
588 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2018-09-11 00:17:13 +02:00
class Loader{
this.callback = callback
2018-09-11 00:17:13 +02:00
this.loadedAssets = 0
this.assetsDiv = document.getElementById("assets")
this.screen = document.getElementById("screen")
2018-12-13 10:18:52 +01:00
this.startTime = Date.now()
this.errorMessages = []
Lyrics, search, and other fixes - #LYRIC - Parse #LYRIC commands and apply them to all difficulties that do not have them - #LYRIC command now supports branches - Fix last #LYRIC at the end of the chart getting ignored - Fix the glitchy dragging and dropping of files on the custom song importing page - Fix Ctrl and Shift keys getting stuck on song select when switching tabs with Ctrl(+Shift)+Tab - Search - Fix the search box "random:yes" query to randomize the entire results and not just the first 50 - Add "all:yes" query to the search box to remove the result limit and display all of the results - Fix searching for an invalid query (like "cleared:yes" or ":") unexpectedly returning all the songs - Fix pressing Q then jumping to a song through search not unmuting the sound - Pressing the search key on mobile will hide the keyboard - Fix search tips changing rapidly when the window is resized - Use comments instead of `######` in the issue template so that the warning does not appear in the issue - Fix TJA MAKER: url between angle brackets not working - Add a check for Class field declarations in the browser support warning - Fix gpicker getting stuck if a network error occurs - Fix not being able to replace some assets using a "taiko-web assets" folder - Fix selectable song title not being aligned with the game if the game window is too wide - Allow plugin developers to use the "select" type for the settings options - It uses "options" array and "options_lang" object - Fix plugins not getting removed from the plugin list on syntax error - Fix error messages not working if a default plugin is broken - Fix the start of default plugins not stopping the page from loading on error - Fix not being able to scroll the plugins screen on mobile
2022-07-15 16:00:43 +02:00
this.songSearchGradient = "linear-gradient(to top, rgba(245, 246, 252, 0.08), #ff5963), "
var promises = []
promises.push(this.ajax("/src/views/loader.html").then(page => {
this.screen.innerHTML = page
promises.push(this.ajax("/api/config").then(conf => {
gameConfig = JSON.parse(conf)
2018-09-11 00:17:13 +02:00
2018-09-18 00:37:59 +02:00
this.promises = []
this.loaderDiv = document.querySelector("#loader")
2018-09-11 00:17:13 +02:00
this.loaderPercentage = document.querySelector("#loader .percentage")
2018-09-18 00:37:59 +02:00
this.loaderProgress = document.querySelector("#loader .progress")
this.queryString = gameConfig._version.commit_short ? "?" + gameConfig._version.commit_short : ""
this.addPromise(this.loadScript(gameConfig.custom_js), gameConfig.custom_js)
var oggSupport = new Audio().canPlayType("audio/ogg;codecs=vorbis")
assets.js.forEach(name => {
this.addPromise(this.loadScript("/src/js/" + name), "/src/js/" + name)
var pageVersion = versionLink.href
var index = pageVersion.lastIndexOf("/")
if(index !== -1){
pageVersion = pageVersion.slice(index + 1)
this.addPromise(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
versionLink.href !== gameConfig._version.url &&
gameConfig._version.commit &&
versionLink.href.indexOf(gameConfig._version.commit) === -1
reject("Version on the page and config does not match\n(page: " + pageVersion + ",\nconfig: "+ gameConfig._version.commit + ")")
var cssCount = document.styleSheets.length + assets.css.length
assets.css.forEach(name => {
var stylesheet = document.createElement("link")
stylesheet.rel = "stylesheet"
stylesheet.href = "/src/css/" + name + this.queryString
var checkStyles = () => {
if(document.styleSheets.length >= cssCount){
var interval = setInterval(checkStyles, 100)
for(var name in assets.fonts){
var url = gameConfig.assets_baseurl + "fonts/" + assets.fonts[name]
this.addPromise(new FontFace(name, "url('" + url + "')").load().then(font => {
}), url)
assets.img.forEach(name => {
var id = this.getFilename(name)
var image = document.createElement("img")
