class SongSelect{ constructor(...args){ this.init(...args) } init(fromTutorial, fadeIn, touchEnabled, songId, showWarning){ this.touchEnabled = touchEnabled loader.changePage("songselect", false) this.canvas = document.getElementById("song-sel-canvas") this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d") var resolution = settings.getItem("resolution") var noSmoothing = resolution === "low" || resolution === "lowest" if(noSmoothing){ this.ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false } if(resolution === "lowest"){ = "pixelated" } this.songSkin = { "selected": { background: "#ffdb2c", border: ["#fff4b5", "#ffa600"], outline: "#000" }, "back": { background: "#efb058", border: ["#ffe7bd", "#c68229"], outline: "#ad7723" }, "random": { sort: 0, background: "#fa91ff", border: ["#ffdfff", "#b068b2"], outline: "#b221bb" }, "search": { sort: 0, background: "#FF5266", border: ["#FF9FB7", "#BE1432"], outline: "#A50B15" }, "tutorial": { sort: 0, background: "#29e8aa", border: ["#86ffbd", "#009a8c"], outline: "#08a28c" }, "about": { sort: 0, background: "#a2d0e7", border: ["#c6dfff", "#4485d9"], outline: "#2390d9" }, "settings": { sort: 0, background: "#ce93fa", border: ["#dec4fd", "#a543ef"], outline: "#a741ef" }, "customSongs": { sort: 0, background: "#fab5d3", border: ["#ffe7ef", "#d36aa2"], outline: "#d36aa2" }, "plugins": { sort: 0, background: "#f6bba1", border: ["#fde9df", "#ce7553"], outline: "#ce7553" }, // カスタム曲スキン "sourceCode": { sort: 0, background: "#1c1c1c", border: ["#000000", "#333333"], outline: "#222222", }, "upload": { sort: 0, background: "#ffe57f", border: ["#ffd54f", "#ff9800"], outline: "#ffab40", }, "default": { sort: null, background: "rgb(236,236,236,.5)", border: ["rgb(251,251,251,.5)", "rgb(139,139,139,.5)"], outline: "rgb(101,101,101,.5)", infoFill: "rgb(101,101,101,.5)" } } var songSkinLength = Object.keys(this.songSkin).length for(var i in assets.categories){ var category = assets.categories[i] if(!this.songSkin[category.title] && category.songSkin){ if(category.songSkin.sort === null){ category.songSkin.sort = songSkinLength + 1 } = this.songSkin[category.title] = category.songSkin } } this.songSkin["default"].sort = songSkinLength + 1 this.font = strings.font = new Search(this) this.songs = [] for(let song of assets.songs){ var title = this.getLocalTitle(song.title, song.title_lang) song.titlePrepared = title ? fuzzysort.prepare( : null var subtitle = this.getLocalTitle(title === song.title ? song.subtitle : "", song.subtitle_lang) song.subtitlePrepared = subtitle ? fuzzysort.prepare( : null this.songs.push(this.addSong(song)) } this.songs.sort((a, b) => { var catA = a.originalCategory in this.songSkin ? this.songSkin[a.originalCategory] : this.songSkin.default var catB = b.originalCategory in this.songSkin ? this.songSkin[b.originalCategory] : this.songSkin.default if(catA.sort !== catB.sort){ return catA.sort > catB.sort ? 1 : -1 }else if(a.originalCategory !== b.originalCategory){ return a.originalCategory > b.originalCategory ? 1 : -1 }else if(a.order !== b.order){ return a.order > b.order ? 1 : -1 }else{ return > ? 1 : -1 } }) if(assets.songs.length){ this.songs.push({ title: strings.back, skin: this.songSkin.back, action: "back" }) this.songs.push({ title: strings.randomSong, skin: this.songSkin.random, action: "random", category: strings.random, canJump: true, p2Enabled: true }) this.songs.push({ title:, skin:, action: "search", category: strings.random, p2Enabled: true }) } if(touchEnabled){ if(fromTutorial === "tutorial"){ fromTutorial = false } }else{ this.songs.push({ title: strings.howToPlay, skin: this.songSkin.tutorial, action: "tutorial", category: strings.random }) } this.showWarning = showWarning if(showWarning && === "scoreSaveFailed"){ scoreStorage.scoreSaveFailed = true } this.songs.push({ title: strings.aboutSimulator, skin: this.songSkin.about, action: "about", category: strings.random }) this.songs.push({ title: strings.gameSettings, skin: this.songSkin.settings, action: "settings", category: strings.random }) var showCustom = false if(gameConfig.google_credentials.gdrive_enabled){ showCustom = true }else if("webkitdirectory" in HTMLInputElement.prototype && !(/Android|iPhone|iPad/.test(navigator.userAgent))){ showCustom = true } if(showCustom){ this.songs.push({ title: assets.customSongs ? strings.customSongs.default : strings.customSongs.title, skin: this.songSkin.customSongs, action: "customSongs", category: strings.random }) } this.songs.push({ title: strings.plugins.title, skin: this.songSkin.plugins, action: "plugins", category: strings.random }) // カスタムメニュー // this.songs.push({ // title: "ソースコード", // skin: this.songSkin.sourceCode, // action: "sourceCode", // }); // for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { this.songs.push({ title: "曲を投稿!", skin: this.songSkin.upload, action: "upload", }); // } this.songs.push({ title: strings.back, skin: this.songSkin.back, action: "back" }) this.songAsset = { marginTop: 104, marginLeft: 18, width: 82, selectedWidth: 382, fullWidth: 912, height: 452, fullHeight: 502, border: 6, innerBorder: 8, letterBorder: 12 } this.diffOptions = [{ text: strings.back, fill: "#efb058", iconName: "back", iconFill: "#f7d39c", letterSpacing: 4 }, { text: strings.songOptions, fill: "#b2e442", iconName: "options", iconFill: "#d9f19f", letterSpacing: 0 }, { text: "ダウンロード", fill: "#e7a9da", iconName: "download", iconFill: "#e7cbe1", letterSpacing: 4 }, { text: "削除", fill: "silver", iconName: "trash", iconFill: "#111111", letterSpacing: 4 }] this.optionsList = [strings.none,, strings.netplay, "ばいそく", "さんばい", "よんばい", "ばいそく+オート", "さんばい+オート", "よんばい+オート"] this.draw = new CanvasDraw(noSmoothing) this.songTitleCache = new CanvasCache(noSmoothing) this.selectTextCache = new CanvasCache(noSmoothing) this.categoryCache = new CanvasCache(noSmoothing) this.difficultyCache = new CanvasCache(noSmoothing) this.sessionCache = new CanvasCache(noSmoothing) this.currentSongCache = new CanvasCache(noSmoothing) this.nameplateCache = new CanvasCache(noSmoothing) this.difficulty = [strings.easy, strings.normal, strings.hard, strings.oni] this.difficultyId = ["easy", "normal", "hard", "oni", "ura"] this.sessionText = { "sessionstart": strings.sessionStart, "sessionend": strings.sessionEnd } this.selectedSong = 0 this.selectedDiff = 0 this.lastCurrentSong = {} this.lastRandom = false assets.sounds["bgm_songsel"].playLoop(0.1, false, 0, 1.442, 3.506) if(!assets.customSongs && !fromTutorial && !("selectedSong" in localStorage) && !songId){ fromTutorial = touchEnabled ? "about" : "tutorial" } if(p2.session || assets.customSongs && "customSelected" in localStorage){ fromTutorial = false } this.drumSounds = settings.getItem("latency").drumSounds this.playedSounds = {} var songIdIndex = -1 var newSelected = -1 if(fromTutorial){ newSelected = this.songs.findIndex(song => song.action === fromTutorial) } if(newSelected !== -1){ this.setSelectedSong(newSelected, false) this.playBgm(true) }else{ if(songId){ songIdIndex = this.songs.findIndex(song => === songId) if(songIdIndex === -1){ this.clearHash() } } if(songIdIndex !== -1){ this.setSelectedSong(songIdIndex, false) }else if(assets.customSongs){ this.setSelectedSong(Math.min(Math.max(0, assets.customSelected), this.songs.length - 1), false) }else if((!p2.session || fadeIn) && "selectedSong" in localStorage){ this.setSelectedSong(Math.min(Math.max(0, localStorage["selectedSong"] |0), this.songs.length - 1), false) } if(!this.showWarning){ this.playSound(songIdIndex !== -1 ? "v_diffsel" : "v_songsel") } snd.musicGain.fadeOut() this.playBgm(false) } if("selectedDiff" in localStorage){ this.selectedDiff = Math.min(Math.max(0, localStorage["selectedDiff"] |0), this.diffOptions.length + 3) } this.songSelect = document.getElementById("song-select") var cat = this.songs[this.selectedSong].originalCategory this.drawBackground(cat) this.previewId = 0 this.previewList = Array(5) var skipStart = fromTutorial || p2.session this.state = { screen: songIdIndex !== -1 ? "difficulty" : (fadeIn ? "titleFadeIn" : (skipStart ? "song" : "title")), screenMS: this.getMS(), move: 0, moveMS: 0, mouseMoveMS: 0, ura: 0, moveHover: null, locked: true, hasPointer: false, options: 0, selLock: false, catJump: false, focused: true, waitPreview: 0 } this.songSelecting = { speed: 666, resize: 0.3, scrollDelay: 0.1 } this.wheelScrolls = 0 this.wheelTimer = 0 this.startPreview(true) this.pressedKeys = {} this.keyboard = new Keyboard({ confirm: ["enter", "space", "don_l", "don_r"], back: ["escape"], left: ["left", "ka_l"], right: ["right", "ka_r"], up: ["up"], down: ["down"], session: ["backspace"], ctrl: ["ctrl"], shift: ["shift"], mute: ["q"], search: ["f"] }, this.keyPress.bind(this)) this.gamepad = new Gamepad({ confirm: ["b", "start", "ls", "rs"], back: ["a"], left: ["l", "lsl", "lt"], right: ["r", "lsr", "rt"], up: ["u", "lsu"], down: ["d", "lsd"], session: ["back"], ctrlGamepad: ["y"], shift: ["x"], jump_left: ["lb"], jump_right: ["rb"] }, this.keyPress.bind(this)) if(!assets.customSongs){ this.startP2() } pageEvents.add(loader.screen, "mousemove", this.mouseMove.bind(this)) pageEvents.add(loader.screen, "mouseleave", () => { this.state.moveHover = null }) pageEvents.add(loader.screen, ["mousedown", "touchstart"], this.mouseDown.bind(this)) pageEvents.add(this.canvas, "touchend", this.touchEnd.bind(this)) if(touchEnabled && fullScreenSupported){ this.touchFullBtn = document.getElementById("touch-full-btn") = "block" pageEvents.add(this.touchFullBtn, "touchend", toggleFullscreen) } pageEvents.add(this.canvas, "wheel", this.mouseWheel.bind(this)) this.selectable = document.getElementById("song-sel-selectable") this.selectableText = "" this.redrawRunning = true this.redrawBind = this.redraw.bind(this) this.redraw() pageEvents.send("song-select") pageEvents.send("song-select-move", this.songs[this.selectedSong]) if(songIdIndex !== -1){ pageEvents.send("song-select-difficulty", this.songs[this.selectedSong]) } } setAltText(element, text){ element.innerText = text element.setAttribute("alt", text) } setSelectedSong(songIdx, drawBg=true){ if (songIdx < 0) { return; } if(drawBg){ var cat = this.songs[songIdx].originalCategory if(cat){ this.drawBackground(cat) }else{ this.drawBackground(false) } } this.selectedSong = songIdx } keyPress(pressed, name, event, repeat){ if(pressed){ if(!this.pressedKeys[name]){ this.pressedKeys[name] = this.getMS() + (name === "left" || name === "right" ? 150 : 300) } }else{ this.pressedKeys[name] = 0 return } if(name === "ctrl" || name === "shift" || !this.redrawRunning){ return } var ctrl = event ? event.ctrlKey : (this.pressedKeys["ctrl"] || this.pressedKeys["ctrlGamepad"]) var shift = event ? event.shiftKey : this.pressedKeys["shift"] if(this.state.showWarning){ if(name === "confirm"){ this.playSound("se_don") this.state.showWarning = false this.showWarning = false } }else if({, name, event, repeat, ctrl) }else if(this.state.screen === "song"){ if(event && event.keyCode && event.keyCode === 70 && ctrl){ if(event){ event.preventDefault() } }else if(name === "confirm"){ this.toSelectDifficulty() }else if(name === "back"){ this.toTitleScreen() }else if(name === "session"){ this.toSession() }else if(name === "left"){ if(shift){ if(!repeat){ this.categoryJump(-1) } }else{ this.moveToSong(-1) } }else if(name === "right"){ if(shift){ if(!repeat){ this.categoryJump(1) } }else{ this.moveToSong(1) } }else if(name === "jump_left" && !repeat){ this.categoryJump(-1) }else if(name === "jump_right" && !repeat){ this.categoryJump(1) }else if(name === "mute" || name === "ctrlGamepad"){ this.endPreview(true) this.playBgm(false) } }else if(this.state.screen === "difficulty"){ if(event && event.keyCode && event.keyCode === 70 && ctrl){ if(event){ event.preventDefault() } }else if(name === "confirm"){ if(this.selectedDiff === 0){ this.toSongSelect() }else if(this.selectedDiff === 2){ this.toDownload() }else if(this.selectedDiff === 3){ this.toDelete() }else if(this.selectedDiff === 1){ this.toOptions(1) }else{ this.toLoadSong(this.selectedDiff - this.diffOptions.length, shift, ctrl) } }else if(name === "back" || name === "session"){ this.toSongSelect() }else if(name === "left"){ this.moveToDiff(-1) }else if(name === "right"){ this.moveToDiff(1) }else if(this.selectedDiff === 1 && (name === "up" || name === "down")){ this.toOptions(name === "up" ? -1 : 1) }else if(name === "mute" || name === "ctrlGamepad"){ this.endPreview(true) this.playBgm(false) } }else if(this.state.screen === "title" || this.state.screen === "titleFadeIn"){ if(event && event.keyCode && event.keyCode === 70 && ctrl){ if(event){ event.preventDefault() } } } } mouseDown(event){ if( === this.selectable || === this.selectable){ this.selectable.focus() }else if( !== "INPUT"){ getSelection().removeAllRanges() this.selectable.blur() } if( !