13 KiB
- Shortcut
- Book I'm reading
- [2024-01-28 Mon]
- [2023-12-16 Sat]
- Llama file
- Do the HuggingFace course
- Do the Uncluttered course
- Master Emacs
- Finish learning OCaml
- Learn Prolog
- Learn Scheme/Racket/ELisp
- Learn Wasm, Spin, and Fermyon
- Finish advent of code
- Finish books on algorithm
- Build mazes
- Build a fediverse chat app
- Use magit for handling a forge
- Host and use a fediverse based forge
- Finish the PromptHero courses
- Recap of the year.
- Programming bucket list
- [2023-12-15 Fri]
- [2023-11-24 Fri]
- [2023-11-20 Mon]
- [2023-11-19 Sun]
- [2023-11-18 Sat]
- [2023-11-17 Fri]
- [2023-10-10 Tue]
- [2023-10-08 Sun]
- [2023-10-07 Sat]
- Footnotes
M-x whitespace-mode
- Activates a better whitespace mode
C-c C-x f
- Creates a footnote, see guide.
C-c C-c
to jump between definition and refs.
C-c C-t
- cycling throught the states of the todos
C-u C-c C-t
- Log the change of status
Clocking work
C-c C-x C-i
- Clock in
C-c C-x C-o
- Clock out
C-c C-x C-d
- Display clocks
Book I'm reading
TODO Poor Charlie's Alamnach
It's actualy available online
[2024-01-28 Mon]
Finished reading The Opium war
Start reading Engineers guide
Actually resuming the reading
[2023-12-16 Sat]
Llama file
Actually quite cool to be able to have a chat with a bot that sits in your laptop https://github.com/Mozilla-Ocho/llamafile
Make a drop-in back-end replacement for OpenAI, maybe in Linode or Fermyon
Make a Discord bot
Create an interface using https://github.com/huggingface/chat-ui
How to create a new model, how to make it learn a book and have answers based on
the content of the book
TODO Do the HuggingFace course
TODO Do the Uncluttered course
Master Emacs [0/6]
Enough to be dangerous
TODO Mount an emacs server
TODO Master Org mode on emacs
TODO Move away from feedly and use emacs
TODO Only use Emacs for programming
TODO Create a blog using publish orgmode
TODO Learn Elisp
Finish the Intro to ELisp
TODO Finish learning OCaml
In progress
TODO then learn Proof programming Coq
TODO Learn Prolog
TODO Learn Scheme/Racket/ELisp
TODO Learn Wasm, Spin, and Fermyon
TODO Finish advent of code
Do it with AI only ?
TODO Finish books on algorithm
Grokking algorithm and then the algo book on C
TODO Build mazes
As based in the book Make a generator out of it
TODO Build a fediverse chat app
TODO Use magit for handling a forge
TODO Host and use a fediverse based forge
TODO Finish the PromptHero courses
Recap of the year.
Since it's the end of the year, we start to see lots of posts about what marked people during 2023 by listing the links to articles that matters to them. I guess I can go through all the links in Discord and list the
- 24 ? twice a month
- 48 ? 4 per month, each week-ish
- 52 ? each week
Programming bucket list
From https://syki.dev/bucket-list
- Be a contributor in a large Open Source project1
- Build a news aggregator2
- Build a physics engine3
- Build a lot of maze4
- Build a recommendation engine5
- Build a sentiment analysis tool6
- Build an AR app7
- Build and deploy a chat server8
- Build a fediverse chat app
- Build a security tool9
- Create a multiplayer online game10
- Create a PWA (done too many already)
- Create AI influencer11
- Develop a blockchain application12
- Develop a crypto currency13
- Develop a VR application14
- Develop an e-commerce site15
- Develop an open-source game engine16
- Develop a browser extension
- Have your own TOR page17
- Invent a gesture controled interface18
- Set up a ci/cd pipeline (done already)
- Sponsor FOSS projects19
- Write my own DB20
- Write a page in a SSG21
- Write an SPA (lol, done)
- Build a personal cloud storage system22
- Design and print a 3D thing23
- Host your own server24
- Be the owner of a smartphone app25
- Develop a Saas product26
- Work in a startup (done, a lot)
- Build a Discord bot27
- Create a chatbot28
- Create a DataViz using D329
- Develop a digital artwork generator30
- Develop a file encryption tool31
- Learn a functional language (done)
- Learn and use containers32
- Write an NPM module33
[2023-12-15 Fri]
No Rust
Realise this is more for System than Back end thing. I can see people start talking about Ocaml, Back to my roots
Start learning https://cs3110.github.io/textbook/index.html
Advent Of Code
So many of those
- Advent of Code, the original
- Advent of Spin, the wasm one
- Advent of Svelte, the Front End one
Birthday !
