jump-ball/09.09 Less_unity/Library/PackageCache/com.unity.visualscripting@1.9.1/Documentation~/vs-set-preferences.md
2024-09-09 11:07:16 +03:00

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Configure your preferences

You can configure specific preferences in Visual Scripting to control the behavior of the Graph window and your nodes.

To configure your preferences for Visual Scripting:

  1. Go to Edit > Preferences.
  2. Select Visual Scripting.

Core preferences

The following preferences control general behaviors across all graph types in Visual Scripting.

Preference Description
Dim Inactive Nodes Enable Dim Inactive Nodes to dim any nodes in the Graph Editor that aren't connected to the logic flow in a graph. This provides you with a visual cue that a dimmed node isn't used in the graph in its current configuration.
Disable Dim Inactive Nodes to display all nodes as active, regardless of their connection state.

You can also control this preference from the Graph toolbar. For more information, see The interface.

Dim Incompatible Nodes Enable Dim Incompatible Nodes to dim all nodes that don't have a compatible connection port when you create a new edge.
Disable Dim Incompatible Nodes to display all nodes as active for a new edge.
Show Variables Help Enable Show Variables Help to display a brief explanation of the selected variable scope in the Blackboard.
Disable Show Variables Help to hide these explanations.
Create Scene Variables Enable Create Scene Variables to automatically create a Scene Variables GameObject with a Variables component and a Scene Variables script component after you create a Scene variable. A GameObject with these components is required to use Scene variables in a project.
Disable Create Scene Variables to create these components on a GameObject manually.
Show Grid Enable Show Grid to display a grid on the background of the Graph Editor.
Disable Show Grid to hide the grid.
Snap to Grid Enable Snap to Grid to force nodes to stick or snap to points on a grid in the Graph Editor.
Disable Snap to Grid to move nodes freely and disable the snap-to-point behavior.
Pan Speed Set a Pan Speed to control how quickly the view in the Graph Editor moves when you pan vertically with the scroll wheel.
Drag Pan Speed Set a Drag Pan Speed to control how quickly the view in the Graph Editor moves when you move a node to the edge of the Graph window.
Zoom Speed Set a Zoom Speed to control how quickly the Graph Editor zooms in or zooms out while you change the zoom level in the Graph window. For more information on how to change the zoom level in the Graph Editor, see Choose a control scheme.
Overview Smoothing Set an Overview Smoothing to control how gradually the Graph Editor zooms or pans after you select the Overview option in the Graph toolbar.
Carry Children Enable Carry Children to move all connected child nodes when you move a parent node in the Graph Editor.
Disable Carry Children to only move the currently selected node in the Graph Editor.

You can also change this setting from the Graph toolbar in the Graph window. For more information, see The interface.

Disable Playmode Tint Enable Disable Playmode Tint to display all nodes in the Graph window as normal while the Unity Editor is in Play mode.
Disable Disable Playmode Tint to add a tint to all nodes in the Graph window while the Editor is in Play mode. For more information on Play mode, see The Game view in the Unity User Manual.
Control Scheme Select a Visual Scripting control scheme. For more information, see Choose a control scheme.
Default Use the Default Visual Scripting control scheme.
Alternate Use the Alternate Visual Scripting control scheme.
Clear Graph Selection Enable Clear Graph Selection to clear any graph displayed in the Graph window after you select a GameObject with no set graph or graphs.
Disable Clear Graph Window to keep the last displayed graph if the selected GameObject has no set graph assets.

Visual Scripting always updates the Graph window to display the set graph on a selected GameObject, regardless of your chosen Clear Graph Selection setting.

Human Naming Enable Human Naming to convert all displayed method names from camel case to title case. For example, camelCase becomes Camel Case.
Disable Human Naming to leave all names in camel case.
Max Search Results Set a Max Search Results value to specify the maximum number of search results returned by the fuzzy finder after you use the search bar.
Group Inherited Members Enable Group Inherited Members to group together inherited nodes from a parent or base class to your current search term in the fuzzy finder.
For example, an Audio Source is a Component: it has its own specific methods and nodes, but you can interact with it as a Component with Component nodes. While you perform a search in the fuzzy finder, Visual Scripting groups the nodes inherited from Component and displays them in grey.
Disable Group Inherited Members to display nodes in the search results without grouping these inherited nodes.
Developer Mode Enable Developer Mode to display additional preferences in the Preferences window and add additional features in the Graph window and other areas of the Unity Editor. For more information on the additional Developer Mode preferences, see Additional Developer Mode preferences.
AOT Safe Mode Enable AOT Safe Mode to exclude nodes from search results in the fuzzy finder that might cause problems for platforms that require ahead of time (AOT) compilation. For example, Visual Scripting excludes nodes that use the Generic type.
Disable AOT Safe Mode to display all nodes and types in the fuzzy finder.

Script Graphs preferences

The following preferences change the behavior of Script Graphs in the Graph window.

Preference Description
Update Nodes Automatically

This feature is experimental.