== this.canvas || !this.redrawRunning){ return } if(event.type === "mousedown"){ if(event.which !== 1){ return } var mouse = this.mouseOffset(event.offsetX, event.offsetY) var shift = event.shiftKey var ctrl = event.ctrlKey var touch = false }else{ event.preventDefault() var x = event.touches[0].pageX - this.canvas.offsetLeft var y = event.touches[0].pageY - this.canvas.offsetTop var mouse = this.mouseOffset(x, y) var shift = false var ctrl = false var touch = true } if(this.state.showWarning){ if(408 < mouse.x && mouse.x < 872 && 470 < mouse.y && mouse.y < 550){ this.playSound("se_don") this.state.showWarning = false this.showWarning = false } }else if(this.state.screen === "song"){ if(20 < mouse.y && mouse.y < 90 && 410 < mouse.x && mouse.x < 880 && (mouse.x < 540 || mouse.x > 750)){ this.categoryJump(mouse.x < 640 ? -1 : 1) }else if(!p2.session && 60 < mouse.x && mouse.x < 332 && 640 < mouse.y && mouse.y < 706 && gameConfig.accounts){ this.toAccount() }else if(p2.session && 438 < mouse.x && mouse.x < 834 && mouse.y > 603){ this.toSession() }else if(!p2.session && mouse.x > 641 && mouse.y > 603 && p2.socket && p2.socket.readyState === 1 && !assets.customSongs){ this.toSession() }else{ var moveBy = this.songSelMouse(mouse.x, mouse.y) if(moveBy === 0){ this.toSelectDifficulty() }else if(moveBy !== null){ this.moveToSong(moveBy) } } }else if(this.state.screen === "difficulty"){ var moveBy = this.diffSelMouse(mouse.x, mouse.y) if(mouse.x < 183 || mouse.x > 1095 || mouse.y < 54 || mouse.y > 554){ this.toSongSelect() }else if(moveBy === 0){ this.selectedDiff = 0 this.toSongSelect() }else if(moveBy === 2){ this.toDownload() }else if(moveBy === 3){ this.toDelete() }else if(moveBy === 1){ this.toOptions(1) }else if(moveBy === "maker"){[this.selectedSong].maker.url) }else if(moveBy === this.diffOptions.length + 4){ this.state.ura = !this.state.ura this.playSound("se_ka", 0, p2.session ? p2.player : false) if(this.selectedDiff === this.diffOptions.length + 4 && !this.state.ura){ this.state.move = -1 } }else if(moveBy !== null){ this.toLoadSong(moveBy - this.diffOptions.length, shift, ctrl, touch) } } } touchEnd(event){ event.preventDefault() } mouseWheel(event){ if(this.state.screen === "song" && this.state.focused){ this.wheelTimer = this.getMS() if(event.deltaY < 0) { this.wheelScrolls-- }else if(event.deltaY > 0){ this.wheelScrolls++ } } } mouseMove(event){ var mouse = this.mouseOffset(event.offsetX, event.offsetY) var moveTo = null if(this.state.showWarning){ if(408 < mouse.x && mouse.x < 872 && 470 < mouse.y && mouse.y < 550){ moveTo = "showWarning" } }else if(this.state.screen === "song" && !{ if(20 < mouse.y && mouse.y < 90 && 410 < mouse.x && mouse.x < 880 && (mouse.x < 540 || mouse.x > 750)){ moveTo = mouse.x < 640 ? "categoryPrev" : "categoryNext" }else if(!p2.session && 60 < mouse.x && mouse.x < 332 && 640 < mouse.y && mouse.y < 706 && gameConfig.accounts){ moveTo = "account" }else if(p2.session && 438 < mouse.x && mouse.x < 834 && mouse.y > 603){ moveTo = "session" }else if(!p2.session && mouse.x > 641 && mouse.y > 603 && p2.socket && p2.socket.readyState === 1 && !assets.customSongs){ moveTo = "session" }else{ var moveTo = this.songSelMouse(mouse.x, mouse.y) if(moveTo === null && this.state.moveHover === 0 && !this.songs[this.selectedSong].courses){ this.state.mouseMoveMS = this.getMS() - this.songSelecting.speed } } this.state.moveHover = moveTo }else if(this.state.screen === "difficulty"){ var moveTo = this.diffSelMouse(mouse.x, mouse.y) if(moveTo === null && this.state.moveHover === this.selectedDiff){ this.state.mouseMoveMS = this.getMS() - 1000 } this.state.moveHover = moveTo } this.pointer(moveTo !== null) } mouseOffset(offsetX, offsetY){ return { x: (offsetX * this.pixelRatio - this.winW / 2) / this.ratio + 1280 / 2, y: (offsetY * this.pixelRatio - this.winH / 2) / this.ratio + 720 / 2 } } pointer(enabled){ if(!this.canvas){ return } if(enabled && this.state.hasPointer === false){ = "pointer" this.state.hasPointer = true }else if(!enabled && this.state.hasPointer === true){ = "" this.state.hasPointer = false } } songSelMouse(x, y){ if(this.state.locked === 0 && this.songAsset.marginTop <= y && y <= this.songAsset.marginTop + this.songAsset.height){ x -= 1280 / 2 var dir = x > 0 ? 1 : -1 x = Math.abs(x) var selectedWidth = this.songAsset.selectedWidth if(!this.songs[this.selectedSong].courses){ selectedWidth = this.songAsset.width } var moveBy = Math.ceil((x - selectedWidth / 2 - this.songAsset.marginLeft / 2) / (this.songAsset.width + this.songAsset.marginLeft)) * dir if(moveBy / dir > 0){ return moveBy }else{ return 0 } } return null } diffSelMouse(x, y){ if(this.state.locked === 0){ if(223 < x && x < 223 + 72 * this.diffOptions.length && 132 < y && y < 436){ return Math.floor((x - 223) / 72) }else if(this.songs[this.selectedSong].maker && this.songs[this.selectedSong] > 0 && this.songs[this.selectedSong].maker.url && x > 230 && x < 485 && y > 446 && y < 533) { return "maker" }else if(550 < x && x < 1050 && 109 < y && y < 538){ var moveBy = Math.floor((x - 550) / ((1050 - 550) / 5)) + this.diffOptions.length var currentSong = this.songs[this.selectedSong] if( this.state.ura && moveBy === this.diffOptions.length + 3 ||[ this.difficultyId[moveBy - this.diffOptions.length] ] ){ return moveBy } } } return null } moveToSong(moveBy, fromP2){ var ms = this.getMS() if(p2.session && !fromP2){ if(!this.state.selLock && ms > this.state.moveMS + 800){ this.state.selLock = true p2.send("songsel", { song: this.mod(this.songs.length, this.selectedSong + moveBy) }) } }else if(this.state.locked !== 1 || fromP2){ if(this.songs[this.selectedSong].courses && !this.songs[this.selectedSong].unloaded && (this.state.locked === 0 || fromP2)){ this.state.moveMS = ms }else{ this.state.moveMS = ms - this.songSelecting.speed * this.songSelecting.resize } this.state.move = moveBy this.state.lastMove = moveBy this.state.locked = 1 this.state.moveHover = null var lastMoveMul = Math.pow(Math.abs(moveBy), 1 / 4) var changeSpeed = this.songSelecting.speed * lastMoveMul var resize = changeSpeed * this.songSelecting.resize / lastMoveMul var scrollDelay = changeSpeed * this.songSelecting.scrollDelay var resize2 = changeSpeed - resize var scroll = resize2 - resize - scrollDelay * 2 var soundsDelay = Math.abs((scroll + resize) / moveBy) this.lastMoveBy = fromP2 ? fromP2.player : false for(var i = 0; i < Math.abs(moveBy) - 1; i++){ this.playSound("se_ka", (resize + i * soundsDelay) / 1000, fromP2 ? fromP2.player : false) } this.pointer(false) } } categoryJump(moveBy, fromP2){ if(p2.session && !fromP2){ var ms = this.getMS() if(!this.state.selLock && ms > this.state.moveMS + 800){ this.state.selLock = true p2.send("catjump", { song: this.selectedSong, move: moveBy }) } }else if(this.state.locked !== 1 || fromP2){ this.state.catJump = true this.state.move = moveBy; this.state.locked = 1 this.endPreview() this.playSound("se_jump", 0, fromP2 ? fromP2.player : false) } } moveToDiff(moveBy){ if(this.state.locked !== 1){ this.state.move = moveBy this.state.moveMS = this.getMS() - 500 this.state.locked = 1 this.playSound("se_ka", 0, p2.session ? p2.player : false) } } toSelectDifficulty(fromP2, playVoice=true){ var currentSong = this.songs[this.selectedSong] if(p2.session && !fromP2 && (!currentSong.action || !currentSong.p2Enabled)){ if(this.songs[this.selectedSong].courses){ if(!this.state.selLock){ this.state.selLock = true p2.send("songsel", { song: this.selectedSong, selected: true, fromRandom: this.lastRandom }) } } }else if(this.state.locked === 0 || fromP2){ if({ if(currentSong.unloaded){ return } var prevScreen = this.state.screen this.state.screen = "difficulty" this.state.screenMS = this.getMS() this.state.locked = true this.state.moveHover = null this.state.ura = 0 if(this.selectedDiff === this.diffOptions.length + 4){ this.selectedDiff = this.diffOptions.length + 3 } this.playSound("se_don", 0, fromP2 ? fromP2.player : false) assets.sounds["v_songsel"].stop() if(!this.showWarning && prevScreen !== "difficulty" && playVoice){ this.playSound("v_diffsel", 0.3) } pageEvents.send("song-select-difficulty", currentSong) }else if(currentSong.action === "back"){ this.toTitleScreen() }else if(currentSong.action === "random"){ do{ var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.songs.length) }while(!this.songs[i].courses) this.setSelectedSong(i) this.lastRandom = true this.playBgm(false) this.toSelectDifficulty(false, playVoice=false) pageEvents.send("song-select-random") }else if(currentSong.action === "search"){ }else if(currentSong.action === "tutorial"){ this.toTutorial() }else if(currentSong.action === "about"){ this.toAbout() }else if(currentSong.action === "settings"){ this.toSettings() }else if(currentSong.action === "customSongs"){ this.toCustomSongs() }else if(currentSong.action === "plugins"){ this.toPlugins() } // カスタムメニューの実行処理 else if (currentSong.action === "sourceCode") { this.playSound("se_don"); setTimeout(() => { open("","_blank"); }, 500); } else if (currentSong.action === "upload") { this.playSound("se_don"); setTimeout(() => { window.location.href = "/upload/"; }, 100); } } this.pointer(false) } toSongSelect(fromP2){ if(p2.session && !fromP2){ if(!this.state.selLock){ this.state.selLock = true p2.send("songsel", { song: this.lastRandom ? this.songs.findIndex(song => song.action === "random") : this.selectedSong }) } }else if(fromP2 || this.state.locked !== 1){ this.state.screen = "song" this.state.screenMS = this.getMS() this.state.locked = true this.state.moveHover = null if(this.lastRandom){ this.endPreview(false) this.setSelectedSong(this.songs.findIndex(song => song.action === "random")) this.lastRandom = false } assets.sounds["v_diffsel"].stop() this.playSound("se_cancel", 0, fromP2 ? fromP2.player : false) } this.clearHash() pageEvents.send("song-select-back") } toLoadSong(difficulty, shift, ctrl, touch){ this.clean() var selectedSong = this.songs[this.selectedSong] assets.sounds["v_diffsel"].stop() this.playSound("se_don", 0, p2.session ? p2.player : false) try{ if(assets.customSongs){ assets.customSelected = this.selectedSong localStorage["customSelected"] = this.selectedSong }else{ localStorage["selectedSong"] = this.selectedSong } localStorage["selectedDiff"] = difficulty + this.diffOptions.length }catch(e){} if(difficulty === 3 && this.state.ura){ difficulty = 4 } var autoplay = false var multiplayer = false var baisoku = 1; if (this.state.options >= 3 || this.state.options <= 8) { const mapping = { 3: 2, 4: 3, 5: 4, 6: 2, 7: 3, 8: 4 }; baisoku = mapping[this.state.options]; if (this.state.options >= 6) { autoplay = true } }if(p2.session || this.state.options === 2){ multiplayer = true }else if(this.state.options === 1){ autoplay = true }else if(shift){ autoplay = shift }else if(p2.socket && p2.socket.readyState === 1 && !assets.customSongs){ multiplayer = ctrl } var diff = this.difficultyId[difficulty] new LoadSong({ "title": selectedSong.title, "originalTitle": selectedSong.originalTitle, "folder":, "difficulty": diff, "category": selectedSong.category, "category_id":selectedSong.category_id, "type": selectedSong.type, "offset": selectedSong.offset, "songSkin": selectedSong.songSkin, "stars":[diff].stars, "hash": selectedSong.hash, "lyrics": selectedSong.lyrics }, autoplay, multiplayer, touch, baisoku) } toOptions(moveBy){ if(!p2.session){ this.playSound("se_ka", 0, p2.session ? p2.player : false) this.selectedDiff = 1 do{ this.state.options = this.mod(this.optionsList.length, this.state.options + moveBy) }while((!p2.socket || p2.socket.readyState !== 1 || assets.customSongs) && this.state.options === 2) } } toTitleScreen(){ if(!p2.session){ this.playSound("se_cancel") this.clean() setTimeout(() => { new Titlescreen() }, 500) } } toTutorial(){ this.playSound("se_don") this.clean() setTimeout(() => { new Tutorial(true) }, 500) } toAbout(){ this.playSound("se_don") this.clean() setTimeout(() => { new About(this.touchEnabled) }, 500) } toSettings(){ this.playSound("se_don") this.clean() setTimeout(() => { new SettingsView(this.touchEnabled) }, 500) } toAccount(){ this.playSound("se_don") this.clean() setTimeout(() => { new Account(this.touchEnabled) }, 500) } toSession(){ if(p2.socket.readyState !== 1 || assets.customSongs){ return } if(p2.session){ this.playSound("se_don") p2.send("gameend") this.state.moveHover = null }else{ localStorage["selectedSong"] = this.selectedSong this.playSound("se_don") this.clean() setTimeout(() => { new Session(this.touchEnabled) }, 500) } } toCustomSongs(){ if(assets.customSongs){ assets.customSongs = false assets.songs = assets.songsDefault delete assets.otherFiles this.playSound("se_don") this.clean() setTimeout(() => { new SongSelect("customSongs", false, this.touchEnabled) }, 500) localStorage.removeItem("customSelected") db.removeItem("customFolder") pageEvents.send("import-songs-default") }else{ localStorage["selectedSong"] = this.selectedSong this.playSound("se_don") this.clean() setTimeout(() => { new CustomSongs(this.touchEnabled) }, 500) } } toPlugins(){ this.playSound("se_don") this.clean() setTimeout(() => { new SettingsView(this.touchEnabled, false, undefined, undefined, plugins.getSettings()) }, 500) } redraw(){ if(!this.redrawRunning){ return } requestAnimationFrame(this.redrawBind) var ms = this.getMS() for(var key in this.pressedKeys){ if(this.pressedKeys[key]){ if(ms >= this.pressedKeys[key] + (this.state.screen === "song" && (key === "right" || key === "left") ? 