CZPZ 1551a5e793 feature: add probability for extra rep gain on pmc kills as pscav (!204)
Feel free to rename everything.

We can also use the new function from randomutil and replace code block below on InsuranceController.ts

        const maxRoll = 9999;
        const conversionFactor = 100;

        const returnChance = this.randomUtil.getInt(0, maxRoll) / conversionFactor;
        const traderReturnChance = this.insuranceConfig.returnChancePercent[traderId];
        const roll = returnChance >= traderReturnChance;

I killed 2 PMCs with 100% chance and gained 0.07 rep (rounding issue probably somewhere else)


Some JS problems :S


Co-authored-by: alimoncul <>
Co-authored-by: CZPZ <>
Co-committed-by: CZPZ <>
2024-01-21 17:39:37 +00:00

747 lines
29 KiB

import { inject, injectable } from "tsyringe";
import { InventoryHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/InventoryHelper";
import { ItemHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/ItemHelper";
import { PaymentHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/PaymentHelper";
import { QuestHelper } from "@spt-aki/helpers/QuestHelper";
import { IPmcData, IPostRaidPmcData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/IPmcData";
import { IQuestStatus, TraderInfo, Victim } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IBotBase";
import { Item } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/common/tables/IItem";
import { ISaveProgressRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/inRaid/ISaveProgressRequestData";
import { IFailQuestRequestData } from "@spt-aki/models/eft/quests/IFailQuestRequestData";
import { ConfigTypes } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/ConfigTypes";
import { QuestStatus } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/QuestStatus";
import { Traders } from "@spt-aki/models/enums/Traders";
import { IInRaidConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/IInRaidConfig";
import { ILostOnDeathConfig } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/config/ILostOnDeathConfig";
import { ILogger } from "@spt-aki/models/spt/utils/ILogger";
import { ConfigServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/ConfigServer";
import { DatabaseServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/DatabaseServer";
import { SaveServer } from "@spt-aki/servers/SaveServer";
import { LocalisationService } from "@spt-aki/services/LocalisationService";
import { ProfileFixerService } from "@spt-aki/services/ProfileFixerService";
import { JsonUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/JsonUtil";
import { TimeUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/TimeUtil";
import { RandomUtil } from "@spt-aki/utils/RandomUtil";
import { ProfileHelper } from "./ProfileHelper";
export class InRaidHelper
protected lostOnDeathConfig: ILostOnDeathConfig;
protected inRaidConfig: IInRaidConfig;
@inject("WinstonLogger") protected logger: ILogger,
@inject("TimeUtil") protected timeUtil: TimeUtil,
@inject("SaveServer") protected saveServer: SaveServer,
@inject("JsonUtil") protected jsonUtil: JsonUtil,
@inject("ItemHelper") protected itemHelper: ItemHelper,
@inject("DatabaseServer") protected databaseServer: DatabaseServer,
@inject("InventoryHelper") protected inventoryHelper: InventoryHelper,
@inject("ProfileHelper") protected profileHelper: ProfileHelper,
@inject("QuestHelper") protected questHelper: QuestHelper,
@inject("PaymentHelper") protected paymentHelper: PaymentHelper,
@inject("LocalisationService") protected localisationService: LocalisationService,
@inject("ProfileFixerService") protected profileFixerService: ProfileFixerService,
@inject("ConfigServer") protected configServer: ConfigServer,
@inject("RandomUtil") protected randomUtil: RandomUtil
this.lostOnDeathConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.LOST_ON_DEATH);