Enable Update Nodes Automatically to let Visual Scripting automatically update your Node Library when it detects a change in any script inside your project's Assets folder.
Disable Update Nodes Automatically to manually regenerate your Node Library after you make a change to a script. For more information on how to regenerate your Node Library, see Configure project settings.
Predict Potential Null References A predictive debugging feature. Enable Predict Potential Null References to display warnings about potential null value inputs in your graphs.
Disable Predict Potential Null References to disable these warnings.

Sometimes, predictive debugging might return false positive results when you enable this setting.

Predict Potential Missing Components A predictive debugging feature. Enable Predict Potential Missing Components to display warnings about potential missing components in your graphs, such as a missing node input.
Disable Predict Potential Missing Components to disable these warnings.

Sometimes, predictive debugging might return false positive results when you enable this setting.

Show Connection Values Enable Show Connection Values to display the input and output values sent between nodes while the Editor is in Play mode. This can make it easier to debug your scripts.
Disable Show Connection Values to hide these value labels while in Play mode. For more information on Play mode, see The Game view in the User Manual.

You can also control this preference from the Graph toolbar. For more information, see The interface.

Predict Connection Values Enable Predict Connection Values to have the Graph Editor predict what input and output values your graph sends between nodes while the Unity Editor is in Play mode. For example, Visual Scripting would display the value currently set for a variable in your script, though that value might change before it's used by a node.
Disable Predict Connection Values to hide these predicted input and output values.
Hide Port Labels Enable Hide Port Labels to hide the name labels for node input and output ports.
Disable Hide Port Labels to display these name labels.
Animate Control Connections Enable Animate Control Connections to display a droplet animation across node control port edges while the Editor is in Play mode.
Disable Animate Control Connections to disable the animations. For more information about the different node port types and edges, see Nodes. For more information on Play mode, see The Game view in the User Manual.
Animate Value Connections Enable Animate Value Connections to display a droplet animation across node data port edges while the Editor is in Play mode.
Disable Animate Value Connections to disable the animations. For more information about the different node port types and edges, see Nodes. For more information on Play mode, see The Game view in the User Manual.
Skip Context Menu Enable Skip Context Menu to always open the fuzzy finder when you right-click in the Graph Editor. To access the context menu, use Shift+right-click.
Disable Skip Context Menu to open the fuzzy finder when you right-click with no nodes or groups selected in the Graph Editor. The context menu opens when you right-click with a node or group selected.

State Graphs preferences

The following preferences change the behavior of State Graphs in the Graph window.

Preference Description
States Reveal Use the dropdown to choose when a Script State node displays a list of events from its graph.
If you have many Script State nodes in a State Graph, you might want to change this setting.
Never Script State nodes never display their list of events.
Always Script State nodes always display their list of events.
On Hover Script State nodes only display their list of events when you hover over the node in the Graph window.
On Hover with Alt Script State nodes only display their list of events when you hover over the node while you hold Alt.
When Selected Script State nodes only display their list of events when you select the node in the Graph window.
On Hover or Selected Script State nodes display their list of events when you hover over the node, or when you select the node in the Graph window.
On Hover with Alt or Selected Script State nodes display their list of events when you hover over the node while you hold Alt, or when you select the node in the Graph window.
Transitions Reveal Use the dropdown to choose when a transition displays a list of events from its graph.
If you have many transitions in a State Graph, you might want to change this setting.
Never Transitions never display a list of events.
Always Transitions always display a list of events.
On Hover Transitions only display a list of events when you hover over the transition in the Graph window.
On Hover with Alt Transitions only display a list of events when you hover over the transition while you hold Alt.
When Selected Transitions only display a list of events when you select the transition in the Graph window.
On Hover or Selected Transitions display a list of events when you hover over the transition, or when you select the transition in the Graph window.
On Hover with Alt or Selected Transitions display a list of events when you hover over the transition while you hold Alt, or when you select the transition in the Graph window.
Transitions End Arrow Enable Transitions End Arrow to add an arrow to the end of each transition edge in a State Graph. Disable Transitions End Arrow to display edges between transitions as simple lines.
If you have many transitions in your State Graphs, you might want to disable this setting.
Animate Transitions Enable Animate Transitions to display a droplet animation across transition edges when the Editor is in Play mode. Disable Animate Transitions to disable the animations. For more information on Play mode, see The Game view in the User Manual.

Additional Developer Mode preferences


You can only access the following preferences after you have enabled *Developer Mode in your Core preferences.

These Developer Mode preferences provide help with developing extensions or custom nodes for Visual Scripting. Their continued support in the Visual Scripting package isn't guaranteed.

Preference Description
Debug Enable Debug to add additional logging and visual overlays to help you debug element rendering in the Graph window. For example, if you created a custom node, use this setting to help debug your UI.
Disable Debug to disable the logging and hide these overlays.
Track Metadata State Enable Track Metadata State to add more information to logging. This can assist in debugging.
Disable Track Metadata State to hide this additional information.
Debug Inspector UI Enable Debug Inspector UI to add more overlays and additional details. The information available is greater than what Visual Scripting provides with the Debug setting, and affects more areas of the Editor's UI. Only enable this setting if you need more in-depth debugging feedback.
Disable Debug Inspector UI to hide this information.