20 : 50)){ this.keyPress(true, key, null, true) this.pressedKeys[key] = ms } } } if(!this.redrawRunning){ return } var ctx = this.ctx var winW = innerWidth var winH = lastHeight if(winW / 32 > winH / 9){ winW = winH / 9 * 32 } this.pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1 var resolution = settings.getItem("resolution") if(resolution === "medium"){ this.pixelRatio *= 0.75 }else if(resolution === "low"){ this.pixelRatio *= 0.5 }else if(resolution === "lowest"){ this.pixelRatio *= 0.25 } winW *= this.pixelRatio winH *= this.pixelRatio var ratioX = winW / 1280 var ratioY = winH / 720 var ratio = (ratioX < ratioY ? ratioX : ratioY) if(this.winW !== winW || this.winH !== winH){ this.canvas.width = Math.max(1, winW) this.canvas.height = Math.max(1, winH) ctx.scale(ratio, ratio) = (winW / this.pixelRatio) + "px" = (winH / this.pixelRatio) + "px" var borders = (this.songAsset.border + this.songAsset.innerBorder) * 2 var songsLength = Math.ceil(winW / ratio / (this.songAsset.width + this.songAsset.marginLeft)) + 1 this.songTitleCache.resize( (this.songAsset.width - borders + 1) * songsLength, this.songAsset.height - borders + 1, ratio + 0.2 ) this.currentSongCache.resize( (this.songAsset.width - borders + 1) * 2, this.songAsset.height - borders + 1, ratio + 0.2 ) var textW = === "en" ? 350 : 280 this.selectTextCache.resize((textW + 53 + 60 + 1) * 2, this.songAsset.marginTop + 15, ratio + 0.5) this.nameplateCache.resize(274, 134, ratio + 0.2) var lastCategory this.songs.forEach(song => { var cat = (song.category || "") + if(lastCategory !== cat){ lastCategory = cat } }) this.categoryCache.resize(280, this.songAsset.marginTop + 1 , ratio + 0.5) this.difficultyCache.resize((44 + 56 + 2) * 5, 135 + 10, ratio + 0.5) var w = winW / ratio / 2 this.sessionCache.resize(w, 39 * 2, ratio + 0.5) for(var id in this.sessionText){ this.sessionCache.set({ w: w, h: 38, id: id }, ctx => { this.draw.layeredText({ ctx: ctx, text: this.sessionText[id], fontSize: 28, fontFamily: this.font, x: w / 2, y: 38 / 2, width: id === "sessionend" ? 385 : w - 30, align: "center", baseline: "middle" }, [ {outline: "#000", letterBorder: 8}, {fill: "#fff"} ]) }) } this.selectableText = "" if( &&{ } }else if(!document.hasFocus() && !p2.session){ if(this.state.focused){ this.state.focused = false this.songSelect.classList.add("unfocused") this.pressedKeys = {} } return }else{ ctx.clearRect(0, 0, winW / ratio, winH / ratio) } if(!this.state.focused){ this.state.focused = true this.songSelect.classList.remove("unfocused") } this.winW = winW this.winH = winH this.ratio = ratio winW /= ratio winH /= ratio var frameTop = winH / 2 - 720 / 2 var frameLeft = winW / 2 - 1280 / 2 var songTop = frameTop + this.songAsset.marginTop var xOffset = 0 var songSelMoving = false var screen = this.state.screen var selectedWidth = this.songAsset.width if(this.wheelScrolls !== 0 && !this.state.locked && ms >= this.wheelTimer + 20) { if(p2.session){ this.moveToSong(this.wheelScrolls) }else{ this.state.move = this.wheelScrolls this.state.waitPreview = ms + 400 this.endPreview() } this.wheelScrolls = 0 } if(screen === "title" || screen === "titleFadeIn"){ if(ms > this.state.screenMS + 1000){ this.state.screen = "song" this.state.screenMS = ms + (ms - this.state.screenMS - 1000) this.state.moveMS = ms - this.songSelecting.speed * this.songSelecting.resize + (ms - this.state.screenMS) this.state.locked = 3 this.state.lastMove = 1 }else{ this.state.moveMS = ms - this.songSelecting.speed * this.songSelecting.resize + (ms - this.state.screenMS - 1000) } if(screen === "titleFadeIn" && ms > this.state.screenMS + 500){ this.state.screen = "title" screen = "title" } } if((screen === "song" || screen === "difficulty") && (this.showWarning && !this.showWarning.shown || scoreStorage.scoreSaveFailed)){ if(!this.showWarning){ this.showWarning = {name: "scoreSaveFailed"} } if(this.bgmEnabled){ this.playBgm(false) } if( === "scoreSaveFailed"){ scoreStorage.scoreSaveFailed = false } this.showWarning.shown = true this.state.showWarning = true this.state.locked = true this.playSound("se_pause") } if(screen === "title" || screen === "titleFadeIn" || screen === "song"){ var textW = === "en" ? 350 : 280 this.selectTextCache.get({ ctx: ctx, x: frameLeft, y: frameTop, w: textW + 53 + 60, h: this.songAsset.marginTop + 15, id: "song" }, ctx => { this.draw.layeredText({ ctx: ctx, text: strings.selectSong, fontSize: 48, fontFamily: this.font, x: 53, y: 30, width: textW, letterSpacing: === "en" ? 0 : 2, forceShadow: true }, [ {x: -2, y: -2, outline: "#000", letterBorder: 22}, {}, {x: 2, y: 2, shadow: [3, 3, 3]}, {x: 2, y: 2, outline: "#ad1516", letterBorder: 10}, {x: -2, y: -2, outline: "#ff797b"}, {outline: "#f70808"}, {fill: "#fff", shadow: [-1, 1, 3, 1.5]} ]) }) var selectedSong = this.songs[this.selectedSong] var category = selectedSong.category this.draw.category({ ctx: ctx, x: winW / 2 - 280 / 2 - 30, y: frameTop + 60, fill:, highlight: this.state.moveHover === "categoryPrev" }) this.draw.category({ ctx: ctx, x: winW / 2 + 280 / 2 + 30, y: frameTop + 60, right: true, fill:, highlight: this.state.moveHover === "categoryNext" }) this.categoryCache.get({ ctx: ctx, x: winW / 2 - 280 / 2, y: frameTop, w: 280, h: this.songAsset.marginTop, id: category + }, ctx => { if(category){ let cat = assets.categories.find(cat=>cat.title === category) if(cat){ var categoryName = this.getLocalTitle(cat.title, cat.title_lang) }else{ var categoryName = category } this.draw.layeredText({ ctx: ctx, text: categoryName, fontSize: 40, fontFamily: this.font, x: 280 / 2, y: 38, width: 255, align: "center", forceShadow: true }, [ {outline:, letterBorder: 12, shadow: [3, 3, 3]}, {fill: "#fff"} ]) } }) } if(screen === "song"){ if(this.songs[this.selectedSong].courses && !this.songs[this.selectedSong].unloaded){ selectedWidth = this.songAsset.selectedWidth } var lastMoveMul = Math.pow(Math.abs(this.state.lastMove || 0), 1 / 4) var changeSpeed = this.songSelecting.speed * lastMoveMul var resize = changeSpeed * (lastMoveMul === 0 ? 0 : this.songSelecting.resize / lastMoveMul) var scrollDelay = changeSpeed * this.songSelecting.scrollDelay var resize2 = changeSpeed - resize var scroll = resize2 - resize - scrollDelay * 2 var elapsed = ms - this.state.moveMS if(this.state.catJump || (this.state.move && ms > this.state.moveMS + resize2 - scrollDelay)){ var isJump = this.state.catJump var previousSelectedSong = this.selectedSong if(!isJump){ this.playSound("se_ka", 0, this.lastMoveBy) this.setSelectedSong(this.mod(this.songs.length, this.selectedSong + this.state.move)) }else{ var currentCat = this.songs[this.selectedSong].category var currentIdx = this.mod(this.songs.length, this.selectedSong) if(this.state.move > 0){ var nextSong = this.songs.find(song => this.mod(this.songs.length, this.songs.indexOf(song)) > currentIdx && song.category !== currentCat && song.canJump) if(!nextSong){ nextSong = this.songs[0] } }else{ var isFirstInCat = this.songs.findIndex(song => song.category === currentCat) == this.selectedSong if(!isFirstInCat){ var nextSong = this.songs.find(song => this.mod(this.songs.length, this.songs.indexOf(song)) < currentIdx && song.category === currentCat && song.canJump) }else{ var idx = this.songs.length - 1 var nextSong var lastCat for(;idx>=0;idx--){ if(this.songs[idx].category !== lastCat && this.songs[idx].action !== "back"){ lastCat = this.songs[idx].category if(nextSong){ break } } if(lastCat !== currentCat && idx < currentIdx){ nextSong = idx } } nextSong = this.songs[nextSong] } if(!nextSong){ var rev = [...this.songs].reverse() nextSong = rev.find(song => song.canJump) } } this.setSelectedSong(this.songs.indexOf(nextSong)) this.state.catJump = false } if(previousSelectedSong !== this.selectedSong){ pageEvents.send("song-select-move", this.songs[this.selectedSong]) } this.state.move = 0 this.state.locked = 2 if(assets.customSongs){ assets.customSelected = this.selectedSong localStorage["customSelected"] = this.selectedSong }else if(!p2.session){ try{ localStorage["selectedSong"] = this.selectedSong }catch(e){} } } if(this.state.moveMS && ms < this.state.moveMS + changeSpeed){ xOffset = Math.min(scroll, Math.max(0, elapsed - resize - scrollDelay)) / scroll * (this.songAsset.width + this.songAsset.marginLeft) xOffset *= -this.state.move if(elapsed < resize){ selectedWidth = this.songAsset.width + (((resize - elapsed) / resize) * (selectedWidth - this.songAsset.width)) }else if(elapsed > resize2){ this.playBgm(!this.songs[this.selectedSong].courses) this.state.locked = 1 selectedWidth = this.songAsset.width + ((elapsed - resize2) / resize * (selectedWidth - this.songAsset.width)) }else{ songSelMoving = true selectedWidth = this.songAsset.width } }else{ if(this.previewing !== "muted"){ this.playBgm(!this.songs[this.selectedSong].courses) } this.state.locked = 0 } }else if(screen === "difficulty"){ var currentSong = this.songs[this.selectedSong] if(this.state.locked){ this.state.locked = 0 } if(this.state.move){ var hasUra = var previousSelection = this.selectedDiff do{ if(hasUra && this.state.move > 0){ this.selectedDiff += this.state.move if(this.selectedDiff > this.diffOptions.length + 4){ this.state.ura = !this.state.ura if(this.state.ura){ this.selectedDiff = previousSelection === this.diffOptions.length + 3 ? this.diffOptions.length + 4 : previousSelection break }else{ this.state.move = -1 } } }else{ this.selectedDiff = this.mod(this.diffOptions.length + 5, this.selectedDiff + this.state.move) } }while( this.selectedDiff >= this.diffOptions.length && ![this.difficultyId[this.selectedDiff - this.diffOptions.length]] || this.selectedDiff === this.diffOptions.length + 3 && this.state.ura || this.selectedDiff === this.diffOptions.length + 4 && !this.state.ura ) this.state.move = 0 }else if(this.selectedDiff < 0 || this.selectedDiff >= this.diffOptions.length && ![this.difficultyId[this.selectedDiff - this.diffOptions.length]]){ this.selectedDiff = 0 } } if(songSelMoving){ if(this.previewing !== null){ this.endPreview() } }else if(screen !== "title" && screen !== "titleFadeIn" && ms > this.state.moveMS + 100){ if(this.previewing !== "muted" && this.previewing !== this.selectedSong && "id" in this.songs[this.selectedSong]){ this.startPreview() } } this.songFrameCache = { w: this.songAsset.width + this.songAsset.selectedWidth + this.songAsset.fullWidth + (15 + 1) * 3, h: this.songAsset.fullHeight + 16, ratio: ratio } if(screen === "title" || screen === "titleFadeIn" || screen === "song"){ for(var i = this.selectedSong - 1; ; i--){ var highlight = 0 if(i - this.selectedSong === this.state.moveHover){ highlight = 1 } var index = this.mod(this.songs.length, i) var _x = winW / 2 - (this.selectedSong - i) * (this.songAsset.width + this.songAsset.marginLeft) - selectedWidth / 2 + xOffset if(_x + this.songAsset.width + this.songAsset.marginLeft < 0){ break } this.drawClosedSong({ ctx: ctx, x: _x, y: songTop, song: this.songs[index], highlight: highlight, disabled: p2.session && this.songs[index].action && !this.songs[index].p2Enabled }) } var startFrom for(var i = this.selectedSong + 1; ; i++){ var _x = winW / 2 + (i - this.selectedSong - 1) * (this.songAsset.width + this.songAsset.marginLeft) + this.songAsset.marginLeft + selectedWidth / 2 + xOffset if(_x > winW){ startFrom = i - 1 break } } for(var i = startFrom; i > this.selectedSong ; i--){ var highlight = 0 if(i - this.selectedSong === this.state.moveHover){ highlight = 1 } var index = this.mod(this.songs.length, i) var currentSong = this.songs[index] var _x = winW / 2 + (i - this.selectedSong - 1) * (this.songAsset.width + this.songAsset.marginLeft) + this.songAsset.marginLeft + selectedWidth / 2 + xOffset this.drawClosedSong({ ctx: ctx, x: _x, y: songTop, song: this.songs[index], highlight: highlight, disabled: p2.session && this.songs[index].action && !this.songs[index].p2Enabled }) } } var currentSong = this.songs[this.selectedSong] var highlight = 0 if(!{ highlight = 2 } if(this.state.moveHover === 0){ highlight = 1 } var selectedSkin = this.songSkin.selected if(screen === "title" || screen === "titleFadeIn" || this.state.locked === 3 || currentSong.unloaded){ selectedSkin = highlight = 2 }else if(songSelMoving){ selectedSkin = highlight = 0 } var selectedHeight = this.songAsset.height if(screen === "difficulty"){ selectedWidth = this.songAsset.fullWidth selectedHeight = this.songAsset.fullHeight highlight = 0 } if(this.lastCurrentSong.title !