class CanvasDraw{ constructor(...args){ this.init(...args) } init(noSmoothing){ this.diffStarPath = new Path2D(vectors.diffStar) this.longVowelMark = new Path2D(vectors.longVowelMark) this.diffIconPath = [[{w: 40, h: 33}, { fill: "#ff2803", d: new Path2D(vectors.diffEasy1) }, { fill: "#ffb910", noStroke: true, d: new Path2D(vectors.diffEasy2) }], [{w: 48, h: 31}, { fill: "#8daf51", d: new Path2D(vectors.diffNormal) }], [{w: 56, h: 37}, { fill: "#784439", d: new Path2D(vectors.diffHard1) }, { fill: "#000", noStroke: true, d: new Path2D(vectors.diffHard2) }, { fill: "#414b2b", d: new Path2D(vectors.diffHard3) }], [{w: 29, h: 27}, { fill: "#db1885", d: new Path2D(vectors.diffOni1) }, { fill: "#fff", d: new Path2D(vectors.diffOni2) }]] this.diffPath = { good: new Path2D(vectors.good), ok: new Path2D(vectors.ok), bad: new Path2D(vectors.bad) } this.crownPath = new Path2D( this.soulPath = new Path2D(vectors.soul) this.optionsPath = { main: new Path2D(vectors.options), shadow: new Path2D(vectors.optionsShadow) } this.categoryPath = { main: new Path2D(vectors.category), shadow: new Path2D(vectors.categoryShadow), highlight: new Path2D(vectors.categoryHighlight) } this.regex = { comma: /[,.]/, ideographicComma: /[、。]/, apostrophe: /[''’]/, degree: /[゚°]/, brackets: /[\((\))\[\]「」『』【】::;;≠]/, tilde: /[\--~~〜_]/, tall: /[bbddffgghhj-lj-ltt♪]/, i: /[ii]/, uppercase: /[A-ZA-Z]/, lowercase: /[a-za-z・]/, latin: /[A-ZA-Za-za-z・]/, numbers: /[0-90-9]/, exclamation: /[!!\?? ]/, question: /[\??]/, smallHiragana: /[ぁぃぅぇぉっゃゅょァィゥェォッャュョ]/, hiragana: /[\u3040-\u30ff]/, todo: /[トド]/, en: /[ceghknsuxyzceghknsuxyzçèéêëùúûü]/, em: /[mwmw]/, emCap: /[MWMW]/, rWidth: /[abdfIjo-rtvabdfIjo-rtvàáâäòóôö]/, lWidth: /[ililìíîï]/, ura: /\s*[\((]裏[\))]$/, cjk: /[\u3040-ゞ゠-ヾ一-\u9ffe]/ } var numbersFull = "0123456789" var numbersHalf = "0123456789" this.numbersFullToHalf = {} for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){ this.numbersFullToHalf[numbersFull[i]] = numbersHalf[i] this.numbersFullToHalf[numbersHalf[i]] = numbersHalf[i] } this.wrapOn = [" ", "\n", "%s"] this.stickySymbols = "!,.:;?~‐–‼、。々〜ぁぃぅぇぉっゃゅょァィゥェォッャュョ・ーヽヾ!:;?" this.songFrameCache = new CanvasCache(noSmoothing) this.diffStarCache = new CanvasCache(noSmoothing) this.crownCache = new CanvasCache(noSmoothing) this.tmpCanvas = document.createElement("canvas") this.tmpCtx = this.tmpCanvas.getContext("2d") } roundedRect(config){ var ctx = config.ctx var x = config.x var y = config.y var w = config.w var h = config.h var r = config.radius ctx.beginPath() this.roundedCorner(ctx, x, y, r, 0) this.roundedCorner(ctx, x + w, y, r, 1) this.roundedCorner(ctx, x + w, y + h, r, 2) this.roundedCorner(ctx, x, y + h, r, 3) ctx.closePath() } roundedCorner(ctx, x, y, r, rotation){ var pi = Math.PI switch(rotation){ case 0: return ctx.arc(x + r, y + r, r, pi, pi / -2) case 1: return ctx.arc(x - r, y + r, r, pi / -2, 0) case 2: return ctx.arc(x - r, y - r, r, 0, pi / 2) case 3: return ctx.arc(x + r, y - r, r, pi / 2, pi) } } songFrame(config){ var ctx = config.ctx var x = config.x var y = config.y var w = config.width var h = config.height var border = config.border var innerBorder = config.innerBorder var allBorders = border + innerBorder var innerX = x + allBorders var innerY = y + allBorders var innerW = w - allBorders * 2 var innerH = h - allBorders * 2 var shadowBg = (ctx, noForce) => { this.shadow({ ctx: ctx, fill: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)", blur: 10, x: 5, y: 5, force: !noForce }) ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(0,0,0,.5)" ctx.fillRect(0, 0, w, h) } if(config.cached){ if(this.songFrameCache.w !== config.frameCache.w || this.songFrameCache.scale !== config.frameCache.ratio){ this.songFrameCache.resize(config.frameCache.w, config.frameCache.h, config.frameCache.ratio) } this.songFrameCache.get({ ctx: ctx, x: x, y: y, w: w + 15, h: h + 15, id: "shadow" + config.cached }, shadowBg) }else{ ctx.translate(x, y) shadowBg(ctx, true) } ctx.restore() { let _x = x + border let _y = y + border let _w = w - border * 2 let _h = h - border * 2 ctx.fillStyle = config.borderStyle[1] ctx.fillRect(_x, _y, _w, _h) ctx.fillStyle = config.borderStyle[0] ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(_x, _y) ctx.lineTo(_x + _w, _y) ctx.lineTo(_x + _w - innerBorder, _y + innerBorder) ctx.lineTo(_x + innerBorder, _y + _h - innerBorder) ctx.lineTo(_x, _y + _h) ctx.fill() } ctx.fillStyle = config.background ctx.fillRect(innerX, innerY, innerW, innerH) ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)" ctx.lineWidth = 3 ctx.strokeRect(innerX, innerY, innerW, innerH) if(!config.noCrop){ ctx.beginPath() ctx.rect(innerX, innerY, innerW, innerH) ctx.clip() } config.innerContent(innerX, innerY, innerW, innerH) ctx.restore() if(config.disabled){ ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)" ctx.fillRect(x, y, w, h) } if(config.highlight){ this.highlight({ ctx: ctx, x: x, y: y, w: w, h: h, animate: config.highlight === 2, animateMS: config.animateMS, opacity: config.highlight === 1 ? 