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class Gpicker{
this.apiKey = gameConfig.google_credentials.api_key
this.oauthClientId = gameConfig.google_credentials.oauth_client_id
this.projectNumber = gameConfig.google_credentials.project_number
this.scope = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly"
this.folder = "application/vnd.google-apps.folder"
this.filesUrl = "https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files/"
this.resolveQueue = []
this.queueActive = false
2022-03-11 15:34:00 +01:00
this.clientCallbackBind = this.clientCallback.bind(this)
browse(lockedCallback, errorCallback){
Lyrics, search, and other fixes - #LYRIC - Parse #LYRIC commands and apply them to all difficulties that do not have them - #LYRIC command now supports branches - Fix last #LYRIC at the end of the chart getting ignored - Fix the glitchy dragging and dropping of files on the custom song importing page - Fix Ctrl and Shift keys getting stuck on song select when switching tabs with Ctrl(+Shift)+Tab - Search - Fix the search box "random:yes" query to randomize the entire results and not just the first 50 - Add "all:yes" query to the search box to remove the result limit and display all of the results - Fix searching for an invalid query (like "cleared:yes" or ":") unexpectedly returning all the songs - Fix pressing Q then jumping to a song through search not unmuting the sound - Pressing the search key on mobile will hide the keyboard - Fix search tips changing rapidly when the window is resized - Use comments instead of `######` in the issue template so that the warning does not appear in the issue - Fix TJA MAKER: url between angle brackets not working - Add a check for Class field declarations in the browser support warning - Fix gpicker getting stuck if a network error occurs - Fix not being able to replace some assets using a "taiko-web assets" folder - Fix selectable song title not being aligned with the game if the game window is too wide - Allow plugin developers to use the "select" type for the settings options - It uses "options" array and "options_lang" object - Fix plugins not getting removed from the plugin list on syntax error - Fix error messages not working if a default plugin is broken - Fix the start of default plugins not stopping the page from loading on error - Fix not being able to scroll the plugins screen on mobile
2022-07-15 16:00:43 +02:00
return this.loadApi(lockedCallback, errorCallback)
.then(() => this.getToken(lockedCallback, errorCallback))
.then(() => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.displayPicker(data => {
if(data.action === "picked"){
var file = data.docs[0]
var folders = []
var rateLimit = -1
var lastBatch = 0
var walk = (files, output=[]) => {
for(var i = 0; i < files.length; i++){
var path = files[i].path ? files[i].path + "/" : ""
var list = files[i].list
for(var j = 0; j < list.length; j++){
var file = list[j]
if(file.mimeType === this.folder){
path: path + file.name,
id: file.id
output.push(new GdriveFile({
path: path + file.name,
name: file.name,
id: file.id
var batchList = []
for(var i = 0; i < folders.length && batchList.length < 100; i++){
folders[i].pos = i
folders[i].listed = true
var batch = gapi.client.newBatch()
batchList.forEach(folder => {
var req = {
q: "'" + folder.id + "' in parents and trashed = false",
orderBy: "name_natural"
req.pageToken = folder.pageToken
batch.add(gapi.client.drive.files.list(req), {id: folder.pos})
if(lastBatch + batchList.length > 100){
var waitPromise = this.sleep(1000)
var waitPromise = Promise.resolve()
return waitPromise.then(() => this.queue()).then(() => batch.then(responses => {
var files = []
var rateLimited = false
for(var i in responses.result){
var result = responses.result[i].result
if(result.error.errors[0].domain !== "usageLimits"){
}else if(!rateLimited){
rateLimited = true
path: folders[i].path,
id: folders[i].id,
pageToken: folders[i].pageToken
path: folders[i].path,
id: folders[i].id,
pageToken: result.nextPageToken
files.push({path: folders[i].path, list: result.files})
return this.sleep(Math.pow(2, rateLimit) * 1000).then(() => walk(files, output))
return walk(files, output)
return output
if(file.mimeType === this.folder){
