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Debezium Server

Debezium Server is a standalone Java application built on Qurkus framework. The application itself contains the core module and a set of modules responsible for communication with different target systems.

The per-module integration tests depend on the availability of the external services. It is thus recommended to execute integration tests per-module and set-up necessary pre-requisities beforehand.

Amazon Kinesis

  • Execute aws configure as described in AWS CLI getting started guide and setup the account.
  • Create Kinesis stream aws kinesis create-stream --stream-name testc.inventory.customers --shard-count 1
  • Build the module and execute the tests mvn clean install -DskipITs=false -am -pl debezium-server-kinesis
  • Remove the stream aws kinesis delete-stream --stream-name testc.inventory.customers

Google Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Login into your Google Cloud account using gcloud auth application-default login as described in the documentation.
  • Create a new topic gcloud pubsub topics create testc.inventory.customers
  • Build the module and execute the tests mvn clean install -DskipITs=false -am -pl debezium-server-pubsub
  • Remove the topic gcloud pubsub topics delete testc.inventory.customers

Azure Event Hubs

Create an Event Hubs namespace

Create an Event Hubs namespace. Check the documentation for options on how do this using the Azure Portal, Azure CLI etc.

Create an Event Hub

Create an Event Hub (equivalent to a topic) with one partition. Check the documentation for options on how do this using the Azure Portal, Azure CLI etc.

Build the module

Get the Connection string required to communicate with Event Hubs. The format is: Endpoint=sb://<NAMESPACE>/;SharedAccessKeyName=<ACCESS_KEY_NAME>;SharedAccessKey=<ACCESS_KEY_VALUE>

Set environment variables required for tests:

export EVENTHUBS_CONNECTION_STRING=<Event Hubs connection string>
export EVENTHUBS_NAME=<name of the Event hub created in previous step>

Execute the tests:

mvn clean install -DskipITs=false -Deventhubs.connection.string=$EVENTHUBS_CONNECTION_STRING -Deventhubs.hub.name=$EVENTHUBS_NAME -am -pl debezium-server-eventhubs

Clean up

Delete the Event Hubs namespace