a little more story

This commit is contained in:
Hub Feenix Member 2023-01-28 16:25:45 +02:00
parent f1f507c30b
commit 772bf072a7
1 changed files with 24 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
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subheader: Sharing machines and experiences
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@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
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@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
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@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
:image_name: electronics_wide
subheader: Wizz wizz wizz
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@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
:image_name: clay_wide
subheader: Sculptured or turned
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@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
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:updated_at: 2023-01-28 16:24:50.280016004 +02:00
:updated_by: torsten@villataika.fi
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:text: "## Our Story\r\n\r\n#### The birth of a community center \r\n\r\nRaisa Kaipainen
and Torsten Ruger bought the old Meltola hospital on the 27.4.2020 with the intent
to make it into a community centre. \r\n\r\nCurrently, the organisation is being
created to run the facility and plans are being actively developed. A great time
to join :-)"
and Torsten Ruger bought the old Meltola sanatorium on an auction site , foolsday
1.4.2020 after three days notice. Surprised (and shocked) to have won the auction,
we started creating an art community centre. \r\n\r\nThe plan to have a mix of
creative endeavours and well being related events emerged quickly and thanks to
the government we had lots of time to implement the ideas. \r\n\r\nWe created
a non profit, Osuuskunta Hub Feenix, to take over the running of the activities.
And by beginning of 2023 we now have 6 event spaces. 100 beds, some local artists,
and the artists residency started.\r\n\r\nWith lots of care and time (and paint!)
the place has become what many people call homely :-)\r\n \r\nWork continues
on the makerspace idea and the garden."
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