image.crossOrigin = "anonymous"
var url = gameConfig.assets_baseurl + "img/" + name
this.addPromise(pageEvents.load(image), url)
image.id = name
image.src = url
assets.image[id] = image
var css = []
for(let selector in assets.cssBackground){
let name = assets.cssBackground[selector]
var url = gameConfig.assets_baseurl + "img/" + name
this.addPromise(loader.ajax(url, request => {
request.responseType = "blob"
}).then(blob => {
var id = this.getFilename(name)
var image = document.createElement("img")
let blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
var promise = pageEvents.load(image).then(() => {
var gradient = ""
if(selector === ".pattern-bg"){
loader.screen.style.backgroundImage = "url(\"" + blobUrl + "\")"
}else if(selector === "#song-search"){
Lyrics, search, and other fixes - #LYRIC - Parse #LYRIC commands and apply them to all difficulties that do not have them - #LYRIC command now supports branches - Fix last #LYRIC at the end of the chart getting ignored - Fix the glitchy dragging and dropping of files on the custom song importing page - Fix Ctrl and Shift keys getting stuck on song select when switching tabs with Ctrl(+Shift)+Tab - Search - Fix the search box "random:yes" query to randomize the entire results and not just the first 50 - Add "all:yes" query to the search box to remove the result limit and display all of the results - Fix searching for an invalid query (like "cleared:yes" or ":") unexpectedly returning all the songs - Fix pressing Q then jumping to a song through search not unmuting the sound - Pressing the search key on mobile will hide the keyboard - Fix search tips changing rapidly when the window is resized - Use comments instead of `######` in the issue template so that the warning does not appear in the issue - Fix TJA MAKER: url between angle brackets not working - Add a check for Class field declarations in the browser support warning - Fix gpicker getting stuck if a network error occurs - Fix not being able to replace some assets using a "taiko-web assets" folder - Fix selectable song title not being aligned with the game if the game window is too wide - Allow plugin developers to use the "select" type for the settings options - It uses "options" array and "options_lang" object - Fix plugins not getting removed from the plugin list on syntax error - Fix error messages not working if a default plugin is broken - Fix the start of default plugins not stopping the page from loading on error - Fix not being able to scroll the plugins screen on mobile
2022-07-15 16:00:43 +02:00
gradient = this.songSearchGradient
[selector]: {
"background-image": gradient + "url(\"" + blobUrl + "\")"
image.id = name
image.src = blobUrl
assets.image[id] = image
return promise
}), url)
assets.views.forEach(name => {
var id = this.getFilename(name)
var url = "/src/views/" + name + this.queryString
this.addPromise(this.ajax(url).then(page => {
assets.pages[id] = page
}), url)
this.addPromise(this.ajax("/api/categories").then(cats => {
assets.categories = JSON.parse(cats)
assets.categories.forEach(cat => {
cat.songSkin = cat.song_skin //rename the song_skin property and add category title to categories array
delete cat.song_skin
cat.songSkin.infoFill = cat.songSkin.info_fill
delete cat.songSkin.info_fill
title: "default",
songSkin: {
background: "#ececec",
border: ["#fbfbfb", "#8b8b8b"],
outline: "#656565",
infoFill: "#656565"
}), "/api/categories")
var url = gameConfig.assets_baseurl + "img/vectors.json" + this.queryString
this.addPromise(this.ajax(url).then(response => {
2019-01-29 17:10:56 +01:00
vectors = JSON.parse(response)
}), url)
2019-01-29 17:10:56 +01:00
this.afterJSCount =
].length +
assets.audioSfx.length +
assets.audioMusic.length +
assets.audioSfxLR.length +
2020-03-13 03:34:54 +01:00
assets.audioSfxLoud.length +
(gameConfig.accounts ? 1 : 0)
Promise.all(this.promises).then(() => {
var style = document.createElement("style")
this.addPromise(this.ajax("/api/songs").then(songs => {
songs = JSON.parse(songs)
songs.forEach(song => {
var directory = gameConfig.songs_baseurl + song.id + "/"
var songExt = song.music_type ? song.music_type : "mp3"
song.music = new RemoteFile(directory + "main." + songExt)