== currentSong.title || this.lastCurrentSong.subtitle !== currentSong.subtitle){ this.lastCurrentSong.title = currentSong.title this.lastCurrentSong.subtitle = currentSong.subtitle this.currentSongCache.clear() } if(selectedWidth === this.songAsset.width){ this.drawSongCrown({ ctx: ctx, song: currentSong, x: winW / 2 - selectedWidth / 2 + xOffset, y: songTop + this.songAsset.height - selectedHeight }) } this.draw.songFrame({ ctx: ctx, x: winW / 2 - selectedWidth / 2 + xOffset, y: songTop + this.songAsset.height - selectedHeight, width: selectedWidth, height: selectedHeight, border: this.songAsset.border, innerBorder: this.songAsset.innerBorder, background: selectedSkin.background, borderStyle: selectedSkin.border, highlight: highlight, noCrop: screen === "difficulty", animateMS: Math.max(this.state.moveMS, this.state.mouseMoveMS), cached: selectedWidth === this.songAsset.fullWidth ? 3 : (selectedWidth === this.songAsset.selectedWidth ? 2 : (selectedWidth === this.songAsset.width ? 1 : 0)), frameCache: this.songFrameCache, disabled: p2.session && currentSong.action && !currentSong.p2Enabled, innerContent: (x, y, w, h) => { ctx.strokeStyle = "#000" if(screen === "title" || screen === "titleFadeIn" || screen === "song"){ var opened = ((selectedWidth - this.songAsset.width) / (this.songAsset.selectedWidth - this.songAsset.width)) var songSel = true }else{ var textW = === "en" ? 350 : 280 this.selectTextCache.get({ ctx: ctx, x: frameLeft, y: frameTop, w: textW + 53 + 60, h: this.songAsset.marginTop + 15, id: "difficulty" }, ctx => { this.draw.layeredText({ ctx: ctx, text: strings.selectDifficulty, fontSize: 46, fontFamily: this.font, x: 53, y: 30, width: textW, forceShadow: true }, [ {x: -2, y: -2, outline: "#000", letterBorder: 23}, {}, {x: 2, y: 2, shadow: [3, 3, 3]}, {x: 2, y: 2, outline: "#ad1516", letterBorder: 10}, {x: -2, y: -2, outline: "#ff797b"}, {outline: "#f70808"}, {fill: "#fff", shadow: [-1, 1, 3, 1.5]} ]) }) var opened = 1 var songSel = false for(var i = 0; i < this.diffOptions.length; i++){ var _x = x + 62 + i * 72 var _y = y + 67 ctx.fillStyle = this.diffOptions[i].fill ctx.lineWidth = 5 this.draw.roundedRect({ ctx: ctx, x: _x - 28, y: _y, w: 56, h: 298, radius: 24 }) ctx.fill() ctx.stroke() ctx.fillStyle = this.diffOptions[i].iconFill ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(_x, _y + 28, 20, 0, Math.PI * 2) ctx.fill() this.draw.diffOptionsIcon({ ctx: ctx, x: _x, y: _y + 28, iconName: this.diffOptions[i].iconName }) var text = this.diffOptions[i].text if(this.diffOptions[i].iconName === "options" && (this.selectedDiff === i || this.state.options !== 0)){ text = this.optionsList[this.state.options] } this.draw.verticalText({ ctx: ctx, text: text, x: _x, y: _y + 57, width: 56, height: 220, fill: "#fff", outline: "#000", outlineSize: this.songAsset.letterBorder, letterBorder: 4, fontSize: 28, fontFamily: this.font, letterSpacing: this.diffOptions[i].letterSpacing }) var highlight = 0 if(this.state.moveHover === i){ highlight = 2 }else if(this.selectedDiff === i){ highlight = 1 } if(highlight){ this.draw.highlight({ ctx: ctx, x: _x - 32, y: _y - 3, w: 64, h: 304, animate: highlight === 1, animateMS: Math.max(this.state.moveMS, this.state.mouseMoveMS), opacity: highlight === 2 ? 0.8 : 1, radius: 24 }) if(this.selectedDiff === i && !this.touchEnabled){ this.draw.diffCursor({ ctx: ctx, font: this.font, x: _x, y: _y - 45, two: p2.session && p2.player === 2 }) } } } } var drawDifficulty = (ctx, i, currentUra) => { if([this.difficultyId[i]] || currentUra){ var crownDiff = currentUra ? "ura" : this.difficultyId[i] var players = p2.session ? 2 : 1 var score = [scoreStorage.get(currentSong.hash, false, true)] if(p2.session){ score[p2.player === 1 ? "push" : "unshift"](scoreStorage.getP2(currentSong.hash, false, true)) } var reversed = false for(var a = players; a--;){ var crownType = "" var p = reversed ? -(a - 1) : a if(score[p] && score[p][crownDiff]){ crownType = score[p][crownDiff].crown } if(!reversed && players === 2 && p === 1 && crownType){ reversed = true a++ }else{{ ctx: ctx, type: crownType, x: (songSel ? x + 33 + i * 60 : x + 402 + i * 100) + (players === 2 ? p === 0 ? -13 : 13 : 0), y: songSel ? y + 75 : y + 30, scale: 0.25, ratio: this.ratio / this.pixelRatio }) } } if(songSel){ var _x = x + 33 + i * 60 var _y = y + 120 ctx.fillStyle = currentUra ? "#006279" : "#ff9f18" ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(_x, _y + 22, 22, -Math.PI, 0) ctx.arc(_x, _y + 266, 22, 0, Math.PI) ctx.fill() this.draw.diffIcon({ ctx: ctx, diff: currentUra ? 4 : i, x: _x, y: _y - 8, scale: 1, border: 6 }) }else{ var _x = x + 402 + i * 100 var _y = y + 87 this.draw.diffIcon({ ctx: ctx, diff: i, x: _x, y: _y - 12, scale: 1.4, border: 6.5, noFill: true }) ctx.fillStyle = "#aa7023" ctx.lineWidth = 4.5 ctx.fillRect(_x - 35.5, _y + 2, 71, 380) ctx.strokeRect(_x - 35.5, _y + 2, 71, 380) ctx.fillStyle = currentUra ? "#006279" : "#fff" ctx.lineWidth = 2.5 ctx.fillRect(_x - 28, _y + 19, 56, 351) ctx.strokeRect(_x - 28, _y + 19, 56, 351) this.draw.diffIcon({ ctx: ctx, diff: currentUra ? 4 : i, x: _x, y: _y - 12, scale: 1.4, border: 4.5 }) } var offset = (songSel ? 44 : 56) / 2 this.difficultyCache.get({ ctx: ctx, x: _x - offset, y: songSel ? _y + 10 : _y + 23, w: songSel ? 44 : 56, h: (songSel ? 88 : 135) + 10, id: this.difficulty[currentUra ? 4 : i] + (songSel ? "1" : "0") }, ctx => { var ja = === "ja" this.draw.verticalText({ ctx: ctx, text: this.difficulty[i], x: offset, y: 0, width: songSel ? 44 : 56, height: songSel ? (i === 1 && ja ? 66 : 88) : (ja ? 130 : (i === 1 && ja ? 110 : 135)), fill: currentUra ? "#fff" : "#000", fontSize: songSel ? 25 : (i === 2 && ja ? 45 : 40), fontFamily: this.font, outline: currentUra ? "#003C52" : false, outlineSize: currentUra ? this.songAsset.letterBorder : 0 }) }) var songStarsObj = (currentUra ? :[this.difficultyId[i]]) var songStars = songStarsObj.stars var songBranch = songStarsObj.branch var moveMS = Math.max(this.state.moveMS, this.state.mouseMoveMS) var elapsedMS = this.state.screenMS > moveMS || !songSel ? this.state.screenMS : moveMS var fade = ((ms - elapsedMS) % 2000) / 2000 if(songBranch && fade > 0.25 && fade < 0.75){ this.draw.verticalText({ ctx: ctx, text: strings.songBranch, x: _x, y: _y + (songSel ? 110 : 185), width: songSel ? 44 : 56, height: songSel ? 160 : 170, fill: songSel && !currentUra ? "#c85200" : "#fff", fontSize: songSel ? 25 : 27, fontFamily: songSel ? "Meiryo, Microsoft YaHei, sans-serif" : this.font, outline: songSel ? false : "#f22666", outlineSize: songSel ? 0 : this.songAsset.letterBorder }) }else{ for(var j = 0; j < 10; j++){ if(songSel){ var yPos = _y + 113 + j * 17 }else{ var yPos = _y + 178 + j * 19.5 } if(10 - j > songStars){ ctx.fillStyle = currentUra ? "#187085" : (songSel ? "#e97526" : "#e7e7e7") ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(_x, yPos, songSel ? 4.5 : 5, 0, Math.PI * 2) ctx.fill() }else{ this.draw.diffStar({ ctx: ctx, songSel: songSel, ura: currentUra, x: _x, y: yPos, ratio: ratio }) } } } var currentDiff = this.selectedDiff - this.diffOptions.length if(this.selectedDiff === 4 + this.diffOptions.length){ currentDiff = 3 } if(!songSel){ var highlight = 0 if(this.state.moveHover - this.diffOptions.length === i){ highlight = 2 }else if(currentDiff === i){ highlight = 1 } if(currentDiff === i && !this.touchEnabled){ this.draw.diffCursor({ ctx: ctx, font: this.font, x: _x, y: _y - 65, side: currentSong.p2Cursor === currentDiff && p2.socket.readyState === 1, two: p2.session && p2.player === 2 }) } if(highlight){ this.draw.highlight({ ctx: ctx, x: _x - 32, y: _y + 14, w: 64, h: 362, animate: highlight === 1, animateMS: Math.max(this.state.moveMS, this.state.mouseMoveMS), opacity: highlight === 2 ? 0.8 : 1 }) } } } } for(var i = 0; && i < 4; i++){ var currentUra = i === 3 && (this.state.ura && !songSel || && songSel) if(songSel && currentUra){ drawDifficulty(ctx, i, false) var elapsedMS = Math.max(this.state.screenMS, this.state.moveMS, this.state.mouseMoveMS) var fade = ((ms - elapsedMS) % 4000) / 4000 var alphaFade = 0 if(fade > 0.95){ alphaFade = this.draw.easeOut(1 - (fade - 0.95) * 20) }else if(fade > 0.5){ alphaFade = 1 }else if(fade > 0.45){ alphaFade = this.draw.easeIn((fade - 0.45) * 20) } this.draw.alpha(alphaFade, ctx, ctx => { ctx.fillStyle = this.songSkin.selected.background ctx.fillRect(x + 7 + i * 60, y + 60, 52, 352) drawDifficulty(ctx, i, true) }, winW, winH) }else{ drawDifficulty(ctx, i, currentUra) } } for(var i = 0; && i < 4; i++){ if(!songSel && i === currentSong.p2Cursor && p2.socket.readyState === 1){ var _x = x + 402 + i * 100 var _y = y + 87 var currentDiff = this.selectedDiff - this.diffOptions.length if(this.selectedDiff === 4 + this.diffOptions.length){ currentDiff = 3 } this.draw.diffCursor({ ctx: ctx, font: this.font, x: _x, y: _y - 65, two: !p2.session || p2.player === 1, side: currentSong.p2Cursor === currentDiff, scale: 1 }) } } var borders = (this.songAsset.border + this.songAsset.innerBorder) * 2 var textW = this.songAsset.width - borders var textH = this.songAsset.height - borders var textX = Math.max(w - 37 - textW / 2, w / 2 - textW / 2) var textY = opened * 12 + (1 - opened) * 7 if(currentSong.subtitle){ this.currentSongCache.get({ ctx: ctx, x: x + textX - textW, y: y + textY, w: textW, h: textH, id: "subtitle", }, ctx => { this.draw.verticalText({ ctx: ctx, text: currentSong.subtitle, x: textW / 2, y: 7, width: textW, height: textH - 35, fill: "#fff", outline: "#000", outlineSize: 14, fontSize: 28, fontFamily: this.font, align: "bottom" }) }) } var hasMaker = currentSong.maker || currentSong.maker === 0 if(hasMaker || currentSong.lyrics){ if (songSel) { var _x = x + 38 var _y = y + 10 ctx.strokeStyle = "#000" ctx.lineWidth = 5 if(hasMaker){ var grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(_x, _y, _x, _y + 50) grd.addColorStop(0, "#fa251a") grd.addColorStop(1, "#ffdc33") ctx.fillStyle = grd }else{ ctx.fillStyle = "#000" } this.draw.roundedRect({ ctx: ctx, x: _x - 28, y: _y, w: 192, h: 50, radius: 24 }) ctx.fill() ctx.stroke() if(hasMaker){ this.draw.layeredText({ ctx: ctx, text: strings.creative.creative, fontSize: === "en" ? 28 : 34, fontFamily: this.font, align: "center", baseline: "middle", x: _x + 68, y: _y + ( === "ja" || === "en" ? 25 : 28), width: 172 }, [ {outline: "#fff", letterBorder: 6}, {fill: "#000"} ]) }else{ this.draw.layeredText({ ctx: ctx, text: strings.withLyrics, fontSize: === "en" ? 28 : 34, fontFamily: this.font, align: "center", baseline: "middle", x: _x + 68, y: _y + ( === "ja" || === "en" ? 25 : 28), width: 172 }, [ {fill:[0]} ]) } } else if(currentSong.maker && > 0 &&{ var _x = x + 62 var _y = y + 380 ctx.lineWidth = 5 var grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(_x, _y, _x, _y+50); grd.addColorStop(0, '#fa251a'); grd.addColorStop(1, '#ffdc33'); ctx.fillStyle = '#75E2EE'; this.draw.roundedRect({ ctx: ctx, x: _x - 28, y: _y, w: 250, h: 80, radius: 15 }) ctx.fill() ctx.stroke() ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(_x, _y + 28, 20, 0, Math.PI * 2) ctx.fill() this.draw.layeredText({ ctx: ctx, text: strings.creative.maker, fontSize: 24, fontFamily: this.font, align: "left", baseline: "middle", x: _x - 15, y: _y + 23 }, [ {outline: "#000", letterBorder: 8}, {fill: "#fff"} ]) this.draw.layeredText({ ctx: ctx, text:, fontSize: 28, fontFamily: this.font, align: "center", baseline: "middle", x: _x + 100, y: _y + 56, width: 210 }, [ {outline: "#fff", letterBorder: 8}, {fill: "#000"} ]) if(this.state.moveHover === "maker"){ this.draw.highlight({ ctx: ctx, x: _x - 32, y: _y - 3, w: 250 + 7, h: 80 + 7, opacity: 0.8, radius: 15 }) } } } for(var i = 0; && i < 4; i++){ if([this.difficultyId[i]] || currentUra){ if(songSel && i === currentSong.p2Cursor && p2.socket.readyState === 1){ var _x = x + 33 + i * 60 var _y = y + 120 this.draw.diffCursor({ ctx: ctx, font: this.font, x: _x, y: _y - 45, two: !p2.session || p2.player === 1, side: false, scale: 0.7 }) } } } if(!songSel &&{ var fade = ((ms - this.state.screenMS) % 1200) / 1200 var _x = x + 402 + 4 * 100 + fade * 25 var _y = y + 258 ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, " + 0.2 * this.draw.easeInOut(1 - fade) + ")" ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(_x - 35, _y - 25) ctx.lineTo(_x - 10, _y) ctx.lineTo(_x - 35, _y + 25) ctx.fill() } ctx.globalAlpha = 1 - Math.max(0, opened - 0.5) * 2 ctx.fillStyle = selectedSkin.background ctx.fillRect(x, y, w, h) ctx.globalAlpha = 1 var verticalTitle = ctx => { this.draw.verticalText({ ctx: ctx, text: currentSong.title, x: textW / 2, y: 7, width: textW, height: textH - 35, fill: "#fff", outline: selectedSkin.outline, outlineSize: this.songAsset.letterBorder, fontSize: 40, fontFamily: this.font }) } if(selectedSkin.outline === "#000"){ this.currentSongCache.get({ ctx: ctx, x: x + textX, y: y + textY - 7, w: textW, h: textH, id: "title", }, verticalTitle) }else{ this.songTitleCache.get({ ctx: ctx, x: x + textX, y: y + textY - 7, w: textW, h: textH, id: currentSong.title + selectedSkin.outline, }, verticalTitle) } if(!songSel && this.selectableText !