this.inRaidConfig = this.configServer.getConfig(ConfigTypes.IN_RAID);
* Lookup quest item loss from lostOnDeath config
* @returns True if items should be removed from inventory
public removeQuestItemsOnDeath(): boolean
return this.lostOnDeathConfig.questItems;
* Check items array and add an upd object to money with a stack count of 1
* Single stack money items have no upd object and thus no StackObjectsCount, causing issues
* @param items Items array to check
public addUpdToMoneyFromRaid(items: Item[]): void
for (const item of items.filter(x => this.paymentHelper.isMoneyTpl(x._tpl)))
if (!item.upd)
item.upd = {};
if (!item.upd.StackObjectsCount)
item.upd.StackObjectsCount = 1;
* Add karma changes up and return the new value
* @param existingFenceStanding Current fence standing level
* @param victims Array of kills player performed
* @returns adjusted karma level after kills are taken into account
public calculateFenceStandingChangeFromKills(existingFenceStanding: number, victims: Victim[]): number
// Run callback on every victim, adding up the standings gained/lossed, starting value is existing fence standing
const newFenceStanding = victims.reduce((acc, victim) =>
const standingForKill = this.getFenceStandingChangeForKillAsScav(victim);
if (standingForKill)
return acc + standingForKill;
this.localisationService.getText("inraid-missing_standing_for_kill", {
victimSide: victim.Side,
victimRole: victim.Role,
return acc;
}, existingFenceStanding);
return newFenceStanding;
* Get the standing gain/loss for killing an npc
* @param victim Who was killed by player
* @returns a numerical standing gain or loss
protected getFenceStandingChangeForKillAsScav(victim: Victim): number
const botTypes = this.databaseServer.getTables().bots.types;
if (victim.Side.toLowerCase() === "savage")
// Scavs and bosses
return botTypes[victim.Role.toLowerCase()]?.experience?.standingForKill;
// PMCs - get by bear/usec
let pmcStandingForKill = botTypes[victim.Side.toLowerCase()]?.experience?.standingForKill;
const pmcKillProbabilityForScavGain = this.inRaidConfig.pmcKillProbabilityForScavGain;
pmcStandingForKill += this.inRaidConfig.scavExtractGain
return pmcStandingForKill;
* Reset a profile to a baseline, used post-raid
* Reset points earned during session property
* Increment exp
* @param profileData Profile to update
* @param saveProgressRequest post raid save data request data
* @param sessionID Session id
* @returns Reset profile object
public updateProfileBaseStats(
profileData: IPmcData,
saveProgressRequest: ISaveProgressRequestData,
sessionID: string,
): void
// Remove skill fatigue values
// Set profile data
profileData.Info.Level = saveProgressRequest.profile.Info.Level;
profileData.Skills = saveProgressRequest.profile.Skills;
profileData.Stats.Eft = saveProgressRequest.profile.Stats.Eft;
profileData.Encyclopedia = saveProgressRequest.profile.Encyclopedia;
profileData.TaskConditionCounters = saveProgressRequest.profile.TaskConditionCounters;
this.validateTaskConditionCounters(saveProgressRequest, profileData);
profileData.SurvivorClass = saveProgressRequest.profile.SurvivorClass;
// Add experience points
profileData.Info.Experience += profileData.Stats.Eft.TotalSessionExperience;
profileData.Stats.Eft.TotalSessionExperience = 0;
* Reset the skill points earned in a raid to 0, ready for next raid
* @param profile Profile to update
protected resetSkillPointsEarnedDuringRaid(profile: IPmcData): void
for (const skill of profile.Skills.Common)
skill.PointsEarnedDuringSession = 0.0;
/** Check counters are correct in profile */
protected validateTaskConditionCounters(saveProgressRequest: ISaveProgressRequestData, profileData: IPmcData): void
for (const backendCounterKey in saveProgressRequest.profile.TaskConditionCounters)
// Skip counters with no id
