Implemented functions for the other Crouch and Stand Attack in
BlueNormals and added the calling in CharacterBlue
This commit is contained in:
@ -460,6 +460,153 @@ public class BlueNormals {
return new Attack(isSpecial,rS,cmd,parts);
private static Frame crouchDFrame1() {
//movement data
double moveX = 0.0;
double moveY = 0.0;
boolean normalC = false;
boolean specialC = true;
boolean jumpC = false;
boolean moveC = false;
boolean dashC = false;
//hitbox lists
ArrayList<Active_HitBox> ahb = new ArrayList<Active_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox> athb = new ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox>();
ArrayList<Passive_HitBox> phb = new ArrayList<Passive_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox> pthb = new ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox>();
//generate hitboxes here and then use ArrayList add method to add them to the correct list
Push_HitBox pB1 = new Push_HitBox(200,-150,160,400);
Frame f = new Frame(moveY,moveX,phb,ahb,pthb,athb,pB1,normalC,specialC,jumpC,moveC,dashC);
//set sprite data on sheet
return f;
private static Frame crouchDFrame2() {
//movement data
double moveX = 0.0;
double moveY = 0.0;
boolean normalC = false;
boolean specialC = false;
boolean jumpC = false;
boolean moveC = false;
boolean dashC = false;
//hitbox lists
ArrayList<Active_HitBox> ahb = new ArrayList<Active_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox> athb = new ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox>();
ArrayList<Passive_HitBox> phb = new ArrayList<Passive_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox> pthb = new ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox>();
//generate hitboxes here and then use ArrayList add method to add them to the correct list
Push_HitBox pB1 = new Push_HitBox(200,-150,160,400);
Frame f = new Frame(moveY,moveX,phb,ahb,pthb,athb,pB1,normalC,specialC,jumpC,moveC,dashC);
//set sprite data on sheet
return f;
private static Frame crouchDFrame3() {
//movement data
double moveX = 0.0;
double moveY = 0.0;
boolean normalC = false;
boolean specialC = false;
boolean jumpC = false;
boolean moveC = false;
boolean dashC = false;
//hitbox lists
ArrayList<Active_HitBox> ahb = new ArrayList<Active_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox> athb = new ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox>();
ArrayList<Passive_HitBox> phb = new ArrayList<Passive_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox> pthb = new ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox>();
//generate hitboxes here and then use ArrayList add method to add them to the correct list
Push_HitBox pB1 = new Push_HitBox(200,-150,160,400);
Frame f = new Frame(moveY,moveX,phb,ahb,pthb,athb,pB1,normalC,specialC,jumpC,moveC,dashC);
//set sprite data on sheet
return f;
private static Frame crouchDFrame4() {
//movement data
double moveX = 0.0;
double moveY = 0.0;
boolean normalC = false;
boolean specialC = false;
boolean jumpC = false;
boolean moveC = false;
boolean dashC = false;
//hitbox lists
ArrayList<Active_HitBox> ahb = new ArrayList<Active_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox> athb = new ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox>();
ArrayList<Passive_HitBox> phb = new ArrayList<Passive_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox> pthb = new ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox>();
//generate hitboxes here and then use ArrayList add method to add them to the correct list
Push_HitBox pB1 = new Push_HitBox(200,-150,160,400);
Frame f = new Frame(moveY,moveX,phb,ahb,pthb,athb,pB1,normalC,specialC,jumpC,moveC,dashC);
//set sprite data on sheet
return f;
private static attackPart blueCrouchDstartup() {
Frame[] f = new Frame[4];
f[0] = crouchDFrame1();
f[1] = crouchDFrame1();
f[2] = crouchDFrame1();
f[3] = crouchDFrame1();
return(new attackPart(f));
private static attackPart blueCrouchDrecovery() {
Frame[] f = new Frame[25];
for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
f[i] = crouchDFrame3();
for(int i = 15; i < f.length; i++) {
f[i] = crouchDFrame4();
return(new attackPart(f));
private static attackPart blueCrouchDactive() {
Frame[] f = new Frame[6];
for(int i = 0; i < f.length; i++) {
f[i] = crouchAFrame2();
return(new attackPart(120,0,31,10,30,15,f,true,false,true));
public static Attack blueCrouchRoundHouse() {
ButtonIG[][] cmd = {{DOWN,D}};
boolean isSpecial = false;
Status rS = Status.NORMAL;
attackPart[] parts = {blueCrouchDstartup(),blueCrouchDactive(),blueCrouchDrecovery()};
return new Attack(isSpecial,rS,cmd,parts);
private static Frame standAFrame1(){
@ -596,6 +743,153 @@ public class BlueNormals {
return new Attack(isSpecial,rS,cmd,parts);
private static Frame StandCFrame1() {
//movement data
double moveX = 0.0;
double moveY = 0.0;