== currentSong.title){ this.draw.verticalText({ ctx: ctx, text: currentSong.title, x: x + textX + textW / 2, y: y + textY, width: textW, height: textH - 35, fontSize: 40, fontFamily: this.font, selectable: this.selectable, selectableScale: this.ratio / this.pixelRatio, selectableX: Math.max(0, innerWidth / 2 - lastHeight * 16 / 9) }) = "" this.selectableText = currentSong.title } } }) if(screen !== "difficulty" && this.selectableText){ this.selectableText = "" = "none" } if(songSelMoving){ this.draw.highlight({ ctx: ctx, x: winW / 2 - selectedWidth / 2, y: songTop, w: selectedWidth, h: selectedHeight, opacity: 0.8 }) } ctx.fillStyle = "#000" ctx.fillRect(0, frameTop + 595, 1280 + frameLeft * 2, 125 + frameTop) var x = 0 var y = frameTop + 603 var w = p2.session ? frameLeft + 638 - 200 : frameLeft + 638 var h = 117 + frameTop this.draw.pattern({ ctx: ctx, img: assets.image["bg_score_p1"], x: x, y: y, w: w, h: h, dx: frameLeft + 10, dy: frameTop + 15, scale: 1.55 }) ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(249, 163, 149, 0.5)" ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(x, y) ctx.lineTo(x + w, y) ctx.lineTo(x + w - 4, y + 4) ctx.lineTo(x, y + 4) ctx.fill() ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)" ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(x + w, y) ctx.lineTo(x + w, y + h) ctx.lineTo(x + w - 4, y + h) ctx.lineTo(x + w - 4, y + 4) ctx.fill() if(!p2.session || p2.player === 1){ var name = account.loggedIn ? account.displayName : strings.defaultName var rank = account.loggedIn || !gameConfig.accounts || p2.session ? false : strings.notLoggedIn }else{ var name = || strings.defaultName var rank = false } this.nameplateCache.get({ ctx: ctx, x: frameLeft + 60, y: frameTop + 640, w: 273, h: 66, id: "1p" + name + "\n" + rank, }, ctx => { this.draw.nameplate({ ctx: ctx, x: 3, y: 3, name: name, rank: rank, font: this.font }) }) if(this.state.moveHover === "account"){ this.draw.highlight({ ctx: ctx, x: frameLeft + 59.5, y: frameTop + 639.5, w: 271, h: 64, radius: 28.5, opacity: 0.8, size: 10 }) } if(p2.session){ x = x + w + 4 w = 396 this.draw.pattern({ ctx: ctx, img: assets.image["bg_settings"], x: x, y: y, w: w, h: h, dx: frameLeft + 11, dy: frameTop + 45, scale: 3.1 }) ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)" ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(x, y + h) ctx.lineTo(x, y) ctx.lineTo(x + w, y) ctx.lineTo(x + w, y + 4) ctx.lineTo(x + 4, y + 4) ctx.lineTo(x + 4, y + h) ctx.fill() ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)" ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(x + w, y) ctx.lineTo(x + w, y + h) ctx.lineTo(x + w - 4, y + h) ctx.lineTo(x + w - 4, y + 4) ctx.fill() if(this.state.moveHover === "session"){ this.draw.highlight({ ctx: ctx, x: x, y: y, w: w, h: h, opacity: 0.8 }) } } x = p2.session ? frameLeft + 642 + 200 : frameLeft + 642 w = p2.session ? frameLeft + 638 - 200 : frameLeft + 638 if(p2.session){ this.draw.pattern({ ctx: ctx, img: assets.image["bg_score_p2"], x: x, y: y, w: w, h: h, dx: frameLeft + 15, dy: frameTop - 20, scale: 1.55 }) ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(138, 245, 247, 0.5)" }else{ this.draw.pattern({ ctx: ctx, img: assets.image["bg_settings"], x: x, y: y, w: w, h: h, dx: frameLeft + 11, dy: frameTop + 45, scale: 3.1 }) ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)" } ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(x, y + h) ctx.lineTo(x, y) ctx.lineTo(x + w, y) ctx.lineTo(x + w, y + 4) ctx.lineTo(x + 4, y + 4) ctx.lineTo(x + 4, y + h) ctx.fill() if(screen !== "difficulty" && p2.socket && p2.socket.readyState === 1 && !assets.customSongs){ var elapsed = (ms - this.state.screenMS) % 3100 var fade = 1 if(!p2.session && screen === "song"){ if(elapsed > 2800){ fade = (elapsed - 2800) / 300 }else if(2000 < elapsed){ if(elapsed < 2300){ fade = 1 - (elapsed - 2000) / 300 }else{ fade = 0 } } } if(fade > 0){ if(fade < 1){ ctx.globalAlpha = this.draw.easeIn(fade) } this.sessionCache.get({ ctx: ctx, x: p2.session ? winW / 4 : winW / 2, y: y + (h - 32) / 2, w: winW / 2, h: 38, id: p2.session ? "sessionend" : "sessionstart" }) ctx.globalAlpha = 1 } if(!p2.session && this.state.moveHover === "session"){ this.draw.highlight({ ctx: ctx, x: x, y: y, w: w, h: h, opacity: 0.8 }) } } if(p2.session){ if(p2.player === 1){ var name = || strings.default2PName }else{ var name = account.loggedIn ? account.displayName : strings.default2PName } this.nameplateCache.get({ ctx: ctx, x: frameLeft + 949, y: frameTop + 640, w: 273, h: 66, id: "2p" + name, }, ctx => { this.draw.nameplate({ ctx: ctx, x: 3, y: 3, name: name, font: this.font, blue: true }) }) } if(this.state.showWarning){ if(this.preview){ this.endPreview() } ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)" ctx.fillRect(0, 0, winW, winH) ctx.translate(frameLeft, frameTop) var pauseRect = (ctx, mul) => { this.draw.roundedRect({ ctx: ctx, x: 269 * mul, y: 93 * mul, w: 742 * mul, h: 494 * mul, radius: 17 * mul }) } pauseRect(ctx, 1) ctx.strokeStyle = "#fff" ctx.lineWidth = 24 ctx.stroke() ctx.strokeStyle = "#000" ctx.lineWidth = 12 ctx.stroke() this.draw.pattern({ ctx: ctx, img: assets.image["bg_pause"], shape: pauseRect, dx: 68, dy: 11 }) if( === "scoreSaveFailed"){ var text = strings.scoreSaveFailed }else if( === "loadSongError"){ var text = [] var textIndex = 0 var subText = [this.showWarning.title,, this.showWarning.error] var textParts = strings.loadSongError.split("%s") textParts.forEach((textPart, i) => { if(i !== 0){ text.push(subText[textIndex++]) } text.push(textPart) }) text = text.join("") } this.draw.wrappingText({ ctx: ctx, text: text, fontSize: 30, fontFamily: this.font, x: 300, y: 130, width: 680, height: 300, lineHeight: 35, fill: "#000", verticalAlign: "middle", textAlign: "center" }) var _x = 640 var _y = 470 var _w = 464 var _h = 80 ctx.fillStyle = "#ffb447" this.draw.roundedRect({ ctx: ctx, x: _x - _w / 2, y: _y, w: _w, h: _h, radius: 30 }) ctx.fill() var layers = [ {outline: "#000", letterBorder: 10}, {fill: "#fff"} ] this.draw.layeredText({ ctx: ctx, text: strings.tutorial.ok, x: _x, y: _y + 18, width: _w, height: _h - 54, fontSize: 40, fontFamily: this.font, letterSpacing: -1, align: "center" }, layers) var highlight = 1 if(this.state.moveHover === "showWarning"){ highlight = 2 } if(highlight){ this.draw.highlight({ ctx: ctx, x: _x - _w / 2 - 3.5, y: _y - 3.5, w: _w + 7, h: _h + 7, animate: highlight === 1, animateMS: Math.max(this.state.moveMS, this.state.mouseMoveMS), opacity: highlight === 2 ? 0.8 : 1, radius: 30 }) } ctx.restore() } if(screen === "titleFadeIn"){ var elapsed = ms - this.state.screenMS ctx.globalAlpha = Math.max(0, 1 - elapsed / 500) ctx.fillStyle = "#000" ctx.fillRect(0, 0, winW, winH) ctx.restore() } if(p2.session && (!this.lastScoreMS || ms > this.lastScoreMS + 1000)){ this.lastScoreMS = ms scoreStorage.eventLoop() } } drawBackground(cat){ if(this.songSkin[cat] && this.songSkin[cat].bg_img){ let filename = this.songSkin[cat].bg_img.slice(0, this.songSkin[cat].bg_img.lastIndexOf(".")) = "url('" + assets.image[filename].src + "')" }else{ = "url('" + assets.image["bg_genre_def"].src + "')" } } drawClosedSong(config){ var ctx = config.ctx this.drawSongCrown(config) config.width = this.songAsset.width config.height = this.songAsset.height config.border = this.songAsset.border config.innerBorder = this.songAsset.innerBorder config.background = config.borderStyle = config.outline = config.text = config.animateMS = Math.max(this.state.moveMS, this.state.mouseMoveMS) config.cached = 1 config.frameCache = this.songFrameCache config.innerContent = (x, y, w, h) => { this.songTitleCache.get({ ctx: ctx, x: x, y: y, w: w, h: h, id: config.text + config.outline, }, ctx => { this.draw.verticalText({ ctx: ctx, text: config.text, x: w / 2, y: 7, width: w, height: h - 35, fill: "#fff", outline: config.outline, outlineSize: this.songAsset.letterBorder, fontSize: 40, fontFamily: this.font }) }) } this.draw.songFrame(config) if("p2Cursor" in && !== null && p2.socket.readyState === 1){ this.draw.diffCursor({ ctx: ctx, font: this.font, x: config.x + 48, y: config.y - 27, two: true, scale: 1, side: true }) } } drawSongCrown(config){ if(! &&{ var ctx = config.ctx var players = p2.session ? 2 : 1 var score = [scoreStorage.get(, false, true)] var scoreDrawn = [] if(p2.session){ score[p2.player === 1 ? "push" : "unshift"](scoreStorage.getP2(, false, true)) } for(var i = this.difficultyId.length; i--;){ var diff = this.difficultyId[i] for(var p = players; p--;){ if(!score[p] || scoreDrawn[p]){ continue } if([this.difficultyId[i]] && score[p][diff] && score[p][diff].crown){{ ctx: ctx, type: score[p][diff].crown, x: (config.x + this.songAsset.width / 2) + (players === 2 ? p === 0 ? -13 : 13 : 0), y: config.y - 13, scale: 0.3, ratio: this.ratio / this.pixelRatio }) this.draw.diffIcon({ ctx: ctx, diff: i, x: (config.x + this.songAsset.width / 2 + 8) + (players === 2 ? p === 0 ? -13 : 13 : 0), y: config.y - 8, scale: diff === "hard" || diff === "normal" ? 0.45 : 0.5, border: 6.5, small: true }) scoreDrawn[p] = true } } } } } startPreview(loadOnly){ if(!loadOnly && this.state && this.state.showWarning || this.state.waitPreview > this.getMS()){ return } var currentSong = this.songs[this.selectedSong] var id = var prvTime = currentSong.preview this.endPreview() if("id" in currentSong){ var startLoad = this.getMS() if(loadOnly){ var currentId = null }else{ var currentId = this.previewId this.previewing = this.selectedSong } var songObj = this.previewList.find(song => song && === id) if(songObj){ if(!loadOnly){ this.preview = songObj.preview_sound this.preview.gain = snd.previewGain this.previewLoaded(startLoad, songObj.preview_time, currentSong.volume) } }else{ songObj = {id: id} if(currentSong.previewMusic){ songObj.preview_time = 0 var promise = snd.previewGain.load(currentSong.previewMusic).catch(() => { songObj.preview_time = prvTime return snd.previewGain.load( }) }else if(currentSong.unloaded){ var promise = this.getUnloaded(this.selectedSong, songObj, currentId) }else if(currentSong.sound){ songObj.preview_time = prvTime currentSong.sound.gain = snd.previewGain var promise = Promise.resolve(currentSong.sound) }else if( !== "muted"){ songObj.preview_time = prvTime var promise = snd.previewGain.load( }else{ return } promise.then(sound => { if(currentId === this.previewId || loadOnly){ songObj.preview_sound = sound if(!loadOnly){ this.preview = sound this.previewLoaded(startLoad, songObj.preview_time, currentSong.volume) } var oldPreview = this.previewList.shift() if(oldPreview){ oldPreview.preview_sound.clean() } this.previewList.push(songObj) }else{ sound.clean() } }).catch(e => { if(e !== "cancel"){ return Promise.reject(e) } }) } } } previewLoaded(startLoad, prvTime, volume){ var endLoad = this.getMS() var difference = endLoad - startLoad var minDelay = 300 var delay = minDelay - Math.min(minDelay, difference) snd.previewGain.setVolumeMul(volume || 1) this.preview.playLoop(delay / 1000, false, prvTime) } endPreview(force){ this.previewId++ this.previewing = force ? "muted" : null if(this.preview){ this.preview.stop() } } playBgm(enabled){ if(enabled && this.state && this.state.showWarning){ return } if(enabled && !this.bgmEnabled){ this.bgmEnabled = true snd.musicGain.fadeIn(0.4) }else if(!enabled && this.bgmEnabled){ this.bgmEnabled = false snd.musicGain.fadeOut(0.4) } } getUnloaded(selectedSong, songObj, currentId){ var currentSong = this.songs[selectedSong] var file = currentSong.chart var importSongs = new ImportSongs(false, assets.otherFiles) return === "tja" ? "utf-8" : "").then(data => { currentSong.chart = new CachedFile(data, file) return importSongs[currentSong.type === "tja" ? "addTja" : "addOsu"]({ file: currentSong.chart, index: }) }).then(() => { var imported = importSongs.songs[] importSongs.clean() songObj.preview_time = imported.preview var index = assets.songs.findIndex(song => === if(index !== -1){ assets.songs[index] = imported } this.songs[selectedSong] = this.addSong(imported) this.state.moveMS = this.getMS() - this.songSelecting.speed * this.songSelecting.resize if( && currentId === this.previewId){ return snd.previewGain.load( => { imported.sound = sound this.songs[selectedSong].sound = sound return sound.copy() }) }else{ return Promise.reject("cancel") } }) } addSong(song){ var title = this.getLocalTitle(song.title, song.title_lang) var subtitle = this.getLocalTitle(title === song.title ? song.subtitle : "", song.subtitle_lang) var skin = null var categoryName = "" var originalCategory = "" if(song.category_id !