Improve strings.js layout

This commit is contained in:
LoveEevee 2020-03-15 10:12:16 +03:00
parent 0fd0cb97a0
commit 4c07813aff

View File

@ -1,1203 +1,1107 @@
function StringsJa(){ = "ja" = "日本語"
this.regex = /^ja$|^ja-/
this.font = "TnT, Meiryo, sans-serif"
var languageList = ["ja", "en", "cn", "tw", "ko"]
var translations = {
name: {
ja: "日本語",
en: "English",
cn: "简体中文",
tw: "正體中文",
ko: "한국어"
regex: {
ja: /^ja$|^ja-/,
en: /^en$|^en-/,
cn: /^zh$|^zh-CN$|^zh-SG$/,
tw: /^zh-HK$|^zh-TW$/,
ko: /^ko$|^ko-/
font: {
ja: "TnT, Meiryo, sans-serif",
en: "TnT, Meiryo, sans-serif",
cn: "Microsoft YaHei, sans-serif",
tw: "Microsoft YaHei, sans-serif",
ko: "Microsoft YaHei, sans-serif"
this.taikoWeb = "たいこウェブ"
this.titleProceed = "クリックするかEnterを押す"
this.titleDisclaimer = "この非公式シミュレーターはバンダイナムコとは関係がありません。"
this.titleCopyright = "Taiko no Tatsujin ©&™ 2011 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc."
this.categories = {
"J-POP": "J-POP",
"アニメ": "アニメ",
"ボーカロイド™曲": "ボーカロイド™曲",
"バラエティ": "バラエティ",
"クラシック": "クラシック",
"ゲームミュージック": "ゲームミュージック",
"ナムコオリジナル": "ナムコオリジナル"
this.selectSong = "曲をえらぶ"
this.selectDifficulty = "むずかしさをえらぶ"
this.back = "もどる"
this.random = "ランダム"
this.randomSong = "ランダムに曲をえらぶ"
this.howToPlay = "あそびかた説明"
this.aboutSimulator = "このシミュレータについて"
this.gameSettings = "ゲーム設定"
this.browse = "参照する…"
this.defaultSongList = "デフォルト曲リスト"
this.songOptions = "演奏オプション"
this.none = "なし" = "オート"
this.netplay = "ネットプレイ"
this.easy = "かんたん"
this.normal = "ふつう"
this.hard = "むずかしい"
this.oni = "おに"
this.songBranch = "譜面分岐あり"
this.defaultName = "どんちゃん"
this.default2PName = "かっちゃん"
this.notLoggedIn = "ログインしていない"
this.sessionStart = "オンラインセッションを開始する!"
this.sessionEnd = "オンラインセッションを終了する"
this.loading = "ロード中..."
this.waitingForP2 = "他のプレイヤーを待っている..."
this.cancel = "キャンセル"
this.note = {
don: "ドン",
ka: "カッ",
daiDon: "ドン(大)",
daiKa: "カッ(大)",
drumroll: "連打ーっ!!",
daiDrumroll: "連打(大)ーっ!!",
balloon: "ふうせん"
this.ex_note = {
don: [
taikoWeb: {
ja: "たいこウェブ",
en: "Taiko Web",
cn: "太鼓网页",
tw: "太鼓網頁",
ko: "태고 웹"
titleProceed: {
ja: "クリックするかEnterを押す",
en: "Click or Press Enter!",
cn: "点击或按回车!",
tw: "點擊或按確認!",
ko: "클릭하거나 Enter를 누릅니다!"
titleDisclaimer: {
ja: "この非公式シミュレーターはバンダイナムコとは関係がありません。",
en: "This unofficial simulator is unaffiliated with BANDAI NAMCO.",
cn: "这款非官方模拟器与BANDAI NAMCO无关。",
tw: "這款非官方模擬器與BANDAI NAMCO無關。",
ko: "이 비공식 시뮬레이터는 반다이 남코와 관련이 없습니다."
titleCopyright: {
en: "Taiko no Tatsujin ©&™ 2011 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc."
categories: {
"J-POP": {
ja: "J-POP",
en: "Pop",
cn: "流行音乐",
tw: "流行音樂",
ko: "POP"
"アニメ": {
ja: "アニメ",
en: "Anime",
cn: "卡通动画音乐",
tw: "卡通動畫音樂",
ko: "애니메이션"
"ボーカロイド™曲": {
ja: "ボーカロイド™曲",
en: "VOCALOID™ Music"
"バラエティ": {
ja: "バラエティ",
en: "Variety",
cn: "综合音乐",
tw: "綜合音樂",
ko: "버라이어티"
"クラシック": {
ja: "クラシック",
en: "Classical",
cn: "古典音乐",
tw: "古典音樂",
ko: "클래식"
"ゲームミュージック": {
ja: "ゲームミュージック",
en: "Game Music",
cn: "游戏音乐",
tw: "遊戲音樂",
ko: "게임"
"ナムコオリジナル": {
ja: "ナムコオリジナル",
en: "NAMCO Original",
cn: "NAMCO原创音乐",
tw: "NAMCO原創音樂",
ko: "남코 오리지널"
selectSong: {
ja: "曲をえらぶ",
en: "Select Song",
cn: "选择乐曲",
tw: "選擇樂曲",
ko: "곡 선택"
selectDifficulty: {
ja: "むずかしさをえらぶ",
en: "Select Difficulty",
cn: "选择难度",
tw: "選擇難度",
ko: "난이도 선택"
back: {
ja: "もどる",
en: "Back",
cn: "返回",
tw: "返回",
ko: "돌아간다"
random: {
ja: "ランダム",
en: "Random",
cn: "随机",
tw: "隨機",
ko: "랜덤"
randomSong: {
ja: "ランダムに曲をえらぶ",
en: "Random Song",
cn: "随机选曲",
tw: "隨機選曲",
ko: "랜덤"
howToPlay: {
ja: "あそびかた説明",
en: "How to Play",
cn: "操作说明",
tw: "操作說明",
ko: "지도 시간"
aboutSimulator: {
ja: "このシミュレータについて",
en: "About Simulator",
cn: "关于模拟器",
tw: "關於模擬器",
ko: "게임 정보"
gameSettings: {
ja: "ゲーム設定",
en: "Game Settings",
cn: "游戏设定",
tw: "遊戲設定",
ko: "게임 설정"
browse: {
ja: "参照する…",
en: "Browse…",
cn: "浏览…",
tw: "開啟檔案…",
ko: "찾아보기…"
defaultSongList: {
ja: "デフォルト曲リスト",
en: "Default Song List",
cn: "默认歌曲列表",
tw: "默認歌曲列表",
ko: "기본 노래 목록"
songOptions: {
ja: "演奏オプション",
en: "Song Options",
cn: "选项",
tw: "選項",
ko: "옵션"
none: {
ja: "なし",
en: "None",
cn: "无",
tw: "無",
ko: "없음"
auto: {
ja: "オート",
en: "Auto",
cn: "自动",
tw: "自動",
ko: "오토"
netplay: {
ja: "ネットプレイ",
en: "Netplay",
cn: "网络对战",
tw: "網上對打",
ko: "넷 플레이"
easy: {
ja: "かんたん",
en: "Easy",
cn: "简单",
tw: "簡單",
ko: "쉬움"
normal: {
ja: "ふつう",
en: "Normal",
cn: "普通",
tw: "普通",
ko: "보통"
hard: {
ja: "むずかしい",
en: "Hard",
cn: "困难",
tw: "困難",
ko: "어려움"
oni: {
ja: "おに",
en: "Extreme",
cn: "魔王",
tw: "魔王",
ko: "귀신"
songBranch: {
ja: "譜面分岐あり",
en: "Diverge Notes",
cn: "有谱面分歧",
tw: "有譜面分歧",
ko: "악보 분기 있습니다"
defaultName: {
ja: "どんちゃん",
en: "Don-chan",
cn: "小咚",
tw: "小咚",
ko: "동이"
default2PName: {
ja: "かっちゃん",
en: "Katsu-chan",
cn: "小咔",
tw: "小咔",
ko: "딱이"
notLoggedIn: {
ja: "ログインしていない",
en: "Not logged in",
cn: "未登录",
tw: "未登錄",
ko: "로그인하지 않았습니다"
sessionStart: {
ja: "オンラインセッションを開始する!",
en: "Begin an Online Session!",
cn: "开始在线会话!",
tw: "開始多人模式!",
ko: "온라인 세션 시작!"