0.8 : 1 }) } ctx.restore() } highlight(config){ var ctx = config.ctx if(config.shape){ ctx.translate(config.x, config.y) }else{ var _x = config.x + 3.5 var _y = config.y + 3.5 var _w = config.w - 7 var _h = config.h - 7 } if(config.animate){ ctx.globalAlpha = this.fade((this.getMS() - config.animateMS) % 2000 / 2000) }else if(config.opacity){ ctx.globalAlpha = config.opacity } if(config.radius){ this.roundedRect({ ctx: ctx, x: _x, y: _y, w: _w, h: _h, radius: config.radius }) }else if(!config.shape){ ctx.beginPath() ctx.rect(_x, _y, _w, _h) } if(config.shape){ var stroke = () => ctx.stroke(config.shape) }else{ var stroke = () => ctx.stroke() } var size = config.size || 14 ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 249, 1, 0.45)" ctx.lineWidth = size stroke() ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 249, 1, .8)" ctx.lineWidth = 8 / 14 * size stroke() ctx.strokeStyle = "#fff" ctx.lineWidth = 6 / 14 * size stroke() ctx.restore() } fade(pos){ if(pos < 0.5){ pos = 1 - pos } return (1 - Math.cos(Math.PI * pos * 2)) / 2 } easeIn(pos){ return 1 - Math.cos(Math.PI / 2 * pos) } easeOut(pos){ return Math.sin(Math.PI / 2 * pos) } easeOutBack(pos){ return Math.sin(Math.PI / 1.74 * pos) * 1.03 } easeInOut(pos){ return (Math.cos(Math.PI * pos) - 1) / -2 } verticalText(config){ var ctx = config.ctx var inputText = "" + config.text var mul = config.fontSize / 40 var ura = false var r = this.regex var matches = inputText.match(r.ura) if(matches){ inputText = inputText.slice(0, matches.index) ura = matches[0] } var bold = this.bold(config.fontFamily) var string = inputText.split("") var drawn = [] var quoteOpened = false for(var i = 0; i < string.length; i++){ let symbol = string[i] if(symbol === " "){ // Space drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 0, h: 18}) }else if(symbol === "ー"){ // Long-vowel mark if(bold){ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: -1, y: -1, h: 33, rotate: true}) }else{ drawn.push({realText: symbol, svg: this.longVowelMark, x: -4, y: 5, h: 33, scale: [mul, mul]}) } }else if(symbol === "∀"){ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 0, h: 39, rotate: true}) }else if(symbol === "↓"){ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 12, h: 45}) }else if(symbol === "."){ if(bold){ drawn.push({realText: symbol, text: ".", x: 13, y: -15, h: 15}) }else{ drawn.push({realText: symbol, text: ".", x: 13, y: -7, h: 15, scale: [1.2, 0.7]}) } }else if(symbol === "…"){ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: bold ? 9 : 0, y: 5, h: 25, rotate: true}) }else if(symbol === '"'){ if(quoteOpened){ drawn.push({realText: symbol, text: "“", x: -25, y: 10, h: 20}) }else{ drawn.push({realText: symbol, text: "”", x: 12, y: 15, h: 20}) } quoteOpened = !quoteOpened }else if(r.comma.test(symbol)){ // Comma, full stop if(bold){ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 13, y: -15, h: 15}) }else{ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 13, y: -7, h: 15, scale: [1.2, 0.7]}) } }else if(r.ideographicComma.test(symbol)){ // Ideographic comma, full stop drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 16, y: -16, h: 18}) }else if(r.apostrophe.test(symbol)){ // Apostrophe if(bold){ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 20, y: -25, h: 0}) }else{ drawn.push({realText: symbol, text: ",", x: 20, y: -39, h: 0, scale: [1.2, 0.7]}) } }else if({ // Degree if(bold){ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 16, y: 9, h: 25}) }else{ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 16, y: 3, h: 18}) } }else if(r.brackets.test(symbol)){ // Rotated brackets if(bold){ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 0, h: 35, rotate: true}) }else{ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: -5, h: 25, rotate: true}) } }else if(r.tilde.test(symbol)){ // Rotated hyphen, tilde drawn.push({realText: symbol, text: symbol === "~" ? "~" : symbol, x: 0, y: 2, h: 35, rotate: true}) }else if(r.tall.test(symbol)){ // Tall latin script lowercase drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 4, h: 34}) }else if(r.i.test(symbol)){ // Lowercase i drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 7, h: 34}) }else if(r.uppercase.test(symbol)){ // Latin script upper case drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 8, h: 37}) }else if(r.lowercase.test(symbol)){ // Latin script lower case drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: -1, h: 28}) }else if(r.numbers.test(symbol)){ // Numbers var number = this.numbersFullToHalf[symbol] drawn.push({realText: symbol, text: number, x: 0, y: 4, h: 34}) }else if(r.exclamation.test(symbol)){ // Exclamation mark var toDraw = [symbol] for(var repeat = 1; repeat - 1 < i; repeat++){ if(!r.exclamation.test(string[i - repeat])){ break } toDraw.push(string[i - repeat]) } if(repeat > 1){ drawn.splice(i - repeat + 1, repeat) var allExclamations = !toDraw.find(a => a !