if(song.type === "tja"){
song.chart = new RemoteFile(directory + "main.tja")
song.chart = {separateDiff: true}
for(var diff in song.courses){
song.chart[diff] = new RemoteFile(directory + diff + ".osu")
2020-10-29 09:56:58 +01:00
song.lyricsFile = new RemoteFile(directory + "main.vtt")
if(song.preview > 0){
2022-02-18 17:17:12 +01:00
song.previewMusic = new RemoteFile(directory + "preview." + gameConfig.preview_type)
assets.songsDefault = songs
assets.songs = assets.songsDefault
}), "/api/songs")
var categoryPromises = []
assets.categories //load category backgrounds to DOM
.filter(cat => cat.songSkin && cat.songSkin.bg_img)
.forEach(cat => {
let name = cat.songSkin.bg_img
var url = gameConfig.assets_baseurl + "img/" + name
categoryPromises.push(loader.ajax(url, request => {
request.responseType = "blob"
}).then(blob => {
var id = this.getFilename(name)
var image = document.createElement("img")
let blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
var promise = pageEvents.load(image)
image.id = name
image.src = blobUrl
assets.image[id] = image
return promise
}).catch(response => {
return this.errorMsg(response, url)
snd.buffer = new SoundBuffer()
snd.buffer.oggDecoder = snd.buffer.fallbackDecoder
snd.musicGain = snd.buffer.createGain()
snd.sfxGain = snd.buffer.createGain()
snd.previewGain = snd.buffer.createGain()
snd.sfxGainL = snd.buffer.createGain("left")
snd.sfxGainR = snd.buffer.createGain("right")
snd.sfxLoudGain = snd.buffer.createGain()
[snd.musicGain, snd.previewGain],
[snd.sfxGain, snd.sfxGainL, snd.sfxGainR],
2019-02-06 20:55:13 +01:00
this.afterJSCount = 0
2019-02-06 20:55:13 +01:00
assets.audioSfx.forEach(name => {
this.addPromise(this.loadSound(name, snd.sfxGain), this.soundUrl(name))
2019-02-06 20:55:13 +01:00
assets.audioMusic.forEach(name => {
this.addPromise(this.loadSound(name, snd.musicGain), this.soundUrl(name))
2019-02-06 20:55:13 +01:00
assets.audioSfxLR.forEach(name => {
this.addPromise(this.loadSound(name, snd.sfxGain).then(sound => {
var id = this.getFilename(name)
assets.sounds[id + "_p1"] = assets.sounds[id].copy(snd.sfxGainL)
assets.sounds[id + "_p2"] = assets.sounds[id].copy(snd.sfxGainR)
}), this.soundUrl(name))
2019-02-06 20:55:13 +01:00
assets.audioSfxLoud.forEach(name => {
this.addPromise(this.loadSound(name, snd.sfxLoudGain), this.soundUrl(name))
2019-02-06 20:55:13 +01:00
this.canvasTest = new CanvasTest()
this.addPromise(this.canvasTest.blurPerformance().then(result => {
perf.blur = result
if(result > 1000 / 50){
// Less than 50 fps with blur enabled
disableBlur = true
2018-11-01 23:05:18 +01:00
}), "blurPerformance")
2019-02-06 20:55:13 +01:00
this.addPromise(this.ajax("/api/scores/get").then(response => {
response = JSON.parse(response)
if(response.status === "ok"){
account.loggedIn = true
account.username = response.username
account.displayName = response.display_name
account.don = response.don
pageEvents.send("login", account.username)
}), "/api/scores/get")
2019-02-06 20:55:13 +01:00
settings = new Settings()
2019-04-05 21:53:51 +02:00
scoreStorage = new ScoreStorage()
db = new IDB("taiko", "store")
plugins = new Plugins()
2022-02-26 01:47:09 +01:00
2019-02-06 20:55:13 +01:00
Promise.all(this.promises).then(() => {
2020-03-13 03:34:54 +01:00
for(var i in assets.songsDefault){
var song = assets.songsDefault[i]
song.hash = song.title
scoreStorage.songTitles[song.title] = song.hash
var score = scoreStorage.get(song.hash, false, true)
score.title = song.title
var promises = []
var readyEvent = "normal"
var songId
var hashLower = location.hash.toLowerCase()
p2 = new P2Connection()
var number = parseInt(location.hash.slice(6))
if(number > 0){
songId = number
readyEvent = "song-id"
}else if(location.hash.length === 6){
p2.hashLock = true
promises.push(new Promise(resolve => {
pageEvents.add(p2, "message", response => {
if(response.type === "session"){
pageEvents.send("session-start", "invited")
readyEvent = "session-start"
}else if(response.type === "gameend"){
p2.hashLock = false
readyEvent = "session-expired"
p2.send("invite", {
id: location.hash.slice(1).toLowerCase(),
name: account.loggedIn ? account.displayName : null,
don: account.loggedIn ? account.don : null
2020-03-13 03:34:54 +01:00