sessionEnd: {
ja: "オンラインセッションを終了する",
en: "End Online Session",
cn: "结束在线会话",
tw: "結束多人模式",
ko: "온라인 세션 끝내기"
scoreSaveFailed: {
ja: null,
en: "Could not connect to the server, your score has not been saved.\n\nPlease log in or refresh the page to try saving the score again."
loading: {
ja: "ロード中...",
en: "Loading...",
cn: "加载中...",
tw: "讀取中...",
ko: "로딩 중..."
waitingForP2: {
ja: "他のプレイヤーを待っている...",
en: "Waiting for Another Player...",
cn: "正在等待对方玩家...",
tw: "正在等待對方玩家...",
ko: "Waiting for Another Player..."
cancel: {
ja: "キャンセル",
en: "Cancel",
cn: "取消",
tw: "取消",
ko: "취소"
note: {
don: {
ja: "ドン",
en: "Don",
cn: "咚",
tw: "咚",
ko: "쿵"
ka: {
ja: "カッ",
en: "Ka",
cn: "咔",
tw: "咔",
ko: "딱"
daiDon: {
ja: "ドン(大)",
en: "DON",
cn: "咚(大)",
tw: "咚(大)",
ko: "쿵(대)"
daiKa: {
ja: "カッ(大)",
en: "KA",
cn: "咔(大)",
tw: "咔(大)",
ko: "딱(대)"
drumroll: {
ja: "連打ーっ!!",
en: "Drum rollー!!",
cn: "连打ー!!",
tw: "連打ー!!",
ko: "연타ー!!"
daiDrumroll: {
ja: "連打(大)ーっ!!",
en: "DRUM ROLLー!!",
cn: "连打(大)ー!!",
tw: "連打(大)ー!!",
ko: "연타(대)ー!!"
balloon: {
ja: "ふうせん",
en: "Balloon",
cn: "气球",
tw: "氣球",
ko: "풍선"
ex_note: {
don: {
ja: ["ド", "コ"],
en: ["Do", "Do"],
cn: ["咚", "咚"],
tw: ["咚", "咚"],
ko: ["쿠", "쿠"]
ka: {
ja: ["カ"],
en: ["Ka"],
cn: ["咔"],
tw: ["咔"],
ko: ["딱"]
daiDon: {
ja: ["ドン(大)", "ドン(大)"],
en: ["DON", "DON"],
cn: ["咚(大)", "咚(大)"],
tw: ["咚(大)", "咚(大)"],
ko: ["쿵(대)", "쿵(대)"]
daiKa: {
ja: ["カッ(大)"],
en: ["KA"],
cn: ["咔(大)"],
tw: ["咔(大)"],
ko: ["딱(대)"]
combo: {
ja: "コンボ",
en: "Combo",
cn: "连段",
tw: "連段",
ko: "콤보"
clear: {
ja: "クリア",
en: "Clear",
cn: "通关",
tw: "通關",
ko: "클리어"
good: {
ja: "良",
en: "GOOD",
cn: "良",
tw: "良",
ko: "얼쑤"
ok: {
ja: "可",
en: "OK",
cn: "可",
tw: "可",
ko: "좋다"
bad: {
ja: "不可",
en: "BAD",
cn: "不可",
tw: "不可",
ko: "에구"
branch: {
normal: {
ja: "普通譜面",
en: "Normal",
cn: "一般谱面",
tw: "一般譜面",
ko: "보통 악보"
advanced: {
ja: "玄人譜面",
en: "Professional",
cn: "进阶谱面",
tw: "進階譜面",
ko: "현인 악보"
master: {
ja: "達人譜面",
en: "Master",
cn: "达人谱面",
tw: "達人譜面",
ko: "달인 악보"
pauseOptions: {
ja: [
ka: [
en: [
"Back to Select Song"
daiDon: [
cn: [
daiKa: [
tw: [
ko: [
"연주 계속하기",
"처음부터 다시",
"「곡 선택」으로"
this.combo = "コンボ"
this.clear = "クリア"
this.good = "良"
this.ok = "可"
this.bad = "不可"
this.branch = {
"normal": "普通譜面",
"advanced": "玄人譜面",
"master": "達人譜面"
this.pauseOptions = [
this.results = "成績発表"
this.points = "点"
this.maxCombo = "最大コンボ数"
this.drumroll = "連打数"
results: {
ja: "成績発表",
en: "Results",
cn: "发表成绩",
tw: "發表成績",
ko: "성적 발표"
points: {
ja: "点",
en: "pts",
cn: "点",
tw: "分",
ko: "점"
maxCombo: {
ja: "最大コンボ数",
en: "MAX Combo",
cn: "最多连段数",
tw: "最多連段數",
ko: "최대 콤보 수"
drumroll: {
ja: "連打数",
en: "Drumroll",
cn: "连打数",
tw: "連打數",
ko: "연타 횟수"
this.errorOccured = "エラーが発生しました。再読み込みしてください。"
this.tutorial = {
basics: [
otherControls: "他のコントロール",
otherTutorial: [
ok: "OK"
this.about = {
bugReporting: [
diagnosticWarning: "以下の端末診断情報も併せて報告してください!",
issueTemplate: "###### 下記の問題を説明してください。 スクリーンショットと診断情報を含めてください。",
issues: "課題"
this.session = {
multiplayerSession: "オンラインセッション",
linkTutorial: "Share this link with your friend to start playing together! Do not leave this screen while they join.",
cancel: "キャンセル"
this.settings = {
errorOccured: {
ja: "エラーが発生しました。再読み込みしてください。",
en: "An error occurred, please refresh"
tutorial: {
basics: {
ja: [
en: [
"When a note overlaps the frame, that is your cue to hit the drum!",
"For red notes, hit the surface of the drum (%s or %s)...",
"...and for blue notes, hit the rim! (%s or %s)",
"USB controllers are also supported!"