== null && song.category_id !== undefined){ var category = assets.categories.find(cat => === song.category_id) var categoryName = this.getLocalTitle(category.title, category.title_lang) var originalCategory = category.title var skin = this.songSkin[category.title] }else if(song.category){ var categoryName = song.category var originalCategory = song.category } var addedSong = { title: title, originalTitle: song.title, subtitle: subtitle, skin: skin || this.songSkin.default, originalCategory: originalCategory, category: categoryName, preview: song.preview || 0, songSkin: song.song_skin || {}, canJump: true, hash: song.hash || song.title } for(var i in song){ if(!(i in addedSong)){ addedSong[i] = song[i] } } return addedSong } onusers(response){ var p2InSong = false this.songs.forEach(song => { song.p2Cursor = null }) if(response && response.value){ response.value.forEach(idDiff => { var id = |0 var diff = idDiff.diff var diffId = this.difficultyId.indexOf(diff) if(diffId > 3){ diffId = 3 } if(diffId >= 0){ var index = 0 var currentSong = this.songs.find((song, i) => { index = i return === id }) if(currentSong){ currentSong.p2Cursor = diffId if(p2.session &&{ this.setSelectedSong(index) this.state.move = 0 if(this.state.screen !== "difficulty"){ this.toSelectDifficulty({player: response.value.player}) } = false p2InSong = true } } } }) } if(! && !p2InSong){ = true } } onsongsel(response){ if(response && response.value){ var selected = false if(response.type === "songsel" && "selected" in response.value){ selected = response.value.selected } if("fromRandom" in response.value && response.value.fromRandom === true){ this.lastRandom = true } if("song" in response.value){ var song = if(song >= 0 && song < this.songs.length){ if(response.type === "catjump"){ var moveBy = response.value.move if(moveBy === -1 || moveBy === 1){ this.setSelectedSong(song) this.categoryJump(moveBy, {player: response.value.player}) } }else if(!selected){ this.state.locked = true if(this.state.screen === "difficulty"){ this.toSongSelect(true) } var moveBy = song - this.selectedSong if(moveBy){ if(this.selectedSong < song){ var altMoveBy = -this.mod(this.songs.length, this.selectedSong - song) }else{ var altMoveBy = this.mod(this.songs.length, moveBy) } if(Math.abs(altMoveBy) < Math.abs(moveBy)){ moveBy = altMoveBy } this.moveToSong(moveBy, {player: response.value.player}) } }else if(this.songs[song].courses){ this.setSelectedSong(song) this.state.move = 0 if(this.state.screen !== "difficulty"){ this.playBgm(false) this.toSelectDifficulty({player: response.value.player}) } } } } } } oncatjump(response){ if(response && response.value){ if("song" in response.value){ var song = if(song >= 0 && song < this.songs.length){ this.state.locked = true } } } } startP2(){ this.onusers(p2.getMessage("users")) if(p2.session){ this.onsongsel(p2.getMessage("songsel")) } pageEvents.add(p2, "message", response => { if(response.type == "users"){ this.onusers(response) } if(p2.session && (response.type == "songsel" || response.type == "catjump")){ this.onsongsel(response) this.state.selLock = false } }) if(p2.closed){ } } mod(length, index){ return ((index % length) + length) % length } getLocalTitle(title, titleLang){ if(titleLang){ for(var id in titleLang){ if(id === "en" && strings.preferEn && !( in titleLang) && titleLang.en || id === && titleLang[id]){ return titleLang[id] } } } return title } clearHash(){ if(location.hash.toLowerCase().startsWith("#song=")){ p2.hash("") } } playSound(id, time, snd){ if(!this.drumSounds && (id === "se_don" || id === "se_ka" || id === "se_cancel")){ return } var ms = + (time || 0) * 1000 if(!(id in this.playedSounds) || ms > this.playedSounds[id] + 30){ assets.sounds[id + (snd ? "_p" + snd : "")].play(time) this.playedSounds[id] = ms } } getMS(){ return } clean(){ this.keyboard.clean() this.gamepad.clean() this.clearHash() this.draw.clean() this.songTitleCache.clean() this.selectTextCache.clean() this.categoryCache.clean() this.difficultyCache.clean() this.sessionCache.clean() this.currentSongCache.clean() this.nameplateCache.clean() assets.sounds["bgm_songsel"].stop() if(!this.bgmEnabled){ snd.musicGain.fadeIn() setTimeout(() => { snd.buffer.loadSettings() }, 500) } this.redrawRunning = false this.endPreview() this.previewList.forEach(song => { if(song){ song.preview_sound.clean() } }) pageEvents.remove(loader.screen, ["mousemove", "mouseleave", "mousedown", "touchstart"]) pageEvents.remove(this.canvas, ["touchend", "wheel"]) pageEvents.remove(p2, "message") if(this.touchEnabled && fullScreenSupported){ pageEvents.remove(this.touchFullBtn, "click") delete this.touchFullBtn } delete this.selectable delete this.ctx delete this.canvas } toDownload(){ var jsZip = new JSZip() var zip = new jsZip() var song = this.songs[this.selectedSong] var promises = [] var chartParsed = false var musicFilename var chartBlob var musicBlob var lyricsBlob var blobs = [] if(song.chart){ var charts = [] if(song.chart.separateDiff){ for(var i in song.chart){ if(song.chart[i] && i !== "separateDiff"){ charts.push(song.chart[i]) } } }else{ charts.push(song.chart) } charts.forEach(chart => { promises.push(chart.blob().then(blob => { var promise if(!chartParsed){ chartParsed = true if(song.type === "tja"){ promise = readFile(blob, false, "utf-8").then(dataRaw => { var data = dataRaw ? dataRaw.replace(/\0/g, "").split("\n") : [] var tja = new ParseTja(data, "oni", 0, 0, true) for(var diff in tja.metadata){ var meta = tja.metadata[diff] if(meta.wave){ musicFilename = meta.wave } } }) }else if(song.type === "osu"){ promise = readFile(blob).then(dataRaw => { var data = dataRaw ? dataRaw.replace(/\0/g, "").split("\n") : [] var osu = new ParseOsu(data, "oni", 0, 0, true) if(osu.generalInfo.AudioFilename){ musicFilename = osu.generalInfo.AudioFilename } }) } } var outputBlob = { name:, data: blob } if(song.type === "tja" && !song.chart.separateDiff){ chartBlob = outputBlob } blobs.push(outputBlob) return promise })) }) } if({ promises.push( => { musicBlob = { name:, data: blob } blobs.push(musicBlob) })) } // if(song.lyricsFile){ // promises.push(song.lyricsFile.blob().then(blob => { // lyricsBlob = { // name:, // data: blob // } // blobs.push(lyricsBlob) // })) // } Promise.all(promises).then(() => { if(musicFilename){ if(musicBlob){ = musicFilename } var filename = musicFilename var index = filename.lastIndexOf(".") if(index !== -1){ filename = filename.slice(0, index) } if(chartBlob){ = filename + ".tja" } if(lyricsBlob){ = filename + ".vtt" } } blobs.forEach(blob => zip.file(, }).then(() => zip.generateAsync({type: "blob"})).then(zip => { var url = URL.createObjectURL(zip) var link = document.createElement("a") link.href = url if("download" in HTMLAnchorElement.prototype){ = song.title + ".zip" }else{ = "_blank" } link.innerText = "." = "0" document.body.appendChild(link) setTimeout(() => { document.body.removeChild(link) setTimeout(() => { URL.revokeObjectURL(url) }, 5000) }) }) } toDelete() { // ここに削除処理を書く if (!confirm("本当に削除しますか?\nこの曲に問題がある場合や公序良俗に反する場合にのみ実行したほうがいいと思います\n10回に1回の確率で本当に曲が削除されます\n成功しても反映まで1分ほどかかる場合があります")) { return; } fetch("/api/delete", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify({ id: this.songs[this.selectedSong].id, }) }) .then((res) => res.text()) .then((text) => { alert(text); }); } } /*! JSZip v3.7.1 - A JavaScript class for generating and reading zip files (c) 2009-2016 Stuart Knightley Dual licenced under the MIT license or GPLv3. See JSZip uses the library pako released under the MIT license : */ function JSZip(){return function s(a,o,h){function u(r,t){if(!o[r]){if(!a[r]){var e="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!t&&e)return e(r,!0);if(l)return l(r,!0);var i=new Error("Cannot find module '"+r+"'");throw i.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",i;}var n=o[r]={exports:{}};a[r][0].call(n.exports,function(t){var e=a[r][1][t];return u(e||t)},n,n.exports,s,a,o,h)}return o[r].exports}for(var l="function"==typeof require&&require,t=0;t>2,s=(3&e)<<4|r>>4,a=1>6:64,o=2>4,r=(15&n)<<4|(s=p.indexOf(t.charAt(o++)))>>2,i=(3&s)<<6|(a=p.indexOf(t.charAt(o++))), l[h++]=e,64!==s&&(l[h++]=r),64!==a&&(l[h++]=i);return l}},{"./support":30,"./utils":32}],2:[function(t,e,r){var i=t("./external"),n=t("./stream/DataWorker"),s=t("./stream/Crc32Probe"),a=t("./stream/DataLengthProbe");function o(t,e,r,i,n){this.compressedSize=t,this.uncompressedSize=e,this.crc32=r,this.compression=i,this.compressedContent=n}o.prototype={getContentWorker:function(){var t=(new n(i.Promise.resolve(this.compressedContent))).pipe(this.compression.uncompressWorker()).pipe(new a("data_length")), e=this;return t.on("end",function(){if(this.streamInfo.data_length!==e.uncompressedSize)throw new Error("Bug : uncompressed data size mismatch");}),t},getCompressedWorker:function(){return(new n(i.Promise.resolve(this.compressedContent))).withStreamInfo("compressedSize",this.compressedSize).withStreamInfo("uncompressedSize",this.uncompressedSize).withStreamInfo("crc32",this.crc32).withStreamInfo("compression",this.compression)}},o.createWorkerFrom=function(t,e,r){return t.pipe(new s).pipe(new a("uncompressedSize")).pipe(e.compressWorker(r)).pipe(new a("compressedSize")).withStreamInfo("compression", e)},e.exports=o},{"./external":6,"./stream/Crc32Probe":25,"./stream/DataLengthProbe":26,"./stream/DataWorker":27}],3:[function(t,e,r){var i=t("./stream/GenericWorker");r.STORE={magic:"\x00\x00",compressWorker:function(t){return new i("STORE compression")},uncompressWorker:function(){return new i("STORE decompression")}},r.DEFLATE=t("./flate")},{"./flate":7,"./stream/GenericWorker":28}],4:[function(t,e,r){var i=t("./utils");var o=function(){for(var t,e=[],r=0;r<256;r++){t=r;for(var i=0;i<8;i++)t=1& t?3988292384^t>>>1:t>>>1;e[r]=t}return e}();e.exports=function(t,e){return void 0!==t&&t.length?"string"!==i.getTypeOf(t)?function(t,e,r,i){var n=o,s=i+r;t^=-1;for(var a=i;a>>8^n[255&(t^e[a])];return-1^t}(0|e,t,t.length,0):function(t,e,r,i){var n=o,s=i+r;t^=-1;for(var a=i;a>>8^n[255&(t^e.charCodeAt(a))];return-1^t}(0|e,t,t.length,0):0}},{"./utils":32}],5:[function(t,e,r){r.base64=!1,r.binary=!1,r.dir=!1,r.createFolders=!0,,r.compression=null,r.compressionOptions=null, r.comment=null,r.unixPermissions=null,r.dosPermissions=null},{}],6:[function(t,e,r){var i=null;i="undefined"!=typeof Promise?Promise:t("lie"),e.exports={Promise:i}},{lie:37}],7:[function(t,e,r){var i="undefined"!=typeof Uint8Array&&"undefined"!=typeof Uint16Array&&"undefined"!=typeof Uint32Array,n=t("pako"),s=t("./utils"),a=t("./stream/GenericWorker"),o=i?"uint8array":"array";function h(t,e){,"FlateWorker/"+t),this._pako=null,this._pakoAction=t,this._pakoOptions=e,this.meta={}}r.magic= "\b\x00",s.inherits(h,a),h.prototype.processChunk=function(t){this.meta=t.meta,null===this._pako&&this._createPako(),this._pako.push(s.transformTo(o,,!1)},h.prototype.flush=function(){,null===this._pako&&this._createPako(),this._pako.push([],!0)},h.prototype.cleanUp=function(){,this._pako=null},h.prototype._createPako=function(){this._pako=new n[this._pakoAction]({raw:!0,level:this._pakoOptions.level||-1});var e=this;this._pako.onData= function(t){e.push({data:t,meta:e.meta})}},r.compressWorker=function(t){return new h("Deflate",t)},r.uncompressWorker=function(){return new h("Inflate",{})}},{"./stream/GenericWorker":28,"./utils":32,pako:38}],8:[function(t,e,r){function A(t,e){var r,i="";for(r=0;r>>=8;return i}function i(t,e,r,i,n,s){var a,o,h=t.file,u=t.compression,l=s!==O.utf8encode,f=I.transformTo("string",s(,d=I.transformTo("string",O.utf8encode(,c=h.comment,p=I.transformTo("string", s(c)),m=I.transformTo("string",O.utf8encode(c)),_=d.length!,g=m.length!==c.length,b="",v="",y="",w=h.dir,,x={crc32:0,compressedSize:0,uncompressedSize:0};e&&!r||(x.crc32=t.crc32,x.compressedSize=t.compressedSize,x.uncompressedSize=t.uncompressedSize);var S=0;e&&(S|=8),l||!_&&!g||(S|=2048);var z=0,C=0;w&&(z|=16),"UNIX"===n?(C=798,z|=function(t,e){var r=t;return t||(r=e?16893:33204),(65535&r)<<16}(h.unixPermissions,w)):(C=20,z|=function(t){return 63&(t||0)}(h.dosPermissions)), a=k.getUTCHours(),a<<=6,a|=k.getUTCMinutes(),a<<=5,a|=k.getUTCSeconds()/2,o=k.getUTCFullYear()-1980,o<<=4,o|=k.getUTCMonth()+1,o<<=5,o|=k.getUTCDate(),_&&(v=A(1,1)+A(B(f),4)+d,b+="up"+A(v.length,2)+v),g&&(y=A(1,1)+A(B(p),4)+m,b+="uc"+A(y.length,2)+y);var E="";return E+="\n\x00",E+=A(S,2),E+=u.magic,E+=A(a,2),E+=A(o,2),E+=A(x.crc32,4),E+=A(x.compressedSize,4),E+=A(x.uncompressedSize,4),E+=A(f.length,2),E+=A(b.length,2),{fileRecord:R.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER+E+f+b,dirRecord:R.