setTimeout(() => {
if(p2.socket.readyState !== 1){
p2.hashLock = false
}, 10000)
}).then(() => {
pageEvents.remove(p2, "message")
promises.push(this.canvasTest.drawAllImages().then(result => {
perf.allImg = result
2020-03-13 03:34:54 +01:00
gameConfig.plugins.forEach(obj => {
var plugin = plugins.add(obj.url, {
hide: obj.hide
plugin.loadErrors = true
promises.push(plugin.load(true).then(() => {
Lyrics, search, and other fixes - #LYRIC - Parse #LYRIC commands and apply them to all difficulties that do not have them - #LYRIC command now supports branches - Fix last #LYRIC at the end of the chart getting ignored - Fix the glitchy dragging and dropping of files on the custom song importing page - Fix Ctrl and Shift keys getting stuck on song select when switching tabs with Ctrl(+Shift)+Tab - Search - Fix the search box "random:yes" query to randomize the entire results and not just the first 50 - Add "all:yes" query to the search box to remove the result limit and display all of the results - Fix searching for an invalid query (like "cleared:yes" or ":") unexpectedly returning all the songs - Fix pressing Q then jumping to a song through search not unmuting the sound - Pressing the search key on mobile will hide the keyboard - Fix search tips changing rapidly when the window is resized - Use comments instead of `######` in the issue template so that the warning does not appear in the issue - Fix TJA MAKER: url between angle brackets not working - Add a check for Class field declarations in the browser support warning - Fix gpicker getting stuck if a network error occurs - Fix not being able to replace some assets using a "taiko-web assets" folder - Fix selectable song title not being aligned with the game if the game window is too wide - Allow plugin developers to use the "select" type for the settings options - It uses "options" array and "options_lang" object - Fix plugins not getting removed from the plugin list on syntax error - Fix error messages not working if a default plugin is broken - Fix the start of default plugins not stopping the page from loading on error - Fix not being able to scroll the plugins screen on mobile
2022-07-15 16:00:43 +02:00
return plugin.start(false, true)
Lyrics, search, and other fixes - #LYRIC - Parse #LYRIC commands and apply them to all difficulties that do not have them - #LYRIC command now supports branches - Fix last #LYRIC at the end of the chart getting ignored - Fix the glitchy dragging and dropping of files on the custom song importing page - Fix Ctrl and Shift keys getting stuck on song select when switching tabs with Ctrl(+Shift)+Tab - Search - Fix the search box "random:yes" query to randomize the entire results and not just the first 50 - Add "all:yes" query to the search box to remove the result limit and display all of the results - Fix searching for an invalid query (like "cleared:yes" or ":") unexpectedly returning all the songs - Fix pressing Q then jumping to a song through search not unmuting the sound - Pressing the search key on mobile will hide the keyboard - Fix search tips changing rapidly when the window is resized - Use comments instead of `######` in the issue template so that the warning does not appear in the issue - Fix TJA MAKER: url between angle brackets not working - Add a check for Class field declarations in the browser support warning - Fix gpicker getting stuck if a network error occurs - Fix not being able to replace some assets using a "taiko-web assets" folder - Fix selectable song title not being aligned with the game if the game window is too wide - Allow plugin developers to use the "select" type for the settings options - It uses "options" array and "options_lang" object - Fix plugins not getting removed from the plugin list on syntax error - Fix error messages not working if a default plugin is broken - Fix the start of default plugins not stopping the page from loading on error - Fix not being able to scroll the plugins screen on mobile
2022-07-15 16:00:43 +02:00
}).catch(response => {
return this.errorMsg(response, obj.url)
Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
2019-02-06 20:55:13 +01:00
perf.load = Date.now() - this.startTime