cn: [
tw: [
ko: [
"이동하는 음표가 테두리와 겹쳐졌을 때 북채로 태고를 두드리자!",
"빨간 음표는 면을 두드리자 (%s 또는 %s)",
"파란 음표는 테를 두드리자 (%s 또는 %s)",
"USB 컨트롤러도 지원됩니다!"
otherControls: {
ja: "他のコントロール",
en: "Other controls",
cn: "其他控制",
tw: "其他控制",
ko: "기타 컨트롤",
otherTutorial: {
ja: [
en: [
"%s \u2014 pause game",
'%s and %s while selecting song \u2014 navigate categories',
"%s while selecting difficulty \u2014 enable autoplay mode",
"%s while selecting difficulty \u2014 enable 2P mode"
cn: [
'%s and %s while selecting song \u2014 navigate categories',
tw: [
'%s and %s while selecting song \u2014 navigate categories',
ko: [
"%s \u2014 게임을 일시 중지합니다",
'%s and %s while selecting song \u2014 navigate categories',
"난이도 선택 동안 %s 홀드 \u2014 오토 모드 활성화",
"난이도 선택 동안 %s 홀드 \u2014 넷 플레이 모드 활성화"
ok: {
ja: "OK",
en: "OK",
cn: "确定",
tw: "確定",
ko: "확인"
about: {
bugReporting: {
ja: [
en: [
"This simulator is still in development.",
"Please report any bugs you find.",
"You can report bugs either via our Git repository or email."
diagnosticWarning: {
ja: "以下の端末診断情報も併せて報告してください!",
en: "Be sure to include the following diagnostic data!",
issueTemplate: {
ja: "###### 下記の問題を説明してください。 スクリーンショットと診断情報を含めてください。",
en: "###### Describe the problem you are having below. Please include a screenshot and the diagnostic information.",
issues: {
ja: "課題",
en: "Issues",
cn: "工单",
tw: "問題",
ko: "이슈"
session: {
multiplayerSession: {
ja: "オンラインセッション",
en: "Multiplayer Session",
cn: "在线会话",
tw: "多人模式",
ko: null
linkTutorial: {
ja: null,
en: "Share this link with your friend to start playing together! Do not leave this screen while they join.",
cn: "复制下方地址,给你的朋友即可开始一起游戏!当他们与您联系之前,请不要离开此页面。",
tw: "複製下方地址,給你的朋友即可開始一起遊戲!當他們與您聯繫之前,請不要離開此頁面。",
ko: null
cancel: {
ja: "キャンセル",
en: "Cancel",
cn: "取消",
tw: "取消",
ko: "취소"
settings: {
language: {
name: "言語"
name: {
ja: "言語",
en: "Language",
cn: "语言",
tw: "語系",
ko: "언어"
resolution: {
name: "ゲームの解像度",
high: "高",
medium: "中",
low: "低",
lowest: "最低"
name: {
ja: "ゲームの解像度",
en: "Game Resolution",
cn: "游戏分辨率",
tw: "遊戲分辨率",
ko: "게임 해상도"
high: {
ja: "高",
en: "High",
cn: "高",
tw: "高",
ko: "높은"
medium: {
ja: "中",
en: "Medium",
cn: "中",
tw: "中",
ko: "중간"
low: {
ja: "低",
en: "Low",
cn: "低",
tw: "低",
ko: "저"
lowest: {
ja: "最低",
en: "Lowest",
cn: "最低",
tw: "最低",
ko: "최저"
touchAnimation: {
name: "タッチアニメーション"
name: {
ja: "タッチアニメーション",
en: "Touch Animation",
cn: "触摸动画",
tw: "觸摸動畫",
ko: "터치 애니메이션"
keyboardSettings: {
name: "キーボード設定",
ka_l: "ふち(左)",
don_l: "面(左)",
don_r: "面(右)",
ka_r: "ふち(右)"
name: {
ja: "キーボード設定",
en: "Keyboard Settings",
cn: "键盘设置",
tw: "鍵盤設置",
ko: "키보드 설정"
ka_l: {
ja: "ふち(左)",
en: "Left Rim",
cn: "边缘(左)",
tw: "邊緣(左)",
ko: "가장자리 (왼쪽)"
don_l: {
ja: "面(左)",
en: "Left Surface",
cn: "表面(左)",
tw: "表面(左)",
ko: "표면 (왼쪽)"
don_r: {
ja: "面(右)",
en: "Right Surface",
cn: "表面(右)",
tw: "表面(右)",
ko: "표면 (오른쪽)"
ka_r: {
ja: "ふち(右)",
en: "Right Rim",
cn: "边缘(右)",
tw: "邊緣(右)",
ko: "가장자리 (오른쪽)"
gamepadLayout: {
name: "そうさタイプ設定",
a: "タイプA",
b: "タイプB",
c: "タイプC"
name: {
ja: "そうさタイプ設定",
en: "Gamepad Layout",
cn: "操作类型设定",
tw: "操作類型設定",
ko: "조작 타입 설정"
a: {
ja: "タイプA",
en: "Type A",
cn: "类型A",
tw: "類型A",
ko: "타입 A"
b: {
ja: "タイプB",
en: "Type B",
cn: "类型B",
tw: "類型B",
ko: "타입 B"
c: {
ja: "タイプC",
en: "Type C",
cn: "类型C",
tw: "類型C",
ko: "타입 C"
latency: {
name: "Latency",
value: "Audio: %s, Video: %s",
calibration: "Latency Calibration",
audio: "Audio",
video: "Video",
drumSounds: "Drum Sounds"
name: {
ja: null,
en: "Latency",
value: {
ja: null,
en: "Audio: %s, Video: %s",
calibration: {
ja: null,
en: "Latency Calibration",
audio: {
ja: null,
en: "Audio",
video: {
ja: null,
en: "Video",
drumSounds: {
ja: null,
en: "Drum Sounds",
easierBigNotes: {
name: "簡単な大きな音符"
name: {
ja: "簡単な大きな音符",
en: "Easier Big Notes",
cn: "简单的大音符",
tw: "簡單的大音符",
ko: "쉬운 큰 음표"
on: {
ja: "オン",
en: "On",
cn: "开",
tw: "開",
ko: "온"
off: {
ja: "オフ",
en: "Off",
cn: "关",
tw: "關",
ko: "오프"
default: {
ja: "既定値にリセット",
en: "Reset to Defaults",
cn: "重置为默认值",
tw: "重置為默認值",
ko: "기본값으로 재설정"
ok: {
ja: "OK",
en: "OK",
cn: "确定",
tw: "確定",
ko: "확인"
calibration: {
title: {
ja: null,
en: "Latency Calibration",
ms: {
ja: null,
en: "%sms",
back: {
ja: null,
en: "Back to Settings",
retryPrevious: {
ja: null,
en: "Retry Previous",
start: {
ja: null,
en: "Start",
finish: {
ja: null,
en: "Finish",
on: "オン",
off: "オフ",
default: "既定値にリセット",
ok: "OK"
this.calibration = {
title: "Latency Calibration",
ms: "%sms",
back: "Back to Settings",
retryPrevious: "Retry Previous",
start: "Start",
finish: "Finish",
audioHelp: {
title: "Audio Latency Calibration",
content: "Listen to a sound playing in the background.\n\nHit the surface of the drum (%s or %s) as you hear it!",
contentAlt: "Listen to a sound playing in the background.\n\nHit the surface of the drum as you hear it!"