if (!saveProgressRequest.profile.TaskConditionCounters[backendCounterKey].id)
const postRaidValue = saveProgressRequest.profile.TaskConditionCounters[backendCounterKey]?.value;
if (typeof postRaidValue === "undefined")
// No value, skip
const matchingPreRaidCounter = profileData.TaskConditionCounters[backendCounterKey];
if (!matchingPreRaidCounter)
this.logger.error(`TaskConditionCounters: ${backendCounterKey} cannot be found in pre-raid data`);
if (matchingPreRaidCounter.value !== postRaidValue)
`TaskConditionCounters: ${backendCounterKey} value is different post raid, old: ${matchingPreRaidCounter.value} new: ${postRaidValue}`
* Update various serverPMC profile values; quests/limb hp/trader standing with values post-raic
* @param pmcData Server PMC profile
* @param saveProgressRequest Post-raid request data
* @param sessionId Session id
public updatePmcProfileDataPostRaid(pmcData: IPmcData, saveProgressRequest: ISaveProgressRequestData, sessionId: string): void
// Process failed quests then copy everything
this.processAlteredQuests(sessionId, pmcData, pmcData.Quests, saveProgressRequest.profile);
pmcData.Quests = saveProgressRequest.profile.Quests;
// No need to do this for scav, old scav is deleted and new one generated
this.transferPostRaidLimbEffectsToProfile(saveProgressRequest, pmcData);
// Trader standing only occur on pmc profile, scav kills are handled in handlePostRaidPlayerScavKarmaChanges()
// Scav client data has standing values of 0 for all traders, DO NOT RUN ON SCAV RAIDS
this.applyTraderStandingAdjustments(pmcData.TradersInfo, saveProgressRequest.profile.TradersInfo);
this.updateProfileAchievements(pmcData, saveProgressRequest.profile.Achievements);
* Update scav quest values on server profile with updated values post-raid
* @param scavData Server scav profile
* @param saveProgressRequest Post-raid request data
* @param sessionId Session id
public updateScavProfileDataPostRaid(scavData: IPmcData, saveProgressRequest: ISaveProgressRequestData, sessionId: string): void
// Only copy active quests into scav profile // Progress will later to copied over to PMC profile
const existingActiveQuestIds = scavData.Quests?.filter(x => x.status !== QuestStatus.AvailableForStart).map(x => x.qid);
if (existingActiveQuestIds)
scavData.Quests = saveProgressRequest.profile.Quests.filter(x => existingActiveQuestIds.includes(x.qid));
* Look for quests with a status different from what it began the raid with
* @param sessionId Player id
* @param pmcData Player profile
* @param preRaidQuests Quests prior to starting raid
* @param postRaidProfile Profile sent by client with post-raid quests
protected processAlteredQuests(
sessionId: string,
pmcData: IPmcData,
preRaidQuests: IQuestStatus[],
postRaidProfile: IPostRaidPmcData,
): void
// TODO: this may break when locked quests are added to profile but player has completed no quests prior to raid
if (!preRaidQuests)
// No quests to compare against, skip
// Loop over all quests from post-raid profile
const newLockedQuests: IQuestStatus[] = [];
for (const postRaidQuest of postRaidProfile.Quests)
// postRaidQuest.status has a weird value, need to do some nasty casting to compare it
const postRaidQuestStatus = <string><unknown>postRaidQuest.status;
// Find matching pre-raid quest
const preRaidQuest = preRaidQuests?.find((x) => x.qid === postRaidQuest.qid);
if (!preRaidQuest)
// Some traders gives locked quests (LightKeeper) due to time-gating
if (postRaidQuestStatus === "Locked")
// Store new locked quest for future processing
// Already completed/failed before raid, skip
if ([QuestStatus.Fail, QuestStatus.Success].includes(preRaidQuest.status) )
// Quest with time-gate has unlocked
if (postRaidQuestStatus === "AvailableAfter" && postRaidQuest.availableAfter <= this.timeUtil.getTimestamp())
// Flag as ready to complete
postRaidQuest.status = QuestStatus.AvailableForStart;