Terrible day, Clarice at the nursery Marcus was terrible, yelling and doing nasty kid stuff Event in the restaurant he was difficult Tried some cakes from a random bakery but Clarice ended up eating everything
[2023-11-24 Fri]
Started the lessons about development from the browser, meaning not node. Discovered that Emacs can also be used as a webserver. Guile can be used to write a webserver. Rocket could be a webserver written in Rust. Esbuild is probably the simplest option at this stage.
[2023-11-20 Mon]
Wrote through chapter 2 and build a guessing game.
[2023-11-19 Sun]
Started the SpinSocial tutorial
App to recreate
Xmas tree
We decorated the sapin today
Started learning Rust with the interactive version of the book
[2023-11-18 Sat]
Spin and Fermyon
Started working on it. Doing the tutorial and keep exploring. It does look like a fun Back End to put a Front End on top.
Started working on Wasm container and Fermyon. Should be a good idea to start learning Rust as BE and Microservice language. Start by building project:
- Mad Libs Generator
- Number Guessing
- Text-based adventure game
- Dice rolling simulator
- Hangman
- Contact book
- Email Slicer
- Binary search algorithm
- Desktop notifier app
- Story generator
- YT video downloader
- Website blocker
- Spin a yarn
- What's the word
- Rock, paper, scissors
- Leap it!
- Find out, Fibonacci
- Calculator
- Countdown clock and timer
- Random password generator
- Random wikipedia generator
- Reddit Bot
- Rust command line app
- Alarm clock
- Tic-Tac-Toe
- Steganography
- Currency converter
- Post-it notes
- Site connectivity checker
- Directory tree generator
- Speed typing test
- Content aggregator
- Image resize app
- File explorer
- Plagiarism checker
- Web crawler
- Music player
- Price comparison extension
- Expense tracker
- Regex query tool
- Insta photo downloader
- Quizz app
Front End project
The same way I want to learn about Spin and wasm, this invites to build project for the Front end as well
- Calculator
- Quizz App
- Rock paper scissors
- Note app
- Stopwatch app
- QR code app
- Weather app
- Ecommerce website
- Landing page
- Password generator
- Tic Tac Toe
- Link shortener website
- Portfolio website
- Drawing app
- Food order website
- Meme generator
- Movie app
- Chat app
- Twitter clone
- Survey app
- E-book site
- Insta clone
- Whatsapp clone
- Netflix clone
- File sharing app
- Parallax website
- Job search app
- Pinterest clone
- Dating app
- Social media dashboard
- Tracker app
- Memory app
- Giphy clone
- User acitvity tracker
- Chess game, but go
- Music player
- To-do list app
- Random user api
- Typing speed test
- stock trading app
[2023-11-17 Fri]
Gatehouse School
Had a meeting with the Teachers. They're basically saying that Marcus is not fit for the school and that he should find another one. All that being said very politely but still understood that maybe Marcus would be happier somewhere else. We started looking somewhere else but for now we're trying to see if Goldenspark could take Marcus back for a week and see if his behaviour is better over there. Just to be sure this is not a passing phase. They are 60 is the class and this is very likely that he is overstimulated. We need to look for a school with smaller classes, like Faraday.
[2023-10-10 Tue]
In media res scene RPG
Based on the starting sequence of Castlevania Nocturne. You're under water, sound is muffled. Your body has the reflexe to block the water and keep you from breathing, for now. You see islands of fire floating above you, some ships passing on top of you. Both sides are fighting a vein battle when you obviously can tell that the ocean has always been the victor. You could die here, end up now. What do you do?