title: {
ja: null,
en: "Audio Latency Calibration",
content: {
ja: null,
en: "Listen to a sound playing in the background.\n\nHit the surface of the drum (%s or %s) as you hear it!",
contentAlt: {
ja: null,
en: "Listen to a sound playing in the background.\n\nHit the surface of the drum as you hear it!",
audioComplete: {
ja: null,
en: "Audio Latency Calibration completed!",
audioComplete: "Audio Latency Calibration completed!",
videoHelp: {
title: "Video Latency Calibration",
content: "This time there will be no sounds.\n\nInstead, watch for notes blinking on the circle-shaped frame, hit the drum as they appear!"
title: {
ja: null,
en: "Video Latency Calibration",
content: {
ja: null,
en: "This time there will be no sounds.\n\nInstead, watch for notes blinking on the circle-shaped frame, hit the drum as they appear!",
videoComplete: {
ja: null,
en: "Video Latency Calibration completed!",
videoComplete: "Video Latency Calibration completed!",
results: {
title: "Latency Calibration Results",
content: "Audio latency: %s\nVideo latency: %s\n\nYou can configure these latency values in the settings."
title: {
ja: null,
en: "Latency Calibration Results",
content: {
ja: null,
en: "Audio latency: %s\nVideo latency: %s\n\nYou can configure these latency values in the settings.",
account: {
username: {
ja: "ユーザー名",
en: "Username",
cn: "登录名",
tw: "使用者名稱",
ko: "사용자 이름"
enterUsername: {
ja: "ユーザー名を入力",
en: "Enter Username",
cn: "输入用户名",
tw: "輸入用戶名",
ko: "사용자 이름을 입력하십시오"
password: {
ja: "パスワード",
en: "Password",
cn: "密码",
tw: "密碼",
ko: "비밀번호"
enterPassword: {
ja: "パスワードを入力",
en: "Enter Password",
cn: "输入密码",
tw: "輸入密碼",
ko: "비밀번호 입력"
repeatPassword: {
ja: "パスワードを再入力",
en: "Repeat Password",
cn: "重新输入密码",
tw: "再次輸入密碼",
ko: "비밀번호 재입력"
remember: {
ja: "ログイン状態を保持する",
en: "Remember me",
cn: "记住登录",
tw: "記住登錄",
ko: "자동 로그인"
login: {
ja: "ログイン",
en: "Log In",
cn: "登录",
tw: "登入",
ko: "로그인"
register: {
ja: "登録",
en: "Register",
cn: "注册",
tw: "註冊",
ko: "가입하기"
registerAccount: {
ja: "アカウントを登録",
en: "Register account",
cn: "注册帐号",
tw: "註冊帳號",
ko: "계정 등록"
passwordsDoNotMatch: {
ja: "パスワードが一致しません",
en: "Passwords do not match",
cn: "密码不匹配",
tw: "密碼不匹配",
ko: "비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다"
newPasswordsDoNotMatch: {
ja: null,
en: "New passwords do not match",
cannotBeEmpty: {
ja: "%sは空にできません",
en: "%s cannot be empty",
cn: "%s不能为空",
tw: "%s不能為空",
ko: "%s 비어 있을 수 없습니다"
error: {
ja: "リクエストの処理中にエラーが発生しました",
en: "An error occurred while processing your request",
cn: "处理您的请求时发生错误",
tw: "處理您的請求時發生錯誤",
ko: "요청을 처리하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다"
logout: {
ja: "ログアウト",
en: "Log Out",
cn: "登出",
tw: "登出",
ko: "로그 아웃"
back: {
ja: "もどる",
en: "Back",
cn: "返回",
tw: "返回",
ko: "돌아간다"
cancel: {
ja: null,
en: "Cancel",
save: {
ja: null,
en: "Save",
displayName: {
en: "Displayed Name",
changePassword: {
ja: null,
en: "Change Password",
currentNewRepeat: {
ja: null,
en: [
"Current Password",
"New Password",
"Repeat New Password"
deleteAccount: {
ja: null,
en: "Delete Account",
verifyPassword: {
ja: null,
en: "Verify password to delete this account",
serverError: {
not_logged_in: {
ja: null,
en: "Not logged in",
invalid_username: {
ja: null,
en: "Invalid username, a username can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores, and must be between 3 and 20 characters long",
username_in_use: {
ja: null,
en: "A user already exists with that username",
invalid_password: {
ja: null,
en: "Cannot use this password, please check that your password is at least 6 characters long",
invalid_username_password: {
ja: null,
en: "Invalid Username or Password",
invalid_display_name: {
ja: null,
en: "Cannot use this name, please check that your new name is at most 25 characters long",
current_password_invalid: {
ja: null,
en: "Current password does not match",
invalid_new_password: {
ja: null,
en: "Cannot use this password, please check that your new password is at least 6 characters long",
verify_password_invalid: {
ja: null,
en: "Verification password does not match",
browserSupport: {
browserWarning: {
ja: "サポートされていないブラウザを実行しています (%s)",
en: "You are running an unsupported browser (%s)",
details: {
ja: "詳しく",
en: "Details...",
failedTests: {
ja: "このテストは失敗しました:",
en: "The following tests have failed:",
supportedBrowser: {
ja: "%sなどのサポートされているブラウザを使用してください",
en: "Please use a supported browser such as %s",
creative: {
creative: {
ja: "創作",
en: "Creative",
cn: "创作",
tw: "創作",
ko: "창작"
maker: {
ja: "メーカー",
en: "Maker:",
cn: "制作者",
tw: "製作者",
ko: "만드는 사람"
this.account = {
username: "ユーザー名",
enterUsername: "ユーザー名を入力",
password: "パスワード",
enterPassword: "パスワードを入力",
repeatPassword: "パスワードを再入力",
remember: "ログイン状態を保持する",
login: "ログイン",
register: "登録",
registerAccount: "アカウントを登録",
passwordsDoNotMatch: "パスワードが一致しません",
newPasswordsDoNotMatch: "New passwords do not match",
cannotBeEmpty: "%sは空にできません",
error: "リクエストの処理中にエラーが発生しました",
logout: "ログアウト",
back: "もどる",
cancel: "Cancel",
save: "Save",
displayName: "Displayed Name",
changePassword: "Change Password",
currentNewRepeat: [
"Current Password",
"New Password",
"Repeat New Password"
deleteAccount: "Delete Account",
verifyPassword: "Verify password to delete this account"
this.serverError = {
not_logged_in: "Not logged in",
invalid_username: "Invalid username, a username can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores, and must be between 3 and 20 characters long",
username_in_use: "A user already exists with that username",
invalid_password: "Cannot use this password, please check that your password is at least 6 characters long",
invalid_username_password: "Invalid Username or Password",
invalid_display_name: "Cannot use this name, please check that your new name is at most 25 characters long",
current_password_invalid: "Current password does not match",
invalid_new_password: "Cannot use this password, please check that your new password is at least 6 characters long",
verify_password_invalid: "Verification password does not match"
this.browserSupport = {
browserWarning: "サポートされていないブラウザを実行しています (%s)",
details: "詳しく",
failedTests: "このテストは失敗しました:",
supportedBrowser: "%sなどのサポートされているブラウザを使用してください"
this.creative = {
creative: '創作',
maker: 'メーカー'
function StringsEn(){ = "en" = "English"
this.regex = /^en$|^en-/
this.font = "TnT, Meiryo, sans-serif"
this.taikoWeb = "Taiko Web"
this.titleProceed = "Click or Press Enter!"