== "!") for(var j = 1; j < repeat + 1; j++){ var text = string[i - repeat + j] if(allExclamations){ var y = 18 var h = 61 }else{ var y = 8 var h = 37 } if(i === repeat - 1){ h -= y - 4 y = 4 } var addX = bold && (text === "!" || text === "?") ? 10 : 0 drawn.push({ text: text, x: ((j - 1) - (repeat - 1) / 2) * 15 + addX, y: y - (j === 1 ? 0 : h), h: j === 1 ? h : 0 }) } }else{ var addX = bold && (symbol === "!" || symbol === "?") ? 10 : 0 drawn.push({text: symbol, x: addX, y: 8, h: 37}) } }else if(r.smallHiragana.test(symbol)){ // Small hiragana, small katakana drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: -8, h: 25, right: true}) }else if(r.hiragana.test(symbol)){ // Hiragana, katakana drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 5, h: 38, right: r.todo.test(symbol)}) }else{ // Kanji, other drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 3, h: 39}) } } var drawnHeight = 0 for(let symbol of drawn){ if(config.letterSpacing){ symbol.h += config.letterSpacing } drawnHeight += symbol.h * mul } ctx.translate(config.x, config.y) if(config.selectable){ config.selectable.innerHTML = "" var scale = config.selectableScale var style = style.left = ((config.x - config.width / 2) * scale + (config.selectableX || 0)) + "px" = (config.y * scale + (config.selectableY || 0)) + "px" style.width = config.width * scale + "px" style.height = (drawnHeight+15) * scale + "px" style.fontSize = 40 * mul * scale + "px" style.transform = "" } var scaling = 1 var strokeScaling = 1 var height = config.height - (ura ? 52 * mul : 0) if(height && drawnHeight > height){ scaling = height / drawnHeight if(config.align === "bottom"){ strokeScaling = Math.max(0.6, height / drawnHeight) ctx.translate(40 * mul, 0) ctx.scale(strokeScaling, scaling) ctx.translate(-40 * mul, 0) }else{ strokeScaling = scaling ctx.scale(1, scaling) } if(config.selectable){ style.transform = "scale(1, " + scaling + ")" = (config.y + (height - drawnHeight) / 2 - 15 / 2 * scaling) * scale + "px" } } if(ura){ // Circled ura drawn.push({realText: ura, text: "裏", x: 0, y: 25, h: 52, ura: true, scale: [1, 1 / scaling]}) } if(config.align === "bottom"){ drawn.reverse() } var actions = [] if(config.outline){ actions.push("stroke") } if(config.fill){ actions.push("fill") } if(config.selectable){ actions.push("selectable") } for(let action of actions){ ctx.font = bold + config.fontSize + "px " + config.fontFamily ctx.textBaseline = "top" if(action === "stroke"){ ctx.strokeStyle = config.outline ctx.lineWidth = config.outlineSize * mul if(config.align === "bottom"){ ctx.lineWidth /= strokeScaling } ctx.lineJoin = "round" ctx.miterLimit = 1 }else if(action === "fill"){ ctx.fillStyle = config.fill } if(config.align === "bottom"){ var offsetY = drawnHeight > config.height ? drawnHeight : config.height }else{ var offsetY = 0 } for(let symbol of drawn){ var saved = false var currentX = symbol.x if(symbol.right){ currentX += 20 * mul } var currentY = offsetY + symbol.y * mul if(config.align === "bottom"){ currentY -= symbol.h * mul } offsetY = offsetY + symbol.h * mul * (config.align === "bottom" ? -1 : 1) if(action === "selectable"){ let div = document.createElement("div") div.classList.add("stroke-sub") let text = symbol.realText || symbol.text let textWidth = ctx.measureText(text).width let transform = [] if(symbol.scale){ transform.push("scale(" + symbol.scale[0] + "," + symbol.scale[1] + ")") } if(symbol.rotate || symbol.realText === "ー"){ transform.push("rotate(90deg)") } if(transform.length){ = transform.join(" ") } if(symbol.right){ currentX = currentX + config.width / 2 - textWidth }else{ currentX = currentX + config.width / 2 - textWidth / 2 } if(symbol.ura){ = (30 / (40 * mul)) + "em Meiryo, sans-serif" } = currentX * scale + "px" = currentY * scale + "px" div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)) div.setAttribute("alt", text) config.selectable.appendChild(div) continue } if(symbol.rotate || symbol.scale || symbol.svg || symbol.ura){ saved = true if(symbol.rotate){ ctx.translate(currentX + 20 * mul, currentY + 20 * mul) ctx.rotate(Math.PI / 2) }else{ ctx.translate(currentX, currentY) } if(symbol.scale){ ctx.scale(symbol.scale[0], symbol.scale[1]) ctx.lineWidth = ctx.lineWidth / symbol.scale[0] } currentX = 0 currentY = 0 } if(symbol.svg){ ctx[action](symbol.svg) }else{ if(symbol.right){ ctx.textAlign = "right" }else{ ctx.textAlign = "center" } if(symbol.ura){ ctx.font = (30 * mul) + "px Meiryo, sans-serif" ctx.textBaseline = "middle" ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(currentX, currentY + (17 * mul), (18 * mul), 0, Math.PI * 2) if(action === "stroke"){ ctx.fillStyle = config.outline ctx.fill() }else if(action === "fill"){ ctx.strokeStyle = config.fill ctx.lineWidth = 2.5 * mul ctx.fillText(symbol.text, currentX, currentY + (17 * mul)) } ctx.stroke() }else{ ctx[action + "Text"](symbol.text, currentX, currentY) } } if(saved){ ctx.restore() } } } ctx.restore() } layeredText(config, layers){ var ctx = config.ctx var inputText = "" + config.text var mul = config.fontSize / 40 var ura = false var r = this.regex var matches = inputText.match(r.ura) if(matches){ inputText = inputText.slice(0, matches.index) ura = matches[0] } var bold = this.bold(config.fontFamily) var string = inputText.split("") var drawn = [] for(var i = 0; i < string.length; i++){ let symbol = string[i] if(symbol === "-"){ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: -2, y: 0, w: 28}) }else if(symbol === "™"){ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: -2, y: 0, w: 20, scale: [0.6, 0.5]}) }else if(symbol === " "){ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 0, w: 10}) }else if(symbol === '"'){ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 2, y: 0, w: 10}) }else if(symbol === "∀"){ if(bold){ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 0, w: 40}) }else{ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: -3, y: 0, w: 55}) } }else if(symbol === "."){ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: -9, y: 0, w: 37}) }else if(r.apostrophe.test(symbol)){ drawn.push({text: ",", x: 0, y: -15, w: 7, scale: [1, 0.7]}) }else if(r.comma.test(symbol)){ // Comma, full stop if(bold){ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: -3, y: 0, w: 13}) }else{ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: -3, y: 13, w: 13, scale: [1.2, 0.7]}) } }else if(r.tilde.test(symbol)){ // Hyphen, tilde drawn.push({text: symbol === "~" ? "~" : symbol, x: 0, y: 0, w: 39}) }else if(r.en.test(symbol)){ // n-width drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 0, w: 28}) }else if(r.em.test(symbol)){ // m-width drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 0, w: 38}) }else if(r.rWidth.test(symbol)){ // r-width drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 0, w: 24}) }else if(r.lWidth.test(symbol)){ // l-width drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 0, w: 12}) }else if(r.emCap.test(symbol)){ // m-width uppercase drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 0, w: 38}) }else if(r.numbers.test(symbol)){ // Numbers var number = this.numbersFullToHalf[symbol] drawn.push({text: number, x: 0, y: 0, w: 32}) }else if({ // Degree if(bold){ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 0, w: 20}) }else{ drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 5, y: 0, w: 0}) } }else if(r.uppercase.test(symbol)){ // Latin script uppercase drawn.push({text: symbol, x: 0, y: 0, w: 32}) }else if(r.exclamation.test(symbol)){ // Exclamation mark var nextExclamation = string[i + 1] ? r.exclamation.test(string[i + 1]) : false drawn.push({ text: symbol, x: nextExclamation ? 4 : -1, y: 0, w: nextExclamation ? 16 : 28 }) }else if(r.smallHiragana.test(symbol)){ // Small hiragana, small katakana drawn.push({text: symbol, kana: true, x: 0, y: 0, w: 30}) }else if(r.hiragana.test(symbol)){ // Hiragana, katakana drawn.push({text: symbol, kana: true, x: 0, y: 0, w: 35}) }else{ drawn.push({text: symbol, kana: true, x: 0, y: 0, w: 39}) } } var drawnWidth = 0 for(let symbol of drawn){ if(config.letterSpacing){ symbol.w += config.letterSpacing } if(config.kanaSpacing && symbol.kana){ symbol.w += config.kanaSpacing } drawnWidth += symbol.w * mul } ctx.translate(config.x, config.y) if(config.scale){ ctx.scale(config.scale[0], config.scale[1]) } var scaling = 1 var width = config.width - (ura ? 55 * mul : 0) if(width && drawnWidth > width){ scaling = width / drawnWidth ctx.scale(scaling, 1) } if(ura){ // Circled ura drawn.push({text: "裏", x: 0, y: 3, w: 55, ura: true, scale: [1 / scaling, 1]}) } if(config.align === "right"){ drawn.reverse() } ctx.font = bold + config.fontSize + "px " + config.fontFamily ctx.textBaseline = config.baseline || "top" ctx.textAlign = "center" for(let layer of layers){ var savedLayer = false var action = "strokeText" if(layer.scale){ savedLayer = true ctx.scale(layer.scale[0], layer.scale[1]) } if(layer.outline){ ctx.strokeStyle = layer.outline ctx.lineJoin = "round" ctx.miterLimit = 1 } if(layer.letterBorder){ ctx.lineWidth = layer.letterBorder } if(layer.fill){ ctx.fillStyle = layer.fill action = "fillText" } if(layer.shadow){ if(!savedLayer){ savedLayer = true } this.shadow({ ctx: ctx, fill: "rgba(0, 0, 0, " + (1 / (layer.shadow[3] || 2)) + ")", blur: layer.shadow[2], x: layer.shadow[0], y: layer.shadow[1], force: config.forceShadow }) } var offsetX = 0 for(let symbol of drawn){ var saved = false var currentX = offsetX + symbol.x * mul + (layer.x || 0) + symbol.w * mul / 2 var currentY = symbol.y + (layer.y || 0) if(config.align === "center"){ currentX -= drawnWidth / 2 }else if(config.align === "right"){ currentX = -offsetX + symbol.x + (layer.x || 0) - symbol.w / 2 } if(symbol.scale || symbol.ura){ saved = true ctx.translate(currentX, currentY) if(symbol.scale){ if(config.baseline === "middle"){ ctx.translate(0, -ctx.lineWidth * (2 / symbol.scale[1])) } ctx.scale(symbol.scale[0], symbol.scale[1]) ctx.lineWidth /= symbol.scale[0] } currentX = 0 currentY = 0 } if(symbol.ura){ ctx.font = (30 * mul) + "px Meiryo, sans-serif" ctx.textBaseline = "middle" ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(currentX, currentY + (17 * mul), (18 * mul), 0, Math.PI * 2) if(action === "strokeText"){ ctx.fillStyle = layer.outline ctx.fill() }else if(action === "fillText"){ ctx.strokeStyle = layer.fill ctx.lineWidth = 2.5 * mul ctx.fillText(symbol.text, currentX, currentY + (17 * mul)) } ctx.stroke() }else{ ctx[action](symbol.text, currentX, currentY) } if(saved){ ctx.restore() } offsetX += symbol.w * mul } if(savedLayer){ ctx.restore() } } ctx.restore() } wrappingText(config){ var ctx = config.ctx var inputText = config.text.toString() var words = [] var start = 0 var substituteIndex = 0 while(start < inputText.length){ var character = inputText.slice(start, start + 1) if(words.length !== 0){ var previous = words[words.length - 1] if(!previous.substitute && previous !== "\n" && this.stickySymbols.indexOf(character) !== -1){ words[words.length - 1] += character start++ continue } } var index = Infinity var currentIndex = inputText.slice(start).search(this.regex.cjk) if(currentIndex !== -1){ index = start + currentIndex var on = inputText.charAt(index) } for(var i = 0; i < this.wrapOn.length; i++){ var currentIndex = inputText.indexOf(this.wrapOn[i], start) if(currentIndex !== -1 && currentIndex < index){ var on = this.wrapOn[i] index = currentIndex } } if(index === Infinity){ if(start !== inputText.length){ words.push(inputText.slice(start, inputText.length)) } break } var end = index + (on === " " ? 1 : 0) if(start !== end){ words.push(inputText.slice(start, end)) } if(on === "%s" && config.substitute){ words.push({ substitute: true, index: substituteIndex, width: config.substitute(config, substituteIndex, true) || 0 }) substituteIndex++ }else if(on !== " "){ words.push(on) } start = index + on.length } var bold = this.bold(config.fontFamily) ctx.font = bold + config.fontSize + "px " + config.fontFamily ctx.textBaseline = config.baseline || "top" ctx.textAlign = "left" ctx.fillStyle = config.fill var lineHeight = config.lineHeight || config.fontSize var x = 0 var y = 0 var totalW = 0 var totalH = 0 var line = "" var toDraw = [] var lastWidth = 0 var addToDraw = obj => { toDraw.push(obj) if(x + lastWidth > totalW){ totalW = x + lastWidth } if(y + lineHeight > totalH){ totalH = y + lineHeight } } var recenter = () => { if(config.textAlign === "center"){ for(var j in toDraw){ if(toDraw[j].y === y){ toDraw[j].x += (config.width - x - lastWidth) / 2 } } } } var search = () => { var end = line.length var dist = end while(dist){ dist >>= 1 line = words[i].slice(0, end) lastWidth = ctx.measureText(line).width end += lastWidth < config.width ? dist : -dist } if(line !== words[i]){ words.splice(i + 1, 0, words[i].slice(line.length)) words[i] = line } } for(var i = 0; i < words.length; i++){ var skip = words[i].substitute || words[i] === "\n" if(!skip){ var currentWidth = ctx.measureText(line + words[i]).width } if(skip || (x !== 0 || line) && x + currentWidth > config.width){ if(line){ addToDraw({ text: line, x: x, y: y }) } if(words[i].substitute){ line = "" var currentWidth = words[i].width if(x + lastWidth + currentWidth > config.width){ recenter() x = 0 y += lineHeight lastWidth = 0 } addToDraw({ substitute: true, index: words[i].index, x: x + lastWidth, y: y }) x += lastWidth + currentWidth lastWidth = currentWidth }else{ recenter() x = 0 y += lineHeight if(words[i] === "\n"){ line = "" lastWidth = 0 }else{ line = words[i] lastWidth = ctx.measureText(line).width if(line.length !== 1 && lastWidth > config.width){ search() } } } }else if(!line){ line = words[i] lastWidth = ctx.measureText(line).width if(line.length !== 1 && lastWidth > config.width){ search() } }else{ line += words[i] lastWidth = currentWidth } } if(line){ addToDraw({ text: line, x: x, y: y }) recenter() } var addX = 0 var addY = 0 if(config.verticalAlign === "middle"){ addY = ((config.height || 0) - totalH) / 2 } for(var i in toDraw){ var x = config.x + toDraw[i].x + addX var y = config.y + toDraw[i].y + addY if(toDraw[i].text){ ctx.fillText(toDraw[i].text, x, y) }else if(toDraw[i].substitute){ ctx.translate(x, y) config.substitute(config, toDraw[i].index) ctx.restore() } } ctx.restore() } diffIcon(config){ var ctx = config.ctx var scale = config.scale ctx.lineWidth = config.border ctx.strokeStyle = "#000" var icon = this.diffIconPath[config.diff === 4 ? 