situations. DBZ-95
  • Stream result set rows when taking snapshot of MySQL databases to prevent out of memory problems with very large databases. Fixed in 0.2.4. DBZ-94
  • Add more verbose logging statements to the MySQL connector to show progress and activity. Fixed in 0.2.4. DBZ-92
  • Corrected potential error during graceful MySQL connector shutdown. Fixed in 0.2.4. DBZ-103
  • The Kafka Connect schema names used in the MySQL connector's change events are now always Avro-compatible schema names DBZ-86
  • Corrected parsing errors when MySQL DDL statements are generated by Liquibase. Fixed in 0.2.3. DBZ-83
  • Corrected support of MySQL TINYINT and SMALLINT types. Fixed in 0.2.3. DBZ-84, DBZ-87
  • Corrected support of MySQL temporal types, including DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP. Fixed in 0.2.3. DBZ-85
  • Corrected support of MySQL ENUM and SET types. DBZ-100
  • Corrected call to MySQL SHOW MASTER STATUS so that it works on pre-5.7 versions of MySQL. Fixed in 0.2.3. DBZ-82
  • Correct how the MySQL connector records offsets with multi-row MySQL events so that, even if the connector experiences a non-graceful shutdown (i.e., crash) after committing the offset of some of the rows from such an event, upon restart the connector will resume with the remaining rows in that multi-row event. Previously, the connector might incorrectly restart at the next event. Fixed in 0.2.2. DBZ-73
  • Shutdown of the MySQL connector immediately after a snapshot completes (before another change event is reccorded) will now be properly marked as complete. Fixed in 0.2.2. DBZ-77
  • The MySQL connector's plugin archive now contains the MySQL JDBC driver JAR file required by the connector. Fixed in 0.2.1. DBZ-71


August 16, 2016 - Detailed release notes

Fixes since 0.2.3

  • Stream result set rows when taking snapshot of MySQL databases to prevent out of memory problems with very large databases. DBZ-94
  • Add more verbose logging statements to the MySQL connector to show progress and activity during snapshots. DBZ-92
  • Corrected potential error during graceful MySQL connector shutdown. DBZ-103


July 26, 2016 - Detailed release notes

Backwards-incompatible changes since 0.2.2


Fixes since 0.2.2

  • Corrected parsing errors when MySQL DDL statements are generated by Liquibase. DBZ-83
  • Corrected support of MySQL TINYINT and SMALLINT types. DBZ-84, DBZ-87
  • Corrected support of MySQL temporal types, including DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP. DBZ-85
  • Corrected call to MySQL SHOW MASTER STATUS so that it works on pre-5.7 versions of MySQL. DBZ-82


June 22, 2016 - Detailed release notes

Backwards-incompatible changes since 0.2.1

  • Removed several methods in the GtidSet class inside the MySQL connector. The class was introduced in 0.2. This change will only affect applications explicitly using the class (by reusing the MySQL connector JAR), and will not affect how the MySQL connector works. DBZ-79
  • The source field within each MySQL change event now contains the binlog position of that event (rather than the next event). Events persisted by earlier versions of the connector are unaffected. This change may adversely clients that are directly using the position within the source field. DBZ-76

Fixes since 0.2.1

  • Correct how the MySQL connector records offsets with multi-row MySQL events so that, even if the connector experiences a non-graceful shutdown (i.e., crash) after committing the offset of some of the rows from such an event, upon restart the connector will resume with the remaining rows in that multi-row event. Previously, the connector might incorrectly restart at the next event. DBZ-73
  • Shutdown of the MySQL connector immediately after a snapshot completes (before another change event is reccorded) will now be properly marked as complete. DBZ-77


June 10, 2016 - Detailed release notes

Backwards-incompatible changes since 0.2.0

  • Correted the names of the Avro-compliant Kafka Connect schemas generated by the MySQL connector for the before and after fields in its data change events. Consumers that require knowledge (by name) of the particular schemas used in 0.2 events may have trouble consuming events produced by the 0.2.1 (or later) connector. (DBZ-72)

Fixes since 0.2.0

  • The MySQL connector's plugin archive now contains the MySQL JDBC driver JAR file required by the connector.(DBZ-71)


June 8, 2016 - Detailed release notes

New features

  • MySQL connector supports high availability MySQL cluster topologies. See the documentation for details. (DBZ-37)
  • MySQL connector now by default starts by performing a consistent snapshot of the schema and contents of the upstream MySQL databases in its current state. See the documentation for details about how this works and how it impacts other database clients. (DBZ-31)
  • MySQL connector can be configured to exclude, truncate, or mask specific columns in events. (DBZ-29)
  • MySQL connector events can be serialized using the Confluent Avro converter or the JSON converter. Previously, only the JSON converter could be used. (DBZ-29, DBZ-63, DBZ-64)

Backwards-incompatible changes since 0.1

  • Completely redesigned the structure of event messages produced by MySQL connector and stored in Kafka topics. Events now contain an envelope structure with information about the source event, the kind of operation (create/insert, update, delete, read), the time that Debezium processed the event, and the state of the row before and/or after the event. The messages written to each topic have a distinct Avro-compliant Kafka Connect schema that reflects the structure of the source table, which may vary over time independently from the schemas of all other topics. See the documentation for details. This envelope structure will likely be used by future connectors. (DBZ-50, DBZ-52, DBZ-45, DBZ-60)
  • MySQL connector handles deletion of a row by recording a delete event message whose value contains the state of the removed row (and other metadata), followed by a tombstone event message with a null value to signal Kafka's log compaction that all prior messages with the same key can be garbage collected. See the documentation for details. (DBZ-44)
  • Changed the format of events that the MySQL connector writes to its schema change topic, through which consumers can access events with the DDL statements applied to the database(s). The format change makes it possible for consumers to correlate these events with the data change events. (DBZ-43, DBZ-55)

Changes since 0.1

  • DDL parsing framework identifies table affected by statements via a new listener callback. (DBZ-38)
  • The database.binlog configuration property was required in version 0.1 of the MySQL connector, but in 0.2 it is no longer used because of the new snapshot feature. If provided, it will be quietly ignored. (DBZ-31)

Bug fixes since 0.1

  • MySQL connector now properly parses COMMIT statements, the REFERENCES clauses of CREATE TABLE statements, and statements with CHARSET shorthand of CHARACTER SET. (DBZ-48, DBZ-49, DBZ-57)
  • MySQL connector properly handles binary values that are hexadecimal strings (DBZ-61)


March 17, 2016 - Detailed release notes

New features

  • MySQL connector for ingesting change events from MySQL databases. (DBZ-1)
  • Kafka Connect plugin archive for MySQL connector. (DBZ-17)
  • Simple DDL parsing framework that can be extended and used by various connectors. (DBZ-1)
  • Framework for embedding a single Kafka Connect connector inside an application. (DBZ-8)