this.titleDisclaimer = "This unofficial simulator is unaffiliated with BANDAI NAMCO."
this.titleCopyright = "Taiko no Tatsujin ©&™ 2011 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc."
this.categories = {
"J-POP": "Pop",
"アニメ": "Anime",
"ボーカロイド™曲": "VOCALOID™ Music",
"バラエティ": "Variety",
"クラシック": "Classical",
"ゲームミュージック": "Game Music",
"ナムコオリジナル": "NAMCO Original"
this.selectSong = "Select Song"
this.selectDifficulty = "Select Difficulty"
this.back = "Back"
this.random = "Random"
this.randomSong = "Random Song"
this.howToPlay = "How to Play"
this.aboutSimulator = "About Simulator"
this.gameSettings = "Game Settings"
this.browse = "Browse…"
this.defaultSongList = "Default Song List"
this.songOptions = "Song Options"
this.none = "None" = "Auto"
this.netplay = "Netplay"
this.easy = "Easy"
this.normal = "Normal"
this.hard = "Hard"
this.oni = "Extreme"
this.songBranch = "Diverge Notes"
this.defaultName = "Don-chan"
this.default2PName = "Katsu-chan"
this.notLoggedIn = "Not logged in"
this.sessionStart = "Begin an Online Session!"
this.sessionEnd = "End Online Session"
this.scoreSaveFailed = "Could not connect to the server, your score has not been saved.\n\nPlease log in or refresh the page to try saving the score again."
this.loading = "Loading..."
this.waitingForP2 = "Waiting for Another Player..."
this.cancel = "Cancel"
this.note = {
don: "Don",
ka: "Ka",
daiDon: "DON",
daiKa: "KA",
drumroll: "Drum rollー!!",
daiDrumroll: "DRUM ROLLー!!",
balloon: "Balloon"
this.ex_note = {
don: [
ka: [
daiDon: [
daiKa: [
this.combo = "Combo"
this.clear = "Clear"
this.good = "GOOD"
this.ok = "OK"
this.bad = "BAD"
this.branch = {
"normal": "Normal",
"advanced": "Professional",
"master": "Master"
this.pauseOptions = [
"Back to Select Song"
this.results = "Results"
this.points = "pts"
this.maxCombo = "MAX Combo"
this.drumroll = "Drumroll"
this.errorOccured = "An error occurred, please refresh"
this.tutorial = {
basics: [
"When a note overlaps the frame, that is your cue to hit the drum!",
"For red notes, hit the surface of the drum (%s or %s)...",
"...and for blue notes, hit the rim! (%s or %s)",
"USB controllers are also supported!"
otherControls: "Other controls",
otherTutorial: [
"%s \u2014 pause game",
'%s and %s while selecting song \u2014 navigate categories',
"%s while selecting difficulty \u2014 enable autoplay mode",
"%s while selecting difficulty \u2014 enable 2P mode"
ok: "OK"
this.about = {
bugReporting: [
"This simulator is still in development.",
"Please report any bugs you find.",
"You can report bugs either via our Git repository or email."
diagnosticWarning: "Be sure to include the following diagnostic data!",
issueTemplate: "###### Describe the problem you are having below. Please include a screenshot and the diagnostic information.",
issues: "Issues"
this.session = {
multiplayerSession: "Multiplayer Session",
linkTutorial: "Share this link with your friend to start playing together! Do not leave this screen while they join.",
cancel: "Cancel"
this.settings = {
language: {
name: "Language"
resolution: {
name: "Game Resolution",
high: "High",
medium: "Medium",
low: "Low",
lowest: "Lowest"
touchAnimation: {
name: "Touch Animation"
keyboardSettings: {
name: "Keyboard Settings",
ka_l: "Left Rim",
don_l: "Left Surface",
don_r: "Right Surface",
ka_r: "Right Rim"
gamepadLayout: {
name: "Gamepad Layout",
a: "Type A",
b: "Type B",
c: "Type C"
latency: {
name: "Latency",
value: "Audio: %s, Video: %s",
calibration: "Latency Calibration",
audio: "Audio",
video: "Video",
drumSounds: "Drum Sounds"
easierBigNotes: {
name: "Easier Big Notes"
on: "On",
off: "Off",
default: "Reset to Defaults",
ok: "OK"
this.calibration = {
title: "Latency Calibration",
ms: "%sms",
back: "Back to Settings",
retryPrevious: "Retry Previous",
start: "Start",
finish: "Finish",
audioHelp: {
title: "Audio Latency Calibration",
content: "Listen to a sound playing in the background.\n\nHit the surface of the drum (%s or %s) as you hear it!",
contentAlt: "Listen to a sound playing in the background.\n\nHit the surface of the drum as you hear it!"
audioComplete: "Audio Latency Calibration completed!",
videoHelp: {
title: "Video Latency Calibration",
content: "This time there will be no sounds.\n\nInstead, watch for notes blinking on the circle-shaped frame, hit the drum as they appear!"
videoComplete: "Video Latency Calibration completed!",
results: {
title: "Latency Calibration Results",
content: "Audio latency: %s\nVideo latency: %s\n\nYou can configure these latency values in the settings."
var allStrings = {}
function separateStrings(){
for(var j in languageList){
var lang = languageList[j]
allStrings[lang] = {}
var str = allStrings[lang]
var translateObj = function(obj, name, str){
if("en" in obj){
for(var i in obj){
str[name] = obj[lang] || obj.en
}else if(obj){
str[name] = {}
for(var i in obj){
translateObj(obj[i], i, str[name])
for(var i in translations){
translateObj(translations[i], i, str)
this.account = {
username: "Username",
enterUsername: "Enter Username",
password: "Password",
enterPassword: "Enter Password",
repeatPassword: "Repeat Password",
remember: "Remember me",
login: "Log In",
register: "Register",
registerAccount: "Register account",
passwordsDoNotMatch: "Passwords do not match",
newPasswordsDoNotMatch: "New passwords do not match",
cannotBeEmpty: "%s cannot be empty",
error: "An error occurred while processing your request",
logout: "Log Out",
back: "Back",
cancel: "Cancel",
save: "Save",
displayName: "Displayed Name",
changePassword: "Change Password",
currentNewRepeat: [
"Current Password",
"New Password",
"Repeat New Password"
deleteAccount: "Delete Account",
verifyPassword: "Verify password to delete this account"
this.serverError = {
not_logged_in: "Not logged in",
invalid_username: "Invalid username, a username can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores, and must be between 3 and 20 characters long",
username_in_use: "A user already exists with that username",
invalid_password: "Cannot use this password, please check that your password is at least 6 characters long",
invalid_username_password: "Invalid Username or Password",
invalid_display_name: "Cannot use this name, please check that your new name is at most 25 characters long",
current_password_invalid: "Current password does not match",
invalid_new_password: "Cannot use this password, please check that your new password is at least 6 characters long",
verify_password_invalid: "Verification password does not match"
this.browserSupport = {
browserWarning: "You are running an unsupported browser (%s)",
details: "Details...",
failedTests: "The following tests have failed:",
supportedBrowser: "Please use a supported browser such as %s"
this.creative = {
creative: 'Creative',
maker: 'Maker:'
function StringsCn(){ = "cn" = "简体中文"
this.regex = /^zh$|^zh-CN$|^zh-SG$/
this.font = "Microsoft YaHei, sans-serif"
this.taikoWeb = "太鼓网页"
this.titleProceed = "点击或按回车!"