3 : config.diff] ctx.translate(config.x - icon[0].w * scale / 2, config.y - icon[0].h * scale / 2) ctx.scale(scale, scale) for(var i = 1; i < icon.length; i++){ if(!icon[i].noStroke){ ctx.stroke(icon[i].d) } } if(!config.noFill){ for(var i = 1; i < icon.length; i++){ if(config.diff === 4 && icon[i].fill === "#db1885"){ ctx.fillStyle = "#7135db" }else{ ctx.fillStyle = icon[i].fill } ctx.fill(icon[i].d) } } ctx.restore() } diffOptionsIcon(config){ var ctx = config.ctx if(config.iconName === "download" ||config.iconName === "back" ||config.iconName === "trash"){ ctx.translate(config.x - 21, config.y - 21) if(config.iconName === "download"){ ctx.rotate(Math.PI) ctx.translate(-42, -42) } else if(config.iconName === "trash") { ctx.rotate(Math.PI / 2 * 3) ctx.translate(-42, 0) } var drawLine = y => { ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(12, y) ctx.arc(20.5, 24, 8.5, Math.PI, Math.PI * 2, true) ctx.lineTo(29, 18) ctx.stroke() } var drawTriangle = noFill => { ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(29, 5) ctx.lineTo(21, 19) ctx.lineTo(37, 19) ctx.closePath() if(!noFill){ ctx.fill() } } ctx.strokeStyle = "#000" ctx.lineWidth = 13 drawLine(8) ctx.lineWidth = 6 drawTriangle(true) ctx.stroke() ctx.lineWidth = 7 ctx.fillStyle = "#fff" ctx.strokeStyle = "#fff" drawLine(11) drawTriangle() ctx.translate(-1.5, -0.5) ctx.fillStyle = config.iconName === "download" ? "#a08eea" : config.iconName == "trash" ? "#ff0000" : "#23a6e1" ctx.strokeStyle = config.iconName === "download" ? "#a08eea" : config.iconName == "trash" ? "#ff0000" : "#23a6e1" ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "darken" drawLine(11) drawTriangle() }else if(config.iconName === "options"){ ctx.translate(config.x, config.y) ctx.rotate(-55 * Math.PI / 180) ctx.translate(-6, -20) ctx.strokeStyle = "#000" ctx.lineWidth = 6 ctx.stroke(this.optionsPath.main) ctx.translate(-2, 2) ctx.stroke(this.optionsPath.main) ctx.fillStyle = "#7e7c76" ctx.fill(this.optionsPath.shadow) ctx.translate(2, -2) ctx.fillStyle = "gold" ctx.fill(this.optionsPath.main) } ctx.restore() } diffCursor(config){ var ctx = config.ctx if(config.scale){ ctx.translate(config.x, config.y) ctx.scale(config.scale, config.scale) ctx.translate(-48, -64) }else{ ctx.translate(config.x - 48, config.y - 64) } ctx.fillStyle = config.two ? "#65cdcd" : "#ff411c" ctx.strokeStyle = "#000" ctx.lineWidth = 6 ctx.beginPath() if(!config.side){ var textX = config.two ? 22 : 20 ctx.moveTo(48, 120) ctx.arc(48, 48.5, 45, Math.PI * 0.58, Math.PI * 0.42) }else if(config.two){ var textX = 72 ctx.moveTo(56, 115) ctx.arc(98, 48.5, 45, Math.PI * 0.75, Math.PI * 0.59) }else{ var textX = -30 ctx.moveTo(39, 115) ctx.arc(-2, 48.5, 45, Math.PI * 0.41, Math.PI * 0.25) } ctx.closePath() ctx.fill() ctx.stroke() this.layeredText({ ctx: ctx, text: config.two ? "2P" : "1P", fontSize: 43, fontFamily: config.font, x: textX, y: 26, width: 54, letterSpacing: -4 }, [ {outline: "#fff", letterBorder: 11}, {fill: "#000"} ]) ctx.restore() } diffStar(config){ var ctx = config.ctx if(config.songSel || config.ura){ if(this.diffStarCache.scale !== config.ratio){ this.diffStarCache.resize(62, 31, config.ratio) } var offset = 30 / 2 - 18 / 2 var big = config.ura && !config.songSel this.diffStarCache.get({ ctx: ctx, x: config.x - 9 - offset, y: config.y - 9 - offset, w: 30, h: 30, id: big ? "big" : "small" }, ctx => { ctx.fillStyle = "#fff" this.shadow({ ctx: ctx, fill: "#fff", blur: 10, force: true }) if(big){ ctx.translate(30 / 2 - 21 / 2, 30 / 2 - 19 / 2) ctx.scale(1.1, 1.1) }else{ ctx.translate(offset, offset) } ctx.fill(this.diffStarPath) }) }else{ ctx.fillStyle = "#f72568" ctx.translate(config.x - 10.5, config.y - 9.5) ctx.scale(1.1, 1.1) ctx.fill(this.diffStarPath) } ctx.restore() } pattern(config){ var ctx = config.ctx var mul = config.scale || 1 if(mul !== 1){ ctx.scale(1 / mul, 1 / mul) } ctx.fillStyle = ctx.createPattern(config.img, "repeat") if(config.shape){ config.shape(ctx, mul) }else{ ctx.beginPath() ctx.rect(config.x * mul, config.y * mul, config.w * mul, config.h * mul) } ctx.translate(config.dx * mul, config.dy * mul) ctx.fill() ctx.restore() } score(config){ var ctx = config.ctx ctx.translate(config.x, config.y) if(config.scale){ ctx.scale(config.scale, config.scale) } ctx.strokeStyle = "#000" ctx.lineWidth = 7 if(strings.good === "良"){ if(config.align === "center"){ ctx.translate(config.score === "bad" ? -49 / 2 : -23 / 2, 0) } if(config.score === "good"){ var grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 29) grd.addColorStop(0.3, "#f7fb00") grd.addColorStop(0.9, "#ff4900") ctx.fillStyle = grd ctx.stroke(this.diffPath.good) ctx.fill(this.diffPath.good) }else if(config.score === "ok"){ ctx.fillStyle = "#fff" ctx.stroke(this.diffPath.ok) ctx.fill(this.diffPath.ok) }else if(config.score === "bad"){ var grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 27) grd.addColorStop(0.1, "#6B5DFF") grd.addColorStop(0.7, "#00AEDE") ctx.fillStyle = grd ctx.stroke(this.diffPath.bad) ctx.fill(this.diffPath.bad) ctx.translate(26, 0) ctx.stroke(this.diffPath.ok) ctx.fill(this.diffPath.ok) } }else{ ctx.font = this.bold(strings.font) + "26px " + strings.font if(config.results){ ctx.textAlign = "left" }else{ ctx.textAlign = "center" } ctx.textBaseline = "top" ctx.miterLimit = 1 if(config.score === "good"){ if(config.results && === "en"){ ctx.scale(0.75, 1) } var grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 29) grd.addColorStop(0.3, "#f7fb00") grd.addColorStop(0.9, "#ff4900") ctx.fillStyle = grd ctx.strokeText(strings.good, 0, 4) ctx.fillText(strings.good, 0, 4) }else if(config.score === "ok"){ ctx.fillStyle = "#fff" ctx.strokeText(strings.ok, 0, 4) ctx.fillText(strings.ok, 0, 4) }else if(config.score === "bad"){ var grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 27) grd.addColorStop(0.1, "#6B5DFF") grd.addColorStop(0.7, "#00AEDE") ctx.fillStyle = grd ctx.strokeText(strings.bad, 0, 4) ctx.fillText(strings.bad, 0, 4) } } ctx.restore() } crown(config){ var ctx = config.ctx ctx.translate(config.x, config.y) if(config.scale){ ctx.scale(config.scale, config.scale) } ctx.translate(-47, -39) ctx.miterLimit = 1.7 if(config.whiteOutline){ if(!this.crownCache.w){ this.crownCache.resize(140, 140, config.ratio) } var offset = 140 / 2 - 94 / 2 this.crownCache.get({ ctx: ctx, x: -offset, y: -offset, w: 140, h: 140, id: "crown" }, ctx => { ctx.translate(offset, offset) ctx.strokeStyle = "#fff" ctx.lineWidth = 35 ctx.miterLimit = 1.7 ctx.filter = "blur(1.5px)" ctx.stroke(this.crownPath) ctx.restore() }) } if(config.shine){ ctx.strokeStyle = "#fff" ctx.lineWidth = 18 ctx.stroke(this.crownPath) ctx.globalAlpha = 1 - config.shine } ctx.strokeStyle = config.type ? "#000" : "#ffc616" ctx.lineWidth = 18 ctx.stroke(this.crownPath) if(config.shine){ ctx.globalAlpha = 1 ctx.fillStyle = "#fff" ctx.fill(this.crownPath) ctx.globalAlpha = 1 - config.shine } if(config.type){ var grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 94, 0) if(config.type === "gold"){ grd.addColorStop(0, "#ffffc5") grd.addColorStop(0.23, "#ffff44") grd.addColorStop(0.53, "#efbd12") grd.addColorStop(0.83, "#ffff44") grd.addColorStop(1, "#efbd12") }else if(config.type === "silver"){ grd.addColorStop(0, "#d6efef") grd.addColorStop(0.23, "#bddfde") grd.addColorStop(0.53, "#97c1c0") grd.addColorStop(0.83, "#bddfde") grd.addColorStop(1, "#97c1c0") } ctx.fillStyle = grd }else{ ctx.fillStyle = "#ffdb2c" } ctx.fill(this.crownPath) ctx.restore() } gauge(config){ var ctx = config.ctx ctx.translate(config.x, config.y) if(config.scale){ ctx.scale(config.scale, config.scale) } ctx.translate(-788, 0) var firstTop = config.multiplayer ? 0 : 30 var secondTop = config.multiplayer ? 0 : 8 config.percentage = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, config.percentage)) var cleared = config.percentage >= config.clear var gaugeW = 14 * 50 var gaugeClear = gaugeW * (config.clear - 1 / 50) var gaugeFilled = gaugeW * config.percentage ctx.fillStyle = "#000" ctx.beginPath() if(config.scoresheet){ if(config.multiplayer){ ctx.moveTo(-4, -4) ctx.lineTo(760, -4) this.roundedCorner(ctx, 760, 48, 13, 2) this.roundedCorner(ctx, gaugeClear - 4, 48, 13, 3) ctx.lineTo(gaugeClear - 4, 26) ctx.lineTo(-4, 26) }else{ ctx.moveTo(-4, 26) ctx.lineTo(gaugeClear - 4, 26) this.roundedCorner(ctx, gaugeClear - 4, 4, 13, 0) this.roundedCorner(ctx, 760, 4, 13, 1) ctx.lineTo(760, 56) ctx.lineTo(-4, 56) } }else if(config.multiplayer){ ctx.moveTo(gaugeClear - 7, 27) ctx.lineTo(788, 27) ctx.lineTo(788, 52) this.roundedCorner(ctx, gaugeClear - 7, 52, 18, 3) }else{ ctx.moveTo(gaugeClear - 7, 24) this.roundedCorner(ctx, gaugeClear - 7, 0, 18, 0) ctx.lineTo(788, 0) ctx.lineTo(788, 24) } ctx.fill() if(!cleared){ ctx.fillStyle = ? "#184d55" : "#680000" var x = Math.max(0, gaugeFilled - 5) ctx.fillRect(x, firstTop, gaugeClear - x + 2 + (gaugeClear < gaugeW ? 0 : -7), 22) } if(gaugeFilled > 0){ var w = Math.min(gaugeW - 5, gaugeClear + 1, gaugeFilled - 4) ctx.fillStyle = ? "#00edff" : "#ff3408" ctx.fillRect(0, firstTop + 2, w, 20) ctx.fillStyle = ? "#9cffff" : "#ffa191" ctx.fillRect(0, firstTop, w, 3) } if(gaugeClear < gaugeW){ if(gaugeFilled < gaugeW - 4){ ctx.fillStyle = "#684900" var x = Math.max(gaugeClear + 9, gaugeFilled - gaugeClear + 9) ctx.fillRect(x, secondTop, gaugeW - 4 - x, 44) } if(gaugeFilled > gaugeClear + 14){ var w = Math.min(gaugeW - 4, gaugeFilled - gaugeClear - 14) ctx.fillStyle = "#ff0" ctx.fillRect(gaugeClear + 9, secondTop + 2, w, 42) ctx.fillStyle = "#fff" ctx.fillRect(gaugeClear + 9, secondTop, w, 3) } ctx.fillStyle = cleared ? "#ff0" : "#684900" ctx.beginPath() if(config.multiplayer){ this.roundedCorner(ctx, gaugeClear, secondTop + 44, 10, 3) ctx.lineTo(gaugeClear, secondTop) ctx.lineTo(gaugeClear + 10, secondTop) }else{ ctx.moveTo(gaugeClear, secondTop + 44) this.roundedCorner(ctx, gaugeClear, secondTop, 10, 0) ctx.lineTo(gaugeClear + 10, secondTop + 44) } ctx.fill() } if(cleared){ ctx.clip() ctx.fillStyle = "#fff" ctx.fillRect(gaugeClear, secondTop, 10, 3) ctx.restore() } ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)" ctx.beginPath() ctx.lineWidth = 5 for(var i = 0; i < 49; i++){ var x = 14 + i * 14 - ctx.lineWidth / 2 if(i === config.clear * 50 - 1){ ctx.stroke() ctx.beginPath() ctx.lineWidth = 4 } ctx.moveTo(x, x < gaugeClear ? firstTop : secondTop) ctx.lineTo(x, x < gaugeClear ? firstTop + 22 : secondTop + 44) } ctx.stroke() if(config.clear < 47 / 50){ this.layeredText({ ctx: ctx, text: strings.clear, fontSize: 18, fontFamily: config.font, x: gaugeClear + 3, y: config.multiplayer ? 