boolean normalC = false;
boolean specialC = false;
boolean jumpC = false;
boolean moveC = false;
boolean dashC = false;
//hitbox lists
ArrayList<Active_HitBox> ahb = new ArrayList<Active_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox> athb = new ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox>();
ArrayList<Passive_HitBox> phb = new ArrayList<Passive_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox> pthb = new ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox>();
//generate hitboxes here and then use ArrayList add method to add them to the correct list
Push_HitBox pB1 = new Push_HitBox(200,-150,160,400);
Frame f = new Frame(moveY,moveX,phb,ahb,pthb,athb,pB1,normalC,specialC,jumpC,moveC,dashC);
//set sprite data on sheet
return f;
private static Frame StandCFrame2() {
//movement data
double moveX = 0.0;
double moveY = 0.0;
boolean normalC = false;
boolean specialC = true;
boolean jumpC = false;
boolean moveC = false;
boolean dashC = false;
//hitbox lists
ArrayList<Active_HitBox> ahb = new ArrayList<Active_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox> athb = new ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox>();
ArrayList<Passive_HitBox> phb = new ArrayList<Passive_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox> pthb = new ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox>();
//generate hitboxes here and then use ArrayList add method to add them to the correct list
Push_HitBox pB1 = new Push_HitBox(200,-150,160,400);
Frame f = new Frame(moveY,moveX,phb,ahb,pthb,athb,pB1,normalC,specialC,jumpC,moveC,dashC);
//set sprite data on sheet
return f;
private static Frame StandCFrame3() {
//movement data
double moveX = 0.0;
double moveY = 0.0;
boolean normalC = false;
boolean specialC = false;
boolean jumpC = false;
boolean moveC = false;
boolean dashC = false;
//hitbox lists
ArrayList<Active_HitBox> ahb = new ArrayList<Active_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox> athb = new ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox>();
ArrayList<Passive_HitBox> phb = new ArrayList<Passive_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox> pthb = new ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox>();
//generate hitboxes here and then use ArrayList add method to add them to the correct list
Push_HitBox pB1 = new Push_HitBox(200,-150,160,400);
Frame f = new Frame(moveY,moveX,phb,ahb,pthb,athb,pB1,normalC,specialC,jumpC,moveC,dashC);
//set sprite data on sheet
return f;
private static Frame StandCFrame4() {
//movement data
double moveX = 0.0;
double moveY = 0.0;
boolean normalC = true;
boolean specialC = false;
boolean jumpC = false;
boolean moveC = false;
boolean dashC = false;
//hitbox lists
ArrayList<Active_HitBox> ahb = new ArrayList<Active_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox> athb = new ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox>();
ArrayList<Passive_HitBox> phb = new ArrayList<Passive_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox> pthb = new ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox>();
//generate hitboxes here and then use ArrayList add method to add them to the correct list
Push_HitBox pB1 = new Push_HitBox(200,-150,160,400);
Frame f = new Frame(moveY,moveX,phb,ahb,pthb,athb,pB1,normalC,specialC,jumpC,moveC,dashC);
//set sprite data on sheet
return f;
private static attackPart blueStandCstartup() {
Frame[] f = new Frame[6];
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
f[i] = StandCFrame1();
for(int i = 3; i < 6; i++) {
f[i] = StandCFrame2();
return(new attackPart(f));
private static attackPart blueStandCrecovery() {
Frame[] f = new Frame[22];
for(int i = 0; i < 22; i++) {
f[i] = StandCFrame4();
return(new attackPart(f));
private static attackPart blueStandCactive() {
Frame[] f = new Frame[6];
for(int i = 0; i < f.length; i++) {
f[i] = StandCFrame3();
return(new attackPart(100,0,28,14,10,5,f,false,false,false));
public static Attack blueStandFierce() {
ButtonIG[][] cmd = {{C}};
boolean isSpecial = false;
Status rS = Status.NORMAL;
attackPart[] parts = {blueStandCstartup(),blueStandCactive(),blueStandCrecovery()};
return new Attack(isSpecial,rS,cmd,parts);
private static Frame standDFrame1(){
@ -728,6 +1022,39 @@ public class BlueNormals {
return f;
private static Frame standDFrame5(){
Hitboxes lists creation
ArrayList<Passive_HitBox> phb = new ArrayList<Passive_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox> pthb = new ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Active_HitBox> ahb = new ArrayList<Active_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox> athb = new ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox>();
Individual hitboxes creation
Passive_HitBox phb1 = new Passive_HitBox(70,70,150,500);
Passive_throw_HitBox pthb1 = new Passive_throw_HitBox(70,400,150,100);