this.titleDisclaimer = "这款非官方模拟器与BANDAI NAMCO无关。"
this.titleCopyright = "Taiko no Tatsujin ©&™ 2011 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc."
this.categories = {
"J-POP": "流行音乐",
"アニメ": "卡通动画音乐",
"ボーカロイド™曲": "VOCALOID™ Music",
"バラエティ": "综合音乐",
"クラシック": "古典音乐",
"ゲームミュージック": "游戏音乐",
"ナムコオリジナル": "NAMCO原创音乐"
this.selectSong = "选择乐曲"
this.selectDifficulty = "选择难度"
this.back = "返回"
this.random = "随机"
this.randomSong = "随机选曲"
this.howToPlay = "操作说明"
this.aboutSimulator = "关于模拟器"
this.gameSettings = "游戏设定"
this.browse = "浏览…"
this.defaultSongList = "默认歌曲列表"
this.songOptions = "选项"
this.none = "无" = "自动"
this.netplay = "网络对战"
this.easy = "简单"
this.normal = "普通"
this.hard = "困难"
this.oni = "魔王"
this.songBranch = "有谱面分歧"
this.defaultName = "小咚"
this.default2PName = "小咔"
this.notLoggedIn = "未登录"
this.sessionStart = "开始在线会话!"
this.sessionEnd = "结束在线会话"
this.loading = "加载中..."
this.waitingForP2 = "正在等待对方玩家..."
this.cancel = "取消"
this.note = {
don: "咚",
ka: "咔",
daiDon: "咚(大)",
daiKa: "咔(大)",
drumroll: "连打ー!!",
daiDrumroll: "连打(大)ー!!",
balloon: "气球"
this.ex_note = {
don: [
ka: [
daiDon: [
daiKa: [
this.combo = "连段"
this.clear = "通关"
this.good = "良"
this.ok = "可"
this.bad = "不可"
this.branch = {
"normal": "一般谱面",
"advanced": "进阶谱面",
"master": "达人谱面"
this.pauseOptions = [
this.results = "发表成绩"
this.points = "点"
this.maxCombo = "最多连段数"
this.drumroll = "连打数"
this.errorOccured = "An error occurred, please refresh"
this.tutorial = {
basics: [
otherControls: "其他控制",
otherTutorial: [
'%s and %s while selecting song \u2014 navigate categories',
ok: "确定"
this.about = {
bugReporting: [
"This simulator is still in development.",
"Please report any bugs you find.",
"You can report bugs either via our Git repository or email."
diagnosticWarning: "Be sure to include the following diagnostic data!",
issueTemplate: "###### Describe the problem you are having below. Please include a screenshot and the diagnostic information.",
issues: "工单"
this.session = {
multiplayerSession: "在线会话",
linkTutorial: "复制下方地址,给你的朋友即可开始一起游戏!当他们与您联系之前,请不要离开此页面。",
cancel: "取消"
this.settings = {
language: {
name: "语言"
resolution: {
name: "游戏分辨率",
high: "高",
medium: "中",
low: "低",
lowest: "最低"
touchAnimation: {
name: "触摸动画"
keyboardSettings: {
name: "键盘设置",
ka_l: "边缘(左)",
don_l: "表面(左)",
don_r: "表面(右)",
ka_r: "边缘(右)"
gamepadLayout: {
name: "操作类型设定",
a: "类型A",
b: "类型B",
c: "类型C"
latency: {
name: "Latency",
value: "Audio: %s, Video: %s",
calibration: "Latency Calibration",
audio: "Audio",
video: "Video",
drumSounds: "Drum Sounds"
easierBigNotes: {
name: "简单的大音符"
on: "开",
off: "关",
default: "重置为默认值",
ok: "确定"
this.calibration = {
title: "Latency Calibration",
ms: "%sms",
back: "Back to Settings",
retryPrevious: "Retry Previous",
start: "Start",
finish: "Finish",
audioHelp: {
title: "Audio Latency Calibration",
content: "Listen to a sound playing in the background.\n\nHit the surface of the drum (%s or %s) as you hear it!",
contentAlt: "Listen to a sound playing in the background.\n\nHit the surface of the drum as you hear it!"
audioComplete: "Audio Latency Calibration completed!",
videoHelp: {
title: "Video Latency Calibration",
content: "This time there will be no sounds.\n\nInstead, watch for notes blinking on the circle-shaped frame, hit the drum as they appear!"
videoComplete: "Video Latency Calibration completed!",
results: {
title: "Latency Calibration Results",
content: "Audio latency: %s\nVideo latency: %s\n\nYou can configure these latency values in the settings."
this.account = {
username: "登录名",
enterUsername: "输入用户名",
password: "密码",
enterPassword: "输入密码",
repeatPassword: "重新输入密码",
remember: "记住登录",
login: "登录",
register: "注册",
registerAccount: "注册帐号",
passwordsDoNotMatch: "密码不匹配",
newPasswordsDoNotMatch: "New passwords do not match",
cannotBeEmpty: "%s不能为空",
error: "处理您的请求时发生错误",
logout: "登出",
back: "返回",
cancel: "Cancel",
save: "Save",
displayName: "Displayed Name",
changePassword: "Change Password",
currentNewRepeat: [
"Current Password",
"New Password",
"Repeat New Password"
deleteAccount: "Delete Account",
verifyPassword: "Verify password to delete this account"
this.serverError = {
not_logged_in: "Not logged in",
invalid_username: "Invalid username, a username can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores, and must be between 3 and 20 characters long",
username_in_use: "A user already exists with that username",
invalid_password: "Cannot use this password, please check that your password is at least 6 characters long",
invalid_username_password: "Invalid Username or Password",
invalid_display_name: "Cannot use this name, please check that your new name is at most 25 characters long",
current_password_invalid: "Current password does not match",
invalid_new_password: "Cannot use this password, please check that your new password is at least 6 characters long",
verify_password_invalid: "Verification password does not match"
this.browserSupport = {
browserWarning: "You are running an unsupported browser (%s)",
details: "Details...",
failedTests: "The following tests have failed:",
supportedBrowser: "Please use a supported browser such as %s"
this.creative = {
creative: '创作',
maker: '制作者'
function StringsTw(){ = "tw" = "正體中文"
this.regex = /^zh-HK$|^zh-TW$/
this.font = "Microsoft YaHei, sans-serif"
this.taikoWeb = "太鼓網頁"
this.titleProceed = "點擊或按確認!"