postRaidQuest.statusTimers[QuestStatus.AvailableForStart] = this.timeUtil.getTimestamp();
this.logger.debug(`Time-locked quest ${postRaidQuest.qid} is now ready to start`);
// Quest failed inside raid
if (postRaidQuestStatus === "Fail")
// Send failed message
const failBody: IFailQuestRequestData = {
Action: "QuestFail",
qid: postRaidQuest.qid,
removeExcessItems: true,
this.questHelper.failQuest(pmcData, failBody, sessionId);
// Restartable quests need special actions
else if (postRaidQuestStatus === "FailRestartable")
// Does failed quest have requirement to collect items from raid
const questDbData = this.questHelper.getQuestFromDb(postRaidQuest.qid, pmcData);
// AvailableForFinish
const matchingAffFindConditions = questDbData.conditions.AvailableForFinish.filter(x => x.conditionType === "FindItem");
const itemsToCollect: string[] = [];
if (matchingAffFindConditions)
// Find all items the failed quest wanted
for (const condition of matchingAffFindConditions)
// Remove quest items from profile as quest has failed and may still be alive
// Required as restarting the quest from main menu does not remove value from CarriedQuestItems array
postRaidProfile.Stats.Eft.CarriedQuestItems = postRaidProfile.Stats.Eft.CarriedQuestItems.filter(x => !itemsToCollect.includes(x))
// Remove quest item from profile now quest is failed
// updateProfileBaseStats() has already passed by ref EFT.Stats, all changes applied to postRaid profile also apply to server profile
for (const itemTpl of itemsToCollect)
// Look for sessioncounter and remove it
const counterIndex = postRaidProfile.Stats.Eft.SessionCounters.Items.findIndex(x => x.Key.includes(itemTpl) && x.Key.includes("LootItem"));
if (counterIndex > -1)
postRaidProfile.Stats.Eft.SessionCounters.Items.splice(counterIndex, 1);
// Look for quest item and remove it
const inventoryItemIndex = postRaidProfile.Inventory.items.findIndex(x => x._tpl === itemTpl);
if (inventoryItemIndex > -1)
postRaidProfile.Inventory.items.splice(inventoryItemIndex, 1);
// Clear out any completed conditions
postRaidQuest.completedConditions = [];
// Reclassify time-gated quests as time gated until a specific date
if (newLockedQuests.length > 0)
for (const lockedQuest of newLockedQuests)
// Get the quest from Db
const dbQuest = this.questHelper.getQuestFromDb(lockedQuest.qid, null);
if (!dbQuest)
this.logger.warning(`Unable to adjust locked quest: ${lockedQuest.qid} as it wasnt found in db. It may not become available later on`);
// Find the time requirement in AvailableForStart array (assuming there is one as quest in locked state === its time-gated)
const afsRequirement = dbQuest.conditions.AvailableForStart.find(x => x.conditionType === "Quest");
if (afsRequirement && afsRequirement.availableAfter > 0)
// Prereq quest has a wait
// Set quest as AvailableAfter and set timer
const timestamp = this.timeUtil.getTimestamp() + afsRequirement.availableAfter;
lockedQuest.availableAfter = timestamp;
lockedQuest.statusTimers.AvailableAfter = timestamp;
lockedQuest.status = 9;
* Take body part effects from client profile and apply to server profile
* @param saveProgressRequest post-raid request
* @param profileData player profile on server
protected transferPostRaidLimbEffectsToProfile(
saveProgressRequest: ISaveProgressRequestData,
profileData: IPmcData,
): void
// Iterate over each body part
for (const bodyPartId in saveProgressRequest.profile.Health.BodyParts)
// Get effects on body part from profile
const bodyPartEffects = saveProgressRequest.profile.Health.BodyParts[bodyPartId].Effects;
for (const effect in bodyPartEffects)
const effectDetails = bodyPartEffects[effect];
// Null guard
if (!profileData.Health.BodyParts[bodyPartId].Effects)
profileData.Health.BodyParts[bodyPartId].Effects = {};
// Already exists on server profile, skip