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER+A(C,2)+E+ A(p.length,2)+"\x00\x00\x00\x00"+A(z,4)+A(i,4)+f+b+p}}var I=t("../utils"),n=t("../stream/GenericWorker"),O=t("../utf8"),B=t("../crc32"),R=t("../signature");function s(t,e,r,i){,"ZipFileWorker"),this.bytesWritten=0,this.zipComment=e,this.zipPlatform=r,this.encodeFileName=i,this.streamFiles=t,this.accumulate=!1,this.contentBuffer=[],this.dirRecords=[],this.currentSourceOffset=0,this.entriesCount=0,this.currentFile=null,this._sources=[]}I.inherits(s,n),s.prototype.push=function(t){var e=t.meta.percent|| 0,r=this.entriesCount,i=this._sources.length;this.accumulate?this.contentBuffer.push(t):(,,{,meta:{currentFile:this.currentFile,percent:r?(e+100*(r-i-1))/r:100}}))},s.prototype.openedSource=function(t){this.currentSourceOffset=this.bytesWritten,;var e=this.streamFiles&&!t.file.dir;if(e){var r=i(t,e,!1,this.currentSourceOffset,this.zipPlatform,this.encodeFileName);this.push({data:r.fileRecord,meta:{percent:0}})}else this.accumulate= !0},s.prototype.closedSource=function(t){this.accumulate=!1;var e=this.streamFiles&&!t.file.dir,r=i(t,e,!0,this.currentSourceOffset,this.zipPlatform,this.encodeFileName);if(this.dirRecords.push(r.dirRecord),e)this.push({data:function(t){return R.DATA_DESCRIPTOR+A(t.crc32,4)+A(t.compressedSize,4)+A(t.uncompressedSize,4)}(t),meta:{percent:100}});else for(this.push({data:r.fileRecord,meta:{percent:0}});this.contentBuffer.length;)this.push(this.contentBuffer.shift());this.currentFile=null},s.prototype.flush= function(){for(var t=this.bytesWritten,e=0;e=this.index;e--)r=(r<<8)+this.byteAt(e);return this.index+=t,r},readString:function(t){return i.transformTo("string",this.readData(t))},readData:function(t){},lastIndexOfSignature:function(t){}, readAndCheckSignature:function(t){},readDate:function(){var t=this.readInt(4);return new Date(Date.UTC(1980+(t>>25&127),(t>>21&15)-1,t>>16&31,t>>11&31,t>>5&63,(31&t)<<1))}},e.exports=n},{"../utils":32}],19:[function(t,e,r){var i=t("./Uint8ArrayReader");function n(t){,t)}t("../utils").inherits(n,i),n.prototype.readData=function(t){this.checkOffset(t);var,;return this.index+=t,e},e.exports=n},{"../utils":32,"./Uint8ArrayReader":21}], 20:[function(t,e,r){var i=t("./DataReader");function n(t){,t)}t("../utils").inherits(n,i),n.prototype.byteAt=function(t){return},n.prototype.lastIndexOfSignature=function(t){return},n.prototype.readAndCheckSignature=function(t){return t===this.readData(4)},n.prototype.readData=function(t){this.checkOffset(t);var,;return this.index+=t,e},e.exports=n},{"../utils":32, "./DataReader":18}],21:[function(t,e,r){var i=t("./ArrayReader");function n(t){,t)}t("../utils").inherits(n,i),n.prototype.readData=function(t){if(this.checkOffset(t),0===t)return new Uint8Array(0);var,;return this.index+=t,e},e.exports=n},{"../utils":32,"./ArrayReader":17}],22:[function(t,e,r){var i=t("../utils"),n=t("../support"),s=t("./ArrayReader"),a=t("./StringReader"),o=t("./NodeBufferReader"),h=t("./Uint8ArrayReader"); e.exports=function(t){var e=i.getTypeOf(t);return i.checkSupport(e),"string"!==e||n.uint8array?"nodebuffer"===e?new o(t):n.uint8array?new h(i.transformTo("uint8array",t)):new s(i.transformTo("array",t)):new a(t)}},{"../support":30,"../utils":32,"./ArrayReader":17,"./NodeBufferReader":19,"./StringReader":20,"./Uint8ArrayReader":21}],23:[function(t,e,r){r.LOCAL_FILE_HEADER="PK\u0003\u0004",r.CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER="PK\u0001\u0002",r.CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END="PK\u0005\u0006",r.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_LOCATOR= "PK\u0006\u0007",r.ZIP64_CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_END="PK\u0006\u0006",r.DATA_DESCRIPTOR="PK\u0007\b"},{}],24:[function(t,e,r){var i=t("./GenericWorker"),n=t("../utils");function s(t){,"ConvertWorker to "+t),this.destType=t}n.inherits(s,i),s.prototype.processChunk=function(t){this.push({data:n.transformTo(this.destType,,meta:t.meta})},e.exports=s},{"../utils":32,"./GenericWorker":28}],25:[function(t,e,r){var i=t("./GenericWorker"),n=t("../crc32");function s(){,"Crc32Probe"), this.withStreamInfo("crc32",0)}t("../utils").inherits(s,i),s.prototype.processChunk=function(t){this.streamInfo.crc32=n(,this.streamInfo.crc32||0),this.push(t)},e.exports=s},{"../crc32":4,"../utils":32,"./GenericWorker":28}],26:[function(t,e,r){var i=t("../utils"),n=t("./GenericWorker");function s(t){,"DataLengthProbe for "+t),this.propName=t,this.withStreamInfo(t,0)}i.inherits(s,n),s.prototype.processChunk=function(t){if(t){var e=this.streamInfo[this.propName]||0;this.streamInfo[this.propName]=},t)},e.exports=s},{"../utils":32,"./GenericWorker":28}],27:[function(t,e,r){var i=t("../utils"),n=t("./GenericWorker");function s(t){,"DataWorker");var e=this;this.dataIsReady=!1,this.index=0,this.max=0,,this.type="",this._tickScheduled=!1,t.then(function(t){e.dataIsReady=!0,,e.max=t&&t.length||0,e.type=i.getTypeOf(t),e.isPaused||e._tickAndRepeat()},function(t){e.error(t)})}i.inherits(s,n),s.prototype.cleanUp=function(){,},s.prototype.resume=function(){return!!!this._tickScheduled&&this.dataIsReady&&(this._tickScheduled=!0,i.delay(this._tickAndRepeat,[],this)),!0)},s.prototype._tickAndRepeat=function(){this._tickScheduled=!1,this.isPaused||this.isFinished||(this._tick(),this.isFinished||(i.delay(this._tickAndRepeat,[],this),this._tickScheduled=!0))},s.prototype._tick=function(){if(this.isPaused||this.isFinished)return!1;var t=null,e=Math.min(this.max,this.index+16384); if(this.index>=this.max)return this.end();switch(this.type){case "string",e);break;case "uint8array",e);break;case "array":case "nodebuffer",e)}return this.index=e,this.push({data:t,meta:{percent:this.max?this.index/this.max*100:0}})},e.exports=s},{"../utils":32,"./GenericWorker":28}],28:[function(t,e,r){function i(t){||"default",this.streamInfo={},this.generatedError=null,this.extraStreamInfo= {},this.isPaused=!0,this.isFinished=!1,this.isLocked=!1,this._listeners={data:[],end:[],error:[]},this.previous=null}i.prototype={push:function(t){this.emit("data",t)},end:function(){if(this.isFinished)return!1;this.flush();try{this.emit("end"),this.cleanUp(),this.isFinished=!0}catch(t$3){this.emit("error",t$3)}return!0},error:function(t){return!this.isFinished&&(this.isPaused?this.generatedError=t:(this.isFinished=!0,this.emit("error",t),this.previous&&this.previous.error(t),this.cleanUp()),!0)}, on:function(t,e){return this._listeners[t].push(e),this},cleanUp:function(){this.streamInfo=this.generatedError=this.extraStreamInfo=null,this._listeners=[]},emit:function(t,e){if(this._listeners[t])for(var r=0;r "+t:t}},e.exports=i},{}],29:[function(t, e,r){var h=t("../utils"),n=t("./ConvertWorker"),s=t("./GenericWorker"),u=t("../base64"),i=t("../support"),a=t("../external"),o=null;if(i.nodestream)try{o=t("../nodejs/NodejsStreamOutputAdapter")}catch(t$4){}function l(t,o){return new a.Promise(function(e,r){var i=[],n=t._internalType,s=t._outputType,a=t._mimeType;t.on("data",function(t,e){i.push(t),o&&o(e)}).on("error",function(t){i=[],r(t)}).on("end",function(){try{var t=function(t,e,r){switch(t){case "blob":return h.newBlob(h.transformTo("arraybuffer", e),r);case "base64":return u.encode(e);default:return h.transformTo(t,e)}}(s,function(t,e){var r,i=0,n=null,s=0;for(r=0;r>>6:(r<65536?e[s++]=224|r>>>12:(e[s++]=240|r>>>18,e[s++]=128|r>>>12&63),e[s++]=128|r>>>6&63), e[s++]=128|63&r);return e}(t)},s.utf8decode=function(t){return h.nodebuffer?o.transformTo("nodebuffer",t).toString("utf-8"):function(t){var e,r,i,n,s=t.length,a=new Array(2*s);for(e=r=0;e>10&1023,a[r++]=56320|1023&i)}return a.length!==r&&(a.subarray?a=a.subarray(0,r):a.length=r),o.applyFromCharCode(a)}(t=o.transformTo(h.uint8array? "uint8array":"array",t))},o.inherits(a,i),a.prototype.processChunk=function(t){var e=o.transformTo(h.uint8array?"uint8array":"array",;if(this.leftOver&&this.leftOver.length){if(h.uint8array){var r=e;(e=new Uint8Array(r.length+this.leftOver.length)).set(this.leftOver,0),e.set(r,this.leftOver.length)}else e=this.leftOver.concat(e);this.leftOver=null}var i=function(t,e){var r;for((e=e||t.length)>t.length&&(e=t.length),r=e-1;0<=r&&128==(192&t[r]);)r--;return r<0?e:0===r?e:r+u[t[r]]>e?r:e}(e),n= e;i!==e.length&&(h.uint8array?(n=e.subarray(0,i),this.leftOver=e.subarray(i,e.length)):(n=e.slice(0,i),this.leftOver=e.slice(i,e.length))),this.push({data:s.utf8decode(n),meta:t.meta})},a.prototype.flush=function(){this.leftOver&&this.leftOver.length&&(this.push({data:s.utf8decode(this.leftOver),meta:{}}),this.leftOver=null)},s.Utf8DecodeWorker=a,o.inherits(l,i),l.prototype.processChunk=function(t){this.push({data:s.utf8encode(,meta:t.meta})},s.Utf8EncodeWorker=l},{"./nodejsUtils":14,"./stream/GenericWorker":28, "./support":30,"./utils":32}],32:[function(t,e,a){var o=t("./support"),h=t("./base64"),r=t("./nodejsUtils"),i=t("set-immediate-shim"),u=t("./external");function n(t){return t}function l(t,e){for(var r=0;r>8;this.dir=!!(16&this.externalFileAttributes),0==t&&(this.dosPermissions=63&this.externalFileAttributes),3==t&&(this.unixPermissions=this.externalFileAttributes>>16&65535),this.dir||"/"!==this.fileNameStr.slice(-1)||(this.dir=!0)},parseZIP64ExtraField:function(t){if(this.extraFields[1]){var e=i(this.extraFields[1].value);this.uncompressedSize=== s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS&&(this.uncompressedSize=e.readInt(8)),this.compressedSize===s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS&&(this.compressedSize=e.readInt(8)),this.localHeaderOffset===s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS&&(this.localHeaderOffset=e.readInt(8)),this.diskNumberStart===s.MAX_VALUE_32BITS&&(this.diskNumberStart=e.readInt(4))}},readExtraFields:function(t){var e,r,i,n=t.index+this.extraFieldsLength;for(this.extraFields||(this.extraFields={});t.index+4>>6:(r<65536?e[s++]=224|r>>>12:(e[s++]=240|r>>>18,e[s++]=128|r>>>12&63),e[s++]=128|r>>>6&63),e[s++]=128|63&r);return e},r.buf2binstring=function(t){return l(t,t.length)},r.binstring2buf=function(t){for(var e=new h.Buf8(t.length), r=0,i=e.length;r>10&1023,o[i++]=56320|1023&n)}return l(o,i)},r.utf8border=function(t,e){var r;for((e=e||t.length)>t.length&&(e=t.length),r=e-1;0<=r&&128==(192&t[r]);)r--;return r<0?e:0===r?e: r+u[t[r]]>e?r:e}},{"./common":41}],43:[function(t,e,r){e.exports=function(t,e,r,i){for(var n=65535&t|0,s=t>>>16&65535|0,a=0;0!==r;){for(r-=a=2E3>>1:t>>>1;e[r]=t}return e}();e.exports=function(t,e,r,i){var n=o,s=i+r;t^=-1;for(var a=i;a>>8^n[255&(t^e[a])];return-1^t}},{}],46:[function(t,e,r){var h,d=t("../utils/common"),u=t("./trees"),c=t("./adler32"),p=t("./crc32"),i=t("./messages"),l=0,f=4,m=0,_=-2,g= -1,b=4,n=2,v=8,y=9,s=286,a=30,o=19,w=2*s+1,k=15,x=3,S=258,z=S+x+1,C=42,E=113,A=1,I=2,O=3,B=4;function R(t,e){return t.msg=i[e],e}function T(t){return(t<<1)-(4t.avail_out&&(r=t.avail_out),0!==r&&(d.arraySet(t.output,e.pending_buf,e.pending_out,r,t.next_out),t.next_out+=r,e.pending_out+=r,t.total_out+=r,t.avail_out-=r,e.pending-=r,0===e.pending&&(e.pending_out=0))}function N(t,e){u._tr_flush_block(t,0<= t.block_start?t.block_start:-1,t.strstart-t.block_start,e),t.block_start=t.strstart,F(t.strm)}function U(t,e){t.pending_buf[t.pending++]=e}function P(t,e){t.pending_buf[t.pending++]=e>>>8&255,t.pending_buf[t.pending++]=255&e}function L(t,e){var r,i,n=t.max_chain_length,s=t.strstart,a=t.prev_length,o=t.nice_match,h=t.strstart>t.w_size-z?t.strstart-(t.w_size-z):0,u=t.window,l=t.w_mask,f=t.prev,d=t.strstart+S,c=u[s+a-1],p=u[s+a];t.prev_length>=t.good_match&&(n>>=2),o>t.lookahead&&(o=t.lookahead);do if(u[(r= e)+a]===p&&u[r+a-1]===c&&u[r]===u[s]&&u[++r]===u[s+1]){s+=2,r++;do;while(u[++s]===u[++r]&&u[++s]===u[++r]&&u[++s]===u[++r]&&u[++s]===u[++r]&&u[++s]===u[++r]&&u[++s]===u[++r]&&u[++s]===u[++r]&&u[++s]===u[++r]&&sh&&0!=--n);return a<=t.lookahead?a:t.lookahead}function j(t){var e,r,i,n,s,a,o,h,u,l,f=t.w_size;do{if(n=t.window_size-t.lookahead-t.strstart,t.strstart>=f+(f-z)){for(d.arraySet(t.window,t.window, f,f,0),t.match_start-=f,t.strstart-=f,t.block_start-=f,e=r=t.hash_size;i=t.head[--e],t.head[e]=f<=i?i-f:0,--r;);for(e=r=f;i=t.prev[--e],t.prev[e]=f<=i?i-f:0,--r;);n+=f}if(0===t.strm.avail_in)break;if(a=t.strm,o=t.window,h=t.strstart+t.lookahead,u=n,l=void 0,l=a.avail_in,u=x)for(s= t.strstart-t.insert,t.ins_h=t.window[s],t.ins_h=(t.ins_h<=x&&(t.ins_h=(t.ins_h<=x)if(i=u._tr_tally(t,t.strstart-t.match_start,t.match_length-x),t.lookahead-=t.match_length,t.match_length<=t.max_lazy_match&&t.lookahead>=x){for(t.match_length--;t.strstart++,t.ins_h=(t.ins_h<=x&&(t.ins_h=(t.ins_h<=x&&t.match_length<=t.prev_length){for(n=t.strstart+t.lookahead- x,i=u._tr_tally(t,t.strstart-1-t.prev_match,t.prev_length-x),t.lookahead-=t.prev_length-1,t.prev_length-=2;++t.strstart<=n&&(t.ins_h=(t.ins_h<t.pending_buf_size-5&&(r=t.pending_buf_size-5);;){if(t.lookahead<=1){if(j(t),0===t.lookahead&&e===l)return A;if(0===t.lookahead)break}t.strstart+=t.lookahead,t.lookahead= 0;var i=t.block_start+r;if((0===t.strstart||t.strstart>=i)&&(t.lookahead=t.strstart-i,t.strstart=i,N(t,!1),0===t.strm.avail_out))return A;if(t.strstart-t.block_start>=t.w_size-z&&(N(t,!1),0===t.strm.avail_out))return A}return t.insert=0,e===f?