#!/usr/bin/env python import asyncio import websockets import json import random server_status = { "waiting": {}, "users": [], "invites": {} } consonants = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz" def msgobj(type, value=None): if value == None: return json.dumps({"type": type}) else: return json.dumps({"type": type, "value": value}) def status_event(): value = [] for id, userDiff in server_status["waiting"].items(): value.append({ "id": id, "diff": userDiff["diff"] }) return msgobj("users", value) def get_invite(): return "".join([random.choice(consonants) for x in range(5)]) async def notify_status(): ready_users = [user for user in server_status["users"] if "ws" in user and user["action"] == "ready"] if ready_users: sent_msg = status_event() await asyncio.wait([user["ws"].send(sent_msg) for user in ready_users]) async def connection(ws, path): # User connected user = { "ws": ws, "action": "ready", "session": False } server_status["users"].append(user) try: # Notify user about other users await ws.send(status_event()) while True: try: message = await asyncio.wait_for(ws.recv(), timeout=5) except asyncio.TimeoutError: # Keep user connected pong_waiter = await ws.ping() try: await asyncio.wait_for(pong_waiter, timeout=5) except asyncio.TimeoutError: # Disconnect break except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed: # Connection closed break else: # Message received try: data = json.loads(message) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: data = {} action = user["action"] type = data["type"] if "type" in data else None value = data["value"] if "value" in data else None if action == "ready": # Not playing or waiting if type == "join": if value == None: continue waiting = server_status["waiting"] id = value["id"] if "id" in value else None diff = value["diff"] if "diff" in value else None if not id or not diff: continue if id not in waiting: # Wait for another user user["action"] = "waiting" user["gameid"] = id waiting[id] = { "user": user, "diff": diff } await ws.send(msgobj("waiting")) else: # Join the other user and start game user["other_user"] = waiting[id]["user"] waiting_diff = waiting[id]["diff"] del waiting[id] if "ws" in user["other_user"]: user["action"] = "loading" user["other_user"]["action"] = "loading" user["other_user"]["other_user"] = user await asyncio.wait([ ws.send(msgobj("gameload", waiting_diff)), user["other_user"]["ws"].send(msgobj("gameload", diff)) ]) else: # Wait for another user del user["other_user"] user["action"] = "waiting" user["gameid"] = id waiting[id] = { "user": user, "diff": diff } await ws.send(msgobj("waiting")) # Update others on waiting players await notify_status() elif type == "invite": if value == None: # Session invite link requested invite = get_invite() server_status["invites"][invite] = user user["action"] = "invite" user["session"] = invite await ws.send(msgobj("invite", invite)) elif value in server_status["invites"]: # Join a session with the other user user["other_user"] = server_status["invites"][value] del server_status["invites"][value] if "ws" in user["other_user"]: user["other_user"]["other_user"] = user user["action"] = "invite" user["session"] = value sent_msg = msgobj("session") await asyncio.wait([ ws.send(sent_msg), user["other_user"]["ws"].send(sent_msg) ]) await ws.send(msgobj("invite")) else: del user["other_user"] await ws.send(msgobj("gameend")) else: # Session code is invalid await ws.send(msgobj("gameend")) elif action == "waiting" or action == "loading" or action == "loaded": # Waiting for another user if type == "leave" and not user["session"]: # Stop waiting del server_status["waiting"][user["gameid"]] del user["gameid"] user["action"] = "ready" await asyncio.wait([ ws.send(msgobj("left")), notify_status() ]) if action == "loading": if type == "gamestart": user["action"] = "loaded" if user["other_user"]["action"] == "loaded": user["action"] = "playing" user["other_user"]["action"] = "playing" sent_msg = msgobj("gamestart") await asyncio.wait([ ws.send(sent_msg), user["other_user"]["ws"].send(sent_msg) ]) elif action == "playing": # Playing with another user if "other_user" in user and "ws" in user["other_user"]: if type == "note"\ or type == "drumroll"\ or type == "gameresults"\ or type == "scorenext" and user["session"]: await user["other_user"]["ws"].send(msgobj(type, value)) elif type == "songsel" and user["session"]: user["action"] = "songsel" user["other_user"]["action"] = "songsel" sent_msg1 = msgobj(type) sent_msg2 = msgobj("users", []) await asyncio.wait([ ws.send(sent_msg1), ws.send(sent_msg2), user["other_user"]["ws"].send(sent_msg1), user["other_user"]["ws"].send(sent_msg2) ]) elif type == "gameend": # User wants to disconnect user["action"] = "ready" user["other_user"]["action"] = "ready" sent_msg1 = msgobj("gameend") sent_msg2 = status_event() await asyncio.wait([ ws.send(sent_msg1), ws.send(sent_msg2), user["other_user"]["ws"].send(sent_msg1), user["other_user"]["ws"].send(sent_msg2) ]) del user["other_user"] else: # Other user disconnected user["action"] = "ready" user["session"] = False await asyncio.wait([ ws.send(msgobj("gameend")), ws.send(status_event()) ]) elif action == "invite": if type == "leave": # Cancel session invite if user["session"] in server_status["invites"]: del server_status["invites"][user["session"]] user["action"] = "ready" user["session"] = False if "other_user" in user and "ws" in user["other_user"]: user["other_user"]["action"] = "ready" user["other_user"]["session"] = False sent_msg = status_event() await asyncio.wait([ ws.send(msgobj("left")), ws.send(sent_msg), user["other_user"]["ws"].send(msgobj("gameend")), user["other_user"]["ws"].send(sent_msg) ]) else: await asyncio.wait([ ws.send(msgobj("left")), ws.send(status_event()) ]) elif type == "songsel" and "other_user" in user: if "ws" in user["other_user"]: user["action"] = "songsel" user["other_user"]["action"] = "songsel" sent_msg = msgobj(type) await asyncio.wait([ ws.send(sent_msg), user["other_user"]["ws"].send(sent_msg) ]) else: user["action"] = "ready" user["session"] = False await asyncio.wait([ ws.send(msgobj("gameend")), ws.send(status_event()) ]) elif action == "songsel": # Session song selection if "other_user" in user and "ws" in user["other_user"]: if type == "songsel": # Change song select position if user["other_user"]["action"] == "songsel": sent_msg = msgobj(type, value) await asyncio.wait([ ws.send(sent_msg), user["other_user"]["ws"].send(sent_msg) ]) elif type == "join": # Start game if value == None: continue id = value["id"] if "id" in value else None diff = value["diff"] if "diff" in value else None if not id or not diff: continue if user["other_user"]["action"] == "waiting": user["action"] = "loading" user["other_user"]["action"] = "loading" await asyncio.wait([ ws.send(msgobj("gameload", user["other_user"]["gamediff"])), user["other_user"]["ws"].send(msgobj("gameload", diff)) ]) else: user["action"] = "waiting" user["gamediff"] = diff await user["other_user"]["ws"].send(msgobj("users", [{ "id": id, "diff": diff }])) elif type == "gameend": # User wants to disconnect user["action"] = "ready" user["session"] = False user["other_user"]["action"] = "ready" user["other_user"]["session"] = False sent_msg1 = msgobj("gameend") sent_msg2 = status_event() await asyncio.wait([ ws.send(sent_msg1), ws.send(sent_msg2), user["other_user"]["ws"].send(sent_msg1), user["other_user"]["ws"].send(sent_msg2) ]) del user["other_user"] else: # Other user disconnected user["action"] = "ready" user["session"] = False await asyncio.wait([ ws.send(msgobj("gameend")), ws.send(status_event()) ]) finally: # User disconnected del user["ws"] del server_status["users"][server_status["users"].index(user)] if "other_user" in user and "ws" in user["other_user"]: user["other_user"]["action"] = "ready" user["other_user"]["session"] = False await asyncio.wait([ user["other_user"]["ws"].send(msgobj("gameend")), user["other_user"]["ws"].send(status_event()) ]) if user["action"] == "waiting": del server_status["waiting"][user["gameid"]] await notify_status() elif user["action"] == "invite" and user["session"] in server_status["invites"]: del server_status["invites"][user["session"]] asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete( websockets.serve(connection, "localhost", 34802) ) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_forever()