const profileBodyPartEffects = profileData.Health.BodyParts[bodyPartId].Effects;
if (profileBodyPartEffects[effect])
// Add effect to server profile
profileBodyPartEffects[effect] = { Time: effectDetails.Time ?? -1 };
* Adjust server trader settings if they differ from data sent by client
* @param tradersServerProfile Server
* @param tradersClientProfile Client
protected applyTraderStandingAdjustments(
tradersServerProfile: Record<string, TraderInfo>,
tradersClientProfile: Record<string, TraderInfo>,
): void
for (const traderId in tradersClientProfile)
if (traderId === Traders.FENCE)
// Taking a car extract adjusts fence rep values via client/match/offline/end, skip fence for this check
const serverProfileTrader = tradersServerProfile[traderId];
const clientProfileTrader = tradersClientProfile[traderId];
if (!(serverProfileTrader && clientProfileTrader))
if (clientProfileTrader.standing !== serverProfileTrader.standing)
// Difference found, update server profile with values from client profile
tradersServerProfile[traderId].standing = clientProfileTrader.standing;
* Transfer client achievements into profile
* @param profile Player pmc profile
* @param clientAchievements Achievements from client
protected updateProfileAchievements(profile: IPmcData, clientAchievements: Record<string, number>): void
if (!profile.Achievements)
profile.Achievements = {};
for (const achievementId in clientAchievements)
profile.Achievements[achievementId] = clientAchievements[achievementId];
* Set the SPT inraid location Profile property to 'none'
* @param sessionID Session id
protected setPlayerInRaidLocationStatusToNone(sessionID: string): void
this.saveServer.getProfile(sessionID).inraid.location = "none";
* Iterate over inventory items and remove the property that defines an item as Found in Raid
* Only removes property if item had FiR when entering raid
* @param postRaidProfile profile to update items for
* @returns Updated profile with SpawnedInSession removed
public removeSpawnedInSessionPropertyFromItems(postRaidProfile: IPostRaidPmcData): IPostRaidPmcData
const dbItems = this.databaseServer.getTables().templates.items;
const itemsToRemovePropertyFrom = postRaidProfile.Inventory.items.filter((x) =>
// Has upd object + upd.SpawnedInSession property + not a quest item
return "upd" in x && "SpawnedInSession" in x.upd
&& !dbItems[x._tpl]._props.QuestItem
&& !(this.inRaidConfig.keepFiRSecureContainerOnDeath
&& this.itemHelper.itemIsInsideContainer(x, "SecuredContainer", postRaidProfile.Inventory.items));
itemsToRemovePropertyFrom.forEach((item) =>
delete item.upd.SpawnedInSession;
return postRaidProfile;
* Update a players inventory post-raid
* Remove equipped items from pre-raid
* Add new items found in raid to profile
* Store insurance items in profile
* @param sessionID Session id
* @param serverProfile Profile to update
* @param postRaidProfile Profile returned by client after a raid
* @returns Updated profile
public setInventory(sessionID: string, serverProfile: IPmcData, postRaidProfile: IPmcData): IPmcData
// Store insurance (as removeItem() removes insurance also)
const insured = this.jsonUtil.clone(serverProfile.InsuredItems);
// Remove possible equipped items from before the raid
this.inventoryHelper.removeItem(serverProfile,, sessionID);
this.inventoryHelper.removeItem(serverProfile, serverProfile.Inventory.questRaidItems, sessionID);
this.inventoryHelper.removeItem(serverProfile, serverProfile.Inventory.sortingTable, sessionID);
// Add the new items
serverProfile.Inventory.items = [...postRaidProfile.Inventory.items, ...serverProfile.Inventory.items];
serverProfile.Inventory.fastPanel = postRaidProfile.Inventory.fastPanel; // Quick access items bar
serverProfile.InsuredItems = insured;
return serverProfile;
* Clear pmc inventory of all items except those that are exempt
* Used post-raid to remove items after death