this.titleDisclaimer = "這款非官方模擬器與BANDAI NAMCO無關。"
this.titleCopyright = "Taiko no Tatsujin ©&™ 2011 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc."
this.categories = {
"J-POP": "流行音樂",
"アニメ": "卡通動畫音樂",
"ボーカロイド™曲": "VOCALOID™ Music",
"バラエティ": "綜合音樂",
"クラシック": "古典音樂",
"ゲームミュージック": "遊戲音樂",
"ナムコオリジナル": "NAMCO原創音樂"
this.selectSong = "選擇樂曲"
this.selectDifficulty = "選擇難度"
this.back = "返回"
this.random = "隨機"
this.randomSong = "隨機選曲"
this.howToPlay = "操作說明"
this.aboutSimulator = "關於模擬器"
this.gameSettings = "遊戲設定"
this.browse = "開啟檔案…"
this.defaultSongList = "默認歌曲列表"
this.songOptions = "選項"
this.none = "無" = "自動"
this.netplay = "網上對打"
this.easy = "簡單"
this.normal = "普通"
this.hard = "困難"
this.oni = "魔王"
this.songBranch = "有譜面分歧"
this.defaultName = "小咚"
this.default2PName = "小咔"
this.notLoggedIn = "未登錄"
this.sessionStart = "開始多人模式!"
this.sessionEnd = "結束多人模式"
this.loading = "讀取中..."
this.waitingForP2 = "正在等待對方玩家..."
this.cancel = "取消"
this.note = {
don: "咚",
ka: "咔",
daiDon: "咚(大)",
daiKa: "咔(大)",
drumroll: "連打ー!!",
daiDrumroll: "連打(大)ー!!",
balloon: "氣球"
this.ex_note = {
don: [
ka: [
daiDon: [
daiKa: [
this.combo = "連段"
this.clear = "通關"
this.good = "良"
this.ok = "可"
this.bad = "不可"
this.branch = {
"normal": "一般譜面",
"advanced": "進階譜面",
"master": "達人譜面"
this.pauseOptions = [
this.results = "發表成績"
this.points = "分"
this.maxCombo = "最多連段數"
this.drumroll = "連打數"
this.errorOccured = "An error occurred, please refresh"
this.tutorial = {
basics: [
otherControls: "其他控制",
otherTutorial: [
'%s and %s while selecting song \u2014 navigate categories',
ok: "確定"
this.about = {
bugReporting: [
"This simulator is still in development.",
"Please report any bugs you find.",
"You can report bugs either via our Git repository or email."
diagnosticWarning: "Be sure to include the following diagnostic data!",
issueTemplate: "###### Describe the problem you are having below. Please include a screenshot and the diagnostic information.",
issues: "問題"
this.session = {
multiplayerSession: "多人模式",
linkTutorial: "複製下方地址,給你的朋友即可開始一起遊戲!當他們與您聯繫之前,請不要離開此頁面。",
cancel: "取消"
this.settings = {
language: {
name: "語系"
resolution: {
name: "遊戲分辨率",
high: "高",
medium: "中",
low: "低",
lowest: "最低"
touchAnimation: {
name: "觸摸動畫"
keyboardSettings: {
name: "鍵盤設置",
ka_l: "邊緣(左)",
don_l: "表面(左)",
don_r: "表面(右)",
ka_r: "邊緣(右)"
gamepadLayout: {
name: "操作類型設定",
a: "類型A",
b: "類型B",
c: "類型C"
latency: {
name: "Latency",
value: "Audio: %s, Video: %s",
calibration: "Latency Calibration",
audio: "Audio",
video: "Video",
drumSounds: "Drum Sounds"
easierBigNotes: {
name: "簡單的大音符"
on: "開",
off: "關",
default: "重置為默認值",
ok: "確定"
this.calibration = {
title: "Latency Calibration",
ms: "%sms",
back: "Back to Settings",
retryPrevious: "Retry Previous",
start: "Start",
finish: "Finish",
audioHelp: {
title: "Audio Latency Calibration",
content: "Listen to a sound playing in the background.\n\nHit the surface of the drum (%s or %s) as you hear it!",
contentAlt: "Listen to a sound playing in the background.\n\nHit the surface of the drum as you hear it!"
audioComplete: "Audio Latency Calibration completed!",
videoHelp: {
title: "Video Latency Calibration",
content: "This time there will be no sounds.\n\nInstead, watch for notes blinking on the circle-shaped frame, hit the drum as they appear!"
videoComplete: "Video Latency Calibration completed!",
results: {
title: "Latency Calibration Results",
content: "Audio latency: %s\nVideo latency: %s\n\nYou can configure these latency values in the settings."
this.account = {
username: "使用者名稱",
enterUsername: "輸入用戶名",
password: "密碼",
enterPassword: "輸入密碼",
repeatPassword: "再次輸入密碼",
remember: "記住登錄",
login: "登入",
register: "註冊",
registerAccount: "註冊帳號",
passwordsDoNotMatch: "密碼不匹配",
newPasswordsDoNotMatch: "New passwords do not match",
cannotBeEmpty: "%s不能為空",
error: "處理您的請求時發生錯誤",
logout: "登出",
back: "返回",
cancel: "Cancel",
save: "Save",
displayName: "Displayed Name",
changePassword: "Change Password",
currentNewRepeat: [
"Current Password",
"New Password",
"Repeat New Password"
deleteAccount: "Delete Account",
verifyPassword: "Verify password to delete this account"
this.serverError = {
not_logged_in: "Not logged in",
invalid_username: "Invalid username, a username can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores, and must be between 3 and 20 characters long",
username_in_use: "A user already exists with that username",
invalid_password: "Cannot use this password, please check that your password is at least 6 characters long",
invalid_username_password: "Invalid Username or Password",
invalid_display_name: "Cannot use this name, please check that your new name is at most 25 characters long",
current_password_invalid: "Current password does not match",
invalid_new_password: "Cannot use this password, please check that your new password is at least 6 characters long",
verify_password_invalid: "Verification password does not match"
this.browserSupport = {
browserWarning: "You are running an unsupported browser (%s)",
details: "Details...",
failedTests: "The following tests have failed:",
supportedBrowser: "Please use a supported browser such as %s"
this.creative = {
creative: '創作',
maker: '製作者'
function StringsKo(){ = "ko" = "한국어"
this.regex = /^ko$|^ko-/
this.font = "Microsoft YaHei, sans-serif"
this.taikoWeb = "태고 웹"
this.titleProceed = "클릭하거나 Enter를 누릅니다!"
this.titleDisclaimer = "이 비공식 시뮬레이터는 반다이 남코와 관련이 없습니다."
