KatieFrogs 0655b79293 Bug fixes
- Change song select mouse wheel song scrolling to be instant
- Clicking on don chan in account settings toggles the animation
- If the music is too long for the chart, the results screen is shown earlier
- Fix weird BPM values freezing the browser (zero, negative, and very large)
- Add a warning to the page when JavaScript is disabled in the browser
- Fix Chrome auto dark mode by forcing light mode on the page
- Add a meta keywords tag to the page
- Fix plugin names getting cut off in the menu
- Delay the function editing of the EditFunction class in plugins to the start() function instead of load()
  - When stopping one of the plugins, all the plugins have to be stopped in reverse order and started again so that patched code of a stopped plugin does not linger around
- Fix importing plugins that have a SyntaxError
- Fix plugins getting the same internal name when added without one, causing them to not appear in the plugin settings
- Support editing args in EditFunction for plugins
- Prevent multiple websockets from being opened
- Fix page freezing after selecting Random song with no songs
- Fix the back button being repeated twice when there are no songs
- Fix /admin/users not accepting case insensitive usernames
- Pressing enter on the Delete Account field does the expected action instead of refreshing the page
- Better error message when custom folder access is denied
- Fix being able to start netplay in custom songs after refreshing the page (#383)
- Fix an error when importing songs from previous session and clicking on the white spot where you normally start multiplayer session
- Fix canvas elements becoming smaller than 1x1 resolution and crashing the game (#390)
- Fix song frame shadow cache on song select not being cleared when resizing the browser window, causing it to become blurry
- Fix a pause-restart error when you hit both confirm keys on the restart button
2022-02-17 23:50:07 +03:00

194 lines
5.2 KiB

class Logo{
this.canvas = document.getElementById("logo")
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d")
this.pathSvg = failedTests.indexOf("Path2D SVG") === -1 && vectors.logo1
this.symbolFont = "TnT, Meiryo, sans-serif"
this.symbols = [{
x: 315, y: 18, xAlt: 15, scale: true, text: "ブ",
path: new Path2D(vectors.logo5)
}, {
x: 267, y: 50, yAlt: -34, scale: true, text: "ェ",
path: new Path2D(vectors.logo4)
}, {
x: 197, y: 7, xAlt: 15, scale: true, text: "ウ",
path: new Path2D(vectors.logo3)
}, {
x: 87, y: 7, xAlt: 15, text: "鼓",
path: new Path2D(vectors.logo2),
shadow: new Path2D(vectors.logo2Shadow)
}, {
x: 22, y: 16, xAlt: 10, scaleAlt: true, text: "太",
path: new Path2D(vectors.logo1)
pageEvents.add(window, "resize", this.update.bind(this))
this.subtitleGradient = ["#df600d", "#d8446f", "#b2147b", "#428ac2", "#1f9099"]
this.subtitle = []
this.subtitleW = 0
var index = 0
var latinLowercase = /[a-z]/
for(var i = 0; i < strings.taikoWeb.length; i++){
var letter = strings.taikoWeb[i]
var width = 57
if(letter === "ェ"){
width = 40
}else if(letter === " "){
width = 20
}else if(letter === "i"){
width = 22
}else if(letter === "T"){
width = 30
}else if(latinLowercase.test(letter)){
width = 38
letter: letter,
x: this.subtitleW + width / 2,
index: letter === " " ? index : index++
this.subtitleW += width
var ctx = this.ctx
this.width = 1170
this.height = 390
var pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1
var winW = this.canvas.offsetWidth * pixelRatio
var winH = this.canvas.offsetHeight * pixelRatio
this.canvas.width = Math.max(1, winW)
this.canvas.height = Math.max(1, winH)
ctx.scale(winW / this.width, winH / this.height)
ctx.lineJoin = "round"
ctx.miterLimit = 1
ctx.textBaseline = "top"
ctx.textAlign = "center"
ctx.font = "100px " + this.symbolFont
for(var i = 0; i < this.symbols.length; i++){
ctx.strokeStyle = "#3f0406"
ctx.lineWidth = 13.5
this.drawSymbol(this.symbols[i], "stroke", 4)
ctx.font = this.bold(strings.font) + "55px " + strings.font
this.subtitleIterate((letter, x) => {
ctx.lineWidth = strings.id === "en" ? 19 : 18.5
ctx.strokeStyle = "#3f0406"
ctx.strokeText(letter, x, 315)
ctx.fillStyle = "#3f0406"
ctx.fillRect(400, 180, 30, 50)
ctx.font = "100px " + this.symbolFont
for(var i = 0; i < this.symbols.length; i++){
var symbol = this.symbols[i]
ctx.strokeStyle = "#7c361e"
ctx.lineWidth = 13.5
this.drawSymbol(symbol, "stroke")
ctx.strokeStyle = "#fff"
ctx.lineWidth = 7.5
this.drawSymbol(symbol, "stroke")
var grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 55 - symbol.y, 0, 95 - symbol.y)
grd.addColorStop(0, "#a41f1e")
grd.addColorStop(1, "#a86a29")
ctx.fillStyle = grd
this.drawSymbol(symbol, "fill")
ctx.scale(symbol.scale ? 2.8 : 3.2, 3.2)
ctx.translate(symbol.x, symbol.y)
grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 55 - symbol.y, 0, 95 - symbol.y)
grd.addColorStop(0, "#d80e11")
grd.addColorStop(1, "#e08f19")
ctx.fillStyle = grd
ctx.translate(3, 2)
ctx.fill(symbol.shadow || symbol.path)
this.drawSymbol(symbol, "fill")
ctx.fillStyle = "#fff"
ctx.fillRect(382, 85, 30, 15)
ctx.fillRect(402, 145, 15, 15)
ctx.font = this.bold(strings.font) + "55px " + strings.font
this.subtitleIterate((letter, x) => {
ctx.lineWidth = strings.id === "en" ? 19 : 18.5
ctx.strokeStyle = "#7c361e"
ctx.strokeText(letter, x, 305)
this.subtitleIterate((letter, x, i) => {
ctx.lineWidth = strings.id === "en" ? 11 : 9.5
ctx.strokeStyle = this.getSubtitleGradient(i)
ctx.fillStyle = "#fff"
ctx.strokeText(letter, x, 305)
ctx.fillText(letter, x, 305)
drawSymbol(symbol, action, y){
var ctx = this.ctx
ctx.scale((symbol.scale || !this.pathSvg && symbol.scaleAlt) ? 2.8 : 3.2, 3.2)
ctx.translate(symbol.x, symbol.y + (y || 0))
ctx[action + "Text"](symbol.text, 30 + (symbol.xAlt || 0), -4 + (symbol.yAlt || 0))
for(var i = this.subtitle.length; i--;){
var subtitleObj = this.subtitle[i]
var x = (this.width - this.subtitleW) / 2 + subtitleObj.x
func(subtitleObj.letter, x, subtitleObj.index)
var sign = 1
var position = 0
var length = this.subtitleGradient.length - 1
while(index >= 0){
if(sign === 1){
position = index % length
position = length - (index % length)
sign *= -1
index -= length
return this.subtitleGradient[position]
return font === "Microsoft YaHei, sans-serif" ? "bold " : ""
pageEvents.remove(window, "resize")
delete this.symbols
delete this.ctx
delete this.canvas