* @param pmcData Player profile
* @param sessionID Session id
public deleteInventory(pmcData: IPmcData, sessionID: string): void
// Get inventory item ids to remove from players profile
const itemIdsToDeleteFromProfile = this.getInventoryItemsLostOnDeath(pmcData).map((x) => x._id);
itemIdsToDeleteFromProfile.forEach((x) =>
// Items inside containers are handed as part of function
this.inventoryHelper.removeItem(pmcData, x, sessionID);
// Remove contents of fast panel
pmcData.Inventory.fastPanel = {};
* Get an array of items from a profile that will be lost on death
* @param pmcProfile Profile to get items from
* @returns Array of items lost on death
protected getInventoryItemsLostOnDeath(pmcProfile: IPmcData): Item[]
const inventoryItems = pmcProfile.Inventory.items ?? [];
const equipmentRootId = pmcProfile?.Inventory?.equipment;
const questRaidItemContainerId = pmcProfile?.Inventory?.questRaidItems;
return inventoryItems.filter((item) =>
// Keep items flagged as kept after death
if (this.isItemKeptAfterDeath(pmcProfile, item))
return false;
// Remove normal items or quest raid items
if (item.parentId === equipmentRootId || item.parentId === questRaidItemContainerId)
return true;
// Pocket items are lost on death
if (item.slotId.startsWith("pocket"))
return true;
return false;
* Get items in vest/pocket/backpack inventory containers (excluding children)
* @param pmcData Player profile
* @returns Item array
protected getBaseItemsInRigPocketAndBackpack(pmcData: IPmcData): Item[]
const rig = pmcData.Inventory.items.find((x) => x.slotId === "TacticalVest");
const pockets = pmcData.Inventory.items.find((x) => x.slotId === "Pockets");
const backpack = pmcData.Inventory.items.find((x) => x.slotId === "Backpack");
const baseItemsInRig = pmcData.Inventory.items.filter((x) => x.parentId === rig?._id);
const baseItemsInPockets = pmcData.Inventory.items.filter((x) => x.parentId === pockets?._id);
const baseItemsInBackpack = pmcData.Inventory.items.filter((x) => x.parentId === backpack?._id);
return [...baseItemsInRig, ...baseItemsInPockets, ...baseItemsInBackpack];
* Does the provided items slotId mean its kept on the player after death
* @pmcData Player profile
* @itemToCheck Item to check should be kept
* @returns true if item is kept after death
protected isItemKeptAfterDeath(pmcData: IPmcData, itemToCheck: Item): boolean
// No parentId = base inventory item, always keep
if (!itemToCheck.parentId)
return true;
// Is item equipped on player
if (itemToCheck.parentId ===
// Check slot id against config, true = delete, false = keep, undefined = delete
const discard =[itemToCheck.slotId];
if (discard === undefined)
return false;
return !discard;
// Is quest item + quest item not lost on death
if (itemToCheck.parentId === pmcData.Inventory.questRaidItems && !this.lostOnDeathConfig.questItems)
return true;
// special slots are always kept after death
if (itemToCheck.slotId?.includes("SpecialSlot") && this.lostOnDeathConfig.specialSlotItems)
return true;
return false;
* Return the equipped items from a players inventory
* @param items Players inventory to search through
* @returns an array of equipped items
public getPlayerGear(items: Item[]): Item[]
// Player Slots we care about
const inventorySlots = [
let inventoryItems: Item[] = [];
// Get an array of root player items
for (const item of items)
if (inventorySlots.includes(item.slotId))
// Loop through these items and get all of their children
let newItems = inventoryItems;
while (newItems.length > 0)
const foundItems = [];
for (const item of newItems)
// Find children of this item
for (const newItem of items)
if (newItem.parentId === item._id)
// Add these new found items to our list of inventory items
inventoryItems = [...inventoryItems, ...foundItems];
// Now find the children of these items
newItems = foundItems;
return inventoryItems;