this.titleCopyright = "Taiko no Tatsujin ©&™ 2011 BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc."
this.categories = {
"J-POP": "POP",
"アニメ": "애니메이션",
"ボーカロイド™曲": "VOCALOID™ Music",
"バラエティ": "버라이어티",
"クラシック": "클래식",
"ゲームミュージック": "게임",
"ナムコオリジナル": "남코 오리지널"
this.selectSong = "곡 선택"
this.selectDifficulty = "난이도 선택"
this.back = "돌아간다"
this.random = "랜덤"
this.randomSong = "랜덤"
this.howToPlay = "지도 시간"
this.aboutSimulator = "게임 정보"
this.gameSettings = "게임 설정"
this.browse = "찾아보기…"
this.defaultSongList = "기본 노래 목록"
this.songOptions = "옵션"
this.none = "없음" = "오토"
this.netplay = "넷 플레이"
this.easy = "쉬움"
this.normal = "보통"
this.hard = "어려움"
this.oni = "귀신"
this.songBranch = "악보 분기 있습니다"
this.defaultName = "동이"
this.default2PName = "딱이"
this.notLoggedIn = "로그인하지 않았습니다"
this.sessionStart = "온라인 세션 시작!"
this.sessionEnd = "온라인 세션 끝내기"
this.loading = "로딩 중..."
this.waitingForP2 = "Waiting for Another Player..."
this.cancel = "취소"
this.note = {
don: "쿵",
ka: "딱",
daiDon: "쿵(대)",
daiKa: "딱(대)",
drumroll: "연타ー!!",
daiDrumroll: "연타(대)ー!!",
balloon: "풍선"
this.ex_note = {
don: [
ka: [
daiDon: [
daiKa: [
this.combo = "콤보"
this.clear = "클리어"
this.good = "얼쑤"
this.ok = "좋다"
this.bad = "에구"
this.branch = {
"normal": "보통 악보",
"advanced": "현인 악보",
"master": "달인 악보"
this.pauseOptions = [
"연주 계속하기",
"처음부터 다시",
"「곡 선택」으로"
this.results = "성적 발표"
this.points = "점"
this.maxCombo = "최대 콤보 수"
this.drumroll = "연타 횟수"
this.errorOccured = "An error occurred, please refresh"
this.tutorial = {
basics: [
"이동하는 음표가 테두리와 겹쳐졌을 때 북채로 태고를 두드리자!",
"빨간 음표는 면을 두드리자 (%s 또는 %s)",
"파란 음표는 테를 두드리자 (%s 또는 %s)",
"USB 컨트롤러도 지원됩니다!"
otherControls: "기타 컨트롤",
otherTutorial: [
"%s \u2014 게임을 일시 중지합니다",
'%s and %s while selecting song \u2014 navigate categories',
"난이도 선택 동안 %s 홀드 \u2014 오토 모드 활성화",
"난이도 선택 동안 %s 홀드 \u2014 넷 플레이 모드 활성화"
ok: "확인"
this.about = {
bugReporting: [
"This simulator is still in development.",
"Please report any bugs you find.",
"You can report bugs either via our Git repository or email."
diagnosticWarning: "Be sure to include the following diagnostic data!",
issueTemplate: "###### Describe the problem you are having below. Please include a screenshot and the diagnostic information.",
issues: "이슈"
this.session = {
multiplayerSession: "Multiplayer Session",
linkTutorial: "Share this link with your friend to start playing together! Do not leave this screen while they join.",
cancel: "취소"
this.settings = {
language: {
name: "언어"
resolution: {
name: "게임 해상도",
high: "높은",
medium: "중간",
low: "저",
lowest: "최저"
touchAnimation: {
name: "터치 애니메이션"
keyboardSettings: {
name: "키보드 설정",
ka_l: "가장자리 (왼쪽)",
don_l: "표면 (왼쪽)",
don_r: "표면 (오른쪽)",
ka_r: "가장자리 (오른쪽)"
gamepadLayout: {
name: "조작 타입 설정",
a: "타입 A",
b: "타입 B",
c: "타입 C"
latency: {
name: "Latency",
value: "Audio: %s, Video: %s",
calibration: "Latency Calibration",
audio: "Audio",
video: "Video",
drumSounds: "Drum Sounds"
easierBigNotes: {
name: "쉬운 큰 음표"
on: "온",
off: "오프",
default: "기본값으로 재설정",
ok: "확인"
this.calibration = {
title: "Latency Calibration",
ms: "%sms",
back: "Back to Settings",
retryPrevious: "Retry Previous",
start: "Start",
finish: "Finish",
audioHelp: {
title: "Audio Latency Calibration",
content: "Listen to a sound playing in the background.\n\nHit the surface of the drum (%s or %s) as you hear it!",
contentAlt: "Listen to a sound playing in the background.\n\nHit the surface of the drum as you hear it!"
audioComplete: "Audio Latency Calibration completed!",
videoHelp: {
title: "Video Latency Calibration",
content: "This time there will be no sounds.\n\nInstead, watch for notes blinking on the circle-shaped frame, hit the drum as they appear!"
videoComplete: "Video Latency Calibration completed!",
results: {
title: "Latency Calibration Results",
content: "Audio latency: %s\nVideo latency: %s\n\nYou can configure these latency values in the settings."
this.account = {
username: "사용자 이름",
enterUsername: "사용자 이름을 입력하십시오",
password: "비밀번호",
enterPassword: "비밀번호 입력",
repeatPassword: "비밀번호 재입력",
remember: "자동 로그인",
login: "로그인",
register: "가입하기",
registerAccount: "계정 등록",
passwordsDoNotMatch: "비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다",
newPasswordsDoNotMatch: "New passwords do not match",
cannotBeEmpty: "%s 비어 있을 수 없습니다",
error: "요청을 처리하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다",
logout: "로그 아웃",
back: "돌아간다",
cancel: "Cancel",
save: "Save",
displayName: "Displayed Name",
changePassword: "Change Password",
currentNewRepeat: [
"Current Password",
"New Password",
"Repeat New Password"
deleteAccount: "Delete Account",
verifyPassword: "Verify password to delete this account"
this.serverError = {
not_logged_in: "Not logged in",
invalid_username: "Invalid username, a username can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores, and must be between 3 and 20 characters long",
username_in_use: "A user already exists with that username",
invalid_password: "Cannot use this password, please check that your password is at least 6 characters long",
invalid_username_password: "Invalid Username or Password",
invalid_display_name: "Cannot use this name, please check that your new name is at most 25 characters long",
current_password_invalid: "Current password does not match",
invalid_new_password: "Cannot use this password, please check that your new password is at least 6 characters long",
verify_password_invalid: "Verification password does not match"
this.browserSupport = {
browserWarning: "You are running an unsupported browser (%s)",
details: "Details...",
failedTests: "The following tests have failed:",
supportedBrowser: "Please use a supported browser such as %s"
this.creative = {
creative: '창작',
maker: '만드는 사람'
var allStrings = {
"ja": new StringsJa(),
"en": new StringsEn(),
"cn": new StringsCn(),
"tw": new StringsTw(),
"ko": new StringsKo()