[2023-10-08 Sun]
The Burning Wheel RPG
Burning Wheel shows some traces of its ages – early 2000s. There are some rules that are too specific for not very good reasons. Thinking about the rules of XP attribution 34. Not sure if terms have settled in the future or if this is specific to Burning Wheel but:
- Obstacle
- number of success required
- Exponent
- number of dice in the roll
- Gradient
- what constitue a success (4+, 3+, …)
The worsd chosen for the gradient would not go very well with today's sensibilites. Black for 4+, Gray for 3+, and White for 2+. The whiter you get, the more powerful you are.
The characters are very much closer to the species in The Lord of the Rings than any other RPGs I've seen so far. Dwarves have Greed, Elves have Grief. Human have nothing special because they are the norm. But they have a 5x more lifepaths than the other species.
Elves are the real Bards. They're magic is based on songs and it works well. It's interresting to see that they did not try to make the different species well balanced. An elf is buffed compared to the others but at Greif 10, he's a goner.
Scenario idea RPG
While listening to Until it sleeps by Metallica. PCs have to wait for the bad evil to fall asleep before being able to end whatever curse they're trying to put an end to. Name: White Absolva, the source of all evil? While they wait for a spell to take Effect, an star alignment, … they have to limit the effect of White Abs. evil influence.
[2023-10-07 Sat]
Do something about it Club Article
Very interesting article about doing more than thinking Before even reading any blogpost/article/book, state what you intend to do with it. What you expect to gain from the reading Once done, write down what you got and then compare with your expectations Also list some action points that came out of the article
Some good quotes from the articles:
It’s the value that seeks to do things, see the results of doing those things. Ideas made tangible
I don’t want to derive pleasure from “having an opinion.” I want to be hopeful and action-oriented, but not idealistic and closed to discussion. I don’t want the mere discussion of ideas to give me satisfaction.
what I should have aimed to do back then was to not make notes on the contents of the articles/blog posts/videos/etc. but to ask of each item, “now what?”
33https://www.npmjs.com/ 32https://www.docker.com/ It's Docker but really, what you want is Podman 31https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZT7wvTeVyY 30https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf4z8A-OWBY or a city generator, or a maze generator, that kind of thing 29https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8V5o2UHG0E Not a tutorial but an interesting data set and make a viz about it. Of course, post it somewhere online. 28https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvOnYLDg8_Y&list=PLQVvvaa0QuDdc2k5dwtDTyT9aCja0on8j 27Or even better, a mastodon bot 🤷 26https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_3lcqUOaOA Not sure if the Saas thing is helping society at all, maybe offering a set of tool that will allow people to develop their own software is probably the way to go. 25https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LY4rxYe-jKI&list=PLN3n1USn4xllDDLwgJ4avEqgj4dWynofp 24https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zXG4ySy1m8 23https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRsaf16EdNM 22https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLC0FUnko-M 21https://www.11ty.dev/ 20https://acmiitr.medium.com/making-our-own-database-part-1-6cd9c49ed924 19https://github.com/sponsors 18https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5k-4-OEuTk 17https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bllS9tkCkaM 16https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyJkcv_rL9Y&list=PLpM-Dvs8t0Va6RoHkaLuPbRh7Fwpy4nbV 15https://nextjs.org/commerce but with standard tech only, and buy spaceships 14https://developer.oculus.com/documentation/unity/unity-tutorial-hello-vr/ 13https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=befUVytFC80 12Using Bitcoin, not Eth please 11https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ky5ZB-mqZKM&t=11s 10https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ze26M_Fm6g 9https://www.kali.org/tools/ 8https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat 7https://www.tekrevol.com/blogs/how-to-build-an-augmented-reality-apps/ 6https://brand24.com/blog/sentiment-analysis/ 5https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3RKsY2H-NE 3https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSMbRGTBOHU 4From the book about coding maze 2https://feedly.com/ 1https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MT6M_sqAuZo
As in Differentiating XPs based on how your PC earned them and being only able to spend them for specific upgrades.