this.ready = true
pageEvents.send("ready", readyEvent)
Lyrics, search, and other fixes - #LYRIC - Parse #LYRIC commands and apply them to all difficulties that do not have them - #LYRIC command now supports branches - Fix last #LYRIC at the end of the chart getting ignored - Fix the glitchy dragging and dropping of files on the custom song importing page - Fix Ctrl and Shift keys getting stuck on song select when switching tabs with Ctrl(+Shift)+Tab - Search - Fix the search box "random:yes" query to randomize the entire results and not just the first 50 - Add "all:yes" query to the search box to remove the result limit and display all of the results - Fix searching for an invalid query (like "cleared:yes" or ":") unexpectedly returning all the songs - Fix pressing Q then jumping to a song through search not unmuting the sound - Pressing the search key on mobile will hide the keyboard - Fix search tips changing rapidly when the window is resized - Use comments instead of `######` in the issue template so that the warning does not appear in the issue - Fix TJA MAKER: url between angle brackets not working - Add a check for Class field declarations in the browser support warning - Fix gpicker getting stuck if a network error occurs - Fix not being able to replace some assets using a "taiko-web assets" folder - Fix selectable song title not being aligned with the game if the game window is too wide - Allow plugin developers to use the "select" type for the settings options - It uses "options" array and "options_lang" object - Fix plugins not getting removed from the plugin list on syntax error - Fix error messages not working if a default plugin is broken - Fix the start of default plugins not stopping the page from loading on error - Fix not being able to scroll the plugins screen on mobile
2022-07-15 16:00:43 +02:00
}, e => this.errorMsg(e))
}, e => this.errorMsg(e))
addPromise(promise, url){
promise.then(this.assetLoaded.bind(this), response => {
Lyrics, search, and other fixes - #LYRIC - Parse #LYRIC commands and apply them to all difficulties that do not have them - #LYRIC command now supports branches - Fix last #LYRIC at the end of the chart getting ignored - Fix the glitchy dragging and dropping of files on the custom song importing page - Fix Ctrl and Shift keys getting stuck on song select when switching tabs with Ctrl(+Shift)+Tab - Search - Fix the search box "random:yes" query to randomize the entire results and not just the first 50 - Add "all:yes" query to the search box to remove the result limit and display all of the results - Fix searching for an invalid query (like "cleared:yes" or ":") unexpectedly returning all the songs - Fix pressing Q then jumping to a song through search not unmuting the sound - Pressing the search key on mobile will hide the keyboard - Fix search tips changing rapidly when the window is resized - Use comments instead of `######` in the issue template so that the warning does not appear in the issue - Fix TJA MAKER: url between angle brackets not working - Add a check for Class field declarations in the browser support warning - Fix gpicker getting stuck if a network error occurs - Fix not being able to replace some assets using a "taiko-web assets" folder - Fix selectable song title not being aligned with the game if the game window is too wide - Allow plugin developers to use the "select" type for the settings options - It uses "options" array and "options_lang" object - Fix plugins not getting removed from the plugin list on syntax error - Fix error messages not working if a default plugin is broken - Fix the start of default plugins not stopping the page from loading on error - Fix not being able to scroll the plugins screen on mobile
2022-07-15 16:00:43 +02:00
return this.errorMsg(response, url)
return gameConfig.assets_baseurl + "audio/" + name
2018-09-18 00:37:59 +02:00
loadSound(name, gain){
var id = this.getFilename(name)
return gain.load(new RemoteFile(this.soundUrl(name))).then(sound => {
2018-09-18 00:37:59 +02:00
assets.sounds[id] = sound
2018-09-11 00:17:13 +02:00
2015-07-17 10:22:46 +02:00
2018-09-18 00:37:59 +02:00
return name.slice(0, name.lastIndexOf("."))
