jump-ball/09.09 Less_unity/Library/PackageCache/com.unity.visualscripting@1.9.1/Documentation~/vs-sticky-notes.md
2024-09-09 11:07:16 +03:00

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Add comments to a graph

Use Sticky Notes to add comments to a graph. Sticky Notes can:

  • Describe how a section of your graph works.
  • Leave a note for yourself or others who might work on your Unity project.

You can add text to the title and body of a Sticky Note. You can use Sticky Notes in Script Graphs and State Graphs.

An image of the Graph window. The Graph Inspector is open. An On Update node triggers a Set Variable node, which sets the value of an Application variable named Gold. The value of Gold is set by an Add Inputs node, which takes the current value of Gold from a Get Variable node and adds 1. A Sticky Note has been added to the graph, and states that "To Do: Change the graph so Gold updates at more random intervals."

Add a Sticky Note to a graph

To add a Sticky Note to a graph:

  1. [!includeopen-graph]
  2. Do one of the following:
    • [!includeopen-fuzzy-finder] Select Sticky Note.
    • With no items selected in the graph, right-click an empty space in the Graph Editor. Select Create Sticky Note.

Edit a Sticky Note

To edit text in the title or body of a Sticky Note:

  1. [!includeopen-graph]
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To edit the title of the Sticky Note, double-click the title.
    • To edit the body of the Sticky Note, double-click the body.
  3. Enter the new text for the Sticky Note.
  4. Click anywhere in the Graph Editor to close the Sticky Note text editor.


You can also edit the text in a Sticky Note with the Graph Inspector:

  1. Select the Sticky Note you want to edit.
  2. [!includeopen-graph-inspector]
  3. Do one of the following:
    • To edit the title of the Sticky Note, select the title.
    • To edit the body of the Sticky Note, select (Body).
  4. Enter the new text for the Sticky Note.

Move a Sticky Note

To move a Sticky Note to a new location in a graph:

  1. [!includeopen-graph]
  2. Click and drag the Sticky Note to a new location.

Delete a Sticky Note

To delete a Sticky Note from a graph:

  1. [!includeopen-graph]
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click a Sticky Note and select Delete.
    • Select a Sticky Note and press Delete (Del).

Resize a Sticky Note

To change the size of a Sticky Note in a graph:

  1. [!includeopen-graph]
  2. Click and drag a corner of a Sticky Note.

Change the color of a Sticky Note

To change the color theme for a Sticky Note:

  1. [!includeopen-graph]
  2. Select the Sticky Note you want to edit.
  3. [!includeopen-graph-inspector]
  4. Select a Color Theme:
    • Classic
    • Black
    • Dark
    • Orange
    • Green
    • Blue
    • Red
    • Purple
    • Teal

An image of the Graph window. A graph contains nine Sticky Notes, each set to a different Color Theme with the Color Theme set as their title: Classic, Black, Dark, Orange, Green, Blue, Red, Purple, and Teal.