return walk([{list: [file]}]).then(resolve, reject)
return reject("cancel")
}else if(data.action === "cancel"){
return reject("cancel")
Lyrics, search, and other fixes - #LYRIC - Parse #LYRIC commands and apply them to all difficulties that do not have them - #LYRIC command now supports branches - Fix last #LYRIC at the end of the chart getting ignored - Fix the glitchy dragging and dropping of files on the custom song importing page - Fix Ctrl and Shift keys getting stuck on song select when switching tabs with Ctrl(+Shift)+Tab - Search - Fix the search box "random:yes" query to randomize the entire results and not just the first 50 - Add "all:yes" query to the search box to remove the result limit and display all of the results - Fix searching for an invalid query (like "cleared:yes" or ":") unexpectedly returning all the songs - Fix pressing Q then jumping to a song through search not unmuting the sound - Pressing the search key on mobile will hide the keyboard - Fix search tips changing rapidly when the window is resized - Use comments instead of `######` in the issue template so that the warning does not appear in the issue - Fix TJA MAKER: url between angle brackets not working - Add a check for Class field declarations in the browser support warning - Fix gpicker getting stuck if a network error occurs - Fix not being able to replace some assets using a "taiko-web assets" folder - Fix selectable song title not being aligned with the game if the game window is too wide - Allow plugin developers to use the "select" type for the settings options - It uses "options" array and "options_lang" object - Fix plugins not getting removed from the plugin list on syntax error - Fix error messages not working if a default plugin is broken - Fix the start of default plugins not stopping the page from loading on error - Fix not being able to scroll the plugins screen on mobile
2022-07-15 16:00:43 +02:00
loadApi(lockedCallback=()=>{}, errorCallback=()=>{}){
if(window.gapi && gapi.client && gapi.client.drive){
return Promise.resolve()
2022-03-11 15:34:00 +01:00
var promises = [
Lyrics, search, and other fixes - #LYRIC - Parse #LYRIC commands and apply them to all difficulties that do not have them - #LYRIC command now supports branches - Fix last #LYRIC at the end of the chart getting ignored - Fix the glitchy dragging and dropping of files on the custom song importing page - Fix Ctrl and Shift keys getting stuck on song select when switching tabs with Ctrl(+Shift)+Tab - Search - Fix the search box "random:yes" query to randomize the entire results and not just the first 50 - Add "all:yes" query to the search box to remove the result limit and display all of the results - Fix searching for an invalid query (like "cleared:yes" or ":") unexpectedly returning all the songs - Fix pressing Q then jumping to a song through search not unmuting the sound - Pressing the search key on mobile will hide the keyboard - Fix search tips changing rapidly when the window is resized - Use comments instead of `######` in the issue template so that the warning does not appear in the issue - Fix TJA MAKER: url between angle brackets not working - Add a check for Class field declarations in the browser support warning - Fix gpicker getting stuck if a network error occurs - Fix not being able to replace some assets using a "taiko-web assets" folder - Fix selectable song title not being aligned with the game if the game window is too wide - Allow plugin developers to use the "select" type for the settings options - It uses "options" array and "options_lang" object - Fix plugins not getting removed from the plugin list on syntax error - Fix error messages not working if a default plugin is broken - Fix the start of default plugins not stopping the page from loading on error - Fix not being able to scroll the plugins screen on mobile
2022-07-15 16:00:43 +02:00
var apiLoaded = false
2022-03-11 15:34:00 +01:00
return Promise.all(promises).then(() => new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
gapi.load("picker:client", {
callback: resolve,
onerror: reject
