jump-ball/09.09 Less_unity/Library/PackageCache/com.unity.visualscripting@1.9.1/Documentation~/vs-create-graph-on-machine.md
2024-09-09 11:07:16 +03:00

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Create a graph on a Script Machine or State Machine

You can create a new graph file directly from a Script Machine or State Machine component on a GameObject. For more information on how to create a Script Machine or State Machine, see Attach a graph file to a Script Machine or State Machine.

Create a new graph file from a Script Machine or State Machine

To create a new graph file from an existing Script Machine or State Machine:

  1. [!includeopen-hierarchy-window]

  2. In the Hierarchy window, select a GameObject that has a Script Machine or State Machine.

  3. [!includeopen-inspector-window]

  4. In the Inspector window, on your Script Machine or State Machine component, set the Source set to Graph.

  5. Select New.

  6. Enter a name for your new graph file.

  7. Choose a location for the file in your project.

  8. Select Save.

A new Script Machine with an attached Script Graph

Create a new embedded graph on a Script Machine or State Machine

You can create an embedded graph on a Script Machine or State Machine component instead of an external graph file:

  1. [!includeopen-hierarchy-window]

  2. In the Hierarchy window, select a GameObject that has a Script Machine or State Machine.

  3. [!includeopen-inspector-window]

  4. In the Inspector window, on your Script Machine or State Machine component, set the Source to Embed.

  5. (Optional) In the (Title) field, enter a descriptive title for the embedded graph.

  6. (Optional) In the (Summary) field, enter a brief summary of what the embedded graph does.

  7. (Optional) To open the new embedded graph and edit, select Edit Graph.


Unity recommends you create a graph file rather than an embedded graph. In some situations, an embedded graph works best. For more information on how to choose the correct graph type, see Source types for Script Machines and State Machines.

Next steps

After you attach a graph to a Script Machine or State Machine, you can open the graph and edit. For more information, see Open a graph file.