2024-05-22 11:01:12 +01:00

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# Features
## Table of Contents
- [Profiles](#Profiles)
- [Progression](#progression)
- [Starting Profile Types](#starting-profile-types)
- [Bots](#bots)
- [AI Types](#ai-types)
- [Generation](#generation)
- [Inventory](#inventory)
- [Traders](#traders)
- [Flea market](#flea-market)
- [Quests](#quests)
- [Hideout](#hideout)
- [Presets](#presets)
- [Raids](#raids)
- [Messages](#messages)
- [Friend](#friend)
- [Events](#events)
- [Modding](#modding)
## Profiles
### Progression
The player profile is stored as a JSON file, allowing for changes to persist across server restarts. The profile contains the following information for both your PMC and Scav player characters:
- Task Conditions
- Account Bonuses
- Model Selection
- Health
- Energy, Hydration, & Temperature
- Hideout Build & Production Status
- Items (Inventory, Insured, Quest, Wishlist)
- Inventory
- Quest Progress
- Flea Market Rating & Current Offers
- Common and Mastering Skills
- Various Raid Stats
- Trader Status and Loyalty Levels
- Extract Counts
- Achievements
### Starting Profile Types
The following profile types are available to start with when creating an account in the Launcher:
- Standard Profiles:
- Standard
- Left Behind
- Prepare To Escape
- Edge Of Darkness
- Unheard
- Custom profiles
- SPT Easy Start
- Lots of money, quality of life skills to level 20, and player to level 69.
- SPT Zero to Hero
- No money, skills, trader reputation, or items. Start with a knife.
- SPT Developer
- Developer testing profile, player to level 69, max skills, and max trader reputation.
- USEC will have all quests ready to start.
- BEAR will have all quests ready to hand in.
## Bots
### AI Types
Bot data is emulated to mimic live bots as closely as possible. This includes the following bot types:
- Scavs
- Regular Scav (*assault*)
- Sniper Scav (*marksman*)
- Tagged & Cursed (*cursedAssault*)
- Bosses
- Reshalla (*bossBully*)
- Guard (*followerBully*)
- Glukhar (*bossGluhar*)
- Assault Guard (*followerGluharAssault*)
- Scout Guard (*followerGluharScout*)
- Security Guard (*followerGluharSecurity*)
- Sniper Guard (*followerGluharSnipe*)
- Killa (*bossKilla*)
- Shturman (*bossKojainy*)
- Guard (*followerKojaniy*)
- Sanitar (*bossSanitar*)
- Guard (*followerSanitar*)
- Tagilla (*bossTagilla*)
- Knight (*bossKnight*)
- Big Pipe (*followerBigPipe*)
- Bird Eye (*followerBirdEye*)
- Zryachiy (*bossZryachiy*)
- Guard (*followerzryachiy*)
- Kaban (*bossBoar*)
- Sniper Guard (*bossBoarSniper*)
- Guard (*followerBoar*)
- Kolontay (*bosskolontay*)
- Guard (*followerkolontayassault*)
- Guard (*followerkolontaysecurity*)
- Event bosses:
- Peacefull Zryachiy (*peacefullzryachiyevent*)
- Vengeful Zryachiy (*ravangezryachiyevent*)
- Cultists
- Priest (*sectantPriest*)
- Warrior (*sectantWarrior*)
- Raiders (*pmcBot*)
- Rogues (*exUsec*)
- Arena fighters (*arenaFighter*)
- Santa (*gifter*) - *partially implemented*
*PMCs are generated with a random type from a sub-set of the above list.*
*Some bot types are only available on some maps.*
### Generation
Bots are generated with the following characteristics:
- All Bots:
- Weapons - *Weighted, semi-randomly selected*
- Ammunition - *Weighted, semi-randomly selected*
- Gear - *Weighted, semi-randomly selected*
- Headgear Attachments - *Weighted, semi-randomly selected*
- Randomised durability - *Based on level and bot type*
- PMC Bots:
- AI Type - * Weighted, randomly chosen from sub-set of possible bot types*
- Dogtags - *Random level & name*
- *Chance of name being the name of a contributor to the project*
- Names
- Chosen from list of community members/contributors/modders
- Level - *Chosen at random between Level 1 and player level + 10*
- Voices - *Randomly chosen Bear/USEC voices for each faction*
- Weapon optics - *Tied to weapon type e.g. No scopes on SMGs*
- Ammo - *Tied to level with more deadly ammo chosen at higher level*
- Gear - *Gear is tiered to progressivly improve the higher level they are*
- *Level-relative gear for PMCs*
- *Level 1- 15 Bots have lower-tier items*
- *Level 15- 22 Bots have access to flea gear but highly weighted to trader gear*
- *Level 23- 29 Bots have better access to mid-range gear*
- *Level 30- 50 Bots have access to high-tier gear but are slightly weighted to mid-tier*
- *Level 51- 100 Bots have Access to everything*
- *Randomisation system that picks from pool of all possible items in game to create weapon combos*
Other bot generation systems/features include:
- Loot item blacklists & whitelists
- Loot items can be configured to be limited to a certain number based on bot type
- Randomised weapon and equipment durability based on bot type and level*
## Inventory
The inventory system includes the following features:
- Move, Split, and Delete Item Stacks
- Add, Modify, and Remove Item Tags
- Armor and Weapon Repair Kits
- Auto-sort Inventory
- Out-of-raid Healing, Eating, & Drinking
- Special Player Slots
## Traders
The trader system includes the following features:
- Buy and sell items from each trader
