LoveEevee cb64777012 SongSelect: Add Settings
- Resolution can be adjusted, as well as touch drum animation on mobile
- A translation text file "songtitle.txt" can be imported
  - Titles and translated titles are each on their own line, if a line begins with a language code, it will translate the song title that is above
  - An example file can be found here: https://gist.github.com/LoveEevee/65fe66f0b54c0536f96fd2f4862984d4
- The page will fail to load if version on the page does not match /api/config
- Disabled Tab key while playing, before hitting it would focus the version link
- Fix forcing branches in debug not working
- Fixed not being able to click on songs that do not have oni but have ura
- Fix unexpected category being used as a fallback
- Fix verticalText and layeredText not accepting anything except strings
2019-04-04 23:40:11 +03:00

177 lines
4.9 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python2
from __future__ import division
import json
import sqlite3
import re
import os
from flask import Flask, g, jsonify, render_template, request, abort, redirect
from flask_caching import Cache
from ffmpy import FFmpeg
app = Flask(__name__)
app.cache = Cache(app, config={'CACHE_TYPE': 'redis'})
except RuntimeError:
import tempfile
app.cache = Cache(app, config={'CACHE_TYPE': 'filesystem', 'CACHE_DIR': tempfile.gettempdir()})
DATABASE = 'taiko.db'
DEFAULT_URL = 'https://github.com/bui/taiko-web/'
def get_db():
db = getattr(g, '_database', None)
if db is None:
db = g._database = sqlite3.connect(DATABASE)
return db
def query_db(query, args=(), one=False):
cur = get_db().execute(query, args)
rv = cur.fetchall()
return (rv[0] if rv else None) if one else rv
def get_config():
if os.path.isfile('config.json'):
config = json.load(open('config.json', 'r'))
except ValueError:
print('WARNING: Invalid config.json, using default values')
config = {}
print('WARNING: No config.json found, using default values')
config = {}
if not config.get('songs_baseurl'):
config['songs_baseurl'] = ''.join([request.host_url, 'songs']) + '/'
if not config.get('assets_baseurl'):
config['assets_baseurl'] = ''.join([request.host_url, 'assets']) + '/'
config['_version'] = get_version()
return config
def get_version():
version = {'commit': None, 'commit_short': '', 'version': None, 'url': DEFAULT_URL}
if os.path.isfile('version.json'):
ver = json.load(open('version.json', 'r'))
except ValueError:
print('Invalid version.json file')
return version
for key in version.keys():
if ver.get(key):
version[key] = ver.get(key)
return version
def close_connection(exception):
db = getattr(g, '_database', None)
if db is not None:
def route_index():
version = get_version()
return render_template('index.html', version=version, config=get_config())
def route_api_preview():
song_id = request.args.get('id', None)
if not song_id or not re.match('^[0-9]+$', song_id):
song_row = query_db('select * from songs where id = ? and enabled = 1', (song_id,))
if not song_row:
song_type = song_row[0][12]
prev_path = make_preview(song_id, song_type, song_row[0][15])
if not prev_path:
return redirect(get_config()['songs_baseurl'] + '%s/main.mp3' % song_id)
return redirect(get_config()['songs_baseurl'] + '%s/preview.mp3' % song_id)
def route_api_songs():
songs = query_db('select * from songs where enabled = 1')
raw_categories = query_db('select * from categories')
categories = {}
for cat in raw_categories:
categories[cat[0]] = cat[1]
raw_song_skins = query_db('select * from song_skins')
song_skins = {}
for skin in raw_song_skins:
song_skins[skin[0]] = {'name': skin[1], 'song': skin[2], 'stage': skin[3], 'don': skin[4]}
songs_out = []
for song in songs:
song_id = song[0]
song_type = song[12]
preview = song[15]
category_out = categories[song[11]] if song[11] in categories else ""
song_skin_out = song_skins[song[14]] if song[14] in song_skins else None
'id': song_id,
'title': song[1],
'title_lang': song[2],
'subtitle': song[3],
'subtitle_lang': song[4],
'stars': [
song[5], song[6], song[7], song[8], song[9]
'preview': preview,
'category': category_out,
'type': song_type,
'offset': song[13],
'song_skin': song_skin_out,
'volume': song[16]
return jsonify(songs_out)
def route_api_config():
config = get_config()
return jsonify(config)
def make_preview(song_id, song_type, preview):
song_path = 'public/songs/%s/main.mp3' % song_id
prev_path = 'public/songs/%s/preview.mp3' % song_id
if os.path.isfile(song_path) and not os.path.isfile(prev_path):
if not preview or preview <= 0:
print('Skipping #%s due to no preview' % song_id)
return False
print('Making preview.mp3 for song #%s' % song_id)
ff = FFmpeg(inputs={song_path: '-ss %s' % preview},
outputs={prev_path: '-codec:a libmp3lame -ar 32000 -b:a 92k -y -loglevel panic'})
return prev_path
if __name__ == '__main__':