(N(t,!0),0===t.strm.avail_out?O:B):(t.strstart>t.block_start&&(N(t,!1),t.strm.avail_out),A)}),new M(4,4,8,4,Z),new M(4,5,16,8,Z),new M(4,6,32,32,Z),new M(4,4,16,16,W),new M(8,16,32,32,W),new M(8,16,128,128,W),new M(8,32,128,256,W),new M(32,128,258,1024,W),new M(32, 258,258,4096,W)],r.deflateInit=function(t,e){return Y(t,e,v,15,8,0)},r.deflateInit2=Y,r.deflateReset=K,r.deflateResetKeep=G,r.deflateSetHeader=function(t,e){return t&&t.state?2!==t.state.wrap?_:(t.state.gzhead=e,m):_},r.deflate=function(t,e){var r,i,n,s;if(!t||!t.state||5>8&255),U(i,i.gzhead.time>>16&255),U(i,i.gzhead.time>>24&255),U(i,9===i.level?2:2<=i.strategy||i.level<2?4:0),U(i,255&i.gzhead.os),i.gzhead.extra&&i.gzhead.extra.length&&(U(i,255&i.gzhead.extra.length),U(i,i.gzhead.extra.length>>8&255)),i.gzhead.hcrc&&(t.adler=p(t.adler,i.pending_buf,i.pending,0)),i.gzindex=0,i.status=69):(U(i,0),U(i,0), U(i,0),U(i,0),U(i,0),U(i,9===i.level?2:2<=i.strategy||i.level<2?4:0),U(i,3),i.status=E);else{var a=v+(i.w_bits-8<<4)<<8;a|=(2<=i.strategy||i.level<2?0:i.level<6?1:6===i.level?2:3)<<6,0!==i.strstart&&(a|=32),a+=31-a%31,i.status=E,P(i,a),0!==i.strstart&&(P(i,t.adler>>>16),P(i,65535&t.adler)),t.adler=1}if(69===i.status)if(i.gzhead.extra){for(n=i.pending;i.gzindex<(65535&i.gzhead.extra.length)&&(i.pending!==i.pending_buf_size||(i.gzhead.hcrc&&i.pending>n&&(t.adler=p(t.adler,i.pending_buf,i.pending-n, n)),F(t),n=i.pending,i.pending!==i.pending_buf_size));)U(i,255&i.gzhead.extra[i.gzindex]),i.gzindex++;i.gzhead.hcrc&&i.pending>n&&(t.adler=p(t.adler,i.pending_buf,i.pending-n,n)),i.gzindex===i.gzhead.extra.length&&(i.gzindex=0,i.status=73)}else i.status=73;if(73===i.status)if({n=i.pending;do{if(i.pending===i.pending_buf_size&&(i.gzhead.hcrc&&i.pending>n&&(t.adler=p(t.adler,i.pending_buf,i.pending-n,n)),F(t),n=i.pending,i.pending===i.pending_buf_size)){s=1;break}s=i.gzindexn&&(t.adler=p(t.adler,i.pending_buf,i.pending-n,n)),0===s&&(i.gzindex=0,i.status=91)}else i.status=91;if(91===i.status)if(i.gzhead.comment){n=i.pending;do{if(i.pending===i.pending_buf_size&&(i.gzhead.hcrc&&i.pending>n&&(t.adler=p(t.adler,i.pending_buf,i.pending-n,n)),F(t),n=i.pending,i.pending===i.pending_buf_size)){s=1;break}s=i.gzindexn&&(t.adler=p(t.adler,i.pending_buf,i.pending-n,n)),0===s&&(i.status=103)}else i.status=103;if(103===i.status&&(i.gzhead.hcrc?(i.pending+2>i.pending_buf_size&&F(t),i.pending+2<=i.pending_buf_size&&(U(i,255&t.adler),U(i,t.adler>>8&255),t.adler=0,i.status=E)):i.status=E),0!==i.pending){if(F(t),0===t.avail_out)return i.last_flush=-1,m}else if(0===t.avail_in&&T(e)<=T(r)&&e!==f)return R(t,-5);if(666===i.status&&0!==t.avail_in)return R(t,-5);if(0!==t.avail_in||0!== i.lookahead||e!==l&&666!==i.status){var o=2===i.strategy?function(t,e){for(var r;;){if(0===t.lookahead&&(j(t),0===t.lookahead)){if(e===l)return A;break}if(t.match_length=0,r=u._tr_tally(t,0,t.window[t.strstart]),t.lookahead--,t.strstart++,r&&(N(t,!1),0===t.strm.avail_out))return A}return t.insert=0,e===f?(N(t,!0),0===t.strm.avail_out?O:B):t.last_lit&&(N(t,!1),0===t.strm.avail_out)?A:I}(i,e):3===i.strategy?function(t,e){for(var r,i,n,s,a=t.window;;){if(t.lookahead<=S){if(j(t),t.lookahead<=S&&e===l)return A; if(0===t.lookahead)break}if(t.match_length=0,t.lookahead>=x&&0t.lookahead&&(t.match_length=t.lookahead)}if(t.match_length>=x?(r=u._tr_tally(t,1,t.match_length-x),t.lookahead-=t.match_length,t.strstart+=t.match_length,t.match_length=0):(r=u._tr_tally(t,0,t.window[t.strstart]), t.lookahead--,t.strstart++),r&&(N(t,!1),0===t.strm.avail_out))return A}return t.insert=0,e===f?(N(t,!0),0===t.strm.avail_out?O:B):t.last_lit&&(N(t,!1),0===t.strm.avail_out)?A:I}(i,e):h[i.level].func(i,e);if(o!==O&&o!==B||(i.status=666),o===A||o===O)return 0===t.avail_out&&(i.last_flush=-1),m;if(o===I&&(1===e?u._tr_align(i):5!==e&&(u._tr_stored_block(i,0,0,!1),3===e&&(D(i.head),0===i.lookahead&&(i.strstart=0,i.block_start=0,i.insert=0))),F(t),0===t.avail_out))return i.last_flush=-1,m}return e!==f? m:i.wrap<=0?1:(2===i.wrap?(U(i,255&t.adler),U(i,t.adler>>8&255),U(i,t.adler>>16&255),U(i,t.adler>>24&255),U(i,255&t.total_in),U(i,t.total_in>>8&255),U(i,t.total_in>>16&255),U(i,t.total_in>>24&255)):(P(i,t.adler>>>16),P(i,65535&t.adler)),F(t),0=r.w_size&&(0===s&&(D(r.head),r.strstart=0,r.block_start=0,r.insert=0),u=new d.Buf8(r.w_size),d.arraySet(u,e,l-r.w_size,r.w_size,0),e=u,l=r.w_size),a=t.avail_in,o=t.next_in,h=t.input,t.avail_in=l,t.next_in=0,t.input=e,j(r);r.lookahead>=x;){for(i=r.strstart,n=r.lookahead-(x-1);r.ins_h=(r.ins_h<>>= y=v>>>24,p-=y,0===(y=v>>>16&255))C[s++]=65535&v;else{if(!(16&y)){if(0==(64&y)){v=m[(65535&v)+(c&(1<>>=y,p-=y),p<15&&(c+=z[i++]<>>=y=v>>>24,p-=y,!(16&(y=v>>>16&255))){if(0==(64&y)){v=_[(65535&v)+(c&(1<>>=y,p-=y,(y=s-a)>3,c&=(1<<(p-=w<<3))-1,t.next_in=i,t.next_out=s,t.avail_in=i>> 24&255)+(t>>>8&65280)+((65280&t)<<8)+((255&t)<<24)}function s(){this.mode=0,this.last=!1,this.wrap=0,this.havedict=!1,this.flags=0,this.dmax=0,this.check=0,,this.head=null,this.wbits=0,this.wsize=0,this.whave=0,this.wnext=0,this.window=null,this.hold=0,this.bits=0,this.length=0,this.offset=0,this.extra=0,this.lencode=null,this.distcode=null,this.lenbits=0,this.distbits=0,this.ncode=0,this.nlen=0,this.ndist=0,this.have=0,,this.lens=new I.Buf16(320), I.Buf16(288), this.lendyn=null,this.distdyn=null,this.sane=0,this.back=0,this.was=0}function a(t){var e;return t&&t.state?(e=t.state,,t.msg="",e.wrap&&(t.adler=1&e.wrap),e.mode=P,e.last=0,e.havedict=0,e.dmax=32768,e.head=null,e.hold=0,e.bits=0,e.lencode=e.lendyn=new I.Buf32(i),e.distcode=e.distdyn=new I.Buf32(n),e.sane=1,e.back=-1,N):U}function o(t){var e;return t&&t.state?((e=t.state).wsize=0,e.whave=0,e.wnext=0,a(t)):U}function h(t,e){var r,i;return t&&t.state?(i=t.state,e<0?(r= 0,e=-e):(r=1+(e>>4),e<48&&(e&=15)),e&&(e<8||15=s.wsize?(I.arraySet(s.window,e,r-s.wsize,s.wsize,0),s.wnext=0,s.whave=s.wsize):(i<(n=s.wsize-s.wnext)&&(n=i),I.arraySet(s.window,e,r-i,n,s.wnext),(i-=n)?(I.arraySet(s.window,e,r-i,i,0),s.wnext=i,s.whave=s.wsize):(s.wnext+=n,s.wnext===s.wsize&&(s.wnext=0),s.whave>>8&255,r.check=B(r.check,E,2,0),l=u=0,r.mode=2;break}if(r.flags=0,r.head&&(r.head.done=!1),!(1&r.wrap)||(((255&u)<<8)+(u>>8))%31){t.msg="incorrect header check",r.mode=30;break}if(8!=(15&u)){t.msg="unknown compression method",r.mode=30;break}if(l-=4,k=8+(15&(u>>>=4)),0===r.wbits)r.wbits=k;else if(k>r.wbits){t.msg="invalid window size",r.mode=30;break}r.dmax=1<>8&1),512&r.flags&&(E[0]=255&u,E[1]=u>>>8&255,r.check=B(r.check,E,2,0)),l=u=0,r.mode=3;case 3:for(;l<32;){if(0===o)break t;o--,u+=i[s++]<>>8&255,E[2]=u>>>16&255,E[3]=u>>>24&255,r.check=B(r.check, E,4,0)),l=u=0,r.mode=4;case 4:for(;l<16;){if(0===o)break t;o--,u+=i[s++]<>8),512&r.flags&&(E[0]=255&u,E[1]=u>>>8&255,r.check=B(r.check,E,2,0)),l=u=0,r.mode=5;case 5:if(1024&r.flags){for(;l<16;){if(0===o)break t;o--,u+=i[s++]<>>8&255,r.check=B(r.check,E,2,0)),l=u=0}else r.head&&(r.head.extra=null);r.mode=6;case 6:if(1024&r.flags&&(o<(c=r.length)&&(c=o),c&&(r.head&&(k=r.head.extra_len- r.length,r.head.extra||(r.head.extra=new Array(r.head.extra_len)),I.arraySet(r.head.extra,i,s,c,k)),512&r.flags&&(r.check=B(r.check,i,c,s)),o-=c,s+=c,r.length-=c),r.length))break t;r.length=0,r.mode=7;case 7:if(2048&r.flags){if(0===o)break t;for(c=0;k=i[s+c++],r.head&&k&&r.length<65536&&(,k&&c>9&1,r.head.done=!0),t.adler=r.check=0,r.mode=12;break;case 10:for(;l<32;){if(0===o)break t;o--,u+=i[s++]<>>=7&l,l-=7&l,r.mode=27;break}for(;l<3;){if(0===o)break t;o--,u+=i[s++]<>>=1)){case 0:r.mode=14;break;case 1:if(j(r),r.mode=20,6!==e)break;u>>>=2,l-=2;break t;case 2:r.mode=17;break;case 3:t.msg="invalid block type",r.mode=30}u>>>=2,l-=2;break;case 14:for(u>>>=7& l,l-=7&l;l<32;){if(0===o)break t;o--,u+=i[s++]<>>16^65535)){t.msg="invalid stored block lengths",r.mode=30;break}if(r.length=65535&u,l=u=0,r.mode=15,6===e)break t;case 15:r.mode=16;case 16:if(c=r.length){if(o>>=5,l-=5,r.ndist=1+(31&u),u>>>=5,l-=5,r.ncode=4+(15&u),u>>>=4,l-=4,286>>=3,l-=3}for(;r.have<19;)r.lens[A[r.have++]]=0;if(r.lencode=r.lendyn,r.lenbits=7,S={bits:r.lenbits},x=T(0,r.lens,0,19,r.lencode,0,,S),r.lenbits=S.bits,x){t.msg="invalid code lengths set",r.mode=30;break}r.have=0,r.mode=19;case 19:for(;r.have>> 16&255,b=65535&C,!((_=C>>>24)<=l);){if(0===o)break t;o--,u+=i[s++]<>>=_,l-=_,r.lens[r.have++]=b;else{if(16===b){for(z=_+2;l>>=_,l-=_,0===r.have){t.msg="invalid bit length repeat",r.mode=30;break}k=r.lens[r.have-1],c=3+(3&u),u>>>=2,l-=2}else if(17===b){for(z=_+3;l>>=_)),u>>>=3,l-=3}else{for(z=_+7;l>>=_)), u>>>=7,l-=7}if(r.have+c>r.nlen+r.ndist){t.msg="invalid bit length repeat",r.mode=30;break}for(;c--;)r.lens[r.have++]=k}}if(30===r.mode)break;if(0===r.lens[256]){t.msg="invalid code -- missing end-of-block",r.mode=30;break}if(r.lenbits=9,S={bits:r.lenbits},x=T(D,r.lens,0,r.nlen,r.lencode,0,,S),r.lenbits=S.bits,x){t.msg="invalid literal/lengths set",r.mode=30;break}if(r.distbits=6,r.distcode=r.distdyn,S={bits:r.distbits},x=T(F,r.lens,r.nlen,r.ndist,r.distcode,0,,S),r.distbits=S.bits,x){t.msg= "invalid distances set",r.mode=30;break}if(r.mode=20,6===e)break t;case 20:r.mode=21;case 21:if(6<=o&&258<=h){t.next_out=a,t.avail_out=h,t.next_in=s,t.avail_in=o,r.hold=u,r.bits=l,R(t,d),a=t.next_out,n=t.output,h=t.avail_out,s=t.next_in,i=t.input,o=t.avail_in,u=r.hold,l=r.bits,12===r.mode&&(r.back=-1);break}for(r.back=0;g=(C=r.lencode[u&(1<>>16&255,b=65535&C,!((_=C>>>24)<=l);){if(0===o)break t;o--,u+=i[s++]<> v)])>>>16&255,b=65535&C,!(v+(_=C>>>24)<=l);){if(0===o)break t;o--,u+=i[s++]<>>=v,l-=v,r.back+=v}if(u>>>=_,l-=_,r.back+=_,r.length=b,0===g){r.mode=26;break}if(32&g){r.back=-1,r.mode=12;break}if(64&g){t.msg="invalid literal/length code",r.mode=30;break}r.extra=15&g,r.mode=22;case 22:if(r.extra){for(z=r.extra;l>>=r.extra,l-=r.extra,r.back+=r.extra}r.was=r.length,r.mode=23;case 23:for(;g=(C=r.distcode[u&(1<>>16&255,b=65535&C,!((_=C>>>24)<=l);){if(0===o)break t;o--,u+=i[s++]<>v)])>>>16&255,b=65535&C,!(v+(_=C>>>24)<=l);){if(0===o)break t;o--,u+=i[s++]<>>=v,l-=v,r.back+=v}if(u>>>=_,l-=_,r.back+=_,64&g){t.msg="invalid distance code",r.mode=30;break}r.offset=b,r.extra=15&g,r.mode=24;case 24:if(r.extra){for(z=r.extra;l>>=r.extra,l-=r.extra,r.back+= r.extra}if(r.offset>r.dmax){t.msg="invalid distance too far back",r.mode=30;break}r.mode=25;case 25:if(0===h)break t;if(c=d-h,r.offset>c){if((c=r.offset-c)>r.whave&&r.sane){t.msg="invalid distance too far back",r.mode=30;break}p=c>r.wnext?(c-=r.wnext,r.wsize-c):r.wnext-c,c>r.length&&(c=r.length),m=r.window}else m=n,p=a-r.offset,c=r.length;for(hc?(m=R[T+a[v]],A[I+a[v]]):(m=96,0),h=1<>S)+(u-=h)]=p<<24|m<<16|_|0,0!==u;);for(h=1<>=1;if(0!==h?(E&=h-1,E+=h):E=0,v++,0==--O[b]){if(b===w)break;b=e[r+a[v]]}if(k>>7)]}function U(t,e){t.pending_buf[t.pending++]=255&e,t.pending_buf[t.pending++]=e>>>8&255}function P(t,e,r){t.bi_valid>c-r?(t.bi_buf|=e<>c-t.bi_valid,t.bi_valid+=r-c):(t.bi_buf|=e<>>=1,r<<=1,0<--e;);return r>>>1}function Z(t,e,r){var i,n,s=new Array(g+1), a=0;for(i=1;i<=g;i++)s[i]=a=a+r[i-1]<<1;for(n=0;n<=e;n++){var o=t[2*n+1];0!==o&&(t[2*n]=j(s[o]++,o))}}function W(t){var e;for(e=0;e>1;1<=r;r--)G(t,s,r);for(n=h;r=t.heap[1],t.heap[1]=t.heap[t.heap_len--],G(t,s,1),i=t.heap[1],t.heap[--t.heap_max]=r,t.heap[--t.heap_max]=i,s[2*n]=s[2*r]+s[2*i],t.depth[n]=(t.depth[r]>=t.depth[i]?t.depth[r]: t.depth[i])+1,s[2*r+1]=s[2*i+1]=n,t.heap[1]=n++,G(t,s,1),2<=t.heap_len;);t.heap[--t.heap_max]=t.heap[1],function(t,e){var r,i,n,s,a,o,h=e.dyn_tree,u=e.max_code,l=e.stat_desc.static_tree,f=e.stat_desc.has_stree,d=e.stat_desc.extra_bits,c=e.stat_desc.extra_base,p=e.stat_desc.max_length,m=0;for(s=0;s<=g;s++)t.bl_count[s]=0;for(h[2*t.heap[t.heap_max]+1]=0,r=t.heap_max+1;r<_;r++)p<(s=h[2*h[2*(i=t.heap[r])+1]+1]+1)&&(s=p,m++),h[2*i+1]=s,u>=7;i>>=1)if(1&r&&0!==t.dyn_ltree[2*e])return o;if(0!== t.dyn_ltree[18]||0!==t.dyn_ltree[20]||0!==t.dyn_ltree[26])return h;for(e=32;e>>3,(s=t.static_len+3+7>>>3)<=n&&(n=s)):n=s=r+5,r+4<=n&&-1!==e?J(t,e,r,i):4===t.strategy||s===n?(P(t,2+(i?1:0),3),K(t,z,C)):(P(t,4+(i?1:0), 3),function(t,e,r,i){var n;for(P(t,e-257,5),P(t,r-1,5),P(t,i-4,4),n=0;n>>8&255,t.pending_buf[t.d_buf+2*t.last_lit+1]=255&e,t.pending_buf[t.l_buf+t.last_lit]=255&r,t.last_lit++,0===e?t.dyn_ltree[2*r]++:(t.matches++,e--,t.dyn_ltree[2*(A[r]+u+1)]++,t.dyn_dtree[2* N(e)]++),t.last_lit===t.lit_bufsize-1},r._tr_align=function(t){P(t,2,3),L(t,m,z),function(t){16===t.bi_valid?(U(t,t.bi_buf),t.bi_buf=0,t.bi_valid=0):8<=t.bi_valid&&(t.pending_buf[t.pending++]=255&t.bi_buf,t.bi_buf>>=8,t.bi_valid-=8)}(t)}},{"../utils/common":41}],53:[function(t,e,r){e.exports=function(){this.input=null,this.next_in=0,this.avail_in=0,this.total_in=0,this.output=null,this.next_out=0,this.avail_out=0,this.total_out=0,this.msg="",this.state=null,this.data_type=2,this.adler=0}},{}],54:[function(t, e,r){e.exports="function"==typeof setImmediate?setImmediate:function(){var t=[].slice.apply(arguments);t.splice(1,0,0),setTimeout.apply(null,t)}},{}]},{},[10])(10)};