Make while swallow the input

This commit is contained in:
0x4261756D 2022-12-14 11:46:39 +01:00
parent 89a7780d10
commit c2800dfcc7

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@ -54,7 +54,10 @@ enum Operation
Enqueue(Datatype, String, i32, i32),
Dequeue(i32, i32),
// TODO: req can be implemented in terms of dup and dequeue
Requeue(i32, i32),
Swap(i32, i32),
Dup(i32, i32),
Intrinsic(String, i32, i32),
FunctionCall(String, i32, i32),
If(Vec<Operation>, Option<Vec<Operation>>, i32, i32),
@ -67,6 +70,7 @@ fn main()
("print", (Vec::from([Datatype::Any]), Vec::new())),
("-", (Vec::from([Datatype::Int, Datatype::Int]), Vec::from([Datatype::Int]))),
("+", (Vec::from([Datatype::Int, Datatype::Int]), Vec::from([Datatype::Int]))),
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
if args.len() < 2
@ -132,6 +136,18 @@ fn interpret_program(operations: &Vec<Operation>, queue: &mut Vec<String>, funct
let val = queue.remove(0);
Operation::Dup(_, _) =>
let val = queue.get(0).unwrap();
Operation::Swap(_, _) =>
let first = queue.remove(0);
let second = queue.remove(0);
Operation::FunctionCall(function_name, _, _) =>
interpret_program(&functions.iter().find(|x| & == function_name).unwrap().content, queue, functions, intrinsics, debug);
@ -163,6 +179,12 @@ fn interpret_program(operations: &Vec<Operation>, queue: &mut Vec<String>, funct
let subtrahend = queue.remove(0).parse::<i64>().unwrap();
queue.push((minuend - subtrahend).to_string());
"+" =>
let addend1 = queue.remove(0).parse::<i64>().unwrap();
let addend2 = queue.remove(0).parse::<i64>().unwrap();
queue.push((addend1 + addend2).to_string());
_ =>
panic!("Unexpected intrinsic '{}' at {}:{}", intrinsic_name, line, col);
@ -173,7 +195,7 @@ fn interpret_program(operations: &Vec<Operation>, queue: &mut Vec<String>, funct
let val = queue.get(0).unwrap();
let val = queue.remove(0);
if val == "0"
@ -227,6 +249,8 @@ fn typecheck_block(operations: &Vec<Operation>, ins: &Vec<Datatype>, outs: &Vec<
Operation::Enqueue(_, _, line, col) |
Operation::Requeue(line, col) |
Operation::Dup(line, col) |
Operation::Swap(line, col) |
Operation::FunctionCall(_, line, col) |
Operation::If(_, _, line, col) |
Operation::Intrinsic(_, line, col) |
@ -265,6 +289,17 @@ fn get_return_type(operations: &Vec<Operation>, ins: &Vec<Datatype>, functions:
Operation::Dup(line, col) =>
if let Some(typ) = type_queue.get(0)
panic!("Attempted to dup an element while the queue was empty at {}:{}", line, col);
Operation::Requeue(line, col) =>
if type_queue.is_empty()
@ -274,6 +309,21 @@ fn get_return_type(operations: &Vec<Operation>, ins: &Vec<Datatype>, functions:
let typ = type_queue.remove(0);
Operation::Swap(line, col) =>
if type_queue.is_empty()
panic!("Attempted to get the first element for a swap while the queue was empty at {}:{}", line, col);
let first_typ = type_queue.remove(0);
if type_queue.is_empty()
panic!("Attempted to get the second element for a swap while the queue was empty at {}:{}", line, col);
let second_typ = type_queue.remove(0);
Operation::FunctionCall(function_name, line, col) =>
let function = functions.iter().find(|x| & == function_name).unwrap();
@ -350,7 +400,7 @@ fn get_return_type(operations: &Vec<Operation>, ins: &Vec<Datatype>, functions:
panic!("Encountered while block with an empty queue at {}:{}", line, col);
let &comparison_type = type_queue.get(0).unwrap();
let comparison_type = type_queue.remove(0);
if comparison_type != Datatype::Int
panic!("Expected an int as a while condition but got {:?} instead at {}:{}", comparison_type, line, col);
@ -359,7 +409,9 @@ fn get_return_type(operations: &Vec<Operation>, ins: &Vec<Datatype>, functions:
println!("Starting to typecheck while block");
typecheck_block(while_block, type_queue, type_queue, functions, intrinsics, debug);
let mut outs = type_queue.clone();
outs.insert(0, Datatype::Int);
typecheck_block(while_block, type_queue, &outs, functions, intrinsics, debug);
if debug
@ -393,12 +445,12 @@ fn validate_function_calls_in_block(block: &Vec<Operation>, functions: &Vec<Func
match operation
Operation::Intrinsic(_, _, _) | Operation::Enqueue(_, _, _, _) | Operation::Dequeue(_, _) | Operation::Requeue(_, _) => {},
Operation::Intrinsic(_, _, _) | Operation::Enqueue(_, _, _, _) | Operation::Dequeue(_, _) | Operation::Requeue(_, _) | Operation::Dup(_, _) | Operation::Swap(_, _) => {},
Operation::FunctionCall(function_name, line, col) =>
if !functions.iter().any(|x| & == function_name)
panic!("Call to unknown function {} at {}:{}", function_name, line, col);
panic!("Call to unknown function '{}' at {}:{}", function_name, line, col);
Operation::If(if_block, maybe_else_block, _, _) =>
@ -490,7 +542,7 @@ fn extract_functions(tokens: &mut Vec<Token>, intrinsics: &HashMap<&str, (Vec<Da
"any" => outs.push(Datatype::Any),
"str" => outs.push(Datatype::String),
"int" => outs.push(Datatype::Int),
"{" | "}" | "deq" | "req" => panic!("Expected function name but got {} at {}:{}", word, line, col),
"{" | "}" | "deq" | "req" | "dup" | "swp" => panic!("Expected function name but got {} at {}:{}", word, line, col),
_ =>
if functions.iter().any(|x| & == word)
@ -606,9 +658,16 @@ fn parse_until_delimiter(tokens_iter: &mut Peekable<std::slice::Iter<Token>>, in
else if word == "req"
operations.push(Operation::Requeue(*line, *col));
else if word == "dup"
operations.push(Operation::Dup(*line, *col));
else if word == "swp"
operations.push(Operation::Swap(*line, *col));
else if Some(word.as_str()) == delimiter
return operations;