- Listed items are refreshed on a timer based on the trader
- Purchase limits per refresh period
- Tracks currency spent through each trader
- Loyalty levels
- Reputation
- Item repair from Prapor, Skier, and Mechanic
- Unlock and purchase clothing from Ragman
- Insurance from Therapist and Prapor
- Chance for items to be returned, higher chance for more expensive trader
- Chance parts will be stripped from returned weapons based on value
- Post-raid Therapist Healing
- Fence Item Assortment
- Lists random items for sale
- Emulated system of 'churn' for items sold by Fence
## Flea market
The flea market system has been build to simulate the live flea market as closely as possible. It includes the following features:
- Simulated Player Offers
- Generated with random names, ratings, and expiry times
- Variable offer prices based on live item prices (~20% above and below)
- Weapon presets as offers
- Barter offers
- Listed in multiple currencies (Rouble, Euro, and Dollar)
- Dynamically adjust flea prices that drift below trader price
- Buy Items
- Sell Items
- Generates listing fee
- Increase flea rating by selling items
- Decrease flea rating by failing to sell items
- Items purchased by simulated players
- Offer price effects chance that item will be purchased
- Filtering
- By specific item
- By link to item
- Text search by name
- By currency
- By price range
- By condition range
- By Traders, Players, or Both
- To include barter offers (or not)
- Sorting by
- Rating
- Name
- Price
- Expiry
## Quests
The quest system includes the following features:
- Accurate Quest List - *roughly 90% implemented*
- Trader Quests - *Accept, Turn-in Items, and Complete*
- Daily Quests - *Accept, Replace, Turn-in Items, Complete*
- Simulates Daily and Weekly Quests
- Quest Replacement Fee
- Scav daily Quests
- Trader items unlock through completion of quests
- Receive messages from traders after interacting with a quest
- Item rewards passed through messages
## Hideout
The hideout has the following features implemented:
- Areas
- Air Filter
- Filter Degradation
- Boosts Skill Levelling
- Bitcoin Farm
- Generation Speed Dependent on Number of Graphics Cards
- Booze Generator
- Crafts Moonshine
- Generator
- Fuel Degradation
- Heating
- Energy Regeneration
- Negative Effects Removal
- Hall of Fame
- Illumination
- Intel Centre
- ~~Unlocks Fence's Scav Quests~~ *not implemented - workaround: unlocks at level 5*
- Reduces Insurance Return Time
- Quest Currency Reward Boost
- Lavatory
- Library
- Medstation
- Nutrition Unit
- Rest Space
- Scav Case
- Custom Reward System that simulates live rewards
- Security
- Shooting Range
- Solar Power
- Stash
- Upgrades give larger stash sizes
- Vents
- Water Collector
- Workbench
- Unlocks the ability to repair items
- Christmas Tree
- Item Crafting
- Items are marked found-in-raid on completion
- Continues to track crafting progress even when server is not running
## Presets
- Create Weapon Presets
- Create equipment loadouts
- Create magazine loadouts
- Saving Presets
- Load Presets
## Raids
The in-raid systems included are as follows:
- Maps
- Customs
- Factory Day
- Factory Night
- Ground Zero (Level 1-19)
- Ground Zero (Level 20+)
- Interchange
- Laboratory
- Lighthouse
- Reserve
- Shoreline
- Streets
- Woods
- Loot
- Loot spawning has been generated using over 100,000 EFT offline loot runs.
- Static Loot (in containers)
- Each container type can contain items appropriate to that container type found in offline EFT.
- Simulated container spawn chance system, *not all containers spawn every raid*
- Loose Loot (on map)
- Randomised loose items found on map
- Based on loot dump data taken from many offline-raids in live EFT
- Airdrops
- Randomised Spawn Chance
- Request with Red Flare
- Crate Types:
- Weapons & Armour
- Food & Medical
- Barter Goods
- Mixed - *mixture of any of the above items*
- Supported Maps:
- Customs
- Interchange
- Lighthouse
- Reserve
- Shoreline
- Streets
- Woods
- Persisted Raid Damage - *extracting with injuries will persist injury out of raid*
- Scav Raids
- *Customizable system of adjusting loot and time remaining to simulate joining an in-progress raid*
- *'Traitor' scavs that will attack you to take your loot*
## Messages
A messaging system has been implemented to allow for the following functionality:
- Receive messages (with item attachments) from traders or "system"
- Pin/unpin senders within the message list
- Receive all (or individual) attachments
- Send messages to "Commando" friend to execute server commands
## Friend
Accessible via game menu / friend list
- Responds to commands
- Give items
- Adjust player stats
- 'Gift' system
- Many hidden gift codes
## Events
The following events have been implemented and have a set time period for when they will be active:
- Weather seasons
- Halloween
- Christmas
## Modding
- The Server project has been built to allow for extensive modifications to nearly any aspect and system used.
- [Example mods](https://dev.sp-tarkov.com/chomp/ModExamples) are provided that cover the most common server modding methods.