Implemented calls for sys.s, problem with compilation of riscV code, need to fix it later

This commit is contained in:
Rémi Rativel 2023-04-04 17:59:05 +02:00
parent b8cba1abd7
commit 99b0128cfe

View File

@ -1,21 +1,178 @@
use std::str::Chars;
/// Define the BurritOS running time basic unit
pub struct Burritos_Time {
seconds: i64,
nanos: i64
/// A unique identifier for a thread executed within a user program
pub struct ThreadId{
id: u64
/// The system call interface. These are the operations the BurritOS
/// kernel needs to support, to be able to run user programs.
pub struct t_error{
t: i32
extern "C"{
fn Shutdown() -> ();
fn SysTime(t: Burritos_Time) -> ();
fn Exit(status: i32) -> ();
fn Exec(name: String) -> ThreadId;
fn newThread(debug_name: String, func: i32, arg: i32) -> ThreadId;
fn Join (id: ThreadId) -> t_error;
fn Yield() -> ();
fn Perror(mess: String) -> ();
/// A unique identifier for an open BurritOS file.
pub struct OpenFiledId{
id: u64
/// System calls concerning semaphores management
pub struct SemId{
id: u64
/// System calls concerning locks management
pub struct LockId{
id: u64
/// System calls concerning conditions variables.
pub struct CondId{
id: u64
extern "C"{
///Stop Nachos, and print out performance stats
fn Shutdown() -> ();
/// Return the time spent running Nachos
fn SysTime(t: Burritos_Time) -> ();
/// This user program is done (status = 0 means exited normally).
fn Exit(status: i32) -> ();
/// Run the executable, stored in the Nachos file "name", and return the
/// master thread identifier
fn Exec(name: *char) -> ThreadId;
/// Create a new thread in the current process
/// Return thread identifier
fn newThread(debug_name: *char, func: i32, arg: i32) -> ThreadId;
/// Only return once the the thread "id" has finished.
fn Join (id: ThreadId) -> t_error;
/// Yield the CPU to another runnable thread, whether in this address space
/// or not.
fn Yield() -> ();
/// Print the last error message with the personalized one "mess"
fn PError(mess: *char) -> ();
/// Create a BurritOS file, with "name"
fn Create(name: *char, size: i32) -> t_error;
/// Open the Nachos file "name", and return an "OpenFileId" that can
/// be used to read and write to the file.
fn Open(name: *char) -> OpenFiledId;
/// Write "size" bytes from "buffer" to the open file.
fn Write(buffer: *char, size: i32, id: OpenFiledId) -> t_error;
/// Read "size" bytes from the open file into "buffer".
/// Return the number of bytes actually read -- if the open file isn't
/// long enough, or if it is an I/O device, and there aren't enough
/// characters to read, return whatever is available (for I/O devices,
/// you should always wait until you can return at least one character).
fn Read(buffer: *char, size: i32, id:OpenFiledId) -> t_error;
/// Seek to a specified offset into an opened file
fn Seek(offset: i32, id: OpenFiledId) -> t_error;
/// Close the file, we're done reading and writing to it.
fn Close(id: OpenFiledId) -> t_error;
/// Remove the file
fn Remove(name: *char) -> t_error;
/// system calls concerning directory management ///
/// Create a new repertory
/// Return a negative number if an error ocurred.
fn mkdir(name: *char) -> t_length;
/// Destroy a repertory, which must be empty.
/// Return a negative number if an error ocurred.
fn Rmdir(name: *char) -> t_error;
/// List the content of BurritOS FileSystem
fn FSList() -> t_error;
/// Create a semaphore, initialising it at count.
/// Return a Semid, which will enable to do operations on this
/// semaphore
fn SemCreate(debug_name: *char, count: i32) -> SemId;
/// Destroy a semaphore identified by sema.
/// Return a negative number if an error occured during the destruction
fn SemDestroy(sema: SemId) -> t_error;
/// Do the operation P() on the semaphore sema
fn P(sema: SemId) -> t_error;
/// Do the operation V() on the semaphore sema
fn V(sema: SemId) -> t_error;
/// Create a lock.
/// Return an identifier
fn LockCreate(debug_name: *char) -> LockId;
/// Destroy a lock.
/// Return a negative number if an error ocurred
/// during the destruction.
fn LockDestroy(id: LockId) -> t_error;
/// Do the operation Acquire on the lock id.
/// Return a negative number if an error ocurred.
fn LockAcquire(id: LockId) -> t_error;
/// Do the operation Release on the lock id.
/// Return a negative number if an error ocurred.
fn LockRelease(id: LockId) -> t_error;
/// Create a new condition variable
fn CondCreate(debug_name: *char) -> CondId;
/// Destroy a condition variable.
/// Return a negative number if an error ocurred.
fn CondDestroy(id: CondId) -> t_error;
/// Do the operation Wait on a condition variable.
/// Returns a negative number if an error ocurred.
fn CondWait(id: CondId) -> t_error;
/// Do the operation Signal on a condition variable (wake up only one thread).
/// Return a negative number if an error ocurred.
fn CondSignal(id: CondId) -> t_error;
/// Do the operation Signal on a condition variable (wake up all threads).
/// Return a negative number if an error ocurred.
fn CondBroadcast(id: CondId) -> t_error;
/// System calls concerning serial port and console ///
///Send the message on the serial communication link.
/// Returns the number of bytes successfully sent.
fn TtySend(mess: *char) -> i32;
/// Wait for a message comming from the serial communication link.
/// The length of the buffer where the bytes will be copied is given as a parameter.
/// Returns the number of characters actually received.
fn TtyReceive(mess: *char, length: i32) -> i32;
/// Map an opened file in memory. Size is the size to be mapped in bytes.
fn Mmap(id: OpenFiledId, size: i32) -> *mut ();
/// For debug purpose
fn Debug(param: i32)-> ();