29 lines
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29 lines
988 B

# Boulevard Combattant
2D Fighting game, inspired by Street Fighter III: Third Strike.
Developed in the context of an end-of-year project at ISTIC (2020/2021)

## Technologies used by the project
* Java
* OpenGL via [lwjgl](https://www.lwjgl.org/)
* OpenAL via [lwjgl](https://www.lwjgl.org/)
* [JavaFX](https://openjfx.io)
## How to install / build ?
Please refer to [INSTALL.md](https://gitlab.istic.univ-rennes1.fr/fautin/jeu-de-combat/-/blob/master/INSTALL.md).
## Contributors
* [François AUTIN](https://gitlab.istic.univ-rennes1.fr/fautin)
* [Victor AZRA](https://gitlab.istic.univ-rennes1.fr/vazra)
* [Indy BOYEAU](https://gitlab.istic.univ-rennes1.fr/iboyeau)
* [Antoine DUPUIS](https://gitlab.istic.univ-rennes1.fr/18002392)
* [Léo NOLIÈRE](https://gitlab.istic.univ-rennes1.fr/lnoliere)
* [Rémi RATIVEL](https://gitlab.istic.univ-rennes1.fr/rrativel)