Push_HitBox pushB = new Push_HitBox(70,70,150,500);
adding hitboxes to lists
frame creation
Frame f = new Frame(0.0,3.0,phb,ahb,pthb,athb,pushB,
//cancels (in order : normal, special, jump, move, dash)
return f;
private static attackPart blueStandDstartup() {
Frame[] f = new Frame[8];
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
@ -749,9 +1076,12 @@ public class BlueNormals {
private static attackPart blueStandDrecovery() {
Frame[] f = new Frame[18];
for(int i = 0; i < f.length; i++) {
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
f[i] = standDFrame4();
for(int i = 10; i < f.length; i++) {
f[i] = standDFrame5();
return(new attackPart(f));
@ -762,6 +1092,125 @@ public class BlueNormals {
attackPart[] parts = {blueStandDstartup(),blueStandDactive(),blueStandDrecovery()};
return new Attack(isSpecial,rS,cmd,parts);
private static Frame StandBFrame1() {
//movement data
double moveX = 3.0;
double moveY = 0.0;
boolean normalC = true;
boolean specialC = false;
boolean jumpC = false;
boolean moveC = false;
boolean dashC = false;
//hitbox lists
ArrayList<Active_HitBox> ahb = new ArrayList<Active_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox> athb = new ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox>();
ArrayList<Passive_HitBox> phb = new ArrayList<Passive_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox> pthb = new ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox>();
//generate hitboxes here and then use ArrayList add method to add them to the correct list
Push_HitBox bStandPB1 = new Push_HitBox(70,70,150,500);
Frame f = new Frame(moveY,moveX,phb,ahb,pthb,athb,bStandPB1,normalC,specialC,jumpC,moveC,dashC);
//set sprite data on sheet
return f;
private static Frame StandBFrame2() {
//movement data
double moveX = 0.0;
double moveY = 0.0;
boolean normalC = true;
boolean specialC = false;
boolean jumpC = false;
boolean moveC = false;
boolean dashC = false;
//hitbox lists
ArrayList<Active_HitBox> ahb = new ArrayList<Active_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox> athb = new ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox>();
ArrayList<Passive_HitBox> phb = new ArrayList<Passive_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox> pthb = new ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox>();
//generate hitboxes here and then use ArrayList add method to add them to the correct list
Push_HitBox bStandPB1 = new Push_HitBox(70,70,150,500);
Frame f = new Frame(moveY,moveX,phb,ahb,pthb,athb,bStandPB1,normalC,specialC,jumpC,moveC,dashC);
//set sprite data on sheet
return f;
private static Frame StandBFrame3() {
//movement data
double moveX = 0.0;
double moveY = 0.0;
boolean normalC = true;
boolean specialC = false;
boolean jumpC = false;
boolean moveC = false;
boolean dashC = false;
//hitbox lists
ArrayList<Active_HitBox> ahb = new ArrayList<Active_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox> athb = new ArrayList<Active_throw_Hitbox>();
ArrayList<Passive_HitBox> phb = new ArrayList<Passive_HitBox>();
ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox> pthb = new ArrayList<Passive_throw_HitBox>();
//generate hitboxes here and then use ArrayList add method to add them to the correct list
Push_HitBox bStandPB1 = new Push_HitBox(70,70,150,500);
Frame f = new Frame(moveY,moveX,phb,ahb,pthb,athb,bStandPB1,normalC,specialC,jumpC,moveC,dashC);
//set sprite data on sheet
return f;
private static attackPart blueStandBstartup() {
Frame[] f = new Frame[6];
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
f[i] = StandBFrame1();
return(new attackPart(f));
private static attackPart blueStandBactive() {
Frame[] f = new Frame[6];
for(int i = 0; i < f.length; i++) {
f[i] = StandBFrame2();
return(new attackPart(80,0,11,8,8,5,f,false,false,false));
private static attackPart blueStandBrecovery() {
Frame[] f = new Frame[4];
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
f[i] = StandBFrame3();
return(new attackPart(f));
public static Attack blueStandShort() {
ButtonIG[][] cmd = {{B}};
boolean isSpecial = false;
Status rS = Status.NORMAL;
attackPart[] parts = {blueStandBstartup(),blueStandBactive(),blueStandBrecovery()};
return new Attack(isSpecial,rS,cmd,parts);
private static Frame ForwardDFrame0() {
//movement data
double moveX = 3.0;
@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ public class CharacterBlue {
Jump nJ = new Jump(njcmd,nJumpF);
Jump bJ = new Jump(bjcmd,bJumpF);
Attack[] atks = {blueLDP(),blueCrouchFierce(),blueCrouchJab(),blueCrouchShort(),blueStandHeavyKick(),blueStandJab(),blueFordwardRoundHouse()};
Attack[] atks = {blueLDP(),blueCrouchFierce(),blueCrouchJab(),blueCrouchShort(),blueCrouchRoundHouse(),
Frame shf = BlueMisc.blueStandHit();
Frame chf = BlueMisc.blueCrouchHit();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user