errorMsg(error, url){
Lyrics, search, and other fixes - #LYRIC - Parse #LYRIC commands and apply them to all difficulties that do not have them - #LYRIC command now supports branches - Fix last #LYRIC at the end of the chart getting ignored - Fix the glitchy dragging and dropping of files on the custom song importing page - Fix Ctrl and Shift keys getting stuck on song select when switching tabs with Ctrl(+Shift)+Tab - Search - Fix the search box "random:yes" query to randomize the entire results and not just the first 50 - Add "all:yes" query to the search box to remove the result limit and display all of the results - Fix searching for an invalid query (like "cleared:yes" or ":") unexpectedly returning all the songs - Fix pressing Q then jumping to a song through search not unmuting the sound - Pressing the search key on mobile will hide the keyboard - Fix search tips changing rapidly when the window is resized - Use comments instead of `######` in the issue template so that the warning does not appear in the issue - Fix TJA MAKER: url between angle brackets not working - Add a check for Class field declarations in the browser support warning - Fix gpicker getting stuck if a network error occurs - Fix not being able to replace some assets using a "taiko-web assets" folder - Fix selectable song title not being aligned with the game if the game window is too wide - Allow plugin developers to use the "select" type for the settings options - It uses "options" array and "options_lang" object - Fix plugins not getting removed from the plugin list on syntax error - Fix error messages not working if a default plugin is broken - Fix the start of default plugins not stopping the page from loading on error - Fix not being able to scroll the plugins screen on mobile
2022-07-15 16:00:43 +02:00
var rethrow
if(url || error){
Lyrics, search, and other fixes - #LYRIC - Parse #LYRIC commands and apply them to all difficulties that do not have them - #LYRIC command now supports branches - Fix last #LYRIC at the end of the chart getting ignored - Fix the glitchy dragging and dropping of files on the custom song importing page - Fix Ctrl and Shift keys getting stuck on song select when switching tabs with Ctrl(+Shift)+Tab - Search - Fix the search box "random:yes" query to randomize the entire results and not just the first 50 - Add "all:yes" query to the search box to remove the result limit and display all of the results - Fix searching for an invalid query (like "cleared:yes" or ":") unexpectedly returning all the songs - Fix pressing Q then jumping to a song through search not unmuting the sound - Pressing the search key on mobile will hide the keyboard - Fix search tips changing rapidly when the window is resized - Use comments instead of `######` in the issue template so that the warning does not appear in the issue - Fix TJA MAKER: url between angle brackets not working - Add a check for Class field declarations in the browser support warning - Fix gpicker getting stuck if a network error occurs - Fix not being able to replace some assets using a "taiko-web assets" folder - Fix selectable song title not being aligned with the game if the game window is too wide - Allow plugin developers to use the "select" type for the settings options - It uses "options" array and "options_lang" object - Fix plugins not getting removed from the plugin list on syntax error - Fix error messages not working if a default plugin is broken - Fix the start of default plugins not stopping the page from loading on error - Fix not being able to scroll the plugins screen on mobile
2022-07-15 16:00:43 +02:00
if(typeof error === "object" && error.constructor === Error){
rethrow = error
error = error.stack || ""
var index = error.indexOf("\n ")
if(index !== -1){
error = error.slice(0, index)
}else if(Array.isArray(error)){
error = error[0]
Lyrics, search, and other fixes - #LYRIC - Parse #LYRIC commands and apply them to all difficulties that do not have them - #LYRIC command now supports branches - Fix last #LYRIC at the end of the chart getting ignored - Fix the glitchy dragging and dropping of files on the custom song importing page - Fix Ctrl and Shift keys getting stuck on song select when switching tabs with Ctrl(+Shift)+Tab - Search - Fix the search box "random:yes" query to randomize the entire results and not just the first 50 - Add "all:yes" query to the search box to remove the result limit and display all of the results - Fix searching for an invalid query (like "cleared:yes" or ":") unexpectedly returning all the songs - Fix pressing Q then jumping to a song through search not unmuting the sound - Pressing the search key on mobile will hide the keyboard - Fix search tips changing rapidly when the window is resized - Use comments instead of `######` in the issue template so that the warning does not appear in the issue - Fix TJA MAKER: url between angle brackets not working - Add a check for Class field declarations in the browser support warning - Fix gpicker getting stuck if a network error occurs - Fix not being able to replace some assets using a "taiko-web assets" folder - Fix selectable song title not being aligned with the game if the game window is too wide - Allow plugin developers to use the "select" type for the settings options - It uses "options" array and "options_lang" object - Fix plugins not getting removed from the plugin list on syntax error - Fix error messages not working if a default plugin is broken - Fix the start of default plugins not stopping the page from loading on error - Fix not being able to scroll the plugins screen on mobile