Lyrics, search, and other fixes - #LYRIC - Parse #LYRIC commands and apply them to all difficulties that do not have them - #LYRIC command now supports branches - Fix last #LYRIC at the end of the chart getting ignored - Fix the glitchy dragging and dropping of files on the custom song importing page - Fix Ctrl and Shift keys getting stuck on song select when switching tabs with Ctrl(+Shift)+Tab - Search - Fix the search box "random:yes" query to randomize the entire results and not just the first 50 - Add "all:yes" query to the search box to remove the result limit and display all of the results - Fix searching for an invalid query (like "cleared:yes" or ":") unexpectedly returning all the songs - Fix pressing Q then jumping to a song through search not unmuting the sound - Pressing the search key on mobile will hide the keyboard - Fix search tips changing rapidly when the window is resized - Use comments instead of `######` in the issue template so that the warning does not appear in the issue - Fix TJA MAKER: url between angle brackets not working - Add a check for Class field declarations in the browser support warning - Fix gpicker getting stuck if a network error occurs - Fix not being able to replace some assets using a "taiko-web assets" folder - Fix selectable song title not being aligned with the game if the game window is too wide - Allow plugin developers to use the "select" type for the settings options - It uses "options" array and "options_lang" object - Fix plugins not getting removed from the plugin list on syntax error - Fix error messages not working if a default plugin is broken - Fix the start of default plugins not stopping the page from loading on error - Fix not being able to scroll the plugins screen on mobile
2022-07-15 16:00:43 +02:00
.then(() => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000)
return gapi.client.load("drive", "v3").then(resolve, reject)
})).then(() => {
apiLoaded = true
}).catch(e => {
errorCallback(Array.isArray(e) ? e[0] : e)
return Promise.reject("cancel")
2022-03-11 15:34:00 +01:00
getClient(errorCallback=()=>{}, force){
var obj = {
client_id: this.oauthClientId,
scope: this.scope,
callback: this.clientCallbackBind
obj.select_account = true
this.clientForce = google.accounts.oauth2.initTokenClient(obj)
return this.clientForce
2022-03-11 15:34:00 +01:00
this.client = google.accounts.oauth2.initTokenClient(obj)
return this.client
this.tokenResponse = tokenResponse
this.oauthToken = tokenResponse && tokenResponse.access_token
2022-03-11 15:34:00 +01:00
if(this.oauthToken && this.tokenResolve){
getToken(lockedCallback=()=>{}, errorCallback=()=>{}, force){
if(this.oauthToken && !force){
return Promise.resolve()
2022-03-11 15:34:00 +01:00
var client = this.getClient(errorCallback, force)
var promise = new Promise(resolve => {
this.tokenResolve = resolve
return promise.then(() => {
this.tokenResolve = null
return Promise.reject("cancel")
2022-03-11 15:34:00 +01:00
return google.accounts.oauth2.hasGrantedAnyScope(this.tokenResponse, this.scope)
switchAccounts(lockedCallback, errorCallback){
return this.loadApi().then(() => this.getToken(lockedCallback, errorCallback, true))
var picker = gapi.picker.api
new picker.PickerBuilder()
.addView(new picker.DocsView("folders")
.addView(new picker.DocsView("folders")
.addView(new picker.DocsView("folders")
.setSize(Infinity, Infinity)
downloadFile(id, responseType, retry){
var url = this.filesUrl + id + "?alt=media"
return this.queue().then(this.getToken.bind(this)).then(() =>
loader.ajax(url, request => {
request.responseType = responseType
request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + this.oauthToken)
}, true).then(event => {
var request = event.target
var reject = () => Promise.reject(`${url} (${request.status})`)
if(request.status === 200){
return request.response
}else if(request.status === 401 && !retry){
return new Response(request.response).json().then(response => {
var e = response.error
if(e && e.errors[0].reason === "authError"){
delete this.oauthToken
return this.downloadFile(id, responseType, true)
return reject()
}, reject)
return reject()
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, time))
return new Promise(resolve => {
this.queueActive = true
this.queueTimer = setInterval(this.parseQueue.bind(this), 100)
var resolve = this.resolveQueue.shift()
this.queueActive = false