- Needs the following changes to the database: change `easy`, `normal`, `hard`, and `oni` to `TEXT` type
- When adding songs to the database and if, for example, a song's 7-star difficulty has a branch, instead of `7` input `7 B`, this is to display song's branch support on the song selection
- Branch can be forced in debug
- Fixed gameend being sent twice in p2
- Add `ready`, `loader-error`, and `song-select-random` events
- Fixed `session-start` not firing when invited, added event detail
- Fixed `language-change` being fired at startup
- Fixed `version-link` and `about-link` firing twice
- "#song=" will fire `song-select-difficulty`
- Removed `key-events` and `scoresheet-player2`, merged with `scoresheet` and made it more detailed