2022-07-15 16:00:43 +02:00
error = (error ? error + ": " : "") + url
pageEvents.send("loader-error", url || error)
this.error = true
cancelTouch = false
if(typeof allStrings === "object"){
var lang = localStorage.lang
var userLang = navigator.languages.slice()
for(var i in userLang){
for(var j in allStrings){
lang = j
lang = "en"
loader.screen.getElementsByClassName("view-content")[0].innerText = allStrings[lang] && allStrings[lang].errorOccured || allStrings.en.errorOccured
var loaderError = loader.screen.getElementsByClassName("loader-error-div")[0]
loaderError.style.display = "flex"
var diagTxt = loader.screen.getElementsByClassName("diag-txt")[0]
var debugLink = loader.screen.getElementsByClassName("debug-link")[0]
if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android") >= 0){
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe")
var body = iframe.contentWindow.document.body
body.setAttribute("style", `
font-family: monospace;
margin: 2px 0 0 2px;
white-space: pre-wrap;
word-break: break-all;
cursor: text;
body.setAttribute("onblur", `
this.errorTxt = {
element: body,
method: "innerText"
var textarea = document.createElement("textarea")
textarea.readOnly = true
textarea.addEventListener("focus", () => {
textarea.addEventListener("blur", () => {
this.errorTxt = {
element: textarea,
method: "value"
var show = () => {
diagTxt.style.display = "block"
debugLink.style.display = "none"
debugLink.addEventListener("click", show)
debugLink.addEventListener("touchstart", show)
var percentage = Math.floor(this.loadedAssets * 100 / (this.promises.length + this.afterJSCount))
this.errorTxt.element[this.errorTxt.method] = "```\n" + this.errorMessages.join("\n") + "\nPercentage: " + percentage + "%\n```"
Lyrics, search, and other fixes - #LYRIC - Parse #LYRIC commands and apply them to all difficulties that do not have them - #LYRIC command now supports branches - Fix last #LYRIC at the end of the chart getting ignored - Fix the glitchy dragging and dropping of files on the custom song importing page - Fix Ctrl and Shift keys getting stuck on song select when switching tabs with Ctrl(+Shift)+Tab - Search - Fix the search box "random:yes" query to randomize the entire results and not just the first 50 - Add "all:yes" query to the search box to remove the result limit and display all of the results - Fix searching for an invalid query (like "cleared:yes" or ":") unexpectedly returning all the songs - Fix pressing Q then jumping to a song through search not unmuting the sound - Pressing the search key on mobile will hide the keyboard - Fix search tips changing rapidly when the window is resized - Use comments instead of `######` in the issue template so that the warning does not appear in the issue - Fix TJA MAKER: url between angle brackets not working - Add a check for Class field declarations in the browser support warning - Fix gpicker getting stuck if a network error occurs - Fix not being able to replace some assets using a "taiko-web assets" folder - Fix selectable song title not being aligned with the game if the game window is too wide - Allow plugin developers to use the "select" type for the settings options - It uses "options" array and "options_lang" object - Fix plugins not getting removed from the plugin list on syntax error - Fix error messages not working if a default plugin is broken - Fix the start of default plugins not stopping the page from loading on error - Fix not being able to scroll the plugins screen on mobile
2022-07-15 16:00:43 +02:00
if(rethrow || error){
console.error(rethrow || error)
return Promise.reject()
2015-07-17 10:22:46 +02:00
2018-09-11 00:17:13 +02:00
2018-09-18 00:37:59 +02:00
var percentage = Math.floor(this.loadedAssets * 100 / (this.promises.length + this.afterJSCount))
2018-09-18 00:37:59 +02:00
this.loaderProgress.style.width = percentage + "%"
this.loaderPercentage.firstChild.data = percentage + "%"
changePage(name, patternBg){
2018-10-09 08:59:36 +02:00
this.screen.innerHTML = assets.pages[name]
this.screen.classList[patternBg ? "add" : "remove"]("pattern-bg")
2018-09-18 00:37:59 +02:00
var css = []
for(var selector in rulesets){
var declarationsObj = rulesets[selector]
var declarations = []
for(var property in declarationsObj){
var value = declarationsObj[property]
declarations.push("\t" + property + ": " + value + ";")
css.push(selector + "{\n" + declarations.join("\n") + "\n}")
return css.join("\n")
ajax(url, customRequest, customResponse){
var request = new XMLHttpRequest()
request.open("GET", url)
var promise = pageEvents.load(request)
promise = promise.then(() => {
if(request.status === 200){
return request.response
return Promise.reject(`${url} (${request.status})`)
return promise
var script = document.createElement("script")
var url = url + this.queryString
var promise = pageEvents.load(script)
script.src = url
return promise
2018-09-18 00:37:59 +02:00
return this.ajax("api/csrftoken").then(response => {
var json = JSON.parse(response)
if(json.status === "ok"){
return Promise.resolve(json.token)
return Promise.reject()
delete this.loaderDiv
2018-09-18 00:37:59 +02:00
delete this.loaderPercentage
delete this.loaderProgress
delete this.promises
delete this.errorText
2018-10-12 20:04:28 +02:00
pageEvents.remove(root, "touchstart")
2015-07-17 10:22:46 +02:00
2018-09-11 00:17:13 +02:00