22 : 11, letterSpacing: -2 }, [ {scale: [1.1, 1.01], outline: "#000", letterBorder: 6}, {scale: [1.11, 1], fill: cleared ? "#fff" : "#737373"} ]) } ctx.restore() } soul(config){ var ctx = config.ctx ctx.translate(config.x, config.y) if(config.scale){ ctx.scale(config.scale, config.scale) } ctx.translate(-23, -21) ctx.fillStyle = config.cleared ? "#fff" : "#737373" ctx.fill(this.soulPath) ctx.restore() } slot(ctx, x, y, size){ var mul = size / 106 ctx.globalAlpha = 0.7 ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "screen" ctx.fillStyle = "#444544" ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(x, y, 26 * mul, 0, Math.PI * 2) ctx.fill() ctx.lineWidth = 3 ctx.strokeStyle = "#9c9e9c" ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(x, y, 33.5 * mul, 0, Math.PI * 2) ctx.stroke() ctx.lineWidth = 3.5 ctx.strokeStyle = "#5d5e5d" ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(x, y, 51.5 * mul, 0, Math.PI * 2) ctx.stroke() ctx.restore() } category(config){ var ctx = config.ctx ctx.translate(config.x, config.y) if(config.scale || config.right){ ctx.scale((config.right ? -1 : 1) * (config.scale || 1), config.scale || 1) } ctx.translate(-15.5 + 14, -11) for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){ if(i < 2){ ctx.lineWidth = 6 ctx.strokeStyle = "#000" ctx.stroke(this.categoryPath.main) }else{ ctx.fillStyle = config.fill ctx.fill(this.categoryPath.main) ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)" ctx.fill(this.categoryPath.main) ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)" ctx.fill(this.categoryPath.shadow) } if(i % 2 === 0){ ctx.translate(-14, 0) }else if(i === 1){ ctx.translate(14, 0) } } if(config.highlight){ this.highlight({ ctx: ctx, x: 0, y: 0, opacity: 0.8, shape: this.categoryPath.highlight, size: 8 }) } ctx.restore() } nameplate(config){ var ctx = config.ctx var w = 264 var h = 57 var r = h / 2 var pi = Math.PI ctx.translate(config.x, config.y) if(config.scale){ ctx.scale(config.scale, config.scale) } ctx.fillStyle="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)" ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(r + 4, r + 5, r, pi / 2, pi / -2) ctx.arc(w - r + 4, r + 5, r, pi / -2, pi / 2) ctx.fill() ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(r, 0) this.roundedCorner(ctx, w, 0, r, 1) ctx.lineTo(r, r) ctx.fillStyle = ? "#67cecb" : "#ff421d" ctx.fill() ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(r, r) this.roundedCorner(ctx, w, h, r, 2) ctx.lineTo(r, h) ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)" ctx.fill() ctx.strokeStyle = "#000" ctx.lineWidth = 4 ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(r, 0) ctx.arc(w - r, r, r, pi / -2, pi / 2) ctx.lineTo(r, h) ctx.stroke() ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(r, r - 1) ctx.lineTo(w, r - 1) ctx.lineWidth = 2 ctx.stroke() ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(r, r, r, 0, pi * 2) ctx.fillStyle = ? "#67cecb" : "#ff421d" ctx.fill() ctx.lineWidth = 4 ctx.stroke() ctx.font = this.bold(config.font) + "28px " + config.font ctx.textAlign = "center" ctx.textBaseline = "middle" ctx.lineWidth = 5 ctx.miterLimit = 1 ctx.strokeStyle = "#fff" ctx.fillStyle = "#000" var text = ? "2P" : "1P" ctx.strokeText(text, r + 2, r + 1) ctx.fillText(text, r + 2, r + 1) if(config.rank){ this.layeredText({ ctx: ctx, text: config.rank, fontSize: 20, fontFamily: config.font, x: w / 2 + r * 0.7, y: r * 0.5, width: 180, align: "center", baseline: "middle" }, [ {fill: "#000"} ]) } this.layeredText({ ctx: ctx, text: || "", fontSize: 21, fontFamily: config.font, x: w / 2 + r * 0.7, y: r * 1.5 - 0.5, width: 180, kanaSpacing: 10, align: "center", baseline: "middle" }, [ {outline: "#000", letterBorder: 6}, {fill: "#fff"} ]) ctx.restore() } alpha(amount, ctx, callback, winW, winH){ if(amount >= 1){ return callback(ctx) }else if(amount >= 0){ this.tmpCanvas.width = Math.max(1, winW || ctx.canvas.width) this.tmpCanvas.height = Math.max(1, winH || ctx.canvas.height) callback(this.tmpCtx) ctx.globalAlpha = amount ctx.drawImage(this.tmpCanvas, 0, 0) ctx.restore() } } shadow(config){ if(!disableBlur || config.force){ var ctx = config.ctx if(config.fill){ ctx.shadowColor = config.fill } if(config.blur){ ctx.shadowBlur = config.blur } if(config.x){ ctx.shadowOffsetX = config.x } if(config.y){ ctx.shadowOffsetY = config.y } } } bold(font){ return font === "Microsoft YaHei, sans-serif" ? "bold " : "" } getMS(){ return } clean(){ this.songFrameCache.clean() this.diffStarCache.clean() this.crownCache.clean() delete this.tmpCtx delete this.tmpCanvas } }